My Elf Simulator

Chapter 84 The journey begins

Besides his daily training, Kurosawa would keep in touch with Tian Cheng.

Because she would occasionally ask for some photos of Little Shining and Nightmare Mayfly.

Kurosawa thought it was not an excessive request and did not refuse.

After a while, the relationship between the netizens gradually became familiar.

Kurosawa knew that she had set up her own fan group.

He also understood why the number of official website subscriptions was increasing when he had not participated in the competition.

Tian Cheng wanted to add him to the group, but he refused.

It was not because of any grudge, but because he was worried that his joining the group would affect their current chat atmosphere.

He and Tian Cheng also learned some knowledge about the competition circle.

After all, he is now more or less a public figure, and he has to pay attention to many things.

He currently has a lot of fans, especially passers-by fans.

Most of the audience who have watched the spring game will have a good impression of him, the strongest genius of the new generation of Haitang.

They may not necessarily subscribe to Kurosawa, but their evaluation of him is very positive.

And he has a lot of black fans.

Mainly Lin Daqing's core fans.

In the situation where netizens are praising Haitang on various forums and social media, it is difficult for black fans to blindly criticize him.

They can only hold back and pretend to be his fanatical fans.

They are even more "loyal" than his fans, praising him mindlessly and dragging down other players.

They will get angry with anyone who questions Kurosawa.

These people have simple purposes. They lie dormant for the time being and quietly "make enemies" for him in the competition circle.

They will wait until he performs poorly in the summer season and then output with the wind.

Kurosawa was also amused when he heard Tian Cheng's description.

No wonder he sometimes logs in to the official account to read the comments and feels that some fans are weird.

In the Chaofan Economic Forum, search for Kurosawa, and exclude the Haitang local section, the discussion about him has dropped sharply.

Most people from other cities, especially netizens in the provincial capital and the three second-tier cities, do not care about him.

"It's just a spring championship in a small competition area. Our city's XXX would have won the championship in Haitang a long time ago."

"Third-tier city-level pheasant competition areas are like this."

"What city-level competition area is Haitang? What city-level competition area is our Guhua? Can they be the same?"

"It feels overrated."

"Are Kurosawa's fans too anxious? He is not even the number one in the Haitang competition circle. It won't be too late to promote him when he becomes the number one player in the city, right?"

"Recently, I can always see a lot of his fans jumping up and down."

"I went to watch the replay on purpose. I can only say that the level of Haitang City is really not good. A city-level competition, even in the spring competition, can actually have a registered elf master in the main competition. It's really haha."

The fans of first- and second-tier cities have a strong sense of collective pride.

The competition circle of city elf masters is fierce and the level is very high. In addition, the situation of the provincial competition in the past.

As a result, they have always looked down on players from small cities.

They believe that although Kurosawa is the youngest city champion in the province, he can create this record only because he was born in Haitang City.

If it were in a big city like the provincial capital, there would be no such record.

Kurosawa read the objective comments of netizens in other cities about him.

Silently drank a sip of tea.

He recently liked to look for these questioning comments.

The Haitang section was full of praise for him, and it was boring to read too much.

Only such fair comments could make him feel the motivation to strive forward.

"Good tea."

Kurosawa closed his eyes.

As the tea entered his abdomen.

The spiritual energy in his body became more active, and he felt very comfortable.

This kind of tea was given to him by Minister Gong.

He didn't know what it was called.

The effect is to activate the spiritual energy in the body.

Long-term drinking has great benefits for spiritual energy and body.

After drinking tea.

He checked the outdoor camping equipment in the storage bracelet.

Various emergency food, tents, sleeping bags, and medical kits.

It's time to set off.

He stood up and looked at the scenery outside the window.

Go downstairs, swipe the card to take the elevator, and come to the minister's office.

Knock on the door.

Gong Lihua is processing documents in the office.

"Are you really ready to leave?"

She put the documents in her hand aside temporarily.


Kurosawa nodded.

Gong Lihua looked at him for a moment.

In fact, she wanted to keep Kurosawa in the city for more training.

She knew Kurosawa's talent.

In her opinion, Kurosawa could take his time.

At least by performing professional-level tasks for one or two months, adapting to the strength of mid-level elves in the wild and accumulating experience, he could gradually get used to life in the wilderness.

After he completely adapted, she could contact one or two more senior professional-level elf masters to go out on adventures with Kurosawa to ensure his safety.

She planned it well.

But Kurosawa felt that the improvement speed of training in the city was too slow.

After a week of training, he integrated his current strength.

But if he wanted to improve faster, it would not work to shrink in the city just for safety reasons.

He could already gradually feel that his strength was slowing down.

Seeing that Kurosawa was determined, Gong Lihua no longer dissuaded him.

From the drawer, he took out a map of the surrounding area of ​​Haitang City.

Three routes are planned with red lines above.

Two go north, and one goes southeast.

All three routes choose relatively "peaceful" areas in the wild, avoiding many dangerous areas.

Very suitable for Kurosawa at this stage.

The situation in the wild is complicated.

Many elves who go out for adventures may have lost their lives because they accidentally strayed into dangerous areas beyond their level.

Therefore, it is also a crucial step to plan a route in advance before going out.

For example, the area around Haitang is in a low-spiritual area.

In the areas around some first- and second-tier cities, the spirituality will increase significantly, and medium-spiritual and high-spiritual areas will appear.

The higher the spirituality of the wild area, the denser the wild elves living and inhabiting it, and the more dangerous it is.

The reason for this phenomenon is not that the earliest builders of the city were stupid and liked to plan densely populated large cities in dangerous areas.

It is because the spirituality of the area will shift with the population density.

Large cities with a large population will gradually gather spirituality.

This is why large cities continue to gather elf talents from surrounding cities.

They have to deal with more crises than peaceful small cities like Haitang City, and the demand for elves is greater.

The tradition of professional elves traveling and exploring is also partly because they want to make elves mobile.

During the process of self-cultivation in the wild, he accepted tasks to solve troublesome incidents in towns along the way.

After discussing with Minister Gong for a while, Kurosawa chose a route in the northeast direction.

The straight-line distance along the way is six or seven hundred kilometers, and finally arrived at Lanbei City in the Yagu Bay Area.

Of course, because of the need to bypass certain places during the journey, the route may be as long as one or two thousand kilometers.

The "Blue-Sea Route" will pass through many towns and towns along the way, and supplies can be provided at any time, and there are many safe houses in the wild.

If he encounters trouble on the way, he can also rest more conveniently.

It is estimated that it will take two or three months to complete the whole journey.

Without letting Gong Lihua, who was busy with work, pick him up, Kurosawa imported the Blue-Sea Route into the multi-function all-in-one machine and said goodbye to the alliance base.

This all-in-one machine has various functions, integrating recognition camera, elf radar, electronic map, and satellite phone.

It can effectively help him find the right route in the wild.

Kurosawa took a taxi to the suburban area.

Finally stopped in front of a forest.

Coincidentally, the starting point of his journey this time was the Boqu Forest of the last mission.

Kurosawa summoned the Nightmare Mayfly and the excited Little Shining Spirit.

He finally took a look at the miniature of the Haitang building on the distant skyline.

He then turned around and disappeared into the deep forest alone without any lingering feelings.

The next time he came back, it should be the Haitang City Summer Tournament.

I don’t know how much stronger I became by then?

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