My Elf Simulator

Chapter 86 Half Extra?

Li Mianmian closed her textbook.

She glanced at the clock on the wall in front of the classroom.


It was almost time.

Li Mianmian finished her lunch break and self-study.

She never liked to compete with others to line up in the cafeteria after class.

If she went at this time, she could still catch up with the last few windows.

After eating, she went directly back to the dormitory, just in time not to miss the dormitory closing time at noon.

She stayed at her uncle's house at night.

She lived in the dormitory at noon to reduce the time spent on the road.

Since she entered high school, she almost counted on her fingers and arranged her time carefully.

Her foundation was worse than that of other students in the key class of the key high school in the provincial capital.

Therefore, if she wanted to catch up with others, she had to work harder.

Whenever she was tired of studying and wanted to give up, a somewhat blurred figure would appear in her mind.

This figure constantly inspired her to keep fighting.

She walked downstairs quickly.

When she went down to the second floor, she suddenly remembered that she had forgotten to bring her math exercise book, and hurriedly ran back upstairs.

When she was almost at the door of the classroom, she stopped.

The sound of laughter came from far away.

"Haha, you are talking about Li Mianmian!"

"Yes, yes, don't you think she is funny?"

"She pretends to study so hard all day, but her test scores are just so-so. She really likes to pretend."

"Don't say that. The teacher encourages us to learn from her. She is making rapid progress and has a positive attitude. She is the top student in the teacher's mind!"

"Such a simple test paper can get a hundred or twenty or thirty points if you just study casually."

"At first, I saw how hard she worked, and I thought she was so amazing. I am speechless."

Several girls in light blue school uniforms walked out of the back door.

Li Mianmian quickly hid in the corridor at the corner.


When the sound outside the corridor gradually faded away and finally could not be heard at all.

Li Mianmian raised her head and pursed her lips.

She did not make any expression on her face and looked very calm.

But her unconscious action of holding the blue and gold scroll in her hand tighter exposed the waves in her heart.

Although she could occasionally sense that people were talking about her, this was the first time she heard the specific content clearly.

It was indeed a bit uncomfortable.

Has the word "serious" lost its compliment?

She just wanted to study hard, improve her grades, and catch up with other students in the class.

But she didn't know when she was isolated by other students.

Maybe it was when others were making friends with each other at the beginning of the school year, but she was alone and didn't dare to speak.

Maybe it was when she studied hard but ended up with the last place in the exam.

Maybe it was when the teacher called on others to learn from her hard work.

Or maybe.

At first, only a few classmates gossiped behind her back.

Gradually, more and more, and finally a few classmates who didn't reject her.

They would also try to talk to her, a "fake academic bully", as little as possible for the sake of avoiding suspicion.

Was she considered to be subjected to campus cold violence?

She thought with a wry smile.

She returned to her seat and took away the exercise book.

She walked down slowly, and the cold wind blowing through the corridor entered her body through her throat when she breathed.

The whole body was soaked by a wave of coldness.

She shrank her shoulders.

Whenever she felt this uncomfortable, she would miss junior high school more and more.

Although the score line of Haitang No. 2 Middle School could not be compared with the schools in the provincial capital, it belonged to the countryside in the mouths of current classmates, but the life there was plain and interesting.

Although the male deskmate who had been sitting next to her for three consecutive years did not talk much, she herself was also a person of few words, so they got along very well.

How nice it would be if we could go back to the past.

Although she knew that this idea was cowardly, she couldn't help but think so.


Li Mianmian braked.

She got off and walked, slowly pushing the bicycle to the riverside.

Today's sunset was particularly magnificent.

She held the handlebars and took a deep breath.


The sound of the ferry whistle in the distance broke the silence.

After school, she liked to ride here.

The school environment was too depressing for her.

In the family where she was staying, although her uncle and aunt were very good to her, it was always someone else's home, and she was always uncomfortable.

Only here, there was nothing to think about.

She could let her mind go.

Looking down from the embankment, the Jingjiang River was sparkling under the setting sun.

The ferry carrying goods was moving slowly with the white waves.

There was no such a big river in Haitang City, and such scenery could not be seen.

She locked her bicycle, sat on the stone bench by the embankment with her schoolbag on her back.

She took out her mobile phone and put on headphones.

She watched the video playing on the screen quietly.

"The audience at the scene and in front of the TV, welcome to watch the final of the Haitang City Spring Cup. I am the commentator."

The screen was playing a recording of the Haitang City Spring Tournament.

The reason why she was still watching it now was not because of the village network.

In fact, she couldn't count how many times she had watched this ordinary video offline.

She was so familiar with it that she could almost recite the lines of the commentary.

"It's incredible"

She stared at the figure bathed in lightning on the screen with bright pupils and exclaimed.

They were classmates for three years, but now more than half a year has passed, and they have become so unfamiliar.

The screen stayed at the moment when the winning ribbons were flying all over the sky.

The video ended.

She put away her phone and stared at the river.

She couldn't calm down for a long time.

Perhaps he was also very uneasy at that time?

Many people may think that Kurosawa is a person who has everything going smoothly, but she is different.

She remembered the report about Kurosawa before he won the championship.

He was rejected from the school and practiced on his own for half a year. That period should have been the most confused time for him, right?

Now thinking back, after graduating from junior high school, he seemed to be the only one who didn't attend the graduation dinner organized by the class teacher.

The class teacher wanted to ask her to ask about Kurosawa's situation at that time, but unfortunately she didn't have Kurosawa's contact information and was embarrassed to contact him.

Later I heard that he didn't go to the boys' party.

He should have been very distressed at that time.

Just like myself now.

After watching the replay of the final, she felt that she had fallen into a low mood because of what happened during the day, and gradually got better.

She didn't know if this was considered chasing stars.

But every time she watched the video of Kurosawa's game, she did get a kind of spiritual power, as if she was inspired.

She also wanted to be an excellent person.

With this belief, she worked hard in a strange environment that was not so friendly.

She leaned on the handrail and looked at the slowly flowing river.

Suddenly she put her hands to her mouth.

Her chest rose and fell, she took a deep breath, and then shouted as if to vent.


The sound continued to spread on the empty riverside, and was finally overwhelmed by the sound of the whistle.

She felt a little guilty after shouting, and looked around, and breathed a sigh of relief when she found no one.

She had never shouted so willfully before.

But I have to admit that it was really refreshing after shouting, and the depression accumulated in my chest seemed to be released with the shouting.

The more confused you are, the more you need to work hard.

She unlocked the car and pedaled on the bicycle.

I will do a few more sets of papers after returning home today, and strive to be among the top 50% of the class in the midterm exam.

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