My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 815 Hail? Snow scene!

Lillie left.

Gladion was so angry that he was shaking all over.


The most undesirable situation happened. Lillie's expression just now clearly reminded her of some bad memories.

Apparently she has become able to touch Pokémon...

Gladion clenched his fists, his heart filled with self-blame and anger.

He resented Lusamine for focusing solely on work and being indifferent to Lillie's mental state.

He also blamed himself that if he had been strong enough, he could have saved Lillie from Xuwuide, and would not have made it difficult for her to touch Pokémon.

The middle school boy kicked the sand pile next to him hard, causing white sand particles to fly up.

"damn it!"


Seeing this, Kashiwagi was thinking about what to say to this young man.

But before he could speak, Gladion, who was gritting his teeth, quickly withdrew his attribute: Sora, bowed to say goodbye and said he was going to see his sister, and ran away without looking back.

Follow to help?

There's nothing I can do to help, so forget it.

Kashiwagi shook his head. The next large part of the plot was basically staged in the Aether Paradise. If Gladion didn't ask him for help, he would have no chance to intervene.

Fortunately, Zaobo is very good at doing research, and when he is a bad guy, he succeeds more than he fails.

Both Lillie and Gladion saw him open the ultimate hole and release the Voidid, but only the frightened Lillie was hypnotized.

Nothing happened to Gladion.


It's also possible that it's easier for both of them to reveal flaws when both of them have lost their memory, so Zaobo didn't dare to take action because he was afraid of taking action.

But no matter what.

If Lusamine hadn't been busy with work and rarely communicated with Gladion and Lillie, Zaob's actions would have been exposed long ago, and the success or failure of the Silver Companion Beast project would not have been unclear.

You must know that [communication] is one of the themes of the animation Sun and Moon.

"It's time to go!"

He patted Regice's cold body. Today's goal is to capture the two remaining Overlord Pokémon on Akala Island.

One morning and one afternoon.

Just right!


Akala Island.

Deep shady jungle.

The chirping of birds one after another is as clear as silver bells, and strange rustling noises are occasionally heard in the grass.

Compared to the secluded situation when Cypress arrived yesterday, today there are many signs of activity of wild Pokémon in the shade jungle.

Occasionally, you can still see the little ducks and trumpet peckers quietly peeking out from their nests, the hidden dragons peeking in secretly and semi-invisibly, and the trees with their feet buried in the ground.

It makes people wonder whether these guys went to help when the woods in the south caught fire yesterday.

The probability is very high.

After all, they are protected by the island's patron saint and overlord Pokémon, so they must be more protective of their homeland than those who live in ordinary forests.

"Gopher hole."

Kashiwagi glanced at the shortcut to the overlord's residence and walked in without hesitation.

Even though it was only his second time here, he was already familiar with how to navigate the cave, and he no longer needed the Alola gopher to lead the way.

He touched the Poke Ball on his waist.

The Pokémon that will appear were decided last night, and we tried to defeat the Sunny pair as quickly as possible.

It's not difficult in itself.

The Overlord Pokémon is weaker than the Island Queen, and the same is true for Overlord Orchid. Even Ash's Fire Spotted Meowth and Mumu Owl, the initial trio of Pokémon, can win.

Inside the dark cave.

Kashiwagi walked through three forked roads deliberately designed to test challengers according to his memory, and successfully emerged at the exit.

"Well! We're here!"

He looked around, but he didn't see the Overlord Orchid Mantis.

Went out again——


Hiding behind a tree.

Kashiwagi, who had a keener sense, quickly spotted the huge pink figure under the shade of the tree, and the two suddenly met their eyes.


The overlord orchid mantis covered its mouth with its sickle as if shy.

I wanted to catch this challenger off guard, but I didn't expect to be discovered by the opponent so easily.

It was a little embarrassed for no reason, but it still waited until Kashiwagi had completely crawled out of the hole before officially appearing, holding up its dark red double scythes to release its aura of dominance.



Golden flames rise, air waves roll, and grass clippings fly randomly as if being passed by a typhoon.

The main effect of the Overlord's aura is to improve one or more abilities, but unfortunately it's hard to tell which one is improved just by looking at the appearance.

Kashiwagi ignored the weeds blowing into his face.


A Poke Ball is thrown.


In the icy blue cold fog, a huge prismatic figure loomed, only the cross yellow dot matrix was particularly bright.

"Beep, beep, beep! Hey! Hey!"

The unexplained buzzing made Overlord Lan Mantis startled.

Turn around.

The big pink flower disguised as a praying mantis had a solemn expression and without hesitation shouted for help and launched its moves.

It didn't have as broad a vision as Lizzy, and it didn't know Regice at all.

But this does not prevent the overlord Lan Manhua from approaching a powerful enemy!


Countless yellow light spots in the air converged toward the top of its head, seeming to condense into a small sun.

A small figure quickly approached in the woods. When he saw Kashiwagi and Regice, he was stunned for a moment, but did not stop.

It flew next to the overlord orchid mantis, raised its head and shouted: "Wow~"

The same moment the sound sounded.

The huge energy sun has been gathered and formed, and the internal swirl like flowing water proves the instability of this energy.

And the overlord Lan Mantis decisively raised the right sickle and inserted it!


The golden and terrifying light column suddenly rushed straight into the sky, and the huge light blade that was like a canopy of shade was immediately opened up by a large hole.


It swung heavily at the enemy who didn't react and seemed to be scared silly!


"Ice Breath."

"Ding Di Ding--"

Regice suddenly chopped at it, and the huge light blade that looked like a curry stick blew out a gust of ice mist from nowhere.



A sudden crisp sound.

Then the ice blade several meters high hit its head with a bang, and it broke into many ice cubes of different sizes.

[Ice Breath].

It comes from the ten thousand year old cold air of Regiace at minus 200 degrees.

Let alone a mere grass-attributed light blade, even a fire-attributed flame can freeze you into ice!


The Overlord Orchid Mantis was stunned. It looked at the right sickle that was shaking constantly due to the cold in disbelief. It couldn't accept that its own sunlight blade would be frozen!


The sound of the helper floating bubble made it quickly come back to its senses.

The Overlord Orchid Mantis saw that it had become the [sun's appearance], and the sunlight in the sky that was opened by the sunlight blade gathered. It knew that a sunny day was coming, and its demeanor returned to its determination.

If one attack fails, try another!

What's more, it has a helper!


The Overlord Orchid Mantis prepared to use the sunlight blade again.

The sun floating bubble took the initiative to approach Regiace, opened its mouth slightly, and a blazing fire bomb quickly expanded, and in an instant it became larger than the body!

[Weather Ball].

The attribute changes from general to fire attribute under sunny days, and the power increases exponentially at the same time.


It looked at the three-meter-tall Regiace, and with a loud shout, it ejected the scorching flame bomb!


Unfortunately, the advantage of the light attribute is not enough in the Pokémon battle.

"Hide to the left!"

"Ding ding ding——"

The huge body of Regiace suddenly leaned to the left, and hit a big tree with a thud, narrowly missing the fireball!


The fireball fell to the ground, exploded like a flower scattered by a fairy, and then extinguished silently.

At the same time.

Under the clear sky, the Sunlight Blade that was accumulating energy and accelerating was ready, and the Overlord Orchid Mantis screamed and slashed at Regiace again!



This time the Sunlight Blade was not frozen again, and it actually chopped Regiace, exploding a circle of smoke.

But before the Overlord Orchid Mantis showed joy, the temperature around it dropped sharply, and large pieces of white frost spread out from the smoke, freezing the grass, trees and rocks.


Countless ice and snow burst out!

Overlord Lan Mantis and Floating Bubble's faces suddenly changed, and they quickly hid behind a big tree to resist. Then they felt their vision darken, and when they looked up at the sky, they found that the sun was blocked by large dark clouds.

A few seconds later, crystal clear snowflakes fell one by one.

The whole body of Sun Floating Bubble suddenly burst into brilliant blue light, and its image suddenly changed.

At this moment, it looked like a bubble in the cloud.

The sunny day was forcibly turned into-


The snowflakes fell on its body but it did not feel the long-lost stinging pain at all, which was inconsistent with the hail weather it remembered.


Snow Cloud Floating Bubble also felt very strange.

Not far away.

Kashiwagi saw that the two Pokémon were confused, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Why is it different?

Because this is not [Hail], but [Snow Scene]!

This new weather move, which probably appeared in the ninth generation, does not have the effect of hail to wear down the opponent's physical strength, but instead increases physical defense.

I didn't expect that after the "modification", Snowy Day was still not as good as Sandstorm. The combined effects of the two weather moves were only as good as Sandstorm.

He looked at Regiace who came out of the smoke and dust.

The cold air emanating from it corroded all the surrounding tree trunks and vines, leaving large white frost marks.

Overlord Lan Mantis's Sunlight Blade was a solid cut, and Snow Scene was used after being cut, so there was no effect of halving the damage.

But even so, the surface of Regiace was still as smooth as ice.

There was only a small gap left by the chop.

Not very noticeable.

If Kashiwagi hadn't been Regiace's trainer and had been paying close attention to it these days, it might have been difficult to detect in a short time.

You know, in the civil war in recent days, this guy was just like Crispy Shark. It was either broken here or there, as if it would fall apart at any time.

But it was only slightly injured by the Sunlight Blade's frontal attack.

Putting aside the strange possibility that it gets harder the more it hits, it is not difficult to see through the gap that even if the Overlord Orchid Mantis has the Overlord aura, it is still not very powerful.

"It's time to end, blizzard."

Kashiwagi pointed at the Overlord Orchid Mantis and Snow Cloud Floating Bubble that emerged, and ordered them in the face of their drastic changes.

The voice fell.


The white ice and snow and the biting cold wind whistled in!

It seemed endless and in a short moment, it completely submerged the entire Overlord's residence inside and out. The Overlord Orchid Mantis and Floating Bubble just reacted and were completely swallowed by it!

Only a moment later.

The Overlord's residence was quiet, leaving only a series of distorted humming sounds that continued to echo.

"Ding di ding——Le! Ji! Hey~"

It was like a shout of defeat for the overlord Orchid Mantis and Floating Bubble, a pair of good partners in the shade forest. The wild Pokémon living nearby avoided him and watched this scene in shock.

Is it the Island Tour Challenger inside?


They looked at each other, and were really worried about the state of the Overlord Orchid Mantis and the floating bubbles, so they had no choice but to get in through the gaps and dig through the ice and snow to get to the top.

Suddenly, he saw a giant made of ice on top of his head. The challenger of the Island Tour holding a Z bracelet was squatting on it, looking around.

"It's a wild Pokémon... I almost thought they survived."

Kashiwagi had a strange expression.

If it can withstand this blizzard, it will make people doubt the attributes of the overlord orchid mantis.

He called out the Happy Egg, then changed the weather to sunny, and slowly melted the white snow blocking the Overlord's residence, revealing the Overlord Orchid Mantis and floating bubbles buried deep inside.


Happy Egg took the medicine box from Gengar and combined it with his own moves to treat him.

Not long after.

The overlord orchid mantis and floating bubbles slowly wake up.


It suddenly straightened up and looked around anxiously. When it saw Kashiwagi and Regice standing not far away, seemingly chatting, with some human helplessness on their faces.

The floating bubbles wake up at the same time, and their initial movements are similar to those of the Overlord Orchid Mantis, but they soon become tired.

"Pew wow? Pew wow~"


Happy Egg put away the medicine box.

Losing the ability to fight in a normal battle, Regice did not ruthlessly make them into two ice sculptures, one large and one small, but buried them in snow, so naturally there was no big problem.

"...Anyway, thank you for your hard work today."

Kashiwagi's eyes moved from Regice to Overlord Orchid Mantis. Seeing the two Pokémon waking up, he smiled and waved, "Are you awake?"

Regis: "Beep, beep, beep—"

Overlord Orchid Mantis: "Lalang..."

I don't understand what this guy is saying.

It stood up and walked towards Kashiwagi. A green Z pure crystal it took out from somewhere was quietly placed in front of him.

A pure crystal with grass properties that symbolizes recognition. Inside is a hollow leaf with a strange pattern.

"Thank you."

Kashiwagi smiled broadly.

The seventh one!

The battle with Overlord Orchid Mantis went so smoothly, without any glitches, that he couldn't help but want to run to Gurgling Hill to catch Overlord Tench.

Although there was nothing much going on in the afternoon, I still had this urge.

Just when Kashiwagi was wondering whether to do this or not.



Reminders and screams rang out one after another, and he felt an evil wind coming from the side, forcing him to turn around and hide in Regice's arms.

It's just that the other party acted too quickly.

Even though Regice's prismatic arm had been lowered, the evil wind still blew him almost down.

Kashiwagi took a quick look, and saw a pair of aqua blue with a rainbow halo, the shell and hair were pink, and the black Kapu Diedie was not far away from him.


There was no emotion or anger on Kapu Diedie's face, she just walked around Regice like a curious baby.

It tried to stretch out its fingers and tap on Regice.


Kapu Diedie was particularly shocked by the cold feeling.

Bai Mu quietly moved away, thinking that the island's patron saint's senses were really keen, and at the same time guessing the purpose of Kapu Diedie's coming.


He can help.

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