My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 822 Brother and sister looking for their mother

"I'll put it to good use."

Kashiwagi took it shamelessly.

The Z pure crystal is pink, with an eye-like pattern inside, which has superpower attributes.

The ninth GET!

He put it away properly, feeling happy that half of the Z pure crystals he had collected had reached the total.

In the remaining two islands, the King of the Island, Merdan, and the Queen of the Island, Hapuu, can produce two pure Z crystals on a fixed basis. The known overlord Pokémon, Scalyptus, can produce one Dragon Z, so there are still six Z crystals left. There are vacancies.


It's all on you! baby!

Kashiwagi touched the detector while putting the box away.

It's a good thing that the money was not wasted. Fortunately, apart from catching Pikachu and causing trouble, the Rocket trio are pretty reliable.

After leisurely drinking Huangli juice, Kashiwagi got up and said goodbye when he saw that it was late.

Before leaving, leave a small box of Poké Cubes to pay the bill.

He may not have anything else in his pocket right now, but he will definitely not be short of Poké Cubes, which he keeps stuffed more frequently than his mobile phone.

After all, where can you get free sex by touching Pokémon?

Something has to give.

Poké cubes that are easy to carry are naturally the best choice.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..."

Zhibo looked at the Poké cubes on the table and scratched his head in confusion.

The forest tavern never charges fees. It is true that some wild Pokémon are willing to leave some feedback, but it is usually tree fruits, sweets and the like.

This thing——


After opening it and smelling it, the eyes of wisdom gradually brightened.

Outside the treehouse.

Porygon II was losing interest due to his failure in duty. Kashiwagi didn't say anything when he saw this, and reached out to touch its round head.

The smarter the Pokémon, the more they dream. For a Porygon with a strong sense of responsibility, the current verbal comfort may only have the opposite effect.

He decided to find an opportunity to rest for a few more days later.

In this way, Porygon II would have the opportunity to visit the forest tavern again and relieve all the stress accumulated in the past few days.

Thinking about it, Kashiwagi looked at the big-mouthed kid on the other side.

Unexpectedly, he heard a low-pitched but rhythmic singing voice from the other party's slightly trembling lips!


Sensing the gaze from the trainer, the big-mouthed boy shyly closed his mouth, flipped his head like an arrogant person, and pointed his jaws at him.


The slightly ferocious jaws were open, as if threatening.

Kashiwagi patted it angrily and said, "I'm drooling!"


The big-mouthed baby hurriedly closed its mouth on the back of its head, grabbed it with one small hand and observed it carefully, and asked the trainer for a napkin with the other hand.

It has never been able to tolerate the appearance of savagery in its behavior as a lady.

When it realized it had been deceived, it rolled its eyes.



Kashiwagi: "Hey~"

Return to the beach house.

Since I didn’t have any plans for the next half day, I moved it to daily training.

The "check for leaks and fill the gaps" he shouted when leaving the Ole region was not just a slogan. He has been working hard to make up for the team's shortcomings these days.

And currently.

The only obvious shortcomings in the team are the two ghost attributes, Gengar Gengar and Galar Sun Coral.


The latter's combat effectiveness is actually not that far behind the big teams. The low output has nothing to do with whether it works hard or not. This guy is not positioned as an output player.

The shortcomings are limited to lower levels.

But this incident is not its fault alone. The main reason is that Kashiwagi will give priority to other Pokémon when receiving level rewards.

All in all, Gengar is the only one who is clearly lagging behind.

"Have you really made your decision?"

He looked at the fat gray man in front of him who had restrained his usual playful smile and became serious and solemn.

I didn’t expect that it would come to me after the training.

Geng Gui nodded: "哓GA!"

In fact, it had been prepared long before it came to the Alola region, and at this time it was just using some of the courage it had mustered up.

It has to face the fear of the past - super evolution.

After successfully super evolving, even if its energy level cannot keep up with the first echelon, its output and other aspects will not be too far apart.

So what else to consider?

Gengar also has a backbone, okay?

Even though it always likes to do tricks and twist its face like plasticine, doesn't it want to be as calm and calm as Boss Cordora?

I don’t have the confidence!

"In that case, okay."

Kashiwagi nodded and put Gengar's super evolution on the agenda.

After learning that Shan Min had prepared the Gengar Evolution Stone for him, he put it aside for the time being and decided to cultivate his relationship first.

It is difficult for mega evolution to succeed without an emotional foundation.

The original giant steel snake proved this point. If Caiyu hadn't carried it with her since the opening of the tournament, and the two sides had further developed a close and harmonious relationship based on the bits and pieces of their battles together, it would have been difficult to return to the top of the Orei region. Mega evolution can be achieved in one week.

Kashiwagi contacted Yamamin: "Did you prepare a surprise for me?" 』

Shanmin: "...Huh?" 』

Kashiwagi: "I heard from Daigo-san that you prepared a Gengar evolution stone for me. 』

Shanmin: "Oh, there is such a thing. Why do you want it now? 』

Kashiwagi: "Gengar wants it, and of course I want it too, but it seems a little impatient. You also know that my team is actually quite competitive..."

The three evil dragons' desire for the ace position was palpable. He was not blind, so how could he not see it.

Even other Pokémon have the faint idea of ​​challenging Boscodora's position.

To this day. .

There is no longer a completely Buddhist Pokémon in the team.

Even Sun Coral, an office worker, was forced inward. Doron Baruto, a social dinosaur, was also holding back his energy and wanted to make himself stronger.

At least don't be defeated in front of powerful enemies as often as in the past.

Shanmin: "I understand. I will send it to you tomorrow." 』

Kashiwagi: "Thank you very much." 』

He sent a bow and thanked him, but received no reply.

So busy.

Kashiwagi sighed inwardly. From the few sentences exchanged just now, it is not difficult to see that Shanmin's reply to him was completely taking a break from his busy schedule.


The day for the Ole League Conference is getting closer and closer. If Shanmin fails to do a good job as a planner, how can he have the nerve to run for the president of the Ole League?

The burden on people's shoulders is heavy, it is the conference and the mayor of Huangtie Town.

"In two days, we'll be there in two days."

He said to Gengar who was full of expectations.

After daily training.

Kashiwagi randomly clicked on a Pokémon to experience the Z-move. He wanted every Pokémon to experience the feeling of the Z-move.

It might come in handy in the future.

After all, Z moves are never limited to attack methods. If you use Z pure crystal in different moves, it will bring many unexpected effects.

He remembered clearly the general attribute Z [Point Point] and the flying attribute Z [Tailwind].

On the basis of retaining the effect of the original move, a new effect [Easy to Hit the Key] is added. The former is suitable for the Dragon King Scorpion with the sniper characteristic, and the latter is suitable for the Crow Leader with the [Super Lucky] characteristic.

The crit team.

It's a pity that Kashiwagi doesn't have two.

"Once you become familiar with it, the physical strength consumed by the Z move will be reduced... but unfortunately the number of times will not increase." He gently patted the sand off his body.

What Dr. Kukui said makes sense.

Unfortunately, the Z bracelet takes at least half an hour or more to "charge" each time.

Unless they can conquer any of the island's guardian gods, these guys can directly fill the part of the natural power that the Z bracelet lacks.


The next day.

Something unexpected happened to Kashiwagi.

Brother and sister Gladion and Lillie paid a sudden visit.

"Please... lend a helping hand!"

The face of the middle school boy could not see the relief he felt when he untied his sister's knot yesterday, only the worry-filled and sincere plea.

Beside him, Lillie, who was wearing a ponytail, also bowed at 40 degrees and said loudly: "Please!"

He actually came to your door!

Kashiwagi thought about it for so long yesterday and finally decided not to get involved. He never expected that Gladion would come to the door.


He vaguely remembered that in the animation, when Xiaozhi wanted to help, Gladion said, "I'm sorry to involve you, but it's an internal problem within our family." But in reality, he came to ask for help.

"First let me hear what happened."

Kashiwagi suspected that there was some unexpected change in the process.


During Gladion's brief narration, he understood that the plot had not changed, but that because Lillie wanted to act together, Gladion was really uneasy.


Find a bodyguard for his sister.

Kashiwagi instantly understood Gladion's thoughts.

The middle school boy thought that Xiaozhi was just a trainer who was the same as him and could not be compared with him who frequently beat him violently, so he refused Xiaozhi's help at that time.

But he probably didn't expect that Xiaozhi would come to his door, and that Little Nebula was the Solgaleo he was looking for.


He didn't know what kind of danger he would face. The Ultimate Cave was like a mystery to Gladion at this time. He was worthy of praise for not showing any hesitation or fear because of this.

Kashiwagi fell into silence.

Gladion, who was standing opposite, looked calm, but in fact, he was as worried as his sister.

Since the road ahead is full of unknown fog, he must find enough chips as much as possible to avoid the tragedy of separation of flesh and blood from happening again.


Kashiwagi suddenly spoke and asked with a smile while the brother and sister looked like their hearts were jumping into their throats: "Have you had breakfast?"

Both of them shook their heads.

Then Gladion realized something and quickly refused, "We still-"

"You are hungry, your sister is hungry, and your Pokémon are all hungry. How can you have the energy to do things like this? The more important the event, the more important it is to ensure your physical condition. You can't just eat two tree fruits to cope with it. of."

Kashiwagi shook his head.

Even the army’s emergency food can ensure the human body’s needs.

Gladion heard this, no matter how reluctant he was, he didn't want the Pokémon and his sister to starve with him.

Lillie was going to say that she could overcome it, but considering that her Alolan Vulpix was dangling white, she was not very confident.


The siblings and their Pokémon enjoyed a wonderful breakfast.

The originally restless heart calmed down.

Feeling full is always reassuring.

Seeing that the two of them no longer looked anxious to collect debts, Kashiwagi smiled and took out three Poké Balls and said: "I probably can't go with you, but they can help you."

Lillie didn't know why, and Gladion's eyes were slightly bright.

"Are they willing to obey my orders?"

"Don't worry, as long as you have the elf ball in hand, they will definitely listen to you, and the same goes for your sister. There is no need to worry, they will be the most loyal guards."

The ones lent to Gladion were undoubtedly the Three Divine Pillars.

If I remember correctly, they came back before the sun went down in the evening, so there was no need to worry about delaying training or anything.

Furthermore, he will also go to the Sundisk Altar on Poni Island today. On the one hand, he will see Cosmo evolve into Solgaleo, and on the other hand, he will challenge the Overlord Staff-Tailed Scaled Dragon.

Kill two birds with one stone.

How beautiful.

"Thank you very much!" Gladion's heart was full of joy. He had seen the power controlled by the three divine pillars.

With their sister Lillie's safety, her safety is guaranteed.

Lillie was confused and asked: "Mr. Kashiwagi, who are these three Pokémon?"

"Legendary giants, I heard from Xiaozhi that you are very knowledgeable, so you shouldn't recognize them, right?" Kashiwagi said with a smile.

Lillie covered her mouth in surprise, "The legendary giant!"

Although she was once unable to touch Pokémon due to psychological trauma, she has always maintained her enthusiasm and yearning, and the legendary Pokémon is naturally within her understanding.

this moment.

She understood why her brother refused Xiaozhi's help, but came to ask another trainer for help.

A giant who can conquer legends.

What a powerful trainer this must be!

"Haha, don't be too surprised. In the end, legendary Pokémon are just Pokémon. You can get in touch with them more and tear away the mystery from them."

Kashiwagi laughed.

Lillie is the fantasy beast girl who will have Magearna in the future, and she complements the mythical beast boy Xiaozhi perfectly. In addition, her good friend Mao Mirai also temporarily took care of a Semi.

The Sun and Moon Chapter can be said to be the chapter where legendary Pokémon and fantasy Pokémon have the most intimate communication and interactions with humans.

Lillie was very excited and nodded: "I will definitely do it!"

The brother and sister left.

Gladion has now received clues that drive him to the Sun Altar where Poni Island is located. He wants to try his luck there and see if he can find Solgaleo and open the Ultimate Cave.

Unexpectedly, Xiaozhi took the initiative to send it to him.

"'s time for us to take action."

Kashiwagi packed up his things.

After a while.

He and the three evil dragons came to the Bear's lair, where Capu Bear was getting angry because the Rocket trio disappeared again.


Compared to the last time when it was completely missing, this time it left some tracking traces on two people and one cat in advance.


The dressed-up bear said apologetically that he had no time to entertain him.

Kashiwagi waved his hand, took off the puppet bear on his head and put it into his arms, saying, "Let's go find them together? I happen to know where they are, and I'm going to do something there."


Wearing a bear was unexpected.

Kashiwagi nodded, "Something big is going to happen. I'm going to be a spectator and help out if something goes wrong."

Dressed Bear agreed.

Because it also feels that something big has happened——

There was no sign of the island’s patron saint this morning.

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