My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 249 Paris

Zhang Pingan appears on Japanese entertainment pages more often than all the members of their group, of course, this is all because of Sika. After all, Girls' Generation is still very popular in Japan, and at least there are readers willing to pay for reports about them in the news. As for the success of the programs produced by Zhang Pingan in South Korea, the Japanese media have no interest in that, because Japanese variety shows are much more interesting than the programs produced by Zhang Pingan, so such news is not worthy of being reprinted.

Faced with the words of 'Silly Apple', Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "I don't want to be in the news for a long time because of my relationship, but the media is very persistent about celebrities' love affairs. However, it's better to make it public, at least We don’t have to worry about media tracking anymore.”

Silly Apple showed his silly and sweet signature smile and said: "The media is only interested in the love affairs of big stars."

Isn’t this nonsense? Which media would report news about unknown little stars? Even if the news about these little stars were reported, no one would care, right?

Zhang Ping'an nodded and smiled: "That's for sure. The media needs click-through rates to operate, right? Reporting some unknown celebrity news is not as good as broadcasting some anecdotes. You are going to France this time to hold a concert. ?"

Sayuri immediately shook his head and said: "No, we are not qualified to hold concerts overseas now. This time we were participating in an event (Comic Expo) and we had time to perform two songs."

Zhang Pingan frowned and said: "The Comic Expo will give you two songs to perform? Are you going to France? If it is some overseas promotional concert, similar to South Korea's "Dream Concert" and other stages, I think it is right The promotion of your group is even greater. I don’t understand this comic exhibition. Also, you don’t have a choice. It’s a good opportunity to have such an overseas event, and it’s also a self-funded trip to France. Already?"

In fact, Zhang Ping'an wants to say that even if AKB is called to a cartoon exhibition like this, it is just a supporting role and has little significance for the group's overseas promotion. Because most of the people who come here are animation lovers. As a girl group, if the sword dance group like Korean idols can still shock the audience, but with only two songs... such a trip, even if it is The reimbursement of air tickets just adds a little bit of color to this comic exhibition, nothing more.

Sayuri smiled and nodded and said: "It is indeed a kind of trip at public expense. We have not thought about the other meanings in it? At least we have gone to France. This is a romantic country that many people dream of. ”

They also thought that this time would be a 'public trip'. Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Then you have no other arrangements after the performance? Let's go around Paris together then?"

Sayuri smiled and said: "Well, it may be in the afternoon after the performance the day before. After that, we don't have any plans. There is just an outdoor shooting the next morning, and we have to rush back after the shooting. Japan. I thought we could stay in Paris for two more days, but our single is about to be released and we have to come back to prepare.”

Zhang Ping'an said in surprise: "Oh? Returning to China so soon? I thought you were going to stay in Europe for a few more days. I also plan to visit several European countries this time."

All of them wanted to take this opportunity to stay in France for two more days, but their schedules did not allow it. So they were a little disappointed, but anyway, at least they went to Paris, which was considered as a girl's dream come true.

Sayuri smiled and said, "Where's Senior Jessica?"

Zhang Ping'an said: "She has some work arrangements that make it difficult for her to stay in Tokyo.

And I made an appointment with you, and I can't break it, so I will go alone this time. When the time comes to go shopping, you can bring your friends with you. This is also my first time going to Paris. "

Zhang Pingan's words asked her to bring her friends with her, which reassured her and also prevented some young tourists from China from actually taking pictures of herself and a girl alone, thus saving her trouble.

Sayuri nodded and said, "Okay, I will bring my good friends with me then."

"Well, let's meet in France." After chatting, Zhang Pingan went to the VIP waiting room, and because it was 'public expense', they naturally couldn't arrange any business class, so they could only wait for the flight. Waiting slowly in the hall to board the plane.


When Zhang Pingan and Sayuri were chatting, her teammates all made space for the two of them, but each of their eyes glanced in the direction of the two of them from time to time. They were really curious, how did Sha Youli know Zhang Pingan?

Zhang Ping'an, China's rich second generation, has appeared on a Japanese TV show, and coupled with his public relationship with Girls' Generation's Sika, most of them know about him.

Among them, Mai Shiraishi has the closest relationship with Sayuri, so she is the most curious one. Waiting for Sayuri to return to the team, she asked Sayuri in a low voice: "How do you and Zhang Pingan know each other?"

Sayuri smiled and said, "We met by chance. At that time, he had not appeared on TV, and he had not yet fallen in love with Jessica from Girls' Generation."

Bai Ma smiled and said, "We met by chance? Did we strike up a conversation?"

Sayuri nodded and said, "Well, strike up a conversation. When I was on my way home from get off work, he took the initiative to strike up a conversation, so we got to know each other. We just had a simple chat at that time, and he didn't know what I did. Yes, I don’t know what he does.”

Shiraishi Mai shook her head and said: "I didn't expect that someone like him would strike up a conversation on the street? He didn't have any thoughts about you, right?"

Mai Shiraishi felt that men who struck up conversations on the street must have some agenda for women, and it was mostly because they were lonely and wanted to find one-time companionship and excitement at night, at least in the city of Tokyo.

Sayuri smiled bitterly and stared at Shiraishi Mai and said: "How could he have any thoughts about me? He said at that time that it was a bit deserted to eat alone and wanted to find someone to accompany him to eat. You also know that Chinese people like to date We went to dinner with friends. And after dinner we went home separately. Besides, given his conditions, do you think he is short of women? "

Mai Shiraishi thought about Zhang Pingan's appearance, and when she thought about his nearly one billion yen mansion that appeared in the show, she smiled and said: "That's true, it is indeed easy to find women with his conditions."

Sayuri didn't tell Shiraishi Mai that Zhang Ping'an went to France this time because he actually made an agreement with her. Because she felt that it was meaningless to say it, and it was possible that Shiraishi Mai would not believe it.

Soon everyone on this flight boarded the plane. Zhang Pingan was enjoying the high-end service in the first class cabin, while Sayuri and the others were crowded in the economy class at the back, happily imagining the upcoming arrival in Paris, France.

As the flight lasted longer, they all fell into a state of exhaustion while sitting in the economy class. The peak of nature is only the two hours before the plane takes off. Waiting for two hours after a long flight is a kind of torture, especially in economy class. Even if you want to go to the bathroom, you have to be unbearable before you go, otherwise you have to call the person next to you. It's very annoying when people give in once and then give in again.

As everyone pulled down the curtains on the plane, the cabin also became dark. Sha Youli sat alone on a chair and began to think slowly, why did Zhang Pingan accept the appointment this time? Logically speaking, after having a girlfriend, it is a matter of course that even if you should not arrange this trip to France. But Zhang Pingan chose to go to the appointment?

Do you want to have sex with yourself in Paris?

But it still doesn't make sense that he would go to Paris just for a chance. If you didn't see him in the economy class, then he was at least in the business class. With such a round-trip ticket price, I don't know how much 'assistance' I can find in Tokyo. Sayuri is really confused.

The simplest thing is to just stop thinking about it if you don’t understand it. Anyway, let’s talk about it after we get to Paris.

The plane landed in Paris in the local afternoon. The scorching sun was shining brightly in Paris at this time, which was the most lively time, because the summer daytime here is beyond your imagination, and the afternoon here was as scorching as noon. When the sun is shining, it is a good time to travel and play.

After coming out of the airport, Zhang Pingan dragged his suitcase to the taxi station. He must have taken a taxi by himself, because they had a special car to pick them up. In this regard, Zhang Pingan's treatment is not as good as theirs.

For the hotel, Zhang Pingan still chose his favorite Mandarin Oriental Hotel. After arriving at the hotel and arriving at the suite, Zhang Pingan stood on the balcony of the room, took a photo and sent it to Sika, as well as to Pani and Taeyeon.

Because of the time difference, the afternoon in Paris is the morning in Asia. So Pani, who was preparing to return, was the first to reply to Zhang Pingan's message: "What, where is this?"

Taeyeon also replied: "Hey, this doesn't look like Japan?"

"I'm in Paris!"

Pani replied excitedly: "Paris? Aren't you in Tokyo? Why did you suddenly arrive in Paris? Could it be that you took Sika to the romantic Paris with you?"

"No, I came to Paris alone."

Pani replied in confusion: "Alone? Paris? Are you kidding? It's not you and Sika who quarreled, right?"

"No, I just came over to have something to do and will go back in two days."

"I thought we delayed your world during this trip, so you two had a quarrel after we left."

When Zhang Pingan returned to the room and lay on the bed chatting with them in Asia, the members of Nogizaka also arrived at the hotel where they were staying. The organizer arranged for them to have a good rest today after arriving, but how could they still be thinking about resting after landing in Paris?

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