My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 661 Reply

(PS Both chapters were revised yesterday. They were not unblocked after being reiterated. The second unblocking took 48 hours. So after thorough revision, they were republished.)

After finishing chatting with Fatty, Zhang Pingan came to the platform under the Sky Tree. He looked up at the observation deck of the Sky Tree and talked about a completely unrelated topic, "It's really strange. Do they think I'm easy to bully, or what?" Why did the topic come to me?"

In fact, Zhang Pingan is really a good talker. First of all, he often appears on the hot searches for scarves in China because of his relationship with some top Korean idols. Secondly, after the recent sale of his platform, he has disappeared from the public. within sight. Everyone is still very curious about the sales of his platform, so the topic is slightly directed towards Zhang Pingan, and then the public's attention naturally turns to whether there was a story between Zhang Pingan and Gu Lina.

At first, because the two of them made some remarks on their scarves, they made their relationship public out of nowhere, which caught people off guard. Then the Chinese paparazzi took photos of the two lovers kissing, and they even posted them on their neck scarves.

This man, because his ex-girlfriend was quite popular, he and his ex-girlfriend ‘Zheng Shuang’ were in a high-profile relationship at the beginning of last year. After breaking up, he immediately entered a second relationship, so he was described as a scumbag on the Internet.

And Gulinana, not to mention, naturally attracts black bodies. This is really a love affair between a "black body" couple,

After the two admitted their relationship, the Internet began to focus on their "black bodies". Many people also said that this was a pair of scumbags hyping each other up. It can be said that after the love affair was exposed, 'Zhang Han' was hacked by netizens on the Internet. In addition, they made it public themselves, and even his team had no information in advance. The ‘Zhanghan’ team saw their artist being criticized so much, which would directly affect his income.

Moreover, the exo members who recently returned from South Korea have become the top traffic stars in China. In the past, it could be said that it was difficult for him, a "little fresh meat", to grab a job from the "four returning brothers". Now he I can only pick up some of the remaining business of the 'Four Sons'.

His team took a look and realized that if they continued to be hacked like this, there would be no hope at all. So Zhang Han's team remembered that Zhang Pingan was once rumored to have been with a beautiful woman from the Western Regions? Simply involve Zhang Pingan, and with Zhang Pingan, the 'tall' man, supporting them, they can at least get a little breather, so this farce on the scarf happened.

Anyway, this is the situation in the entertainment industry. Everyone likes to use various means to cover up. If it can't be covered up, they will use guidance to let the people who eat melons be led away by the rhythm of the public. Then a large number of melon-eating people joined in, and it became a "network boom". It was all noisy and noisy in the beginning, but ended up being nothing more.

Although it is said to be nothing,

But the Internet has a memory, and some mistakes that have been made will always be recorded there.

At this time, this pair of "recruiting black bodies" involved Zhang Pingan, and the enthusiastic people on the Internet were successfully led astray by Zhang Pingan. Their news will slowly be forgotten.

But Zhang Ping'an really couldn't bear to think about it. He was inexplicably involved in the love affair of this "black body" pair? ?

He stood under the sky tree and took a photo, and then he posted on his scarf, "I remember when Xiaoxiao was explaining "League of Legends" last year, he said that the 'little umbrella' was under the 'big brother' or something. . If you stand here and adjust the camera angle, do you think it’s a big tree?

After Zhang Pingan published this news, he immediately announced another message: "Yes, Tokyo Sky Tree, I am going to participate in the Ascension Conference? Let me use the telescope above to see, why on earth do you want to involve the love affairs of your stars?" Are you talking about your relationship? If you have nothing to do, don’t blame me. I’m only half an insider. Please stop using these dirty tricks to make news, lest I watch. Annoying. So, please allow me to watch the fun quietly on the Sky Tree. You won’t be able to go to the sky anyway. And classmate Gulinana, others say you are my ex-girlfriend, but you don’t even come out to explain. Then when you have time for us to have a meal together, you have to treat me to a meal, right? Everyone, please pay more attention to their love! Look, these two are so passionate. !”

When sending the second message, Zhang Pingan once again posted a photo of Gu Lina and Zhang Han kissing on his bib account, which has tens of millions of followers. He threw the pot back again. He originally thought that Zhang Ping'an would quickly distract the public's attention after joining the battle, but who knew that he would come back with a counterattack in the end. Once again, the public's attention returned to the two.

And what Zhang Pingan said this time was quite exciting. It even directly pointed out that they are using dirty tricks in the entertainment industry, and they are attracting public attention.

Zhang Pingan felt quite happy after making his remarks! Because he made it clear to them very directly, what if you want to continue playing something dirty? Then he must have more dirty tricks. In the end, it all depends on who can't afford to lose.

Netizens laughed out loud when they saw Zhang Pingan taking two more photos and making comments twice. Because he started the most straightforward response on the Internet, and even at the end he didn't forget to make fun of the pair of "recruiting black bodies"!

The article was quite good to Gu Lina. After all, she is a woman. Zhang Ping'an was quite sympathetic to her and he didn't go too far!

The network flow once again returned to 'Zhang Han' under the guidance of Zhang Pingan. It has been a while, but this photo has been revealed again? What a scumbag, all kinds of shameless words were put on his head. Internet trolls, including his ex-girlfriend, also came under his scarf and continued to smear him. It's better now, Zhang Han's neck scarf was once again invaded by the navy.

Classmate Zhang Han was also impatient. Not long after Zhang Ping'an's message was sent, he immediately updated his message, "Mr. Zhang, please be careful with your words, or I'll see you in court!"

Zhang Ping'an immediately responded on his scarf, "How come you are allowed to set the pace, but you are not allowed to speak. Want to sue me? I applauded and welcomed, and I just have a group of lawyers who don't know what they are doing. The man keeps his word, you want to sue me, I'm waiting. If you don't do it, then you are not worthy of being a man! There is a reward pool of one million, please follow the news and get the reward for 100 units. , the upcoming iPhone 6sp!”

Zhang Ping'an directly started to 'offer a reward', which allowed reporters to follow Zhang Han unlimitedly!

Zhang Han is an impulsive person. When he sent this message, he didn't discuss it with his agency at all. He also threatened to go to court with Zhang Pingan? After his team learned the news, they immediately said, "Can you make our company worry less? Do you know how much Zhang Pingan's live broadcast platform sold for? Why are you going to court with him? He posted Are there any suspicions of defamation in these articles? If you sue him, I'm sure you won't even get an apology. Even now, Zhang Pingan says that if you don't sue, you are not a man! Now everyone is paying attention to this matter. Are you ready? what to do?"

Are you suing? I guess such a thing will not be accepted, right? Because the article Zhang Pingan used was just to condemn the dirty tricks they used. Can this be sued? I guess there's something wrong with my brain, right?

Therefore, Zhang Pingan’s reply to Zhang Han on his scarf this time can be said to be quite beautiful.

Reporting doesn't work. Don't tell me, he is not a man. So his agency told him clearly, "Keep silent, don't wear a scarf, and you're not allowed to read online news recently."

Because if he went to see it, it would only make him upset. Zhang Pingan had given away a hundred units of the soon-to-be-released ‘iphone’. In order to build momentum on the Internet, hundreds of thousands of real money were spent!

Zhang Pingan put away his phone with satisfaction after sending the last message, which was about the time of the lottery.

The principal, who had been silent for a long time, came out after the battle. "Hey, Brother An, what's going on? Why did you start a quarrel? What's there to say with such evil writing? There are only two works, so there are only two You can post some comments on the scarf to keep the heat. It’s obvious that he is rubbing off on your heat.”

Zhang Pingan stopped reading the scarf news because it was really boring.

Fatty sent another message to calm down. And Zhang Ping'an's battle with the scarf soon spread to Girls' Generation's ears. After all, Lin Yoona has a very close friend in China recently.

When Zhang Pingan was preparing to go to the observation deck, his cell phone became lively.

Sika: "?? I heard from Yoona that you were quarreling with a Chinese star on China's scarf?"

"It's not really a quarrel, it's just that I suspected that his team deliberately used online messages to get me into trouble. So I just expressed my dissatisfaction!"

Taeyeon: "When did you become so angry that you learned to quarrel?"

"I am gentle only when facing the people who live in my heart. As for those outside who come to mess with me even if they have nothing to do, I have to tell them that I am not easy to mess with, right?"

Pani "I heard that you had a quarrel on China's S? Did you win? Or did you lose?"

"I must win. I have practiced bickering with you every day. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if I lost?"

Yoona: "Hey, I heard that your quarrel was trending?"

"Come on, let's have a fight so that we can be on the hot search tomorrow? I heard that you are going to China for promotion in a while?"

Lin Yoona: "What do you mean, you don't care about me too much? I'm too lazy to tell you."

"Care, care, how could I not care about you? You are the face of Girls' Generation, Lin Yoona. You know, there are countless people queuing up in the world to care about you. So I definitely care more than those who are queuing up. you!!"


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