
Lizi, who had reacted, raised her right hand and ran quickly to the edge of the cliff.

After all, a Pokémon flew out of sight. Even if a professional referee was present, he had to confirm the status of that Pokémon before continuing.

"Beep beep--"

Regischiru made a low humming sound and ignored the wind and sand and walked slowly back to the side of Kashiwa.

Alolan Rhydon didn't dare to speak loudly throughout the whole process. Although it was a Pokémon powered by rock, it was so nervous that it was sweating profusely, and even the beard formed by magnetic sand was about to fall off.

The reason was simple.

It didn't react when the giant rock was attacked!

In the doubles battle, it, as a partner, should at least help, not to mention blocking it. Who knew that boom, the teammate was gone!

How could Rhydon not panic?

How long ago was the last time it encountered such a situation where it couldn't react?

At the moment, it didn't say it was afraid of fighting, but at least it didn't dare to relax in the face of Regischiru, although it was not easy to kill it with one blow.

On Kashiwagi's side.

He looked at the returning Regis Chilu, and the sharp stone attack that could not reach Porygon II because its middle section was broken and its energy transmission was cut off, but he was not worried about the giant rock monster that fell off the cliff.

Before the battle, he ran to see it on purpose. The cliff was about seven or eight meters high, and there was a white sand beach below, far from the sea!

As expected.

Lizzie took out the ball and aimed at the bottom of the cliff. After a red light flew out, she hurried back.

Another Poké Ball was thrown.



The big North nose with the same black iron sand beard fell to the ground with a muffled sound.

Two Pokémon with big beards "attribute" were bathed in the wind and sand on the left and right. Lizzie stood in the middle with her hands on her hips and gave orders. Her position was inexplicably a little funny.

But she herself was unaware, and waved her big hand and shouted:

"Keep going! Da Chao Beibi! Rhydon! Let Kashiwagi see your combo skills! Magnet bomb! Rock blast! Hit Porygon II directly!"

As soon as the voice fell, Da Chao Beibi responded immediately.


The spherical eyes glowed with blue light, and three small Chao Beibi flew out of it, one of which flew into the catapult on the back of Rhydon.

In an instant.

The electric current in the catapult flickered, and the orange crystals on the inside lit up one by one, just like the electromagnetic railgun in the science fiction movie.


The roar of thunder reverberated!

The small Chao Beibi was fired out like a shell of the electromagnetic railgun, rushing towards Porygon II at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye!

And the "shell" was so fast with the blessing of the catapult that it seemed to be at the same speed as the sound.

Even Regis Chilu couldn't react in time, and it broke through the air and flew in front of Porygon II in an instant!


Xiao Chao Beibi was like a flying meteor, mixed with earthy yellow light, and crashed into a bright blue light shield.

The light shield shook slightly.

There is no doubt that Kashiwagi and Porygon II felt something was wrong as early as when Xiao Chao Beibi entered the catapult of Rhydon.

They summoned the light shield one step ahead.

However, before Porygon II could react further, Xiao Chao Beibi, who hit the shield, suddenly exploded for the second time, and the boiling steel attribute energy burst into a bright silver light ball!


The violent fluctuation of energy made the light shield continue to shake.

Obviously, this combination of Da Chao Beibi and Rhydon is a multiple combo, the rock explosion is one level, the potential energy launched by the catapult is one level, and the magnet bomb is another level!


More importantly, Da Chao Beibi has three Xiao Chao Beibi, and [Magnet Bomb] has a "must hit" or tracking effect, so this move——

is a tracking type triple triple combo!

Bang! Bang!

Bang! Bang!

After three rounds of "subsonic" small Chaobei attacks, the light shield could not hold out to the end, and it exploded like glass.

The last small Chaobei successfully approached Porygon II, which gave up dodging, and released the accumulated steel attribute energy!



In the billowing smoke, Porygon II groaned and retreated for a few seconds.

There were traces of burning along the way.

"Dudududu--le! Ji! Hiss!"

Regis Chilu, who was beaten by his companion, was not idle either. It raised its hands and brewed a ball of silver light, and shot a thick silver beam of light at Rhydon!

But Rhydon immediately moved towards the big Chaobei after firing three small Chaobei.

And the big Chaobei also moved with it, and its strange main body withstood the fierce impact of the [Cannon Light Cannon]!


The smoke and dust rose and quickly dispersed, revealing the still lively eyes of Da Chao Beibi.

"Mr. Hiss!"

This guy is indeed a Pokémon with exaggerated double defense. Considering the special defense bonus brought by the sandstorm weather, Regisquier's attack without restraint can't do anything to it.

However, after this move.

Kashiwagi saw through Lizzie's trump card.

There is very little information about the Pokémon of the Island Queen on the Internet.

The battle video has never been leaked. He can only make tactical considerations based on his vague impression of the game and the temporary situation of the battle.

Rhydon and Da Chao Beibi are very likely to have the [Solid] attribute, and they both have moves such as Big Explosion.

Simply try a round of remote testing.

This combo is indeed something he didn't expect. He was originally planning to let Porygon II use Angular to dodge, but he immediately knew that he couldn't dodge it when he heard the Magnet Bomb.

Decisively switched to defend.

As a result, the power of the move is indeed considerable.

Defense in the animation world is certainly not as strong as in the game. It ignores the opponent's level and ability to resist most moves, and it is easily destroyed by strong forces.

For example, the combo just now.

There is not only the rock burst power given by Rhydon, but also the potential energy of the catapult launched by the small North nose, and the power of the magnet bomb of the North nose itself!

Triple triple hits, stacked together, it is a one-hit nine-damage.

If it were someone else, it would probably be killed immediately, but it was Porygon II holding the Evolution Stone.

With multiple blessings, it may not be much worse than the North nose in double defense, and it may even be better.

Because it can fight, is tanky, and has a long-lasting move.

It is reasonable for Lizzie to pick Porygon II.

Take down the Porygon II that she is least familiar with and least confident of as quickly as possible.

Prevent this guy from using [Psychokinesis] to control another Pokémon, and let Regischiru send the other one to the bottom of the cliff.

Although being sent down is not a waste.

But it will eventually affect the other Pokémon that is moving forward in parallel.


Lizzie saw that Kashiwagi was very calm in the distance, and she felt an inexplicable sense of urgency in her heart that her trick had been seen through.

She waited for the smoke and dust in front of the Great North Nose to dissipate, and the three small North Nose returned, and hurriedly continued to order: "Come again!"

The hard-trained combination skills were cracked?

It's not that easy!

——It's really not that easy.

The Great North Nose firmly protected Rhydon behind it, and the small North Nose followed the back of Rhydon, waiting to be launched.

It is difficult for Porygon II's mental power to bypass the former and directly hit the small North Nose or Rhydon, and its attainments are far inferior to Happin, who can use mental power like an arm.


It's the same if it can lock the Great North Nose!

Boom boom boom!

The thunder roared continuously, and the three small North Nose flew towards Porygon II in an arc!

This time, in order to control Da Chao Bei Bi with mental power, Porygon II did not let go of the guard. It was easy to fail if the guard was used continuously.

He chose to resist!

Bang bang bang!


When Porygon II was blown up and screamed in pain, Regischiru, who had successfully aimed at the target, also took action.

Kashiwagi: "Pounce."

"Toot toot--"

I saw its huge body suddenly jump up to a high place, and the brown-red light drove its body like a flame, as if it broke through the atmosphere alone, and turned into a huge orange-red giant energy ball like Mars hitting the earth, falling towards Da Chao Bei Bi!

The Rumble Rock Ghost, who was always watching it, was so angry that he rolled back without hesitation.

But he was a little slow.

Or maybe Regischiru was a step faster.

Boom--! !

A deafening explosion!

The tough bluestone slabs on the celebration stage were not even as good as biscuits at this moment. They were crushed into pieces and rolled out with countless large and small stones in the milky white air wave!

"What a disgusting attack!"

Lizi was shocked. The corner of her white windbreaker was blown up very high. She couldn't help but close one eye and use her arm to block the gravel.

Is this a one-for-one rhythm?


Maybe he still had the idea of ​​a one-for-two.

Lizi tried to see the Porygon II on the opposite side through the smoke and dust, but unfortunately she could only see Regischiru's tall figure now.

There was also a low humming sound like a whistle.

"Toot-toot--le! Ji! Hiss!"

The smoke and dust were swept away.

Regischiru, who was more than three meters tall, stood in front of a small pit. In the pit was the fainted Da Chao Beibi. The sound made by the flashing dots on its face seemed to announce its name to Lizi.

Rhydon was outside the pit, seemingly unscathed, but in fact, the beard formed by the magnetite sand was half frightened away.

You know, the beard is a symbol of the status of the Alolan Rhydon family. With it, even Alolan Geodude and Alolan Rhydon will rebel on the spot.

There is an episode in Sun and Moon about Rhydon's beard being sucked away by a metal monster and almost being betrayed.

The end of the story.

Rhydon decisively abandoned those unreliable younger brothers and lived with the mountaineering triplets.

Kashiwagi narrowed his eyes. Regardless of whether Rhydon's characteristic was [Solid] or not, it must have been broken after this wave, which would make it easier to attack later.


Rhydon wanted to go to the pit to find his beard, but he saw the Ochiabe in the deep pit and the shouting of something he couldn't understand.

As if they were not speaking the same language, Regis Chilu really didn't dare.

Lizzie quickly took back the Ochiabe, comforted him with words, and looked at the opposite side expectantly.

If Porygon II continues to fight like this, the next few Pokémon will be "killed" by it and Regiskill!

But to her disappointment.

Porygon II did not lose its combat capability.

Even though it is not immune to sandstorms like the three attributes of ground, rock or steel, it has already lost a certain amount of physical strength. It was defeated by a whole set of combo skills!

No results? !

Lizzie's face turned green when she saw the green light on Porygon II.

There is even a recovery move!

She dared not let this guy recover any more, and immediately sent her last Pokémon -

Daymane Gorgon.


As Lizzie's trump card Pokémon in the animation, its record is quite embarrassing. It once lost to Ash's unevolved Gorgon in a one-on-one match.

Although there is a certain suspicion of letting it win, it can also be seen that this guy's strength...

needs to be improved.

Lizzie was worried that the Daymane Werewolf would be caught by Porygon II with her mental power, so she shouted as soon as it left the field: "Charge! Attack Porygon II! Rumble Rock! Hold Regisquirrel with the Thunderbolt Fist!"


The Daymane Werewolf barked and rushed towards Porygon II at an incredible speed, and even Regisquirrel couldn't catch him when he reached out to grab him.

Rumble Rock suppressed his fear and panic about losing his beard, and swung his short fist at Regisquirrel, trying to cause paralytic damage to it and prevent it from returning to the field to rescue.

This island queen is quite stubborn, but it can also be seen that she is afraid of Porygon II.

Who made Regisquirrel's output environment all created by Porygon II?

Kashiwagi ordered at the same time: "Texture! Hammer!"

Porygon II's body surface was shining, and when the Daymane Werewolf approached, it had already changed from a red and blue toy duck to a steel ornament duck.

Even the stainless steel surface still had some lathe marks, which looked like a simple industrial product.

The Daymane Werewolf didn't know why, so he bumped into it head-on!


The sound of metal objects hitting each other!


Even though dog Pokémon are known for their strong bones, it must be painful for their meat heads to hit the stainless steel head.

It pounced forward again, and Porygon II started firing lasers directly.

"Cannon Beam!"


The Daymane Werewolf dodged frantically, making it fall into the air.

On the other side, Regis Chilu was hit by Rhydon's lightning punch without any reaction.

But when it raised its right arm and smashed it hard, Rhydon saw that the situation was not good and immediately shrank its head and ran away, just missing Regis Chilu's big palm!


A small pit was hit on the ground!


Regisquirrel's dots flickered, and the other hand followed and chased after the fleeing Rhydon!

Both sides were actually trapped in a situation that was disadvantageous to both.

Lizzie didn't expect that separating Porygon II and Regisquirrel would lead to such a situation, especially Porygon II, who had no idea what moves he had just used!

"Shadow Clone!"

She decided to let Daymane Lycanthropy help share the pressure of Rhydon. It was really difficult to hold back a legendary Pokémon.

Daymane Lycanthropy split into thousands, and some of them chased after Regisquirrel.

Kashiwagi's expression was very strange.

You are...

Do you think you are fighting a wild monster?

You think I can't see such a superficial division of troops?

He did seldom directly shout out moves to give Pokémon orders, but that was because he had accumulated enough tacit understanding in daily training, and he often told Pokémon how to break the situation when they encountered something.

It was just a few processes.

Tactics were usually arranged before the game, so he only needed to respond temporarily.

He shouted: "Don't worry about the Daymane Werewolf! Keep chasing Rumble Rock! Stomp!"

Although he didn't have much tacit understanding with Regis Chilu, who had just been subdued, as long as the instructions were detailed and concise,

the Steel God Pillars were just similar to the alchemical golems in the Western fantasy, which didn't mean they were really so dull and without autonomy.

"Dudududu--le! Ji! Hiss!"

Regis Chilu looked at the Daymane Werewolf that pounced on him, ignored it and stomped it hard!


A heavy muffled sound.

The earth rolled up like a living thing, like a wave of a quilt being lifted up, spreading to the feet of Rumble Rock at a very fast speed!


In a panic, Rumble Rock accidentally fell backwards for a while, and quickly rolled to the side again.

But it was too late.

Kashiwagi: "Arm hammer!"


Regis Chilu slapped it hard!


The ground shook slightly, and many phantom shadows formed by the Day Mane Werewolf disappeared in an instant, and even its body that was fighting with Porygon II was almost affected.

Of course.

The one who suffered the most was Rhydon, who failed to escape from Regisquirrel's clutches and was embedded in the ground.


Lizzie's head was about to explode. The combination tactics didn't work, and the split-troop tactics didn't work either.

How to fight?

There's no way to fight!

ps: py's new book "Wizard: From the Lord's Marriage"

Introduction: After traveling to the wizard world for eighteen years, David never thought that he would still be a waste even with the assistance of a large number of resources.

Just when he married and planned to have children, the system suddenly awakened, and he only needed to communicate with his wife to become stronger.

Until this moment, David realized that he had not found the correct way to practice.

PS: Not sloppy, the kingly way of farming and hegemony, the emperor is ruthless and affectionate.

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