My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 897 Is this a press conference or an interview?

In the free question session, the first question was about the hot topics currently being put on the scarves, Zhang Pingan and Gu Lina. Under normal circumstances, media reporters will still take care of their face when attending such a press conference. They should mention a few topics about program production at the beginning, and then go into the Q\u0026A they want to ask. However, the news today is so exciting. Someone released a real photo of Zhang Pingan and Gu Lina coming out of the hotel together.

This news is not just an issue between Zhang Pingan and Gu Lina, it also involves a moral aspect. Because it was revealed to the public that Gu Lina was in love with Zhang Han. She was in love, but she came out of the hotel with another man... This news was big.

The first person to face this problem was Zhang Ping'an, who shook his head and said, "Let Mr. Zhang of the platform give you an explanation for this problem. Because I feel that if I say it, you will think that I am making something up?"

Mr. Zhang took the microphone and said: "As for this issue, in front of my journalist friends, I apologize to Zhang Pingan and Gu Lina who caused the trouble. Because Mr. Zhang Pingan came to Changsha this time. The reporters who signed a contract with our platform and came here today received this news three days ago, right? So, after Zhang Pingan arrived in Changsha yesterday, our station arranged for him to stay at a hotel with which we have cooperation. The local media all know that this year we arranged for all the artists to come to our TV station to be at the Maruda Hotel, so the hot news is a deliberately created scandal and is not true. "

After answering from the TV station, Zhang Pingan picked up the microphone and said: "I went to watch the news on the Internet after I received a call from the company earlier. When I saw this news, I found that many media outlets now None of them are responsible. No wonder the 'principal' publicly accuses the current media of starting to write random news without verifying the authenticity of the news. Although our Chinese entertainment industry has developed rapidly in the past two years, don't learn from it. Those disgusting "talking by looking at pictures" skills overseas. Why only write about me? The crew of Gu Lina all live in the same hotel, why don't they write about them playing mahjong in...the hotel?"

Zhang Ping'an almost made a pornographic statement at such a press conference, but fortunately he stopped the car in the end.

But at the same time, he also expressed his dissatisfaction in this way, and then he continued: "Online news, just leave rumors and rumors on the Internet, why will the media join in the fun? Now those Korean netizens dare not spread rumors about me. News? Chinese netizens are here. Do you really think I don’t dare to file a lawsuit? My habit is to hire a law firm to hand over all online liability matters, and the compensation received... can the lawyer spread rumors from those networks? I'll give it all to the lawyer, no matter what. The reason why I didn't do this is because we are all Chinese, and I don't have to treat Chinese people like Koreans. Just because I don't hold myself accountable doesn't mean anyone can take advantage of me on the Internet. Right? What I want to say today is that the scarf is authenticated! Okay, next question!”

Zhang Pingan spoke of this issue so sternly, which surprised the reporters sitting in the audience. Although Zhang Pingan represented his identity as a producer at today's press conference, don't forget that he is still a very rich man. If such a person really starts to be held accountable, it is not something to play with you.

Zhang Ping'an gave a positive answer, and his expression was obviously angry at this time. Therefore, none of the media reporters at the scene asked any more about him and Gu Lina. Moreover, the person in charge of the TV network platform personally stood up and admitted the mistake. The reporters who came to the scene, why, do they still need to compare with the official background of the TV station?

One is the official, and the other is an angry rich man. After all, Zhang Pingan's net worth was announced by Forbes. There is no need to mess with such a rich man.

The reporter asked: "Excuse me, Director Zhang, there are various speculations about your family's background on the Internet.

From the very beginning, you appeared in online videos, that is, you revealed your mansion in Tokyo on a Japanese program. At that time, you personally admitted that the house price was almost 700 million yen? Then it works out to 30 to 40 million Chinese coins, right? This question has sparked speculation about your family. Can you reveal it now? "

Zhang Ping'an shook his head and said: "What is there to reveal about the problems at home? Everyone who knows knows it. As for those who don't know or can't find out, I can only say that this circle is too far away from you. And those on the Internet "My family is engaged in politics, I say clearly, no. My family was originally engaged in business!"

At this moment, a reporter immediately raised his hand and asked: "Director Zhang, after you broke up with South Korea's Girls' Generation Sika, there were reports one after another that you were dating Korean stars Kim Taeyeon, Lee Ji-eun, and Japanese star Yui Aragaki. I’ve received love news. Can we talk about specific relationship issues?”

Zhang Pingan frowned and responded: "I suffered a loss once and fell in love publicly once, so I will not make any love news public in the future. And I am not a celebrity, so you don't need to be so concerned about my love life, right?"

Zhang Pingan frowned because he felt that this press conference seemed to have gradually deviated from the original intention. Is this a press conference? Or is it your own interview?

At this time, a reporter said with a smile: "Although you are not a star, you and your related love partner are both stars."

Zhang Pingan really couldn't stand the reporters on the scene asking for information. Because for reporters in China, there are really very few opportunities to interview Zhang Pingan. Not to mention the Chinese media, even the media there, which is the focus of Zhang Ping An's career, cannot interview him. Zhang Pingan has only appeared on one interview program so far, an interview with a certain wave, and that was two years ago. And that interview was mainly conducted by Zhang Pingan to promote his newly developed ‘live broadcast platform’.

Two years have passed, and Zhang Pingan has had a lot of news in the past two years. And he took out the live broadcast platform and became a six billionaire. So when Zhang Pingan stood in front of Chinese reporters today, what a great interview opportunity it was for them. Naturally, there are many questions that I want to ask about Zhang Pingan.

Zhang Ping'an said with a wry smile: "If I have the chance, I might find a day to be interviewed on the show, right? But today is the signing conference between me and Mango Platform. Please pay more attention to our next show instead of If you don’t have any questions about my life here, that’s where our questions end.”

After Zhang Pingan finished his speech, he finally brought the reporters back to reality. After all, Mango TV invited them here today. If they didn't ask about anything about the signing, it would be disrespectful to Mango. So a reporter immediately asked: "Director Zhang, what kind of production model will be used for this program? Is it based on the copyright you have, or is it innovative?"

"I want to create a new type of program, but this is our first cooperation, and the team and I still need to get used to it. After the running-in period is over, I will create a new type of program. So for now, I will create a new type of program based on my experience." Please refer to the program announcement for the specific program. We will start to officially broadcast it in three months or six months. "

At this time, a reporter asked: "Does a variety show require so much time to prepare? In half a year, a TV series is filmed."

Zhang Pingan responded to the professional questions seriously at this time: "The preparation period for variety shows is very long. Casting, location selection, and star schedules all need to be prepared in advance. Just like when I was filming in South Korea The preparation period for the Chinese cooking show "Battle of the Rivers and Lakes" lasted for more than half a year. "

"Director Zhang, after you filmed a food program in South Korea, have you ever thought about filming a food program in China?"

Zhang Ping'an shook his head and responded: "Chinese food programs should be introduced in the form of a series, right? After all, China is very big, and the tastes in the east, west, south, north, and even between cities are all different. My current favorite is the food documentary " "Bite of the Tongue", talking about this program, I feel quite stupid, because every time I watch this film, I am hungry late at night. I want to use food documentaries to let myself feel a kind of vicarious satisfaction. It turns out that ‘food’ cannot be satisfied! If I have the chance, I will film a food documentary!”

A press conference, a press conference with a hint of interview, ended. Soon the media published today's news on the Internet. Some media wrote articles directly using Zhang Pingan's angry tone, some wrote Zhang Pingan's views on love, of course, some wrote about Zhang Pingan's future cooperation with Mango Platform, and some media wrote "Zhang Pingan" Ping An's family background can be described as being far away from ordinary people. ’

Anyway, Zhang Pingan appeared on many entertainment pages today, and all kinds of news about Zhang Pingan were reported in the news agency. When Zhang Pingan stood up after finishing today's press conference, a reporter from Xinlang Entertainment came up to invite Zhang Pingan for an interview.

Zhang Ping'an pointed to Mr. Zhang of Mango Platform next to him and said: "I am busy building the framework of the program right now, and I don't have time to be interviewed at all. Maybe I am in Changsha now, and maybe I will rush there immediately after leaving the TV station. I’m doing some research in other cities, so I really don’t have time for your interview. If you don’t believe me, ask Mr. Zhang.”

Zhang Pingan declined the interview invitation from Xinlang Entertainment, and this reporter also knew very well that if he really wanted to interview Zhang Pingan, Mango Channel would have a great advantage.

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