My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 304 Uncle Black

Zhang Pingan took Xiao Shuijing back home, of course, they went back to their own homes. After all, Xica was not there, so Xiao Shuijing was embarrassed to bother Zhang Pingan alone even if she was her "brother-in-law". But when Xiao Shuijing was about to get off the elevator, she said to Zhang Pingan: "Oppa, I will come up and bring you things in a while. My sister bought you some gifts, and I also bought you some gifts." Listening to Xiao Shuijing's words, Zhang Pingan smiled and nodded and said: "Oh? There are also gifts, then thank you in advance, you can come up after dinner, I will wait for you at home." Zhang Pingan could guess that the gift Xica bought for him was mostly chocolate, because she was a super chocolate fan, and chocolate also expressed the sweetness of love, so he could easily guess the gift Xica prepared for him. But Xiao Shuijing also brought him a gift? This was something Zhang Pingan did not expect. Zhang Pingan made coffee and toasted bread at home alone. When he was about to fry eggs, the doorbell of his house rang. Zhang Pingan looked and saw that it was Little Crystal. He went to open the door for her: "Hey, you came up after putting down your things?"

"Well, I'll give you the things. I'm going to go downstairs for breakfast." Little Crystal did not enter Zhang Pingan's house, but gave him the gift at the door. Zhang Pingan took the bag with a smile. After saying goodbye to Little Crystal, he returned to the room and looked at the things in his pocket. Sure enough, it was a box of chocolates and a pure white shirt.

There was also a note written by Little Crystal in the pocket of the gift: "The chocolates are given to you by my sister, and the shirt is given to you by me. I don't know what to choose. I thought that after the Mid-Autumn Festival, it will enter autumn, and you will wear a shirt then, right? So I bought one for you, oppa."

Zhang Pingan thought, it seems that he also bought a shirt for Little Crystal when he came back from Europe last time. Is this... a return gift to him? Smiling, Zhang Pingan put the shirt she gave him into the cloakroom.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Pingan sat comfortably on the floor of the living room. The breakfast items were placed on the long table in the living room, coffee, toast, and fried eggs. Zhang Pingan ate a simple breakfast while looking at the messages on the Internet with his iPad. When he came back, it was already past seven o'clock. The music website refreshed the list again. Li Zhien's song "Allkill" all the music source websites, which also showed her strength as the music source overlord.

He logged into Uncle Hei's Instagram with his mobile phone and published a chapter after a long time: "Wow, congratulations to 'Little Fox Fairy' for topping the music source list!" And Zhang Pingan sent a photo of Li Zhien wearing a traditional Japanese bathrobe and a fox mask.

This was Li Zhien's outfit when she performed on the streets of Japan last time, and Zhang Pingan suddenly posted a photo, which surprised more than four million fans.

Because the 'Little Fox Fairy' who won the first place in Uncle Hei's mouth must be the current Li Zhien, but is this person wearing a Japanese bathrobe and a mask really Li Zhien? That has to be questioned?

After he posted on Instagram, someone immediately left a comment: "Oh? Uncle Hei,

Are you sure that this is Lee Ji-eun? Although the position of her exposed chin is a bit similar, are you sure this is really our Ji-eun? It can't be an imitator?"

"Little fox fairy? Lee Ji-eun? Uncle Hei, where did you get this photo?"

"Little fox fairy, when did our Ji-eun get a new nickname?"

"Who is this person wearing a fox fairy mask? Why do I feel that she doesn't look like Ji-eun?"

"After a few months, Uncle Hei is being mysterious again?"

After Zhang Ping'an updated his Instagram, many idols who followed him left comments, including Taeyeon: "kkk, Uncle Hei~~"

Tiffany: "Wow, Ji-eunxi, you are so cute in a bathrobe."

Sooyoung: "Please ask the mysterious Uncle Hei to release your own photos! Don't release our Ji-eun's!"

Even Lee Ji-eun herself came to leave a message below after seeing this Instagram: "Thank you Uncle Hei."

Idols came to leave messages under Uncle Hei. This is the first time that Zhang Ping'an's "Uncle Hei" account has appeared. Some people found this sudden abnormality, but some people didn't think it was strange, after all, Hei Dashu is a very famous fan boss. It is equivalent to a top fan like a "station sister". Hei Dashu has more than 4 million followers, which is already one of the top ten Internet celebrities in Korea. The first one is "GD" Quan Zhilong, who cannot be surpassed in 2014. His personal number of fans has already exceeded 5 million, followed by EXO's Chanyeol who follows Quan Zhilong. As a fan, Hei Dashu's Instagram is so popular that it is also shocking to countless people. But there are also many people who understand it. After all, his account is equivalent to a star-chasing account, and it contains information about most of the girl groups in Korea. Many people who found the abnormality were surprised, "Why did the idols start to leave messages under Hei Dashu? This has never happened before. Has the real identity of Hei Dashu been known by the idols? "Girls' Generation, Ji Eun, came to leave messages under Hei Dashu? So strange? ’

At this time, a fan left a message under Uncle Hei, asking, "Uncle Hei, why didn't you update about the girl groups this year? Do you have a favorite new girl group?"

Zhang Ping'an replied to this fan's message: "AOA, this year's AOA is really great! It's just that I haven't had time to see them live this year. I don't know if their live performance is stable? AOA's Cao'e is very popular this year. Busy, you can see her everywhere. However, compared to Soa, please pay more attention to Kim Seol-hyun of the same team. If I am not wrong, she is the idol promoted by FNC because of several album covers! , Kim Seol-hyun is standing in the 'C' position, have you noticed?"

Zhang Ping'an responded to the fan's message, and soon the message below seemed to be answering the question: "Wow, Uncle Hei has shown up to say the law."

"Oh~~Uncle Hei didn't tell me, I haven't discovered it yet. It turns out that Kim Seol Hyun really occupies the 'C' position of all their albums."

"It's useless to occupy the 'C' position. It's better for us to stand in the corner, Cao'e. FNC should give Cao'e more resources."

Just when Zhang Pingan was chatting about girl group news with some star-chasing fans on the Internet, suddenly the name "Zhang Pingan" appeared at the third position on the hot search list in the green window. Because his song for Li Zhien occupied the first place on all charts, he naturally became a hot search. Of course, the first hot search was "Lee Zhien's new song".


When Zhang Pingan was on the hot search, his mobile phone beeped. Zhang Pingan took the message and looked at it. It was sent by Pani: "Hey, Zhang Da, songwriter, did you follow Li Zhien on the hot search this time?"

The time difference between Pani and the others in New York is exactly opposite to that here. It is around 7:30 in the morning here with Zhang Pingan, and it is 8:30 in the official night there. At this time, they are in New York's prime time.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and replied: "If you don't go to nightclubs, why are you talking about kakao with me? It's a rare opportunity to go to the United States without the media staring at you. It's a good time to go out in the bar."

"I just plan to take Taeyeon to the bar, hehe."

Zhang Pingan shook his head and replied: "Will I believe it if you tell me? From what I know about Taeyeon, how could she go clubbing with you? She almost lives in a hotel. I know you have time to play this time, remember Buy me a gift."

"Yeah, why didn't you buy us gifts when you went to Europe? Are you so embarrassed to ask?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and replied: "I brought a gift, mine (Picture: Heart)"

"Go to hell and ask Taeyeon to buy you a gift!"

"What is she doing?"

"I don't know. I'll send you a message and ask. Hmph~~"

Zhang Ping'an smiled, found Taeyeon in his contacts, and sent her a message: "The night in New York is beautiful, right?"

Taeyeon's reply was very direct. She took a street photo from her hotel room to Zhang Pingan, and then replied: "That's it. We can't go out at night, so we can only see a fixed street view."

"When will you come back?" Zhang Pingan knew that they were attending the event as guests of the fashion week, and the trip ended in just one day. If they don't attend major brand press conferences, they will probably come back after simply filming a reality show in New York.

"We are flying out tomorrow morning. When we land, Seoul should look like tomorrow evening, right?"

Zhang Pingan asked: "Mid-Autumn Festival, are you going back to Quanzhou?"

"If you don't go back, running back and forth will cause trouble. What about you, are you going back to China?"

"We haven't decided yet. Let's talk about it when you come back. I have to go out. Today I want to visit the singing venue."

"...Uncle Black!"

Today, Zhang Pingan is not visiting as Uncle Hei, but as Zhang Pingan, visiting the filming of a music program. This is MBC's music program on Wednesday. Yesterday when he was recording "Masked", he told the director that he wanted to visit the recording site of a regular music program. The director of the program team immediately contacted him about the "" program, because the program happened to be recorded today.

Zhang Pingan is now considered a producer of music programs, and it is normal for him to visit the recording of regular music programs. After all, music programs are essentially the same, but they differ in the way they are filmed and in the purpose of the program.

After Zhang Pingan had breakfast, he changed his clothes and went out. When he went out, he had an MBC work permit in his hand, because only this work permit could enter the TV station.

Because the lobby on the first floor of the new building of the TV station is open to the public, and some peripheral products and other things are sold in the lobby, but if you want to enter the TV station, you must have a work permit. And Zhang Pingan happened to get a work permit for a TV station after filming yesterday!

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