My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 645 Departure

Hongdae, Ha Dongxun's store, there are many top artists present today. Both G-Dragon and Lee Ji-eun are top-notch entities in the music industry.

Zhang Ping'an also met Quan Zhilong for the first time today. The two didn't have much communication after meeting. Maybe their social circles are different? I don’t know if he was acknowledging the situation or if he had other ideas. Even after being introduced by Liu Zaishi and others, the two simply shook hands, and then there was no other conversation.

G-Dragon’s life is half music and half fashion. Zhang Ping'an is half in production and half in capital. At the same time, in his eyes, "fashion" is just a joke. From what Zhang Ping'an wears on weekdays, it can be clearly revealed that he does not pursue much 'fashion'.

Although the two of them are about the same age, and logically have many similar topics, some people are inherently different from each other. Therefore, the two of them didn't have much communication at the dinner table. Zhang Ping'an mostly chatted with Liu Zaishi, Park Jinying and others. Park Zhenying also brought two bottles of good red wine to the wine table at the celebration banquet, but Zhang Pingan didn't do much research on red wine.

After the meal, Liu Zaishi didn't drink. He sat for a while after eating and then said goodbye. Because he had filming tomorrow, and Zhang Pingan and Li Zhien also left one after another. Li Zhien did not drink. After eating some barbecue, she also expressed that she was leaving. However, Zhang Ping'an did not leave with her. Some things should not be revealed too much.

After Li Zhien left for almost half an hour, Zhang Pingan said goodbye. Although He Dongxun wanted to keep Zhang Pingan to continue drinking, Zhang Pingan said that there were still important things to do tomorrow, so they did not force Zhang Pingan to stay.

When he arrived at Li Zhien's house, she had already taken a shower and was sitting in the living room waiting for him to come back. After Zhang Pingan came back drunk, he held Li Zhien's face and kissed him: "Hehe, you are also very beautiful with short hair."

After being kissed by Zhang Pingan, who was full of alcohol, Li Zhien smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Oppa, have you drunk too much? Do you want me to give you a glass of water?"

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "I didn't drink too much, I was just thinking about leaving for a trip tomorrow, so I felt a little excited."

Li Zhien was also affected by Zhang Ping'an's words. She smiled sweetly, and then pointed to the document bag on the table in the living room: "What should I do with this thing?"

"Look where you put it. Just don't lose it. I'm going to take a shower first." After Zhang Ping'an finished speaking, he walked towards the bathroom, and Li Zhien took his document to the bedroom, and then put it in the bedroom. This document of his was locked in a cabinet with some of his contracts.


When Zhang Pingan came out from the shower,

The two went directly to the bedroom. The room was very air-conditioned. The two lay on the bed. Li Zhien slept in his arms and said, "How should we set off tomorrow?"

The reporter at the gate of Incheon Airport went to work very early. If the two of them went to the airport together, wouldn't it be obvious to deliver news to the reporter? So Li Zhien felt that he needed to plan something.

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Tomorrow you can take a car and wait twenty minutes and I will take another car. We asked the driver to go in from the underground garage without going through the main door. Also, I checked on purpose Look, there are two flights departing for Okinawa at the same time, one is Japan Airlines and the other is Korean Airlines. You booked it from Korea, and I booked it from Japan.”

Li Zhien thought about it and realized that Zhang Pingan's suggestion was a good one. It's a pity that we can't take the same flight, but it doesn't matter, as long as the arrival time is the same. Moreover, different airlines have different waiting rooms, which are actually designed for others to see. After all, this is South Korea. Even in the VIP waiting room, Li Zhien and Zhang Pingan appearing at the same time will cause unnecessary trouble.

For the sake of safety, Li Zhien could only nod and accept this arrangement: "Well, just as you said. It's really hard for you to run back and forth like this today."

"What kind of hard work is this? I am also very happy to be able to see you earlier."

Li Zhien said: "By the way, I didn't see you chatting with Quan Zhilong when we were eating. Don't you like him?"

Zhang Ping'an deliberately teased Li Zhien and said, "My orientation is normal, how can I like men?"

"You know that's not what I meant. I mean, neither of you had any communication."

Zhang Ping'an shook his head and said: "What kind of communication can he and I have? Maybe our personalities can't get along well? I don't know whether to talk about work or life? But whether it's work or life, the way he and I are... It’s different, so I don’t have any desire to communicate.”

Li Zhien asked curiously: "Why is it different?"

"The perspectives are different. When talking about work, Park Jin-young and I have more topics to talk about, because we both look at problems from the position of the president. And he is only an individual, and the company's problems will not be controlled by him. To worry about it. And the lifestyle is even more different. He pursues things in the fashion world, and I don’t pay much attention to fashion, so we definitely have nothing in common.”

"What about music? Can't we talk about music together?"

Zhang Ping'an shook his head and said: "Tonight's celebration banquet was all about interesting things. Who talked about music concepts? Okay, get some rest early. We're going to leave early tomorrow morning."

Tonight, the two of them didn't have any trouble, they just simply hugged each other and slept. Early the next morning, Zhang Ping'an got up first because of his biological clock, and planned to wake up Li Zhien when it was almost time.

After washing up, Li Zhien didn't even eat breakfast and started packing directly. This trip to Okinawa is a tropical place, so his clothes were very light. Shoes, also a pair of slippers, a pair of sandals are enough for all situations.

Soon, the two of them headed to the airport one after the other. They were waiting in different departure halls for flights to the same place.

At 11 o'clock at noon, the two landed in Okinawa. Li Zhien put on a long skirt, a straw hat with a wide brim, sunglasses, and a pair of exquisite sandals.

Zhang Pingan seemed extremely relaxed. He had no luggage and no hat, only a pair of Sika brand sunglasses. Shorts, short sleeves, flip flops. This is how the two people's journey began.

After coming out of the airport, Zhang Ping'an dragged Li Zhien's suitcase with one hand and handed the envelope containing one million yen in cash to Li Zhien with the other hand: "Put it in your bag."

Li Zhien looked at the thick stack of cash and said speechlessly: "Why did you exchange so much money?"

Zhang Ping'an said: "You have been to Japan so many times, don't you know that this is a country of cash? Cash is needed for eating, buying gifts, renting a car, everything."

Li Zhien put the money into the bag he was carrying and said, "You can't exchange it for so much, right?"

"Aren't we going to stay for a week? It's not much money, so I'll rent a car first." After saying that, Zhang Ping'an pushed his suitcase towards the information desk. Naha's airport is not big and there is no car rental station. Here at the airport.

Zhang Pingan is fluent in Japanese and has a Japanese driver's license. Renting a car is a very simple matter, even though the nationality on his passport says: Chinese!

After struggling for almost half an hour, Zhang Pingan rented a BMW convertible. When you come to the sunny Okinawa and see the blue sky and white clouds here, how can you not drive a convertible? BMW's 5 Series Convertible is pretty good.

With the convertible open, Zhang Pingan drove Li Zhien towards the bustling urban area. Because Zhang Pingan came here without any luggage, he had to go to the urban area to buy some clothes, swimming equipment, etc.

The hood was open, facing the wind and feeling the hot sunshine in the sky, but Li Zhien's mood was indescribably free and comfortable. She raised her hands in a 'surrender' gesture to feel the wind in front of her.

Some transcendent anime theme songs were playing in the car stereo. When the theme song of Sister Pao sounded, Zhang Pingan increased the volume in the car, and then Zhang Pingan roared in the car as if he was watching a concert: " Hey~~hey~~hey~~~”

He also knocked on the steering wheel from time to time, which made Li Zhien sitting next to him laugh: "Hahaha, it's the first time I see you like this."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Well, I really like the theme song of this anime."

Li Zhien nodded and listened to Sister Pao's theme song with Zhang Pingan. After the song ended, Li Zhien said: "It confused me to death some time ago."

Zhang Pingan turned down the music and turned to look at Li Zhien beside him: "Why?"

"It's not because of you. You asked me to choose a place in Okinawa or Hokkaido. I found a lot of photos on the Internet to compare. I really hesitated for a long time."

What can I say about these two places? The summer in Hokkaido is also very beautiful, which is a comfortable feeling close to nature. Okinawa is a tropical island and also has very beautiful water entertainment and blue sea and blue sky. Two different leisure modes gave Li Zhien a difficult choice.

But in the end, Zhang Pingan told Li Zhien the fact that between Hokkaido and Okinawa, there are relatively more Korean tourists in Hokkaido, while there are fewer in Okinawa. In the end, Li Zhien chose Okinawa, which has very few Korean tourists.

How should I put it? Okinawa is an island, and there are too many such island resorts around the world. And there are so many island options, Okinawa is not the first choice for island vacation. So not many people travel to Okinawa. For example, people from China who come to Okinawa seem to be seeking visas, right?

However, for Zhang Pingan and Li Zhien, Okinawa is a good choice. Li Zhien rarely has the opportunity to visit such an island on weekdays. In addition, it is almost impossible to see Korean tourists here, so in the end Choose to come here.

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