My Elf Simulator

Chapter 59 Teaching

This morning is the day to learn the exercise method from the palace minister.

Yesterday's training was great though.

Today's training plan is also fully arranged.

Zeus training, training nightmare ephemera, and a look at the emerging state of deep sleep.

The effect of nutritional value made him enthusiastic about training again.

But he couldn't let go of what he had agreed to do, so he suppressed his impulse to train immediately.

Sharpening the knife will not make you a chopping wood.

Once you learn the exercises, your psychic abilities are enhanced.

As psychic energy becomes stronger, the effect of releasing skills will be better, in other words, the elves will improve faster.

Kurosawa arrived at the official hall 10 minutes early.

Yesterday's operator is already waiting at the same place.

It was up to him to swipe his card and take Kurosawa into the building.

Change to the elevator halfway and finally reach the top floor.


"I'm in room B2."

Gong Lihua's voice sounded from nowhere in the elevator.

He walked out of the elevator and found the corresponding room in the passage.

Knock on the door.

"Come in."

Kurosawa gently opened the door, revealing an empty training room.

Minister Gong was wearing a black training uniform and sitting cross-legged in the middle of the field waiting for him.

She closed her eyes and meditated, looking like she was engaging in some kind of meditation practice.

On her knees floated a golden branch.

"Sit down in front of me."

Kurosawa slippers, stepping on the wooden floor.

Then he sat on the cushion opposite her.

"Have you had breakfast?"

Gong Lihua opened her eyes and glanced at him.

I don't know if it was her imagination, but I felt that Kurosawa in front of me had some unspeakable changes.

"Already eaten, Minister."

"That's good."

"Before I teach you the exercise method, I have something to tell you."

"Say it, Minister."

"First of all, the practice of exercise has certain risks. The amount of daily training should not exceed your endurance limit, otherwise there will be serious consequences."

"It can range from spiritual energy damage to severe damage, to complete collapse and soul annihilation."

Perhaps Kurosawa had a history of initiating a second union and then being hospitalized.

Gong Lihua was not at ease with him and emphasized solemnly.


Hearing her serious tone, Kurosawa nodded quickly.

He certainly wouldn't joke about his psychic powers.

If something goes wrong with your body, there are ways to treat it.

If there is something wrong with the psychic ability, the elf master's career will probably be over, right?

"Psionic energy is the essence of the soul, and it is also the foundation of every elf master."

"The training method is a technique for training psychic abilities by beating the attribute energy of elves."

"This technique is powerful and dangerous. It must be guided by a special spiritual medium and a mature technique practitioner. That's why the alliance strictly prohibits the circulation of exercise methods."


Gong Lihua said a lot.

Kurosawa listened patiently.



"Then let's get started?"

Gong Lihua's eyes wandered over his face, seeing his serious expression, she understood that he really took her instructions to heart.

She nodded happily.

"Summon the elves."

Kurosawa called out Little Shining.

Who knew that as soon as the little Shining appeared, his hair would explode instantly!

He stuck his butt out and stood in front of Kurosawa, trembling all over but still staring at the woman opposite him with sharp eyes as if facing a formidable enemy.


It makes a warning sound.

"Little Shining, it's okay, calm down."

"I'm sorry that I forgot to remove something. However, your elf's perception is quite sharp."

Gong Lihua disintegrated her own protection.

Little Shining was confused and regained his composure under Kurosawa's comfort.

"Let's get started."

"Sit closer."

Kurosawa moved the cushion and moved closer.


Moved a lot closer.


Kurosawa was only an arm's length away from her.

So close that you can clearly see the fine hairs on the side of her neck.

Don't look at anything inappropriate.

He quickly looked away, but met Gong Lihua's gentle eyes.

That gaze was like the sea, calm and containing deep power.

Realizing that his eyes seemed to be looking at nowhere, Kurosawa simply closed his eyes.

"Give me your hand."

In the darkness, Kurosawa stretched out his right hand.

Then he was grabbed gently.

Gong Lihua was actually doing it for the first time and had no experience.

I can only recall the steps my teacher took when he slowly sent psychic energy into Kurosawa's body.

With the other hand, he picked up the golden branch floating between the two of them and gently touched Kurosawa's forehead.

The golden branches emitted white light and soon became crystal clear, flowing with mysterious textures.

"Sink into your mind."

Hearing this, Kurosawa closed his eyes and slowly calmed down.

He could feel a huge amount of spiritual energy pouring into his grasped hand.

He has never felt such powerful spiritual energy, as vast as the ocean.

At the same time, a golden branch mark quietly appeared in his perception.

Is it the one just now?

Kurosawa recalled the branch floating in front of Gong Lihua.

"Be still and concentrate, don't have too many thoughts. Feel it carefully, and then imitate it."

Under the guidance of Gong Lihua.

He guided the thunder attribute energy in Little Shining into his body little by little.

The thunder attribute energy was transformed into energy that spread like a tidal wave through the soul mark of the golden tree branch, stimulating his spiritual energy.

Occasionally, the strength is not well controlled and the golden branches burst out with too much energy.

He was quickly protected by the minister's ocean-like spiritual energy.

I don't know how long it took, but he gradually mastered the frequency and intensity of stimulating psychic energy through the thunder attribute, and gradually formed a habit.

Gong Lihua patiently allowed him to try to exercise on his own.

A while passed.

Kurosawa opened his eyes and finished practicing the exercise method.

"You should have mastered it. Remember this feeling when you go back. The purpose of practicing the first few times is to get familiar with it. Don't do it for too long."

Miya Rika was a little surprised at Kurosawa's learning speed.

She originally expected to spend a day teaching the exercise method, which was the standard she improved based on Kurosawa's situation. Unexpectedly, Kurosawa successfully started learning it in two or three hours.

"This is a method for training professional-level psychic abilities. After your psychic abilities have achieved a breakthrough, come to me for the next stage of teaching."

"Well, thank you, Minister, for teaching me."

"It's okay, go back to the logistics and practice. I asked Xiaochi to apply for the professional-level assessment on your behalf. With your current level, it won't be difficult to pass."

"After you pass the assessment, you can come see me again."

Gong Lihua was a little tired. The spiritual enlightenment process of the exercise method seemed simple, but the consumption of the teacher was much greater than she expected.

Kurosawa also noticed the tiredness on her face.

After expressing his gratitude again, he left without disturbing her rest.

Gong Lihua looked at Kurosawa's leaving figure, and then looked at the golden branch in her hand.

Lost in thought.

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