My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 305 Red Velvet Group

For two days in a row, Zhang Pingan came to Sangam-dong where there were many TV stations. However, today when his Rolls-Royce came nearby, a nanny car followed his car and kept flashing its high beams at him. Zhang Pingan The car slowly stopped on the side of the road. I saw the nanny car behind also pulled over and stopped. He Dongxun got out of the car. Zhang Pingan unlocked his car and let He Dongxun get into the passenger seat.

After getting into the car, He Dongxun smiled and punched Zhang Ping'an on the shoulder: "Ah, can't you hear me honking the horn so much from behind your car?"

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said: "My car window is closed. Even if it thunders outside, I can't hear it, let alone you honking the horn? Didn't you realize that as long as we don't talk in the car, it's quiet enough to sleep?" He Dongxun After a tentative silence for a while, sure enough, the sounds of traffic outside were completely blocked. Then he smiled and said: "A luxury car is a luxury car, and Shizune is really different. Send me there first. By the way, what are you doing? Are you planning to go to the cave today?"

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "I have a cooperation with you, don't you know? I happen to be there too, are you going to shoot Infinite Challenge today?" Zhang Pingan vaguely remembers that Infinite Challenge is filmed every Wednesday, and Monday is theirs Otherwise, how can we call them Monday lovers?

Ha Dongxun nodded and said: "Well, I'm going to shoot Wuchao today. By the way, the one you're cooperating with this time is the Mid-Autumn Festival special program, right? This is the first time I've seen a TV station give up the time for the Idol Games. It's for your face. Big enough and safe.”

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "It is precisely because the TV station has given up the prime time of the Mid-Autumn Festival for my program to promote, so I am under extremely great pressure now. And my program has to be with you after the Mid-Autumn Festival. As for the competition, my new show is planned according to the weekend ace variety show."

He Dongxun listened to Zhang Pingan's words and said with a smile: "I really didn't realize that you are getting better and better now. Since you won the absolute first place in your solo life on Wednesday, you are now heading towards the weekend ace." Although our programs will be competitors in the future, I still hope that you can succeed in planning any good programs in the future. "

"I will definitely not forget it. I will definitely think of you when planning new programs in the future. By the way, where is Brother Zhong Guo? Have you gone to China?" Zhang Pingan remembered that Jin Zhong Guo had told him some time ago that he was going to China to film Dynasty TV. As for the variety show, I don’t know if it has started yet.

Ha Dongxun smiled and said: "Well, just because he was going to China for filming, our program team also worked overtime to record many episodes in advance. In fact, China's program also communicated with me at the beginning, but I They really couldn’t leave, and then they found Cho Se-ho. Brother Zhong Guo went there with Cho Se-ho, and there were many Korean artists.”

Kim Jong Kook currently only has one regular filming, while Ha Dong Hoon has three shows in progress, so he definitely can't leave.

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "I can't leave.

Is there nothing we can do? It’s impossible to say that you’re going to abandon the Korean program and go shoot the Chinese one, right? "

After chatting very quickly, Zhang Pingan's car entered the TV station. After entering the elevator, He Dongxun smiled and said to Zhang Pingan: "Let's go, take you to say hello to Brother Zaishi?"

"Yeah. I've always wanted to meet Brother Jae-seok, but I've never had the chance." Zhang Pingan still has a good impression of Yoo Jae-seok. After all, he is the only artist in Korea who has achieved it without n. He can be said to be The object of public favor. But in order to live up to the public's expectations of him, Yoo Jae Suk lived a very restrained life from beginning to end.

Under the leadership of He Dongxun, Zhang Ping'an came to Liu Zaishi's waiting room. Liu Zaishi has heard Zhang Pingan's name many times from his brothers, but unfortunately he has never had the chance to see it. Today, He Dongxun brought Zhang Pingan to his waiting room, and Liu Zaishi greeted him with a bright smile. he.

Liu Zaishi held Zhang Ping'an's hand with one hand and patted his shoulder with the other: "Oh, peace. I have always heard Zhong Guo and He Dongxun talk about you. I finally see you today."

Zhang Ping'an still respects Liu Zaishi very much. After all, there are not many people who can make all the artists talk good. So such a person is worthy of your respect. When Zhang Ping'an shook hands with Liu Zaishi, he stretched out both hands, and used one hand to protect the hand shaking hands to show respect: "Brother Zaishi, hello. I'm going to express my gratitude today. Let me bring you to meet you, so that I can be considered a great person."

Liu Dashen is not just someone in the industry who calls him that. Netizens and viewers also call Liu Zaishi the Great God just because his lifestyle is not much different from that of a saint. In today's era, he can do it without smoking or drinking. , If you don’t go to nightclubs and don’t curse, what is this other than a saint? Who dares to say that he doesn’t curse a word or two? As for Yoo Jae Suk, no one has ever heard him curse a single curse word, whether on the show or in private life. This is what everyone likes: Liu Dashen! !

When Liu Zaishi listened to Zhang Ping'an's praise, he still smiled brightly and kindly: "What the hell, what kind of god am I? Did you come to the TV station today because of the Mid-Autumn Festival program?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and gave it up and said: "No, the Mid-Autumn Festival program was filmed yesterday. Now I'm waiting to film the second episode after the Mid-Autumn Festival. I came to the TV station today to visit the music program downstairs. My program is also It’s a music show, so let’s see what’s going on, hello, Kim Tae-ho.”

While Zhang Pingan and Liu Zaishi were chatting, Jin Taehao opened the door and came in. There are two super producers in the Korean variety show industry, one is Na Yingshi, who Zhang Pingan likes very much, and the other is Kim Taeho who is standing in front of him at this time.

If Na Young-seok is a director who shoots still pictures beautifully, then Kim Tae-ho dares to try anything, so Infinite Challenge is ever-changing in his hands. You must know that every Infinite Challenge The themes of each issue are completely different.

When Jin Taihao saw Zhang Pingan, he also laughed. He took the initiative to come over and shake hands with Zhang Pingan and said: "Hello Zhang Pingan. I saw your new program planning, and it is indeed a very interesting program."

Because Zhang Pingan is currently also a producer of the show, Kim Taeho also calls Zhang Pingan, which is a kind of mutual respect. Of course, it is also because the programs produced by Zhang Pingan have achieved results!

Zhang Pingan said modestly: "I still have to learn from the seniors."

After Zhang Ping'an and Kim Tae Ho exchanged pleasantries, Yoo Jae Suk said, "Tae Hao, do you have anything to do with me?"

"It's something." When Jin Taihao said this, Zhang Ping'an also said goodbye. After coming out of Yoo Jae Suk's waiting room, Ha Dongxun said to Zhang Pingan: "There will definitely be a dinner party after we finish shooting in the evening. Will you come over then?"

Zhang Ping'an shook his head and refused: "I won't come. I've been quite busy during this period and I have other work to do tomorrow. Well, let's get together again after the Mid-Autumn Festival, right?"

"Okay, let's get together after the festival."

After parting ways with Ha Dongxun, Zhang Ping'an put on his work badge and went to the music center downstairs. This music center is not a program, but a recording hall for music programs. That place is called the Dream Center, and the new building is called the Music Center. Anyway, they are large studios for recording music programs.

There are many fans watching at the entrance of the studio, waiting for their idols to enter the rehearsal. Zhang Pingan does not need to follow the fans to the venue today, because the work permit hanging on his chest allows him to go directly to the studio without queuing.

When Zhang Pingan entered the studio hall, a group of artists were rehearsing. After hearing the familiar melody, a smile appeared on Zhang Ping'an's lips, because standing on the stage were the girls who started playing songs in August. The promotion period is one month, and this week may be the last time they participate in playing songs.

Newcomers must participate in more singing shows to increase their popularity. They are not like their predecessors, Girls' Generation, who no longer participate in singing competitions as long as they lose one spot on a music show. And they haven’t won one since their debut! Because there were super powerful ones fighting at the same time. This also means that they can only serve as a backup at best and cannot snatch a trophy from their seniors.

Looking at them singing and dancing on the stage, first of all, her makeup was very unpleasant, and the screen behind them played a jungle-like scene.

This made Zhang Ping'an, who was admiring the stage, only smile bitterly and shake his head. He folded his hands and muttered to himself: "Obviously the red velvet is not suitable for this style. I really don't know if the producer here has his brain damaged." Kicked? Is this South American Amazon style? It’s ridiculous.”

While Zhang Pingan was talking to himself, a young man came to Zhang Pingan and greeted him with a smile: "Hello, Zhang Pingan."

Zhang Pingan glanced at him and ignored him at all, but stared at the performance on the stage. The man continued to stand next to Zhang Pingan and introduced himself with a smile: "Hello, I am your agent."

Zhang Ping'an reacted this time, but he said without a good face: "I know. He was transferred from there because he beat the fans, right?"

Zhang Ping'an's words made the manager choke up. He was originally brought in, but now he was transferred to take care of new people. In fact, he felt very unhappy.

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