My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 660 An ex-girlfriend fell from the sky?

After Zhang Ping'an applied for his bib account, he rarely posted any news about his personal life on it. Most of his personal bib account was used for publicity, which was originally to promote his live broadcast platform. He never posts pictures about daily life matters, and he has no habit of giving advice in the Chinese entertainment industry. He doesn't want to become the "discipline inspection committee" of the Chinese entertainment industry like the principal.

Although ‘Zhang Ping’an’ doesn’t post much information on his personal account, he has an account ‘Uncle Black’ hidden behind his back. However, the news published by Uncle Hei is also some dynamic news about the Korean entertainment industry. Recently, he not only updated the girl group on Uncle Hei's, but also expressed some of his own opinions on China's "Uncle Hei" account.

But today, when Zhang Pingan wanted to show off photos of his trip to Japan on a whim, he logged into the personal account of the bib, but as soon as he logged in, he found a lot of information about himself?

Zhang Ping'an thought that he didn't seem to have any news recently that needed so much 'at' for him to read, right? After he completed the transaction of the platform, he read some news on Weibo, because during that time, many people expressed surprise when the principal became the CEO of the 'Panda Platform'. At the same time, the public is also very confused. Why did Zhang Ping'an, who was developing well, suddenly announce that he would no longer play in the "battlefield" of the live broadcast platform?

Is it because he can't afford the "battle for anchors" that has just begun? Definitely not, because the live broadcast platform has the title of "No. 1 in China" in the hands of Zhang Pingan. The number of major anchors on his platform is the largest in the entire live broadcast industry, and they cannot be poached by other platforms. After all, Zhang Pingan's anchors are all signed under his agency.

When Zhang Pingan sold the platform, he also packaged and sold all the contracted anchors. You must know that what Zhang Pingan holds in his hands are the top leaders in the live broadcast industry. Of course, many people asked Zhang Pingan on their scarves with questions. But when it comes to business matters, netizens will definitely not get the answer. Even after the anchors signed by Zhang Pingan were ‘sold’, they didn’t know why Zhang Pingan suddenly stopped playing?

It has been nearly a month since the platform was sold. It stands to reason that the news should have subsided after the news has passed. No matter how you think about it, you feel that in the past month, it is impossible for many people in China to call you on their scarves, right?

So with his mind full of questions, he clicked on the messages 'at' him and went in to read them.

As soon as he saw the news, Zhang Ping'an laughed, "What is all this?"

In August, a big event occurred in China's entertainment industry. A certain beauty from the Western Regions is in love with the actor named "Han" who starred in the mainland version of "Meteor Shower"? And Zhang Pingan was directly ‘at’?

Because last year, when Fatty came to Seoul to film, she arrived in Seoul early. At that time, Zhang Pingan took her to visit Myeongdong, which has a lot of Chinese people.

It happened that the two of them had been photographed by Chinese people when they were shopping, and Pang Di was relatively blurry in the original photo. Another time, Zhang Pingan and Fat Di were recognized by passers-by while eating at a terrace restaurant on the Bund, but Fat Di was not well-known at the time.

Well, even now she is still not famous. Although her TV series have been broadcasted a lot, not many people can call her by name! !

But because Pang Di and Zhang Pingan were photographed together twice, the Internet also clearly pointed out that there was a beautiful woman beside Zhang Pingan who was not sure whether she was mixed race or from the Western Regions. Finally, someone came out to confirm the news, it was a beauty from the Western Regions! !

So when the relationship of this slightly famous "Beauty from the Western Regions" was exposed this time, people directly took the lead. Many 'Rhythm Kings' directly pointed out that she was the beauty from the Western Regions who once stood next to Zhang Pingan!

This makes people sit at home and pots fall from the sky. Inexplicably, it was reported on the Internet that Zhang Pingan and this beauty from the Western Regions were in love, and there were photos to prove it!

After Zhang Pingan saw the so-called photo, he wanted to say, this is obviously a photo of Fatty, okay? It's just a picture from the back. In the picture, Fatty is wearing clothes that this beautiful woman from the Western Regions also wears in a similar style.

Zhang Ping'an is really depressed. These are obviously the clothes that were popular last year. Just like the popular military green flight jacket, you can see from the back that the styles are almost the same, okay? As long as you don’t look at the prints and labels on the front, they all look the same on the back! !

Moreover, the principal recently took over the live broadcast platform and shows off his presence online from time to time. After the news came out, he actually sent a message, "Hey, the analysis is really spot on, 'at' Zhang Pingan, have you come out to see your ex-girlfriend from the Western Regions?"

Zhang Ping'an got a headache after seeing these news. He finally wanted to show off his travel photos, but what happened to him?

Zhang Ping'an had no choice but to speak out on his scarf, "I was still visiting Sensoji Temple in Tokyo, and suddenly I said that I was in love with 'Gulina'? It's really 'inexplicable'. Did it depend on my travels?" I'm missing a 'female companion'. Are you using this kind of news to remind me not to forget to experience the 'wonderfulness' of Tokyo night? Please see it clearly, especially those otakus who come to Tokyo with other ideas. The three characters read "beautiful young man"! I advise you not to learn the "feat" of "Shennong tastes hundreds of herbs" in Neon! "

Along with the text, Zhang Ping'an sent selfie photos of himself at Kaminarimon Gate and Sensoji Temple.

After Zhang Ping'an's article was published, countless netizens burst into laughter, "Hahaha~~ Brother An is indeed an excellent program producer, and even his words are so interesting! I have realized the word 'dirty'."

"Hahaha~~ Brother An finally spoke up on his scarf. This level of speaking~~~ is amazing!"

After paying attention to Zhang Pingan's smile, he burst into laughter after seeing Zhang Pingan's voice. "Brother An, I will take you to fly in the game, and you will take me to fly in Japan, okay?"

Zhang Ping'an then replied with a smile, "'Sun Dasheng', take out your stick and go to Thailand to slay demons! Because Japan only has 'breasts/bells' that can be seen in 'Wu Ye'! Let's do some popular science. The pronunciation of 'Ling' in Japanese is 'Sisi'. There are many girls named 'sisi' in China. Three out of ten nightclubs have this name! So you can go to nightclubs and use the money from this trip to pick up girls named 'sisi'! "

The two articles published by Zhang Pingan in a row made netizens dumbfounded. So Zhang Pingan is so "connotative"? Sure enough, only Chinese characters can reflect our power!

Many netizens laughed like crazy, "Brother An, you are so talented, please pay attention!"

"It turns out that An Geer, who is studying in Tokyo, has not forgotten our Chinese culture!"

"Hahaha, Brother An is a talented person. If you are so eloquent and don't do live broadcasts, it's really unfair."

"A man of culture, he doesn't use any curse words at all! But he intuitively shows the beauty of Chinese writing!"

"Little Nana clapped her hands beside her and laughed. Thank you, Brother An. You suppressed my news instantly as soon as you came forward."

Many Chinese celebrities saw Zhang Pingan's voice on the Internet and sighed. Zhang Pingan's words are really "sao", and they are also very topic-driven, because he quickly removed himself from Picked out from the whirlpool of scandals.

Well, it should be said that this love news itself has nothing to do with Zhang Pingan. I don’t know who is deliberately setting the pace for Zhang Pingan. Who knows that Zhang Pingan is also an expert at manipulating the direction of the Internet. He didn't angrily accuse those who messed up the rhythm, but used the topic to lead to a place that even men found interesting. In a few words, he diverted the public's attention from him and the mysterious beauty from the Western Region.

Yes, aren’t men’s topics just those things that they hide and dare not talk about? Zhang Pingan took advantage of the public's curiosity about this matter and successfully swayed the Internet trend.

After Fatty saw Zhang Pingan's words on the scarf, she directly sent a message on "Hahaha, what nonsense did you write on the scarf?"

As Zhang Pingan walked towards the Sky Tree, he chatted with Pang Di on the Internet, "Didn't this sudden Internet topic come to my head? Of course I have to remove myself. This is a public relations ploy." , anyway, this matter has nothing to do with little Nana and that man, it must be the topic of one of their teams!"

Then Zhang Pingan sent another follow-up message: "I don't know, why did the news suddenly involve me? I rarely appear on China's Internet."

Fatty replied, "Don't you still show up less? You are an out-and-out 'Internet celebrity'. Are you and those Korean idols on China's Internet hot searches?"

When Zhang Pingan saw her message, he immediately changed the subject, "By the way, when will your filming end?"

"Maybe there are still two months. What about you, why did you suddenly go to Tokyo? Isn't the focus of your career in South Korea?"

Zhang Pingan replied, "I came to Tokyo to escape the summer heat. It has been close to 40 degrees in Seoul these days, while Tokyo is only 33 degrees."

"Is Tokyo a summer resort?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled, "No, the air-conditioned room is the real summer resort. Or go to the southern hemisphere at this time, it's very cool there."

"It's so uncomfortable with the air conditioner blowing. You should go to the southern hemisphere."

"I'm going to the Southern Hemisphere next month, and there's a shooting going to New Zealand."

"That's great. Are travel programs like yours available all over the world?" Pang Di knew that "New Journey to the West" filmed by Zhang Ping'an was a travel program. She thought she went to New Zealand this time just to film that program. .

Zhang Pingan replied, "No, that program is scheduled to be filmed in China for the time being. As for Journey to the West, I might go to your Western Regions to film that day. Are you taking a break now?"

"Why don't you take a break during lunch? What about you, have you had lunch?"


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