My Elf Simulator

Chapter 85 Cold Spider

"Da da. da da da"

The campfire made a crisp sound.

The crackling sound of burning wood is soothing to listen to.

In the dark place of the forest, a deserted atmosphere continued to seep in, but fortunately the fire was warm enough.

Kurosawa put the little Shining and Nightmare on his knees and stretched out his hands to warm the fire.

The firelight illuminated his face red.

The starry sky far away from the city is even clearer, and in the blue night sky, stars twinkle like pearls.

Looking at such a scenery, it seems that even the soul has been baptized and calmed down.

Technically speaking, he once had the experience of sleeping in the wild overnight.

But at this moment, it was still as exciting as the first outing in elementary school, and an indescribable emotion still came to my heart.

Perhaps, during the assessment process last time, he acted with purpose from beginning to end. The situation was different and the mood was different.

Take out your smartphone and bring up the map function.

He was eight or nine kilometers away from the entrance to Boqu Forest on the outskirts of Haitang City.

It's not very far, but there are no traces of urban civilization.

The reason why he didn't move fast was because he was exercising naturally during the day.

In the detection of the dense and dense network, I sensed a special aura.

The surrounding plants devoutly reported to him the conditions of some abnormal individuals among them.

He followed those abnormal signals.

Many spiritual fruits were harvested one by one.

It was a small, milky-white fruit, only the size of a little finger, emitting a faint aroma.

Through the recognition function of the smart phone, its specific information can be queried.

Caoguo, a one-star special spiritual plant, has weak nutritional value and is one of the raw materials for basic medical sprays.

Kurosawa fed one to each of Little Shining and Nightmare Mayfly, and the rest was converted into energy reserves with nutritional value.

Each grass fruit provides nutritional value ranging from 0.5 to 1 point.

The nutritional concentration is not high, but the advantage is the large quantity. The 19 grass fruits add a total of 13 points of nutritional value.

This is also a special gain brought about by his innate ability and strong perception of the power of nature.

It would be impossible for an ordinary elf master to discover this hidden fruit in the thick bushes.

With a nutritional value of 13 points, if the training effect is good, it should be able to support two days of training.

During the journey along the way, look for substances containing special energy, absorb them and convert them into nutritional value, and then use the nutritional value to improve the elf's strength during combat training.

Great trip planning.

In a few days, Kurosawa had entered the depths of the Boqu Forest.

The little Shining emitted blue lightning that flashed on its body, exuding the power of thunder, and deliberately flew in front of a sharp-horned bee parked on a tree trunk to intimidate, making the little bee spirit tremble with fear.

"gone back."

Kurosawa was gathering dry firewood under the tree.


Hearing Kurosawa's cry, Little Shining let out a crisp cry and let go of the innocent horned bee.

Although wild elves are more vicious than contracted elves.

But this entry-level horned bee would definitely not dare to make a mistake in front of Little Shining.

Kurosawa was not interested in letting the little Shining bully the children.

After several days of field combat training, he confirmed that there would be no effect in fighting opponents whose strength was too different.

Only mid-level elves of similar strength can hone the current Little Shinings and Nightmare Mayflies.

However, elves with intermediate strength are not cabbage.

Therefore, finding a suitable opponent that can be used as an experience package also depends on fate.

He has only encountered one ghost spider in the past few days, with intermediate strength and ghost attributes.

In the forest environment, the strength is not weak.

The dense forest has become the home ground of the ghost spider, and the racial characteristics that originally come and go without a trace are brought into full play.

Fortunately, Little Shining and Nightmare Mayfly worked together and became even more powerful.

In the end, he defeated his opponent with a righteous "two against one".

In addition to the intermediate-level ghost spider, Kurosawa also encountered many elementary-level insect-type elves.

There are a relatively large number of insect elves, which should be due to the environment of the Boqu Forest, but currently the elves on the road are not very strong.

The travel route Kurosawa chose passed through low-spirited areas.

If it is an area with higher spirituality, the probability of encountering intermediate elves will definitely increase significantly, but the probability of high-level elves and even stronger wild elves will also increase accordingly.

As the saying goes, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

Even though Kurosawa wants to improve his abilities, he won't take too many risks.

Leaving the route that is suitable for the current stage and entering the middle and high spiritual zone does not mean that you have courage, but that you have no brains.

Return to the temporary camp.

Kurosawa started a fire, boiled water, and poured in the ingredients.

It was not long before the departure time, and he still had enough food stored in his storage bracelet.

When passing through some towns along the way, you can also enter them to buy and rest.

So it’s not a complete wilderness survival.

Ended the short lunch break.

Kurosawa continued along the route.

Walked for about an hour.

The little Shining, who was flying while looking for wild elves to bully, suddenly let out a vigilant cry.

Nightmare Mayfly also guarded Kurosawa uneasily.

Kurosawa stopped.

It was different from the previous encounter with wild mid-level elves.

This time he felt a chill running down his spine, as if he was being targeted by something strange.

The power of nature!

He activated his natural ability instantly.

Ice-blue gas appeared on his body, and his pupils instantly turned ultramarine.

In the natural state, the creepy weirdness that made people feel numb gradually subsided.

He looked around.


A noise suddenly came from above his head.

Kurosawa's body was instantly covered with thunder clothes.

He kicked his right leg and left his original position.

Nightmare Mayfly and Little Shining entered the attribute state and surrounded him to protect him.

He looked at the source of the cold breath.

He saw it among the towering cedar trees.

A huge purple spider was hanging in a huge web.

Its whole body was covered with things like warts, and its slender legs were covered with rough bristles.

The abdomen was mottled lavender, the front of the body was indigo, and the tips of the legs and claws were black ink.

The body alone was several meters long, and the angular legs and feet that spread out made it look even bigger.

The deep spider eyes were filled with cold and cruel pupils, and seemed to have a certain intelligence, which was chilling.

It was silently observing Kurosawa and the others as if it was sizing up its prey.

Kurosawa stared at its hideous appearance, his scalp tingling slightly, but he still took out his smart all-in-one camera to shoot it.

Its information was quickly displayed on the screen.

Elf race: Cold Spider

Race qualification: Three stars

Strength: Intermediate

Attribute: Grotesque

Common racial skills: Horror toxin/Filthy howl/Primitive worship

Brief introduction: The cold spider is a dangerous elf, and its regular attribute awakening is Grotesque and poison. It has wisdom and is highly poisonous. Looking directly at it for a long time is prone to mental abnormalities.

Kurosawa let out a long breath.

Before using the smart phone to shoot and obtain specific information, he had a vague guess.

Unexpectedly, it was true.

The elves with the Grotesque attribute are the most evil of all attributes.

Not to mention the specific strength, the terrifying appearance of Chaos alone can bring huge mental oppression to ordinary elf masters.

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