My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 331 Sika’s Mother’s Worries

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Sika's mother's worries were not unreasonable. After all, Zhang Ping'an's family situation was much better than the environment they had imagined. Once a certain industry reaches the top ten in the world, it can be said that their family belongs to an absolutely wealthy family.

Most of the wealthy families they know about are what appear in TV dramas. In real life, even when they were young girls, they did not have the opportunity to come into contact with top wealthy families, so they don't know what is going on in such a family?

Various conjectures are based on what I have seen in TV series, or maybe news reports are talking about this or that rich concubine who owns several houses. In other words, in their perception, such wealthy families are basically all married? So of course Sika's mother was very worried, worried that Sika would not get the status she deserved in the future by following Zhang Pingan. ‘Auntie’ is just a nicer name, but it actually means ‘little’.

But how many parents in the world want their daughters to be "little" children? So she had to voice her concerns. She doesn't stop Sika and Zhang Ping'an from falling in love, but she wants Sika to think clearly and thoroughly. How to decide in the future is Sika’s own problem. She knew that her daughter had received Western education since she was a child, so she always had her own judgment.

In fact, Sika knew what her mother said in her heart. Not to mention, in Japan, the woman named Shiraishi Mai might be involved with Zhang Ping'an. Otherwise, Zhang Pingan would invest in this beautiful Japanese actress so suddenly? Investing without ‘involvement’ would be a bit bullshit, right? After all, there are a lot of beautiful women in the world, why don't you see him investing in other beautiful women for no reason?

Sika knew this in her heart, but she didn't show it. Because she didn't think it was necessary, she had not considered and weighed all the things that might happen after she decided to be with Zhang Pingan. After all, what are Zhang Pingan's conditions? Whether it's his appearance or finances, he will attract countless women to come to him.

Moreover, men cannot withstand temptation. It just seemed like the woman who tempted him was not the one he wanted. If you are not his type, no matter how proactive you are, it will not help. What if it's the type he likes...then let it develop naturally? Maybe that Shiraishi Mai is the woman who can touch his emotional factors.

Sika has actually figured it out a long time ago. Sometimes women have to live a little confused. Women who are too shrewd are not so lovable. Now that she had chosen it, she naturally accepted it.

As for the things outside that sometimes need to be turned a blind eye, at least now everyone knows that Zhang Pingan's girlfriend is her, Jessica Jung. Not that Mai Shiraishi in Japan!

So when Sika faced her mother's advice, she just smiled and nodded and said: "I know, I will think about these things carefully myself. O-ma, I am already such a big person, there are many I know the matter myself.”

Sika's mother nodded and said: "As long as you understand, I'm just reminding you. After all, whether it's love or marriage in the future, it's your own life, and you should make your own decisions. Remember, no matter what you do, It's a choice, as long as you don't regret it at that moment. As for whether you will regret it in the future, no one can say. I still regret marrying your father. "

Sika's parents are a real old married couple, and as they get older, the couple will inevitably quarrel. The 'regret' in Sika's mother's mouth is just her complaint at this time.

I don't really regret anything.

When Sika heard her mother's last words, she couldn't help but laugh: "My father is very good, why should I regret it?"

"We asked him to come to South Korea to live with us, but he still hasn't come. He just can't let go of the gym over there? I really don't understand, what's the point of not being able to let go of a bad gym? At his age, isn't it good to enjoy his old age in peace? ?”

Listening to his mother's complaints, Sika laughed and said: "Hahaha~~~ Let him do it. I talked to him on the phone some time ago. Maybe within the past two years, his gym will be closed. By then Come to Korea and live with us.”

Sika's father, a former boxer, ran a gym in San Francisco, where they lived, after their family immigrated to the United States. It can be said that this gym has raised their family, so Sika's father has an indescribable bond with this gym, even though both Sika sisters have become stars and made a lot of money. There is no need for him to run the gym and raise them, but he still can't let go of the gym and the students in it. This is why he has not come to Korea for so long.


The night became darker, but the time displayed by the clock pointed to the golden nine o'clock at night. After Zhang Ping'an returned home, he lay quietly on the sofa alone, silently thinking about today's meal, or in other words, how much impression should he give to Sika's mother after he came to the door?

Zhang Ping'an felt that after Sika read out his family's company profile from the search engine, Sika's mother became a little worried. Of course Zhang Pingan could guess what she was worried about, but what did Zhang Pingan say? There are no guarantees about relationships, because no one knows whether their relationship will change in the future?

Naturally, Zhang Ping'an couldn't give any guarantees or promises, because that was a game only played by children.

If he sees Sika's mother becoming worried and says, "I will definitely marry your daughter in the future," it will only make people feel ridiculous and childish, and it will even make people think that he is unreliable and unreliable.

The only thing Zhang Pingan can say is, 'I am serious about dating your daughter. ’ That’s all. But in the end, Zhang Pingan said nothing, because no words could solve Sika's mother's worries.

Zhang Pingan didn't know how long he lay on the sofa until Sika came upstairs.

After she entered the room, she showed a beautiful smile to Zhang Pingan, and then she sat down next to Zhang Pingan's head. Then she hugged his head and moved her position so that his head rested on hers. On her lap, she just looked down at Zhang Pingan: "Why are you so listless? Could it be that you drank too much yesterday and are tired?"

"Maybe? He's a little tired." After Zhang Ping'an said the word 'tired', Sika stretched out her hands to rub his temples: "My mother thinks you have a good impression, but your family background shocked her a little. After all, I didn’t know anything beforehand, so I never told her anything. Maybe she wasn’t mentally prepared? It’s scary for one of the top ten companies in the world.”

Zhang Ping'an responded: "The investment company is not in the industry. Do you think it has countless employees like Samsung? I heard that there are only a hundred or so people in their company. So don't think of our family like those TV series The "president" here is actually a very ordinary family. I heard that there are only about a hundred people in the company, so I thought it was a small company. "

Zhang Pingan did not say that there are hundreds of people in the investment company, but they are all elites.

Sika shook his head and said: "The top ten in the world are all small companies? In your eyes, what is a big company?"

Zhang Pingan said jokingly: "I think big companies are those who engage in industry. First of all, they need a large factory area, a large number of employees, and good sales results in the world. For a big company, it must be big!! Hahaha~ ~"

Sika was also amused by the word 'big company' in Zhang Ping'an's mouth: "Hahaha...are you tired? If you are tired, take a rest. If you are not tired, let's go for a walk?"

"Let's go for a walk. It's been a long time since I took a walk at night. I'm going to put on some clothes."

In the back alleys of Cheongdam-dong, Zhang Ping'an and Sika were walking like any ordinary couple on the road.

Sika held his arm, and the two of them walked aimlessly on the street in boredom. Sika nestled next to her under the moonlight was really beautiful. Although the two did not speak, they were just enjoying themselves. While strolling at this moment, I also feel that I am in a very wonderful mood.

The breeze in the night blew away the boredom in his heart, just because he had her beside him.

"Oppa, are you going to Tokyo with us in two days?" Because Girls' Generation's next schedule is a Japanese album, so they are all going to Tokyo to record, practice, shoot, etc. there. Maybe the next time I will be in Tokyo will last about a month. Girls' Generation will wait until the end of the year after the release to come back to participate in various end-of-year awards, right?

"Maybe I won't go for the time being, right? PD Luo Yingshi's program will be filmed in two days, and I have to film two episodes with him, because I didn't see writer Li when I met with PD Luo some time ago. This time I mainly went to meet with Li The writer communicates about the program, after all, she is the one who writes the on-site planning.”

The writers of variety shows add shooting tasks anytime and anywhere according to different environments on site.

Zhang Ping'an continued: "And this time the World Finals of League of Legends will be held in South Korea. Several anchors on my platform are coming over. I promised to entertain them when they come to South Korea."

Sika nodded in understanding and said: "I know, I just asked casually, because I never know your schedule."

"Even I don't know what my schedule is, how could you know?" Zhang Ping'an said with a smile, because he himself didn't have an accurate schedule, so his schedule didn't have a fixed schedule like those of idols. And he basically depends on his mood.

The reason why he didn't go to Japan with Sika this time was because Mai Shiraishi was living in that home now. What if Sika said she wanted to live at home? What kind of house would he give her to live in? Therefore, it is the best solution for her to live in the dormitory with Girls' Generation's army.

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