My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 289 Heading to Tokyo

The night on Hong Kong Island is one of the best in the world. Zhang Pingan and Xika are sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the hotel room admiring the beauty. At the same time, they are listening to songs with headphones on. The song "IF.YOU" sung by Lee Ji Eun was played.

The gentle tune, coupled with Li Zhien's extremely warm and comfortable voice, the whole song can be said to be interpreted beautifully by her.

Even though the lyrics recorded "after the breakup", the song became beautiful under the beautiful night sky, beautiful scenery, and beautiful voice. There is not much accompaniment, just like the original song Zhang Pingan played for her, the guitar is the main theme of this song.

The guitar sounded in this beautiful night sky, and it played the whole song sexy/sexy.

The night sky, guitar, beautiful scenery, plus Li Zhien's ethereal voice, this is the best interpretation of this song! Zhang Ping'an felt that Li Zhien's singing was definitely ten times better than the 'Original Sing'!

After listening to the song composed by Zhang Ping'an, Sika turned her head and stared at him, she said her thoughts: "This song...I really like it. This is definitely a hit song, I didn't expect you to give such a good thing to Li Zhien? Why not give it to your own children?"

"Our children follow the hip-hop style, and such lyrical songs are not suitable for their style. I only think of two singers for this song. The first is Li Zhien, she is my first choice. The second is Taeyeon , if Li Zhien doesn't want it, I plan to give it to Taeyeon." Zhang Pingan talked about his own singer candidate.

This made Sika laugh: "This is the first time I've heard you put Taeyeon behind others. Aren't you a 'Taeyeon fan'? Why don't you give it to your favorite singer?"

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said, "Because Zhien is more suitable for this song than Taeyeon. I am a well-known 'wall fan'. How could it be someone's regular fan?"

Sika smiled and said, "Hee hee, but Li Zhien really plans to use this song to make 'Three Noes'? Is it a bit extravagant? Such a good song, no matter how you look at it, it is at the title song level."

The singer's so-called three noes: no song schedule, no physical album, and no publicity. It is equivalent to saying that this song will only publish the sound source on the Internet, and it doesn't matter what kind of results the song will achieve. Even if the fans strongly support Li Zhien's rankings, it is absolutely impossible to make more money than the songs with physical albums. After all, it only costs 100 won in Korea to download one time. (equivalent to fifty cents)

"The song was given to her. How she wants to publish it is her business. How can I interfere? I didn't give the song to her to make money, just because it suits."

Xika followed Zhang Ping'an's words and said, "When will you write some songs suitable for our girlhood?"

"I can't write a song that fits your girlhood,

Such a daunting task should be left to your company to complete. By the way, I plan to go to Tokyo tomorrow. I won't attend the opening of your store. I don't want to be on the news page. It's the same when they come to accompany you, right? "

The matter of the Sika brand, after he helped her solve the hidden dangers, will definitely get better and better in the future. And Zhang Ping'an has completely withdrawn from her brand, he no longer has the brand's shares in his hands, and most of the media titles he attends such events are labeled as "boyfriend". Zhang Pingan didn't want to be labeled.

Once you put a label on it, the label will follow you for the rest of your life, which is not what Zhang Ping'an wants. Just like the "principal's ex-girlfriend", Zhang Pingan doesn't want to be labeled in the future. He just thought that when the media reported him in the future, it would be fine to use "Zhang Ping'an" even with a "Huaxia Rich Second Generation" in front of his name, which would be better than the label of "Sika Boyfriend".

Hearing that Zhang Ping'an was going to Tokyo, Xika was a little taken aback. Didn't she agree to open the business with her? Although Xika also knew that Zhang Ping'an would be busy promoting his photos after he passed by, but he was not in a hurry for two days, right? Xika wondered, is it because he has no shares in his hand, so he doesn't really want to participate in such activities?

She hesitated and said, "Oppa, you don't want to participate in this opening event because of the shareholding issue?"

"If I were someone who cared so much about shares, I wouldn't have given away all the shares in my hand. Compared with the brand, I would like to see your smile more. Shares, money, these are really not important to me , at least the profit of my own company will not make me short of money. I just don’t want to deal with the media. After all, I’m not an artist, and I don’t need the media to pay too much attention to my life. I don’t want to be like you, It’s hard to even go to the streets.”

Zhang Pingan doesn't want to be like an entertainer, who has to cover up when he gets too much attention. He needs to live a free life.

After Xika understood what Zhang Ping'an meant, she nodded and said, "Understood, then don't participate."

"Tai Dixu will come to H.K tomorrow, right?"

Xika smiled and said, "Well, I'm coming here at noon tomorrow. It seems that the program team will come with me. I wonder if I can borrow their program for publicity? Even if it's a flash scene."

"If you really want to promote your brand, then just participate in an issue of "I Live Alone". I will definitely not mosaic your brand."

"Let's talk about it when we really need to promote it. Now I think our 'Girls' Generation' is enough."


Night is beautiful, and so is Sika. On the night before parting, the two spent a 'stormy' night. Early the next morning, Zhang Pingan still ran a few laps around Victoria Harbor after waking up. The time difference has been slowly adjusted, and he can adjust to a normal state in at most two days.

After running back, Zhang Pingan had a brunch with Sika and then he went to Tokyo, while Sika went to the store alone. The store will open soon after tomorrow's press conference, and she has to go again Check whether your store and employees are prepared enough?

Taidi Xu landed at H.K. in the afternoon, and Sika went to pick up the plane alone. When Pani saw that Zhang Ping'an was not there beside Sika, she became curious and asked: "Hey... Where's Zhang Ping'an? Why didn't you see him come together? Is he resting at the hotel?"

Sika responded to Pani: "Let's go, he left after lunch and went to Tokyo. He said that the promotion of this 'photograph' is very important, so he needs to contact many advertising companies to promote it together. And this time He even boasted that he would sell 100,000 copies. I asked my Japanese friends, and they all said that "100,000 copies" is almost impossible."

Taeyeon nodded and said: "He is a bit stubborn, and he must work hard to complete the things he believes in. This time he may try his best for the 100,000 copies of 'Haikou'? I don't know when If he fails to achieve it, will he become very depressed, or will his confidence be undermined?"

After hearing Taeyeon's words, Sika curled her lips and said, "He, he is really looking for trouble. My friend said that the best-selling 'AKB' would be worth 30,000 to 50,000 copies. But he said 100,000...forget it. Well, let's see when the time comes, let me see if I can help you buy some?"

Pani waved his hand and said, "It's better not to. If you help behind the scenes like this, even if he reaches 100,000 volumes in the end, he will hurt his self-esteem very much after knowing it. Let him learn some lessons from failure, so as not to let him Lawless."

While they were chatting about Zhang Ping'an, he had already returned home in Tokyo with his luggage. The house is very tidy, because Shiraishi Mai has been living here all this time.

When entering the entrance, there is a pair of ladies' slippers placed at the entrance, but Mai Shiraishi is not seen in the room, maybe there is a job to shoot, right?

After putting down her luggage, Zhang Pingan went to the kitchen to look at the refrigerator. There was more life in the refrigerator, water, fruits and vegetables, and some of the leftover meals she had left in the refrigerator.

This time when Zhang Ping'an came to Tokyo, Mai Shiraishi was not notified in advance, so she didn't know that Zhang Ping'an was coming.

Zhang Pingan dragged the suitcase into the cloakroom, tidied up his clothes, and returned to the living room. He saw that there was no coffee beans prepared by the coffee machine. He shook his head and planned to go out to buy some other things to put in the refrigerator, such as wine, meat, and coffee, because his stay in Tokyo this time would definitely not be short.

When going out, Zhang Pingan took the car keys of the newly bought Lamborghini at home. Buying a car in Tokyo is really very cost-effective, especially the price of sports cars does not drop much, so he ordered two in one go, and a Ferrari 458 that will be launched next year!

It is a comfortable thing to drive a super sports car in Tokyo, a city without traffic jams. Although it is impossible to fly in the city, as long as there are no traffic jams, it will be very smooth.

Not many passers-by on the streets of Tokyo stopped to look at the super sports car after hearing the roar of the engine. Maybe it is because there are more sports cars in Tokyo?

Zhang Pingan swaggered through the city in his super sports car, and soon came to a large supermarket, Ito Yokado, where he could buy fresh food and livestock, which was also different from ordinary convenience stores.

Zhang Pingan checked that there was not much meat in the refrigerator, so he thought about buying some meat to keep at home, so that he can simply eat barbecue at home when he is too lazy to go out on weekdays.

There are not many people visiting the supermarket. It may be that Zhang Ping’an came in the afternoon. Generally, housewives go shopping in the morning. After all, they go home to prepare dinner for their husband and children in the afternoon...

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