My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 814 The plot unfolds

Regischiru raised his broad palm.


Under the palm.

Alola Rumble Rock lay on its back, fainting in a shallow pit.

Just one glance at Li Zi made it clear that if she didn't use the Z move again, she might not have a chance in the future.

"The Mane Rock Werewolf is back!"

She shouted loudly, took out the ball and put away the Alola Rumble Rock.

The Daymane Rock Werewolf that was fighting with the Steel Porygon II quickly fled backwards. The sandstorm that was still going on made it look like it was chasing the wind and lightning due to its [Sand Shaking] attribute.

It makes people feel that in the blink of an eye, it disappeared.


The dots on Regischiru's face flashed in a loop, and he chased the retreating Daymane Rock Werewolf, but was stopped by Kashiwagi.

"Let it go, you get back on defense first. Porygon II texture."

Even Porygon II's mental strength is difficult to lock onto this guy. It would be a waste of time to pursue him any further. It is better to satisfy the other person's wishes and find an opportunity to take advantage of him.

Regischiru stepped back with heavy steps.

Then you can see it.

When the day-maned rock werewolf ran back to Lizi, the island queen decisively revealed her Z bracelet inlaid with a rock Z, and crossed her hands in an X shape.


The core pattern of Rock Z flashed in front of Lizi.

She was seen swinging her arms and dancing like a prayer, causing the resonant natural power to turn into ethereal flames lingering on the body surface.

She shouted: "Roar loudly! The agitation of life!

"Carry through heaven and earth! The vibration of rocks!"


The howl of the White Mane Rock Werewolf shook the heavens and the earth, and the golden ring all over his body became bright due to the transmission of the power of nature, and the rising totem symbolizing the power of Z flashed away!

Li Zi took a deep breath: "Go! The giant rock that will destroy the world will fall!"


The Werewolf of Daymane Rock jumped high, and countless dust and sand rushed toward it, forming a terrifying giant rock that could be said to block the sky and the sun.

The entire venue was surrounded by loud howls of wolves.


Kashiwagi smiled and quickly issued an order: "Regischiru, be prepared to use brute force. By the way - it's our turn! Porygon II!"

He also posed with his arms crossed.


Usually the Z pattern shines in front of you.


Porygon II responded loudly, its eyes shining brightly.

Although it has only had one turn to try the Z move in so many days, it believes that since it did it well last time, it can definitely do it this time!

Both looked towards the sky.

A huge rock that could be said to block out the sky and the sun was coming towards us, and it was frightening.

When the sky collapses, someone taller will hold it up, and this is no exception at this moment. Regischiru, who is more than three meters tall, is undoubtedly the first one to be hit, and he cannot escape even if he wants to.


"Dudududu - 嘞! 叽! 叽!"

Regischiru, who had been waiting for a long time, raised his arms, buzzed loudly, and the brown-red smoke penetrated his body, and headed towards the huge rock with a brave attitude!


Its size seemed to have grown inexplicably, and it was like a mountain mover carrying a huge rock that destroyed the world!


The terrifying impact shook out a circle of dust!

But the Island Queen's ace, Rock Z, can only be compared to that of the Gladion family.

The huge rock that blocked out the sky and the sun was as terrifying as a mountain, and the pressure made Regischiru break the bluestone beneath his feet with a bang.

On the battlefield covered with cobwebs, the body made of metal sank, and the dots on his face flashed more frequently.

There was even a faint sound of metal fatigue.

It seems like the next second.

It is about to be crushed by a huge rock.

In fact, Lizzy thinks so too.

Only Kashiwagi, who concentrates on performing Z dance moves to resonate with Porygon II, knows that these divine pillars may be slightly weaker in terms of offensive capabilities, but they are all top-notch existences in terms of defensive capabilities!

What is an Eternal Pokémon?


That is eternity!

A mere stone cannot crush its body!

"Dudududu--嘞!!叽!! Hiss!!"

The seven red dots on Regis Chiru's face suddenly flashed, and the buzzing sound was as deafening as a big yellow bell!


A series of crisp sounds.

It actually stabilized its pace, its bent arms slowly straightened, and the brown-red smoke turned into red light and clung to its body, completely changing its color.

It's like an indestructible and majestic statue of God!

at the same time.

Countless slits opened from the bottom of the giant rock, and uncontrollable red light poured out from the inside, spreading upward at a speed visible to the naked eye!


Li Zi's eyes were stunned.

She has used Rock Z more than a thousand times so far, and no Pokémon has ever been able to catch the giant rock falling from the earth-shattering rock!

Legendary Pokémon are so powerful! ?


Kashiwagi chuckled lightly, stepped shoulder-width apart, and moved his arms up and down in a Z-shape.

The power of nature formed a golden flame that illuminated his entire body like a torch.

Resonance completed!

The power of nature is transferred!

The flames flew towards Porygon II like a long dragon, and merged into its body, causing white light to overflow. The Z power rising totem, symbolizing that everything was in place, emerged!


It raised its head and looked at the super giant rock that was being pushed up by Regischiru's hands, with every inch of cracks about to disintegrate. However, its eyes seemed to see through it and saw the Daymane Rock Werewolf located further up in the sky.

The next moment.

"The ultimate invincible collision!!"


Polygon II was like an activated missile. It banged like a drum, stirring up countless gray dust, and bursting with unprecedented brilliant light, crashing into the giant rock!


In the explosion that shook the universe, the giant rock, which was already full of cracks, collapsed in an instant, and was unable to resist the vague figure like a daytime meteor.

"Maned Rock Werewolf!"

Lizi couldn't help shouting, but it was difficult to prevent the Daytime Maned Rock Werewolf, who fell with the giant rock, from suffering the ultimate invincible collision of Polygon II.


A circle of milky white impact air waves exploded in the clear sky, and then exploded with a bang to form a sky full of smoke and clouds, covering the sky above the venue!

A few seconds later.

Polygon II fell first.

It took a while before it was the turn of the Daytime Maned Rock Werewolf.

The situation of the two falling to the ground is self-evident. After Polygon II landed steadily, he just gasped violently, and the Daytime Maned Rock Werewolf snapped and was silent, as if he was dead.

Lizzie hurriedly glanced at the condition of the Daytime Wolf Mane, and was relieved to see that he was just fainting.

She stepped forward and said softly: "Thank you for your efforts, Wolf Mane."

Kashiwagi's strength is indeed impressive. I wanted to collect some information from Hala before, but I didn't expect that he would not reveal any more about his strength except "very strong" and "there will be surprises".

It turned out to be a "surprise".

It was a big surprise!

Lizzie put the Daytime Wolf Mane back into the ball, stood up and walked to Kashiwagi who was praising Porygon and Regisquirrel. Just as she was about to speak, she caught a glimpse of a pink figure in the woods from the corner of her eye.

She subconsciously said: "Kapu Butterfly! How could it be--"

Kashiwagi turned his head when he heard the voice, and Kapu Butterfly, the guardian of Akala Island, came into view under the shade of a tree, but there was not much surprise on his face, but a bit of relief.

Especially after discovering that Kapu Butterfly was staring at Regisquirrel.

The hostility of Tapu Chime towards the Three Pillars really stems from the fact that the local gods saw the foreign gods, not that the Three Pillars themselves did something that they did not know about.

He nodded slightly to show respect, and after a little thought, he put Regischiru into the ball.

"Thank you for your hard work."

The one in the woods saw this and did not intend to come out to do anything. He turned and flew into the depths of the woods, leaving only a string of "fufufufu" chuckles and a few dots of scale powder.

Lizzie was amazed, and Kashiwagi breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he was ready to fight with Tapu Chime when he released Regischiru, it was easy to have a bad influence after beating up the island queen and then beating up the island guardian.

"Incredible... maybe it really came to observe the big test."

Lizzie remembered Tapu Chime's attention to Xiaozhi and the Dusk Mane Wolfman a few days ago, and thought of its reappearance today.

The activities of the island guardian have become more frequent!

In the past, Tapu Chime might not be seen once in the five big tests.

But Lizzie changed her expression and shouted in a rising tone: "Congratulations, Kashiwagi! You have passed the great test!"

She took out a Z-crystal from her pocket, smiled and stepped forward, but stepped on a concave place——


She fell flat on the ground as usual.

But this time she still failed to fall. With the ability of Porygon II, she couldn't catch the Daymane Wolf Mane, and catching the person in front of her was just so-so.

Lizzie smiled awkwardly after standing firm again, and quickly put on a smile, and kissed Porygon II on the cheek without saying anything.

"Mua~ Thank you~"

The toy duck was very smart, but he didn't know that the opponent would suddenly use this trick, and his already red face suddenly became redder.

Even the trainer has never kissed me——

Kashiwagi didn't pay attention to the emotional changes of his Pokémon, and his eyes fell on the rock Z handed by Lizzie.

"This is a gift from Akala Island, a Z-pure crystal of rock attribute. With it, you can use [Heaven-Destroying Giant Rock Drop]!" The island queen said with a beaming face.

He nodded and took it.

General, Fire, Evil, Fighting, Flying, and now with a rock, he has obtained six of the eighteen badges, and is not far from collecting them all.

Kashiwagi put the rock Z away, and seeing Lizzie's hesitation, he smiled and said, "If you don't mind, I will cook for lunch. Thank you for your care."

"Really? That's great!"

Lizzie was very happy. She looked like a queen but had a girl's heart. She put her hands on his shoulders from behind and pushed him out, "Let's go! I can't wait to eat!"

The pot of mushroom stew still made her salivate when she thought about it now.



Parted with Lizzie who was full.

Kashiwagi took his Pokémon to play around Akala Island.

Since the fire just broke out in the shade jungle, the Overlord Blue Mantis and its partner Floating Bubble were too tired to fight, so they postponed it until tomorrow with the Overlord Weak Fish of the Rippling Hill.


If the Rippling Hill didn't learn from the pharmacist to use bombs to blow up fish, they would have to spend some money to buy a better fishing rod to avoid being caught in the trap.

The rod used to catch the ugly fish had not been used for too long and was not well maintained, so it rusted.

Therefore, he bought a [Super Invincible Noble Sea King Rod] at the fishing tackle shop in Kangdai City, which claimed to be able to catch the roaring whale king.

The name is a bit silly, but you get what you pay for -

In order to prove the value of the fishing rod, the shop owner took out the goldfish king, which is known as the store's town fish, for Baimu to fish.


Not the roaring whale king?

The shop owner said that the roaring whale king and the goldfish king are both kings of fish, and the difference must be similar.

Kashiwagi thought it made sense. Even if the King of the Howlers was heavier, it would only be a little over half a ton. It was just a few hundred kilograms. The same was true for the school-formed Weevilfish.

Let the Super Big Mouth Baby come to fish!

Let's see if the Hercules trait can catch the school-formed Weevilfish!

After visiting the fishing tackle shop.

Kashiwagi came to the pharmacist's Chinese medicine shop.

He didn't have any special ideas. It was rare to meet a simulated object, so he was a little curious. He didn't plan to make friends with the person. He just chatted with him and bought some Chinese medicine to take care of the business.

As for the Chinese medicine he bought...

You can make soup or herbal tea.

The Alola region is extremely humid and hot. Drinking some herbal tea can clear away heat and reduce internal heat.

It's a bit bitter.

After making herbal tea, Kashiwagi glanced at the Pokémon who came with excitement but left disappointed. He knew that some blessings were not something that everyone could enjoy.

What was unexpected was.

"Huh? You can actually endure hardship?" He looked at Doronbaruto in surprise, as if he had just met this guy for the first time.

Before, it was always the astringent one.

Dragonball shook its tail shyly. It just wanted it not to be sour.

Kaishi couldn't help but touch it approvingly, "Not being picky is good. Not being picky is really good."

Although Gengar and Big Mouth are big eaters, they can't stand bitterness.

Especially the former. Before drinking the herbal tea, he smiled like an elder of the Soul Hall. After drinking it, he turned into a toothless old lady, and his whole face wrinkled like a chrysanthemum.

Although other Pokémon are not much better than it, few are so exaggerated.

Dragon brothers and sisters just pulled their tongues hard.

Kaishi couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Can't drink it!

Waste things!

Although he said that, he was a little disappointed that no one shared the good things. Now he saw that Dragonball also liked to drink, and he was very happy.

Even when sleeping at night, he didn't allow it to float on the ceiling, and he pulled it down to use it as a pillow.

In short, there are more and more things on the bed.

A dead coral, two fat guys, one pink and one gray, and two ghost lizards.

Now add a big lizard...

The three-headed dragon can barely be counted as on the "bed".

Anyway, Kashiwagi doesn't mind being crowded. He sleeps quite properly and doesn't have the bad habit of crawling all over the bed. However, the dragon siblings always sleep on his chest.

Then there is the Galar Sun Coral.

This guy has a rebellious heart and especially likes to sleep on his face. Fortunately, it is light enough, otherwise Kashiwagi's face will be flattened by it sooner or later.

Early the next morning.

Gladion visited as usual.

He thought about it all day yesterday and felt that he should go back to take a look.

He planned to leave after the battle.

Kashiwagi naturally agreed and encouraged this, and then sent his own Pokémon to beat up his three Pokémon mercilessly.

"Do you want to work on your physique? I feel like you're a little--hmm?"

He was about to encourage Gladion to work on his muscles when a naive blonde girl in a white dress and a cute little Nebula suddenly appeared on the beach.



Liliae looked at Gladion, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, confused, and then saw the wounded Attribute: Sora next to him.

Attribute: Sora also saw Liliae and Nebula, and jumped up with a roar regardless of his injuries.

This guy thought Nebula was an Ultimate Beast and thought Liliae was in danger.


Gladion's face changed drastically and he ran over: "Liliae!"

Liliae looked at Attribute: Sora and his face turned pale. Without saying anything, she was teleported back by Nebula.

Kashiwagi pulled the corner of his mouth.

The main storyline of Sun and Moon is here.

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