My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 565: I don’t care about your business?

Zhang Ping'an parked the car downstairs of Girls' Generation's dormitory, and the three of them sat in the car and started chatting. Taeyeon and Pani were completely speechless after listening to Zhang Ping'an talking about the accounting routine of Huaxia's "milk tea franchise".

Taeyeon said dumbfounded: "Wow, I finally understand why you say capital is dirty. Isn't there any difference between this so-called 'franchise' and a scam?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "This is a scam, and it's a scam, but you can't do anything about it. Because the contracts are all formal and reasonable business contracts, what can you say? And they come every three days. Some investigators are sent as mystery shoppers to find trouble and impose fines. Anyway, the final solution is a dead end. In the end, if you want to refund the deposit, haha, it will be deducted for various reasons, or if you can get me two customers, I will refund it. Here you go, develop into a pyramid scheme in an instant!”

Listening to Zhang Pingan developing the 'milk tea franchise' into a pyramid scheme every minute, Pani was so angry that he punched Zhang Pingan on the shoulder: "Ah, how dare you ask me to do such a thing? Do you think I'm dead?" Isn’t it fast enough? You guys are so dirty!”

Zhang Ping'an rubbed his hammered shoulder, turned to Pani and smiled and said: "Milk tea franchise? This is really just a pediatrician, a game played by children. Real capital... big capital, they simply don't I don't bother to play such a game, because the money comes too slowly. It's better to sell air than to join the franchise! The money comes quickly, and people will be killed every two days, and it will be a blockbuster that will sweep the world! Money for people who want to get rich!”

Taeyeon had heard Zhang Pingan say this word more than once. She asked in confusion: "What is the 'air' in your mouth? Is it the air we breathe?"

"Just... forget it, forget it, I won't tell you those things. Anyway, they are just things in the financial market."

Pani asked very curiously: "Financial market? Stock market?"

Zhang Ping'an turned around and glanced at her again, warning: "Yeah, I'm telling you, you must never play in the stock market. It's all played by capitalists. Most ordinary people like you are waiting to be cheated. might as well give me the money to buy a new car."

Zhang Pingan continued: "Most people's greed cannot be suppressed, and you don't have any special news in the stock market. With this money... well, I recently invested in FNC. If you are interested, you can You can buy some, and I’ll let you know when to run away.”

Pani listened to Zhang Pingan's words and said in surprise: "'Run away'? You don't plan to hold it forever?"

Zhang Ping'an immediately said: "I'm almost crazy. What am I going to do if I hold a brokerage company that I can't absolutely control? This kind of investment is just to make a fortune. Seolhyun's thing is also to promote the stock price. Prepare!"

The reason why Zhang Ping'an brought up Seol Hyun's matter again was because he wanted to tell Taeyeon that Seol Hyun and I were not deeply involved. Of course, these were just lies to deceive women.

Pani smiled and said: "Not long ago, Hani, and now Seolhyun, you are too powerful, right? You can easily push two female artists who don't have much attention to the top of the trend. Why don't you push them?" Push us?"

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "Am I pushing you as a girl to fly into outer space? Because you are all world-class now!"

Taeyeon laughed and said: "Hahaha, the strongest girls' generation in the universe!"

After Taeyeon said this, Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Okay, okay, go up and rest. By the way, remember to take the packed vegetables back as a midnight snack."

Pani smiled and said, "I can go up alone. Why don't you and Taeyeon continue to go shopping?"

I originally thought that Zhang Pingan would refuse, but who knew, Zhang Pingan looked at her with a smile and said, "Okay, then you can go up alone?"

Pani said depressedly: "Um...are you really going? Okay, then I'll get off first, Taeyeon,

You go down first and let me get off. "

Taeyeon got out of the car and pulled up her seat so that Pani could follow her. At the same time, she was still carrying the food she had packed back from the front.

After getting out of the car, Pani smiled at Taeyeon and said, "Don't come back tonight."

Taeyeon smiled and said: "Let's go up. He just came to Seoul today, let him go back and have a good rest."

But Zhang Ping'an laughed: "Pani even said that we should go on the date. How can we refuse Pani to make time for us? Let's go and have a cup of coffee."

"Oh." Taeyeon looked at Zhang Pingan, then turned to look at Pani. Because she was alone in the dormitory at this time, Taeyeon still thought about Pani.

Taeyeon actually wanted to hang out with Zhang Pingan again, because she and Zhang Pingan had not been alone together for a long time to talk sweetly, but... she seemed a bit heartless when she left Pani alone in the dormitory. . Pani is not her, and Pani does not have any homely attributes, so Taeyeon is reluctant to let Pani upstairs, and wants to be alone with Zhang Pingan.

At this time, Pani smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, it's already nine-fifty now, and Shun Kyu will be back in a while."

Sunkyu's broadcast ends at ten o'clock. If Sunkyu doesn't have a bar, she will go back to the dormitory directly after finishing the broadcast.

Taeyeon thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, then he and I will go out for a walk again."

"Go, go, let's have a good time together." Pani waved to Taeyeon generously, gesturing for her to get in the car. Taeyeon really got in the car, and Zhang Pingan drove away. Pani just stood there and watched the two people's vehicles disappear from her sight. Then she sighed and went upstairs with the packed food. .

When Pani returned to the dormitory, she took out the things she had packed and put them in the microwave to heat them up. Then she sat alone on the floor of the living room and started drinking. The reason why I drank was because I was very lonely in the dormitory, and I was also very envious of Taeyeon and Zhang Pingan's relationship.

Although Taeyeon did not become Zhang Pingan's official girlfriend, the problems between Sika and Zhang Pingan gave Taeyeon the possibility of becoming a permanent member.

At this time, Pani was holding a glass of red wine, which was more than half full. Pani raised her head and drank most of it in one gulp. The remaining red wine was exuding an intoxicating bright red color in the glass. She hugged her legs with one hand and put her chin on her knees, staring at her hands with a dull look. The red wine swaying in it...

The misunderstanding between Zhang Pingan and Sika made Pani feel a little incredible. Logically speaking, Zhang Ping'an couldn't possibly suspect that Sika was using him, right?

If Zhang Ping'an said this in the early days of the brand's creation, there might be a bit of 'utilization' involved in getting it close. But now that the two of them have been dating for almost a year, it makes no sense to talk about 'taking advantage' at this time. At least the sweet period of Zhang Pingan and Sika's love was seen by them.

But they have been dating for almost a year, why would Zhang Pingan say this?

Is Zhang Ping'an deliberately trying to slander Sika's reputation? This isn't right either? Because the attitude he showed was not one of extreme hatred for Sika. Could it be that, as Zhang Pingan said, Sika was hiding too deeply? Is she really just taking advantage?

Pani felt that Zhang Pingan was just talking nonsense!

So what happened that caused Zhang Ping'an to have such an illusion? Pani couldn't figure it out. Anyway, there must be other problems hidden in this. It's just that Taeyeon's time to go to the bathroom was too short today, so she didn't get much information.

However, it seems that the problems between Zhang Pingan and Sika are gradually becoming serious. More than half a month ago, when Pani inquired for the first time, Zhang Ping'an just replied in an understatement, "It's okay." But now it seems that this is nothing, now it is a serious matter! !

There has been no contact for two months. In essence, it is really no different from breaking up. It's just that the two of them were still in the name of being in love at this time and hadn't made it completely public. But the news that Zhang Ping'an and Kim Seol-hyun are in love now uploaded on the Internet, Pani feels that it is not true.

Because according to Zhang Pingan's habit, if he was really in love with Kim Seol-hyun, he would not leave Kim Seol-hyun and go to Tokyo for more than 20 days. In the past twenty days, Seolhyun was not photographed dating Zhang Pingan once.

Especially after Seolhyun became famous, you said there were no paparazzi reporters specifically watching Seolhyun? is it possible?

You know, Seolhyun is now the darling of advertising manufacturers, and it is a trend in the market reaction, absolutely a trend! So any news about her is very valuable, especially the photos of her private meeting with Zhang Pingan, which are really worth thousands of dollars.

But in the past twenty days, apart from the regular news about Seol Hyun, there was no news about Zhang Ping An. That's why Pani felt that Zhang Pingan and Seolhyun were really just deliberately hyping up FNC's stock price.

Pani couldn't guess what the problem between Zhang Pingan and Sika was, but she knew very well that it was very simple to resolve the conflict between the two. But why resolve it?

Pani took the wine glass and drank the rest in one gulp. With a smile on her lips, she said to herself: "What do I care about the two of you? You can handle it yourself."

One glass of wine, one glass, it was only half the bottle left, and Pani felt that it was gone before he took two sips. She got up and took out Shun Kyu's soju from the refrigerator and drank it. While drinking the soju, she sent a message to Shun Kyu, 'I drank your soju. Remember to bring wine with you when you come back. There are snacks in the dormitory. ’

After a while, Pani got a reply from Shun Gyu: ‘Roger it! ’

When Pani was planning to have a drink with Shun Gyu, Zhang Pingan drove the vehicle towards his home.

On the way, he looked at Taeyeon's fair face and couldn't help but want to lick it~~

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