My Elf Simulator

Chapter 96 The Miracle of Life

Two weeks passed in a flash.

Through the trial battles in the ruins, Kurosawa and the elves' strength has been steadily improved.

Elf: Shining Bird

Racial qualification: three stars

Level: intermediate

Attribute: Thunder

Energy value: 18.79→29.57

Skills: White-Peck LV3 (4/20) White-Scream LV2 (5/10) White-Run LV2 (9/10) Blue-Angry Combo LV3 (2/20)

Deep Blue-Electric Shock LV3 (5/20) Deep Blue-Thunder Clothes LV2 (8/10) Purple-Thunder Gun LV1 (1/5)

Elf: Nightmare Mayfly

Racial qualification: two stars

Level: intermediate Level

Attribute: Dream

Energy value: 12.02→21.83

Skills: White-Whip LV2 (6/10) White-Whisper LV2 (7/10) Blue-Hypnosis LV2 (9/10)

Blue-Deep Sleep LV2 (5/10) Deep Blue-Dawn LV2 (4/10) Deep Blue-Dream Shield LV1 (4/5)

Nutrient value: 65

Half a month of continuous fighting has brought the two elves' combat capabilities to a higher level, and their proficiency in various common skills has improved by leaps and bounds.

At the same time, due to the characteristics of nutritional value, their energy value has also improved significantly.

In terms of attribute energy value, both elves have increased by about 10 leaves.

The improvement of the little Shining is greater because it has been trained more fully in battle.

In terms of elf skills, the little Shining's Angry Combo and Electric Shock have been promoted from LV2 to LV3.

However, it has not awakened the characteristics like the Pecking skill has been promoted to LV3, but the release speed and power have been significantly enhanced.

The proficiency of Nightmare Mayfly's Deep Sleep skill and Dawn skill also increased significantly.

What surprised Kurosawa the most was that his psychic energy was directly upgraded from E level to E+ level through the high-intensity use during this period, coupled with the effect of the training method that he would practice diligently every night.

The increase is very obvious. If you want to make an analogy, it is probably upgraded from a mountain stream to a small stream.

The improvement of psychic energy solved a problem that he had been worrying about for a while.

Perhaps because of the system, the strength of Little Shining and Nightmare Mayfly is stronger than the elves with the same energy value.

This is of course a good thing, but it also brings problems.

The burden they bring to the elf master itself, that is, Kurosawa, is much heavier.

Especially since the two elves are rapidly improving.

And now, after the psychic energy has been upgraded from E to E+, the heavy burden is instantly relieved, and Kurosawa feels comfortable all over.

According to the margin brought by the E+ level, he can also contract 1-2 more elves with similar strength to Little Shining.


A huge storm of wooden blades hit the wall of the ruins space.

Countless wooden thorns and flying leaves swept the entire space like sharp blades.

The grass attribute energy hit the wall and exploded.

The cube parts scattered on the ground were sucked into the air by various turbulent winds and then thrown everywhere.

Hei Ze stretched out his hand to block his forehead, and a thin layer of thunder clothes condensed on his body.

Although the cube creatures themselves had no interest in him, the aftermath of the battle was also dangerous.

The cube creatures at the intermediate elf level can simulate various elemental fluctuations and launch attacks with corresponding attributes.

In fact, Hei Ze is quite interested in the principle of this kind of cube aggregate, but he is not a professional researcher. He has observed those cube fragments and has not studied any door.

And those small cubes, first, can't be put into the storage bracelet, and second, they can't be taken away from the ruins space by carrying them, so they can only stay in this space.

When the storm calmed down, Hei Ze looked at the huge bat creature floating in the air.

This bat-shaped cube aggregate with a wingspan of four or five meters is already the last intermediate-level opponent in the space.

Very strong!

He estimated that the energy value is about 50.

Fortunately, the burst strength of the cube aggregate creature is not as scary as its energy value, but it is particularly difficult to deal with.

The biggest advantage of Kurosawa and the elves happens to be endurance.

So they started fighting.

They fought from yesterday morning to noon today.

Kurosawa is not a martial artist.

During this period, he slept, ate a few meals, and replenished the nutrition value of the two elves countless times.

Frequently borrowing the blocking characteristics of the door, he always controlled the battle in his own rhythm.

When the elves entered a state of fatigue and loss of strength, they directly left the battle and waited until the nutrition value was restored before continuing to fight.

Even if this cube creature is at the top of ordinary intermediate strength, it can't stand such torture and can't bear it.

It seems that all its energy has been consumed by the protracted battle, and it finally fell into "weakness", and the flashing lasers in its eyes became dim.

Kurosawa looked at the "dying" bat-like creature and activated his psychic energy.

Ultimate Electric Shock, thick golden lightning shot out from the beak of the little Shining Spirit.

The thunder attribute energy with a value of nearly 30, plus the enhanced ultimate joint ability.

The ordinary electric shock skill was transformed into a thunder of heavenly power.


The golden lightning penetrated the bat floating in the air.

Countless fragments were blown away by the ultimate electric shock, like heavy rain falling from a high altitude.

"Hua Hua Hua——"

Countless parts were scattered all over the ground.

Thousands of square meters of ground have been covered with a layer of cube parts, which is ankle-deep.

This shows how many cube enemies Kurosawa has defeated in the past half month.

The intermediate strength level is too numerous to count, not to mention the entry-level and primary soldiers.

Just like people don't remember how many slices of bread they have eaten, Kurosawa can't remember the number of opponents he has defeated in just half a month.

There are too many.

Ordinary entry-level and primary soldiers can be killed instantly with an electric shock or a peck.

At first he was still interested in counting, but later he became numb.

Kurosawa looked at the walls with ancient patterns carved on them.

There was no movement for a long time.

He exhaled.

His emotions at the moment were very contradictory.

On the one hand, there was a kind of joy of clearing the dungeon, and on the other hand, there was a little regret.

It would probably be difficult to have such a sudden opportunity to become stronger in the future.


The strange language accent sounded again in the space, and Kurosawa understood it again.

He looked at the platform.

The blue energy light curtain exploded into countless flashing fragments with a crisp "bang" sound.

In the center of the platform is an altar with complex ancient patterns engraved on it.

These patterns seem to be more advanced, different from what he had seen on the wall before, with strange golden light flowing.

Kurosawa slowly walked to the platform and walked along the steps to the altar.

He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and a look of surprise appeared on his cheeks.

In the groove in the middle of the altar, a giant egg was quietly placed?

This egg looked petrified, and the eggshell on the surface was as rough as a rock.

This giant egg has been here for many years.

Is it an elf egg? Is it still alive?

Kurosawa fell into deep thought.

He urged the power of nature to cover his whole body.

Soon, ice-blue gas emerged from his pores.

When he entered the natural body state, his perception ability was greatly improved.

"Dongdong, Dongdong."

He could actually hear extremely subtle life beating inside.

Perhaps he sensed Kurosawa's friendly natural power.

The fragile little life inside the eggshell, like a flickering candle, conveyed a warm and loving emotion.

Kurosawa carefully picked up the stone egg.

The moment he held out the stone egg, the light of the ancient texture on the altar gradually dimmed and finally disappeared completely.

He didn't understand why this elf egg was petrified and couldn't hatch.

But every life is a miracle, and a little guy with such tenacious vitality is even more incredible, a miracle among miracles.

At that moment, a firm idea emerged in his heart.

He wanted to contract this little guy as his third elf.

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