My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 898 Family background exposed

Chapter 907 Family Background Exposed

Zhang Pingan felt that he had been unlucky since he returned to China. The two biggest "black bodies" in the Chinese entertainment industry had all spread around him? He even thought about whether he should go to the temple to burn incense or something? Fortunately, the TV station came forward to solve the scandal this time, and some media published the clarification news that Mr. Zhang said at the press conference, which calmed the situation down.

Those rational people naturally understood the cause and effect after seeing this news. Gulina went to Changsha to film "Happy Family", and Zhang Pingan went to Changsha for the signing press conference, each of which was their own activity. But the hotels for rest and accommodation were provided by the organizer "Mango TV", so shouldn't it be right for the two to come out of the same hotel? Does the organizer have to classify accommodation?

Of course, there are many old yin and yang monsters on the Chinese Internet. When it comes to yin and yang weirdness on the Internet, Korean "anti" is far from being China's opponent. After all, his netizens are only a few, and China's netizens are definitely the best in the world!

So after all the news about Zhang Pingan appeared, countless netizens started to discuss it again. The focus this time was no longer on the issue between him and Gulina. Since Mango TV has come out to admit its mistakes, will these netizens continue to force the public opinion? So they turned their guns and pointed at Zhang Pingan's family.

This time, a reporter asked about Zhang Pingan's family problems again during a short free questioning session, and Zhang Pingan's answer was also very arrogant. Those who know know, and those who don't know or can't find out can only prove that you are not at that level. Anyway, this is what Zhang Pingan said. But soon people began to interpret it in various ways.

So someone broke the news: "Zhang Ping'an's family has no background. They just did some small business after the demolition, and then they got rich."

"Zhang Ping'an's family is in the coal mining business, they are just rich. Why does he wear Adidas clothes?"

"Don't guess, Zhang Ping'an's family is a real estate speculation group, and they have made a lot of money. His family was valued at 10 billion before, right? Later, he did live broadcasting and made a lot of money."

"Remember, the really rich second-generation rich are all studying abroad in higher education institutions in Europe and the United States. For example, the principal, such as Suning's son. In fact, most of the international students in Japan are from middle-class families, because the cost of studying in the United States for one year is more than in Japan. The cost of the entire college period. From this, we can see that Zhang Pingan's family was not as wealthy as imagined before! "

But just when the Internet began to spread the news about Zhang Pingan's family background, an Internet celebrity suddenly left a message on his Weibo saying: "Not long ago, I had dinner with the principal and Zhang Pingan. At that time, the principal said in person that Zhang Pingan's family is very rich! It seems that Zhang Pingan's family is engaged in investment. I don't know much about the investment world. But the principal said that his family has invested in Ali, Penguin, Baidu, etc....super large Internet companies. "

This Internet celebrity does not have many fans. Of course, her words are only spread in the circle around them. In order to prove that she is not lying, this Internet celebrity even posted photos of her dining with Zhang Pingan and the principal in her WeChat chat group. Then the photos were spread from one to ten, and from ten to a hundred, and spread on the Internet.

Immediately afterwards, another Internet celebrity posted photos of them singing together on the Internet, and also said that Zhang Pingan's family is engaged in investment. There is only one investment company that invests in all the super large Internet companies in China, "P.A Investment"!

In the past, few people in the investment circle came out to post news. However, today, when Zhang Pingan's family background was exposed, a so-called insider came out to popularize it.

'P.A Investment' founder, Ms. Zhang Yue, the largest shareholder and president. Her husband is a well-known real estate investor: Zhang Jianjun. Note: Real estate investment is not real estate development! If you don't understand, I'm too lazy to explain.

Son: Zhang Pingan, born in 1987 in Shanghai, studied at 'Shanghai Experimental School',

transferred to 'Riide High School' in Tokyo, Japan in junior high school, and then studied at 'Waseda University', and the popularization ends. As for asking how rich Zhang Pingan's family is? Go directly to Baidu to check 'P.A Investment'! I only say that the assets of truly wealthy people will not be announced!


After reporters published a question and answer about Zhang Pingan facing his family on the Internet, someone on the Internet actually made Zhang Pingan's identity public, and it was an unknown small account that made it public. After Zhang Pingan's family was uploaded to the Internet, everyone was dumbfounded. 'P.A Investment' also became a hot search on Weibo.

Because many people saw the introduction of 'P.A Investment' on Baidu and found out that Zhang Pingan's family background was so strong! The three major Internet companies have all received financing from 'P.A Investment'! Now, the three super-large Internet companies have been listed, and their market value is there. So netizens were completely blown up!

"Oh my God, is An Ge'er's background so awesome? Why do I feel that the principal's family's company is a bit weak after looking at the things introduced by Baidu?"

"It turns out that An Geer's family is a world-class investment company. They are super rich people. Du Niang just introduced some previous investments. The most important thing is the word 'wait' after the name of the investment company. It is equivalent to saying , there are still some investments that are not written in Du Niang. Can someone in the industry give you some advice on what investment cases are there in P.A Investment? Can you calculate how much money Zhang Ping’an’s family has?”

"Hey, why did those people who said Zhang Ping'an's family was 'well-off' disappear in an instant? This is a well-off family, haha!"

"Didn't you say that Zhang Ping'an is a second-generation coal miner and a second-generation real estate speculator?"

"Isn't P.A Investment the name of Zhang Ping'an? Was it because you were afraid of being linked to the 'certain insurance' business, so you named the investment company after 'P.A'?"

Zhang Ping'an doesn't know what happens on the Internet. He rarely reads Weibo on weekdays. In addition, after the recent problems with Gu Lina, he paid less attention to Weibo updates. At this time, Zhang Ping'an was exploring the filming location with the artists and executives dispatched by the TV station in a rural location outside Changsha City.

Zhang Ping'an got off the business car and asked about the earthy smell emanating from the place. He smiled and said in a good mood: "Escape from the city to such an outdoor place, and the air instantly feels a lot fresher."

The employees of the TV station also nodded in agreement: "Yes, a place like this is really relaxing sometimes, but there are no crops here?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "When we selected the site in the countryside in South Korea, there were no crops around the house. Later we hired people to plant them, and the artists were responsible for harvesting. So..."

As Zhang Pingan said, the phone he was holding in his hand made a WeChat notification, and Zhang Pingan picked it up casually.

The message was sent by Xiaoxiao: "Brother An, you are an investor, 'P.A Investment'?"

Zhang Pingan looked at the message in surprise and replied: "How did you know?"

"Bibo, someone has done some research on your family background."

"Who?" Zhang Ping'an became even more confused when he heard someone was spreading science about his family online. Logically speaking, no one who knows will come forward and directly tell us about their family background?

"It was originally spread from a small account, but now everyone knows it. Go check out the hot searches on the scarf."

Zhang Pingan took his mobile phone and said to the staff: "Let's go take a look at the house first to see which areas need repair." While walking towards the country house, Zhang Pingan opened his scarf, and as expected, 'PA Investment' was hit. On the hot search.

Looking at this hot search, Zhang Ping'an could only shake his head and sigh, because he couldn't stand up and respond to this matter. Now that a trumpet has revealed his family, what can he say? Besides scolding the man behind the trumpet, what else can be said?

Now he has completely disclosed his family background, although this is not what Zhang Pingan wanted. But the career path will become much smoother in the future. After all, the platform that cooperates with Zhang Pingan has to see the ‘Buddha’s face’, right?

At this time, far away in Yanjing, the young man who originally wanted to take advantage of Zhang Pingan smiled after looking at the hot searches on the Internet. In fact, he was the one who spread the news because he saw the scarf news from an internet celebrity who had dinner with Zhang Pingan, and he went to investigate P.A investment. This investigation really revealed Zhang Ping'an's background.

When he got the news, cold sweat suddenly broke out on his back, and he almost kicked the steel plate. If he really went to touch Zhang Pingan, maybe his father standing behind him would be fucked... At the same time, he was thinking in his heart After complaining for a while that the principal was not honest, he clearly knew about Zhang Ping'an's family, but he still said he didn't know? Wasn't this meant to make him kick the steel plate?

Of course he didn't dare to target the principal's family, so he spread the news he had investigated on his scarf. He felt that even if he couldn't trouble Zhang Pingan, he could at least use this method to make Zhang Pingan, a person who deliberately pretended to be low-key, feel a little disgusted.

Yes, Zhang Pingan was indeed disgusted by the person who spread the news. But at the same time, there is also some gratitude in it. After all, the focus of his career in the future will be on China. After the background is announced, as the principal said, at least he will avoid some clowns from trying to take advantage of himself and the company.

After reading the news on the Internet, Zhang Pingan reluctantly put away his mobile phone and continued to visit the filming location with the program crew. As for the exposed family background, we can only wait for it to slowly dissipate on the Internet.

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