My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 250 Paris (2)

When the plane lands in Paris, it is officially the busiest afternoon time here. The organizer was quite merciful and prepared a hotel for them to rest on the day they landed in Paris. After all, long-distance flights are very tiring. But for these children who are full of all kinds of fantasies about Paris, rest? You have already rested for more than ten hours on the plane, why should you rest? Of course, taking advantage of your free time to visit Paris is the most important thing.

For them, this trip is very tight. They don't have much time left for sightseeing, so why not seize every minute and every second of free time? Go to bed and wait until night. Now that the weather is nice, why not take a trip around Paris and see the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe? So after putting down their luggage, they started discussing whether they should go out for a walk?

The 'freedom' of Japanese agencies is reflected at this moment. As long as the artists do not delay their schedule, their private time is their own. If you want to go shopping or rest in the hotel, you can feel free to do so. There will be a performance tomorrow anyway. Moreover, the agent who came with me had never been to Paris himself. He was going out for shopping.

Silly Apple and Shiraishi Mai shared a room. After tidying up, they looked at the sunny weather outside the window and thought about going out. Sayuri turned to look at Mai Shiraishi and said, "Hey Mai, the weather outside is so nice. Should we go see the Iron Tower? The Iron Tower under the blue sky and white clouds must be beautiful, right?"

Mai Shiraishi looked at the weather and it was indeed beautiful. She nodded and said, "Well, I have rested long enough on the plane anyway, so it would be good to go out for a walk. Ask them, I am sure everyone wants to go out."

Sayuri said with a smile: "Hehe...just the two of us can go out."

Japanese idol groups lead their own lives after get off work. They have never lived together in the same dormitory, so there is no tacit understanding between them like a group life? After all, everyone goes their separate ways as soon as they come out of the TV station after get off work. It's your own business to go home or eat, while others have to live their own lives. Or if you are close friends, make an appointment to have dinner together and then go home separately.

So even if we come to Paris at this time, everyone is thinking about going out to play or something, and they will not talk about group activities. After all, when there are too many people, there will inevitably be disagreements. You want to go to the Eiffel Tower, I want to go to the Louvre, and she wants to go to Notre Dame de Paris. Who needs to give in to whom? But anyone who gives in will feel a little unhappy. After all, he wanted to go but couldn't do it because of humility, which will leave some regrets.

Moreover, it was impossible for them to visit all the attractions during their arrival time, so they separated and it was best to go out with two or three people who had the same opinions. This was also the method they always used.

Mai Shiraishi looked at Sayuri a little confused, just the two of them going out? If we were in Tokyo, it wouldn't matter, at least there would be no problem with the language. But when we come to France, traveling with two people is a bit dangerous, right? Moreover, they had checked relevant information before coming to France. There are many thieves in Europe, and they specifically target Asians!

Looking at Mai Shiraishi's appearance, Sayuri took out her mobile phone and said with a smile: "Isn't there... another one?"

When Sayuri took out her cell phone, Shiraishi Mai also knew that she was referring to Zhang Ping'an. She felt a lot more relieved to have a man traveling with her. Mai Shiraishi said: "He just got off the plane like us. What if he wants to rest?"

"Can't we just ask? If he doesn't go, let's ask if anyone wants to go together." After saying that, Sha Youli sent a message to Zhang Pingan: "Ping An Sang,

The weather outside is nice. Do you want to go see the Eiffel Tower? "


Zhang Pingan, who was lying on the bed, received an invitation from Sha Youfa to play together. In fact, after the plane landed, Zhang Pingan saw that the weather outside was so good, and he himself was thinking about whether to go out for a walk? But before he could give Shayou the news about his haircut, the other party sent it over first.

Zhang Pingan replied to Sayuri: "OK, please send me the location of your hotel, and I will contact the tour guide here to pick you up."

Zhang Pingan knows that there are many Chinese students in France. Some of these students are working as purchasing agents, and they also work part-time as translators, tour guides, etc. He can contact many of them just by taking out his mobile phone and "checking". Of course, if you find a hotel, they will also help you contact the translator and tour guide. Moreover, the tour guide provided by the hotel was safer, so Zhang Pingan asked the hotel to contact a Chinese tour guide.

Zhang Pingan was drinking coffee in the hotel lobby. After waiting for almost half an hour, the tour guide arrived. He was a middle-aged uncle. Zhang Pingan learned that he had been living here for many years and had been working as a personal tour guide on weekdays. After a brief introduction, Zhang Pingan asked: "Tour guide, can you contact the vehicle, because I still have two friends here..."

As he spoke, Zhang Ping'an handed the mobile phone to the tour guide to check the location. The tour guide looked at the location and smiled: "I know where it is. We only need to take the subway to get there in ten minutes. I really don't recommend renting a car. There is traffic congestion in Paris. Far surpassing Yanjing and Shanghai in China. Last year, there was a special report that the annual loss caused by congestion in Paris was 677 euros per vehicle user, so as long as it is not a large group coming from China! , I really recommend taking public transportation.”

"Okay." Zhang Pingan chose to follow the tour guide's advice and take public transportation.

Following the tour guide, Zhang Pingan soon arrived at the hotel where they stayed in Nogizaka. Of course, the hotel they stayed in was not as luxurious as Zhang Pingan. After he gave Shayu a haircut, she came out with Shiraishi Mai. Both of them were dressed in typical Japanese styles, dresses, but the weather was also suitable for dresses.

Sayuri wore a knitted sweater, while Shiraima wore a lace dress. Both of them looked very beautiful in the sun.

Because they were all putting on makeup in the room before waiting for Zhang Pingan to arrive. How can you not be beautiful with the blessing of makeup?

Zhang Ping'an introduced the two of them: "This is a tour guide I found at the hotel who also serves as a translator. He will be responsible for accompanying us today. We can choose to follow his plan, or we can go and see where we want to go. , he can take us there. I think if we follow the tour guide’s plan, the itinerary may be a bit tight, so we might as well choose to take it easy and go see the Eiffel Tower and then walk around the Champs Elysees. A small shop or something?”

The tour guide was a little surprised when he heard Zhang Pingan speak Japanese so fluently, because he had also used Mandarin fluently when the two people communicated before.

Listening to Zhang Pingan's introduction, Sayuri and Shiraishi Mai greeted the tour guide before they said to Zhang Pingan: "Why don't we follow the tour guide's arrangements today? Because we don't have much time to stay, even if I've been there for a while. Let's go shopping tomorrow afternoon. Do you think we can go shopping around the Champs Elysées?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and nodded: "Of course, then we will follow the tour guide's arrangements. By the way, we are using public transportation and we don't have a car. The tour guide said that if we rent a car, we may not be able to do so much sightseeing Point. Traffic in Paris is very congested, and parking around attractions is very difficult. Only Tokyo has no traffic jams.”

Zhang Ping'an's last sentence made the two of them laugh: "Hahaha~~ It is indeed rare to see traffic jams in Tokyo."

The group of people followed the tour guide to the Eiffel Tower first. Taking the subway is a very convenient means of transportation. After arriving at the square beside the Eiffel Tower, the two of them couldn't wait to take out the cameras they carried with them from their bags, and Zhang Pingan took out I picked up my mobile phone and started recording the scenery. Tourists from all over the world gathered under the Eiffel Tower to admire this giant steel tower. It was once criticized as useless, but now it has become a landmark building in Paris!

The tour guide was responsible for explaining to Zhang Pingan, and Zhang Pingan was responsible for translating for the two of them. During this hurried trip, the three of them quickly became familiar with each other. Even the title has changed from the honorific title of 'Sang' to the more familiar title of 'Jiang'.

"Ma Yixiang, you two, don't go too far..." Zhang Ping'an pointed to the coffee shop not far away and said, "I'll buy you two drinks, coffee or juice?"

Sayuri smiled and said: "We have come to Europe, so we must choose coffee. I want cappuccino."

Mai smiled and said: "Thank you 'Ping An-chan', I want a cappuccino too." This 'cappuccino' is really girls' favorite type of coffee, but in Korea 'American' is more popular.

When they were buying subway tickets earlier, the two of them deliberately touched their wallets, but Zhang Ping'an blocked them back with a smile. "Although Japan has an AA system, for Chinese men, it's not easy to hang out with women." Let the lady take out her wallet. Because this is a manifestation of gentlemanly demeanor for Chinese men. ’ Of course the tickets were not expensive, so the two accepted Zhang Pingan’s kindness.

At this time, they had no intention of paying for the drinks themselves, so that Zhang Pingan could behave like a gentleman.

Shiraishi Mai looked at Zhang Pingan's retreating back, smiled and said to Sayuri beside her: "I didn't expect Zhang Pingan to be such a gentle man."

It is said that Japanese women have two appearances, one appearance is when they treat men, and the other is their real appearance in private and when they treat their female friends.

Japanese women are always such little women in front of men. They can achieve the ultimate in "gentleness". As for privately...haha, then you have to see if they are sloppy!

:. :

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