My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 821 Ah! Old Man Long!

Pokémon version of Yangzhi Nectar.

Use zhili pulp as the base, and squeeze the juice from mango and peach fruits in proportion.

Then mix in mint leaves, some kind of sun-dried plant seeds, sweetness, and an appropriate amount of moo milk, and shake it up and down ninety-nine and eighty-one times to prepare it.

The finished product has an extremely fragrant and alluring fragrance, resembling flowing gold under the sunlight, and the lychee pulp is like pearly white jade in a lake of gold, crystal clear, shiny and moist.

What a great deal!

The appearance alone is enough to make many customers dig into their wallets.

Kashiwagi looked at the Chihiro on the other side, who was smiling and gesturing for the big-mouthed kid to enjoy, and he couldn't help but feel respect for the young cooking expert in his heart.


The congenital drink holy body is so terrifying! Drink fairy!


The big-mouthed baby didn't have any random thoughts like his trainer, and he picked up the reed stick and sucked it.


The sweet smell lingered in its mouth, and its eyes shone like stars.

Drink it well!

Having traveled to so many cities with its trainer, visited so many bustling large shopping malls, and eaten at countless restaurants, its horizons are no longer comparable to those of ordinary people. Ordinary food cannot produce psychological fluctuations in it.

But the poplar nectar in front of me...

It's worth it!


Big Mouth Baby quickly turned to look at the trainer and Porygon II, eager to let them have a taste.

The eldest lady is never stingy when it comes to sharing food. She will give it generously to anyone who asks for it. If she is still unsatisfied afterwards, she will think that the total amount of food is too small instead of sharing it with others.

Although this is not something particularly praiseworthy, as a trainer, it is definitely something that is pleasing to see.

Kashiwagi and Porygon II each took a sip.



Their sentiments are the same.

The big-mouthed baby showed a smile. It was keen to see other people praising the things it liked, which greatly satisfied its desire to share.

The emotional value provided by others is one of the reasons why it is so good at sharing.

It happily took out the mobile phone from the trainer's pocket and shook it under the surprised gaze of Zhihua Orang, "What?"


Zhi Hua Orang nodded.


Big Mouth Boy started watching TV series while drinking a drink.

Kashiwagi next to him was in a complicated mood. In addition to confirming whether the Z Pure Crystal was easy to use, he also wanted Big Mouth Baby to relieve the hidden pressure in his heart through verbal therapy.

But as of now.

It doesn't seem like there's any obvious pressure?

Kashiwagi smacked his lips. He had already relaxed and wanted to chat with Zhi Hua, but the big-mouthed boy was actually indifferent...

Could it be because of his presence?

He glanced at the chimpanzee who was happily cleaning cups and reed stalks, and then gave Porygon II a look. When he got a response from the latter, he stood up and walked outside.

Big Mouth Boy took advantage of the situation and looked towards him with his eyes still on the phone screen, "What?"

"Get some air, it's okay if you drink slowly... and stop looking at your phone?"

Kashiwagi left a message.

He knew that after he went out, Big Mouth Boy would definitely pause and lock the phone screen. For some reason, as long as it was his message, the eldest lady would always obey it obediently.

If you were there, you might even be reluctant to say something coquettish.

Outside the treehouse.

Kashiwagi took out the detector, and the green dot symbolizing himself and the red dot symbolizing Z pure crystal on the screen seemed to overlap.

The "wild" Z pure crystal is here.

At some point in the future, Zhihuang will take out an abandoned Z bracelet and give it to Mao. He once used this to guess that Zhihuang once had a trainer.

Admittedly, it is possible that it picked it up.

But Kashiwagi personally believes that if it were someone else's lost Z bracelet, Chiwagi would probably give it to the king of the island.

Most ordinary wild Pokémon don't have this awareness, but the Chimp who can open a tavern and build a tree orchard can definitely do it. Its IQ and EQ are not comparable to those of some adults in the Pokémon world.

If it's really a relic...

It's hard for him to ask for it.

While he was thinking secretly, a huge creature suddenly fell from the sky.


The ground shook, and weeds and dust began to drift.


At first glance, he looked like an old man. He had a slender neck that was as curved as an arch, and looked like some kind of long-haired lizard. He let out a dull roar.

"What a big one!"

Kashiwagi was surprised. It was the first time he saw a Pokémon like Old Man Dragon with his own eyes. It seemed to be two circles larger than the image in the Pokémon Encyclopedia.

The other person seemed to be startled when he saw him, tilting his head and blinking his big eyes with unclear pupils.

The atmosphere is peaceful.

After all, Old Dragon Stone is a kind-hearted and easy-to-get-together Pokémon. It will take the initiative to communicate with people and other Pokémon, and it likes innocent and cute children the most.

What’s interesting is that multiple sources record that it will stand up for children with whom it has a close relationship. If that child is bullied, it will come to that person’s home overnight and use its dragon breath to tear down that person’s home.


The Old Man Dragon has always been known as the dragon of justice and the dragon that is friendly to children.

Unfortunately, its number in the wild is relatively rare, so you are lucky to see it outdoors.

Kashiwagi took a deep breath, resisted the urge to stroke its big furry tail and those two yellow banana eyebrows, walked a few steps to the side to give way to the steps, and said:

"As you please."

"Oh woo..."

With a gentle expression on his face, the old man climbed up the steps and stuck his huge head into the door, leaving most of his body outside.

no way.

It's impossible to fully advance at its size.

But for the old man who came here for a drink, just one head was enough.

In front of the bar in the wooden house.

The quiet Big Mouth Baby and the frantically vomiting Porygon II were both startled by the old man's big head, and quickly looked at the boss Zhihuang.

If this was an invasion by wild Pokémon, they would take action.


Zhi Hua orang gently pressed his hand down to signal the two guests to calm down, and then called out to the old man Long, "Hey?"


The old man's huge head nodded.

After a while, a glass of blood-red berry juice was brought to it.

The old man Long didn't hesitate, he picked up the wooden bowl and drank it all in one gulp. Then he spit out the wooden bowl and made a sound like those green forest heroes in martial arts movies who shouted "good wine" after drinking a bowl, blowing the hair of the orangutan. Strong breath!



Zhi Hua orang looked confused, then sighed helplessly, "Yeah, yeah, yeah~"


The big-mouthed boy found it very interesting, so he covered his mouth and smiled in a very ladylike manner.

Outside the treehouse.

Kashiwagi, who was standing below, saw the old dragon retracting its head. He thought it would fly away, but he never thought that this big guy would come to him.

Then he turned around and pointed his tail at him.

"Uh, what do you mean?" He was a little confused. His tail was itchy and he wanted him to scratch it twice.

The old man said nothing, but twisted his long neck and stared at the cypress, and then his tail swung up and down, like some kind of stuffed toy.

This... who can bear it!

After a brief silence, Kashiwagi glanced towards the tree house again and stretched out his paws silently.


It feels great!

There wasn't much expression on his face, as if he was really just scratching Old Man Long, and his cute and unrelenting movements betrayed him.


There was something kind in the old man's expression.

After a few minutes.

Baimu reluctantly took out his hand and said to Old Wenglong: "Thank you... This is for you, I think you will like it."

He took out a fiery red Poké Cube.

Remember that this old dragon loves to eat bitter and sweet berries, so this Poké Cube is just right for it.

Old Man Long sniffed it, rolled it up with his thick tongue and swallowed it. His crescent-shaped yellow eyebrows suddenly became elegant, as if dancing.

Apparently he likes the taste.

Kashiwagi was relieved. Halfway through touching it, he suddenly realized that the old man's tail was not itching for him to scratch, but that he discovered his little thoughts about the tail, so he took the initiative to let him touch it.

Lao Wenglong's subsequent actions also proved this point.

What a magical Pokémon!

Although his appearance looks like he is older than his age, the old man dragon is indeed a particularly friendly being to humans.

If anyone says that Old Man Long is dangerous in the future, he will be the first to refuse!

Kashiwagi watched him take off with a thump and leave, feeling quite at peace in his heart.


There was a rustling sound next to my ears, and the source was the tree house above.

We chatted and chatted!

His eyes lit up, he took a few steps over the steps to the second floor of the tree house, and secretly observed the chatter of the big-mouthed baby inside -


He looked at Porygon II, who was blabbering about what the wise gorilla said, and then at the obedient Big Mouth Child, turned his head, blinked, and looked inside again.

It was Porygon II still complaining, even if he changed his posture and did it again.

...What's going on?

Kashiwagi opened his mouth and silently lowered his eyes.

Porygon II's ability to chatter shows that it actually has small emotions hidden in its heart that it is embarrassed to express to him. How can it not be a good thing if we can continue to drink Huangli Juice and resolve matters with Zhihui Orang?

If he thinks only big-mouthed kids can complain...

That's off the mark.

Kashiwagi saw the big-mouthed baby looking over as if aware of it, and raised a finger to signal it to stop talking and let Porygon II vent its emotions.

Big Mouth Boy nodded to express understanding.

The smarter the Pokémon, the more things they dream about and the more they think about.

No matter how friendly the atmosphere is, over time, there will always be one or two things that make Porygon II feel a little uncomfortable, but not to the point of being angry.

Then hold it in.

Keep holding it in, hold it in until you can no longer hold it in, and then it will burst out.

Porygon II is a living existence. Its vivid life and completely independent thoughts are destined to never be the same as Kashiwagi.

Sometimes I get into trouble with myself, let alone a partner.

Return to the ground.

Kashiwagi rubbed his neck.

Although he was committed to leveling a bowl of water and trying to make them happy every day, there were still shortcomings that he could not discover at all due to the influence of the authorities.

Naturally, there is no talk of subsequent introspection.

Who let Arceus pinch him for a long time but only pinched someone?

“What a great place.”

he murmured.

The more you can let Porygon II out, the less impact it will have when it is suppressed until it explodes in the future.


Witnessed the comings and goings of two more groups of wild Pokémon guests.

Kashiwagi returned to the tree house and quietly asked Porygon II, who was a little embarrassed, "Did you say anything?"


The toy duck just finished talking, and found that he was talking from beginning to end. The big-mouthed boy was just like Boss Cordora who came with him last time, and he didn't say a word.

This makes it a bit doubtful whether it is too small-minded.

After hearing this, Kashiwamu turned his head to look at Big Mouth Baby with a little surprise. The latter's eyes were sparkling, and he was holding a glass of mango sago in his mouth.


He couldn't help but comb Big Mouth Baby's bangs.

Once upon a time, he would be complained if he gave this young lady bangs, but now it has completely gotten used to this little action.

It can be seen that the power of the sun and the moon changes.

No worries... that's good.

With the help of super evolution, Kashiwamu and Big Mouth Baby can reach a state of telepathy. Then he will ask it carefully about its thoughts.

Kashiwamu retracted his gaze, thought for a while, and said to Zhihuixing who brought a glass of pear juice:

"Excuse me, do you... know where there is a Z-pure crystal nearby that is not under the jurisdiction of the dominant Pokémon?"

Past experience told him that it is best to be straightforward when dealing with Pokémon. It is true that Zhihuixing is smart, but it is also a Pokémon.

It is meaningless to beat around the bush.

When Zhihuixing heard this, he subconsciously glanced at the Z bracelet on his wrist.

Kashiwagi continued: "To be honest, I want to collect all the Z crystals of all attributes, and I have worked hard to participate in the island tour to challenge the dominant Pokémon. I have collected eight so far."

He took the initiative to show the box he used to store Z crystals. It was originally a wooden box, but now it is wrapped with a layer of kitchen tin foil.

Because the manual of the detector shows that a layer of tin foil wrapped around the Z crystal can effectively shield the detection.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

Zhihuixing turned around and washed his hands, pulled out a small wooden box on the bar, and took out a Z bracelet from it.

On the Z bracelet, a pink Z crystal was covered with dust.

Zhihui looked at it with a warm look, "Yeah~"

"You also have a Z bracelet and Z crystal here?"

Kashiwagi asked knowingly, surprised: "Could it be that you... had a human trainer partner before?"

Zhihui, who was lost in memories, looked up in astonishment, a little confused, and then shook his head with a smile, "Yeah~"

Polygon II explained: "Zhihui said that this is its own Z bracelet and Z crystal, not some human trainer's partner. '



Kashiwagi thought of a possibility, his eyes widened slightly.

But before he could speak, Zhihui told the story of the Z bracelet like he drank pear juice.



Zhihui was not as Buddhist as it is now. It wanted to do something different with its intelligence that is no less than that of humans, such as...

Using Z moves alone!

It tried to replace the trainer with itself and perform Z dance steps to achieve complete autonomy of Z moves.

But unfortunately, even though it had gone through so much trouble to get the Z-Bracelet and Z-Crystal, this bold idea still failed in the end.

Z-Moves can only be realized by humans and Pokémon together.

Frustrated, Zhihuixing sealed the Z-Bracelet and Z-Crystal under the bar of the tavern, and it was not until today that it saw the light of day again.

Zhihuixing silently took off the Z-Crystal on it, put it on the bar and pushed it to Kashiwagi, laughing: "Ah, oh, oh!"


Kashiwagi suddenly didn't dare to take it.

He had thought that if it was a Z-Crystal left by a deceased trainer, he would give it up, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

It's not easy to take it! This is Zhihuixing's youth!

"Ah, ah, ah~" Zhihuixing saw his hesitation and shook his head with a smile.

Porygon II translated:

『Make the best use of it. 』

ps: py a new book "Hokage Teacher, Gojo Satoru Teacher is Invincible"

This p friend writes a fine book, the quality is absolutely guaranteed

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