My Elf Simulator

Chapter 97 Elf Egg [will be available tomorrow, please support QAQ]

The little Shining and Nightmare Mayfly flew around the elf egg for a few circles without knowing why.

They were probably wondering what it was.

What was it? Can it be eaten?

The little Shining wanted to peck at it with its beak out of curiosity, but before it got close, it was driven away by Kurosawa.

Just as Kurosawa was about to use his psychic energy to warm the elf egg, a sound rang out again in the ruins space.

The space was about to close.

Kurosawa understood the meaning of the sound.

Finally, he looked at the ruins space where he had stayed for half a month with regret.

To be honest, life in the past half month was very monotonous.

Almost when he woke up, he fought, and when he was tired of fighting, he slept, living a high-intensity training mode of two points and one line.

He temporarily put aside other things, and his mind was full of thoughts about fighting, skill training, and how to improve.

Of course, if he didn't have such a high level of concentration, it would be difficult for him to make such a terrifying progress in just half a month.

In half a month, the two elves each increased their energy value by about 10 leaves, which was really not an easy thing.

Kurosawa held the elf egg and took the two little ones out of the relic space.

When he stepped out of the node connecting the relic space and reality.

A strange wave was derived around.

The colorful ripple halo was slowly dissipating, and finally the special wave of the subspace could no longer be felt.

It disappeared.

Kurosawa did not linger too much, and climbed out of the crack in the dark.

Finally, he saw the sun.

Standing on the cliff and looking out, the forest was vast under the blue sky.

The green forest was connected like an ocean, and the wind blew the layers of branches and leaves swaying in unison.

Kurosawa put the elf egg in his backpack, looked at the open scenery, and stretched his body.


He shouted towards the forest, feeling refreshed.

Back to Houshi Town, it was already dusk and sunset.

Kurosawa found that most elf masters were returning to the town from the forest.

After asking a little, he knew.

It turned out that the space alienation phenomenon nearby had disappeared, and the exploration had lost its meaning, so the elves gradually evacuated.

Although it has been almost a month since the space alienation phenomenon appeared, is this specific time point of disappearance too much overlap with the time when he completed the trial of the ruins space?

Is it a coincidence?

Kurosawa shook his head, and he didn't think too much about things he couldn't understand.

Carrying his bag, he returned to the only hotel in the town and booked a room.

The first thing was still to take a bath.

After washing himself and the two elves clean, he didn't forget the new elf egg.

Use warm water to carefully wash away the rock layer on the surface of its eggshell.

With the gentle water flow, the elf egg gradually returned to its original appearance.

This is a beautiful light golden giant egg.

When the Nightmare Mayfly contracted, it was a cub. Although its elf egg form cannot be seen, judging from its current size, it should not be very big when it was an elf egg.

The little Shining, or Dodo Bird, has been with him since the elf egg stage.

He witnessed its entire growth process with his own eyes.

The size of Dodo Bird's elf egg can be held in one palm. It is larger than a chicken egg, but not as big as an ostrich egg.

The giant egg in front of him has a long diameter of more than 30 centimeters and is very heavy. Even though Kurosawa is very strong now, he can still feel its heavy weight.

The elf inside should be different from Nightmare Mayfly and Little Shining. It is a big guy.

After taking a shower, he walked out of the bathroom.

He played the animation for Little Shining first to divert its attention from the elf egg.

Little Shining is too naughty, and he is really worried that it will cause an accident.

After sending Little Shining away, he sat on the bed holding the elf egg.

What needs to be done most now is to keep it warm.

This elf egg has existed for who knows how many years. Unlike ordinary elf eggs, the life breath in it is already quite weak.

Under normal circumstances, it may not be able to hatch successfully.

However, he has a natural ability, the power of nature.

The spiritual energy in the state of the power of nature has a special vitality, which should be able to play a good role in warming the elf eggs.

Kurosawa sat cross-legged on the bed, stretched out his hands, and gently placed his palms on the thick eggshell surface.

With the activation of the power of nature, his whole body was once again covered with a layer of light blue gas, carrying the spiritual energy and nutritional value of the natural life breath, and gently penetrated into the eggshell.

The nightmare mayfly tilted its head and curiously stuck to the surface of the eggshell.

It was like an older sister in the family sticking to her mother's belly and listening to the movements of her younger brothers and sisters.

Kurosawa glanced at its gentle movements, smiled, and did not disturb it.

Maybe there is a bit of double standards, but he will be more tolerant of the nightmare mayfly.

It's not that he hates the little Shining, but it is too naughty. For the sake of the fragile little life in the elf egg, he can only keep an eye on it.

And the nightmare mayfly, who has a more peaceful temperament, is very reassuring to him.

The power of nature, along with the spiritual energy and nutrients, gently flows into the eggshell.

Gently tentatively touches the little life inside.

It feels joyful in the eggshell.

Greedily absorbs the energy transmitted by Kurosawa.

Kurosawa is not in a hurry to build a spirit contract. It is still too weak now and needs to be cultivated for a while.

It also makes it more familiar with its spiritual energy fluctuations.

Building a spirit contract is not something that can be rushed.

He poured spiritual energy, natural power, and nutritional value into its body in appropriate proportions.

Various energies nourished its undeveloped body that was extremely depleted due to the passage of time.

About an hour later, he ignored the little guy in the eggshell who was crying for food and stopped the energy output.

Feeling its grievance, Kurosawa felt a little bit reluctant.

But he still pulled his hand away cruelly.

Just like humans who have not eaten for a long time cannot suddenly overeat, the nutritional deficit of the elves in the eggshell cannot be excessively poured in a day, which is harmful to its formation and development.

"Nutritional value: 65→62"

Kurosawa glanced at the panel and was shocked.

Good guy, three points less.

Can nutritional value also be inflated?

Why does it feel like the nutritional value is getting less and less durable.

Thinking back to half a month ago, he was still a local tycoon with 366 nutritional points after absorbing the Youming grass.

At that time, he was full of energy and naively thought that those nutritional values ​​were enough for his two or three months of training during the journey.

He was really too proud.

As the energy value of the little Shining and the Nightmare Mayfly increased, the nutritional value they consumed increased, and now there was one more mouth.

It has only been half a month, and the nutritional value is about to be used up again.

I am worried.

I have to find a way to continue to obtain magical resources.

Kurosawa gently patted the elf egg.

The little guy, whose life breath has become slightly stronger, has a more active mood.

Grow up quickly.

Unconsciously, Kurosawa's heart is full of expectations.

According to previous experience, it should be on the shelves at noon tomorrow. The performance is too bad, and I am embarrassed to ask the editor [sigh] There are few collections and follow-up readings, so it should be sent. But precisely because of this, every subscription is particularly important to Yuzi, ball ball.

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