My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 303 Little Crystal

The exit of Incheon Airport is rarely deserted. If the clock on the display screen didn't show it was only six o'clock, just looking at the weather outside would make you mistakenly think that it is already noon. Today Zhang Pingan came to Incheon Airport. It was arranged by Sika and asked him to pick up Xiao Jingshu. Because she had to stay in Europe for two more days and watch two more brand conferences, she could only let Xiao Jingshu, who had a schedule, come back first.

At this time, the meaning of 'brother-in-law' came into play. Xiao Jingming went abroad for personal matters, so she felt a little embarrassed to disturb her agent and come to pick her up early in the morning. After all, it takes an hour to drive from Seoul. Even if there is no traffic jam in the morning, the time to wake up must be adjusted to almost 4:30. In order not to trouble the agent, I can only trouble Zhang Ping'an, the 'brother-in-law' who is free at home.

Because it was so early, there were only a few bustling people at the exit waiting to pick up the plane. Although the flight information displayed in the small crystal on the display screen was 'Arrival'. But who knows how much time it will take her to get out of the airport? Zhang Ping'an was lying on the railing of the exit looking at his phone in boredom. At twelve o'clock last night, Li Zhien's new song "ifyou" was released without any warning. After a night of fermentation, fans quickly discovered her three-no song. .

It's now six o'clock in the morning. Today's list is updated. Li Zhien's new song has directly reached the "No. 1" position on the list. Zhang Ping'an said with a bright smile on his lips: "Wow, it is indeed an 'iu'. Even without any publicity, it is still Tu Bang, Tu Bang!"

He had browsed several music websites, and Li Zhien's new song was completely unreasonable and directly landed at the top of the list. Because the music website updates the ‘chart one’ at 12 o’clock and then updates it again at 6 o’clock in the morning. And Li Zhien's new song was not promoted, so her song did not enter the top ten list at 12 o'clock last night.

And now it has finally reached the top of the list. The reason why Zhang Pingan is happy is because the lyrics and composer of this song all have the name ‘Zhang Pingan’ written on it.

Zhang Pingan looked at the message board of the music website with a smile on his face: "Isn't it? Lyricist and composer: Zhang Pingan? It can't be the person who appears in my head, right?"

"Did I get it wrong? Lyrics and music composed by: Zhang Pingan?"

"Zhang Pingan? Are you mistaken? Zhienxi, you didn't write your name randomly, did you?"

"Same name? Or the person I imagined?"

"Zhang Pingan? That rich second generation from China?"

"No way. I only know that the programs produced by Zhang Pingan are pretty good. I didn't expect that he can actually write songs?"

"I must be dazzled, Zhang Pingan?"

"This song is really good. Did he really write it?"

"Why has Zhang Pingan become so close to our Zhien again?"

As Li Zhien took the song composed by Zhang Ping'an to the "No. 1" spot, the topic suddenly became hot on the Internet. Zhang Ping'an is a Chinese who often appears on South Korea's "Green Window" hot search list recently. Even though he is not an artist, he feels like he is an artist. This is a bit like Luo Yingshi D. He is not an artist, but he is better than an artist.

Zhang Pingan looked at the surprised messages on the Internet,

He suddenly remembered, didn't Li Zhien have sex? So he said to himself: "By the way, s, go and have a look."

Zhang Ping'an logged into his Uncle Black's 's' and found Li Zhien among his followers. At one o'clock in the morning last night, Li Zhien published an article, "New song, no promotion, no singing, no physical release, give it to everyone as a Mid-Autumn Festival gift!" I hope you guys like it, it's a collaboration between me and this very interesting guy. ’

Li Zhien directly described Zhang Ping'an as interesting on s. Indeed, he took her to do some "crazy" behaviors, such as singing on the street which she had never tried before. These are very new things for Li Zhien, and they are also very interesting.

Just when Zhang Ping'an was lying on the fence and looking at his mobile phone with a smile, Xiao Jingshu's voice appeared: "What are you looking at? You are looking at it so seriously, with a smile on your face."

Zhang Pingan raised his head after hearing the sound and saw Xiao Jingshu standing in front of him. He put away his phone with an apologetic smile and said: "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you wouldn't come out for a while, so I didn't pay attention. I I was reading the message on the music website, let’s go, the car is in the parking lot.”

Zhang Ping'an took Xiao Jingxin's suitcase and took her towards the parking lot. It was early in the morning, and there were not many people around. Zhang Pingan thought he would not be discovered when he picked up the little crystal. However, there were many Koreans among the tourists who arrived on the same plane as Little Crystal. They took out their mobile phones from a distance and recorded photos of Zhang Pingan coming to pick up Little Crystal. After a while, the two of them logged in to s.

"Zhang Pingan showed up at Incheon Airport at six o'clock to pick up little Crystal who came back from France. This is how a good brother-in-law behaves!" The photo shows Zhang Pingan and Xiao Crystal's backs. He dragged her suitcase and walked at a certain distance from her. .

The vehicle was driving on the highway to Seoul, and Xiao Jingshu smiled at Zhang Ping'an and said, "oa, what happened between you and that female idol in Japan some time ago? I really feel it's strange, I thought My sister will be furious when she sees this news. Who knew she was so calm? But I heard that the magazine has always written some true reports?"

Zhang Ping'an looked at Little Crystal staring at him curiously. He shook his head bitterly and said, "Although it has always written true reports, it does not mean that my reports are true. I have already explained it to your sister. I Nothing happened with that Japanese idol, the photo was just because of the angle.”

Zhang Ping'an's explanation immediately made Xiao Jingshu look like she didn't believe it. Zhang Ping'an glanced at her and said, "Ah, what's your expression? Your sister even believes me, but you still doubt me?"

Little Crystal shook her head and said, "Hey, don't you think that photo is questionable?"

"Of course it's not worth it. In love, we need to trust each other. It's precisely because your sister believes in me that she is so calm. How about changing the topic? I heard that you are the female lead this time?" Zhang Pingan is I really couldn't bear Xiao Jingshu's questioning, but I couldn't do anything, so I had to change the topic.

Little Crystal nodded and said, "Well, this is my first time playing the female lead, and there is news on the Internet. What's up?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Well, I rarely read online news."

Little Crystal showed a dissatisfied expression and said, "At the airport just now, didn't you say you were reading online messages?"

"Well, I watch it sometimes. It's basically to kill boring time. I'm not someone who has to hold my phone every day to live."

Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, Little Crystal raised her eyebrows slightly. Maybe she didn't want to chat with him anymore, so she took out her mobile phone and started reading. When she saw the message on the music website, she quickly paid to download the song "Ifyou" sung by Li Zhien. She played the song directly on her mobile phone. After listening to the first verse, she said in surprise: "Oh ~~I didn’t expect you to be able to write such a good song?”

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "I don't have a guitar at home, and I also have arranging software on my computer. Doesn't this mean that I can write songs?"

Little Crystal also went to Zhang Pingan's home with her sister not long ago, but Zhang Pingan was still in Tokyo at that time. It means that the two sisters spent the afternoon just the two of them at Zhang Pingan's house.

Little Crystal responded: "I thought the guitar was a decoration. Just like a collection in your home."


Little Crystal continued: "The song is good, it seems you may be on the hot search. This is a new talent you have shown, after you were producing the show. I didn't expect that your songs are also good, right? , how did you and Zhien meet? "

Zhang Pingan said speechlessly: "What Zhien? Shouldn't you call me sister?"

"She and Xueqiu are relatives, and Xueqiu is my relative. How do you want me to call her sister?"

"Everyone has their own business, right? She can't be a relative of Xueqiu, that is, your relative, right? It's hard for me to forget about it at your seniority, you can figure it out on your own." Zhang Pingan shook his head with a wry smile.

"The song is really good. No wonder Zhien included this song. By the way, oa, when will you write such a great song for us?"

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said, "Your sister asked me to write a song, but I haven't even written it yet."

"Isn't it? My sister is a girl."

"I'm still Zhang Pingan. Have you had breakfast?"

"No, we landed too early and there was no breakfast provided on the plane."

Zhang Pingan said: "Go back to rest after eating, or should you go back directly?"

"Go back directly. It took more than ten hours of flight. By the way, when will your show be broadcast?"

Zhang Pingan said: "Mid-Autumn Festival, it will be broadcast as a special program. It will also be broadcast on the first weekend after the Mid-Autumn Festival. What about you, when will the TV series be broadcast?"

Xiao Jingshu sighed and said: "At the end of the month. We should have started shooting very early, but Senior Ra had something to do in China, so it was delayed. We are just planning to start shooting now, and the time is quite tight, and we have to shoot "r" this week 》.

"Oh? I'm very familiar with "r". Do you want me to send you a message and ask them to take more care of you?"

"You don't need to send a message, they will know."

Zhang Pingan and Xiao Jingjing chatted along the way. It turned out that the Bingshan sisters were not cold at all. After getting to know each other, they were both very warm people. It's just that Xiao Jingshu's personality is much more casual than Sika's, so it will take time to see her open up her chatterbox and see her cheerful smile.

My entertainment circle

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