My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 332 Golden Autumn October

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Unconsciously, Girls' Generation has left Seoul for more than a week. In mid-September, Zhang Ping'an also went to the filming location of the show with Luo Yingshi's PD team and supervised the filming of two episodes of the show. PD Luo and Writer Li, this golden pair, are very appreciative of Zhang Ping'an's various whimsical ideas. The two of them thought their ideas were already very interesting, but when Zhang Pingan chatted with them, they realized that he really had a lot of program ideas.

And during the filming of this show, the still pictures he asked the photographer to capture were also so beautiful that it was so mesmerizing. Maybe the cat is dozing lazily. Perhaps it’s the dappled afternoon sunlight that penetrates the shade of the trees, combined with the chirping of insects and birds around. All the static pictures were shot under the guidance of Zhang Pingan, which made PD Luo feel that the pictures were too beautiful when editing the film. He praised Zhang Pingan more than once for being really good at shooting these still beauties.

The static beauty in the countryside can really give irritable urbanites a sense of spiritual healing. Even PD Luo was healed after seeing this picture. And these strengths of Zhang Pingan are also things that he needs to learn. He really feels that Zhang Pingan has a pair of eyes that can discover "beauty", because the "beauty" in his eyes is not only the magnificent scenery, but also the scenes. Quiet time! This is also the beauty that the show needs to reflect!

Because this show doesn’t have too many funny points, it’s just some leisure time, so it needs some static beauty. Of course, the little thoughts of ‘Meida Oppa’ in the rural environment will make people smile that heals the body and mind. Definitely an urban man, it is really interesting to go to the countryside to live a leisurely time of "three meals a day".

Only two episodes of the first season have been filmed. Before Zhang Pingan left, he was already discussing with PD Luo about filming the next season. Next season, I will not choose the countryside, but the fishing village! Of course, the guests also need to change, from the "beautiful Oppa" who was casually talking about it to the "model, actor" and cooking expert Cha Seung-won!


At the beginning of October in the golden autumn, China's 'Golden Week' officially kicked off. China's neighboring countries have ushered in the peak period of welcoming Chinese tourists, including South Korea, where Zhang Pingan stayed.

Golden Week means traffic jams on China's domestic highways and people-watching at scenic spots, but people across the country are still happy to travel to major scenic spots. After all, the Chinese people, who make up the vast majority of salary earners, only have time to travel with their families during the Golden Week, right? And traveling on the expressway is free!

Of course, there is also a "Golden Week" during the Spring Festival, but for Chinese people, the "Spring Festival" is a day for family reunion, and it is also a day for the whole family to get together to play mahjong. Moreover, at the beginning of the new year after the Spring Festival, you have to visit relatives and friends, and naturally go out. There are far fewer people traveling than during the National Day Golden Week.

This time, the knockout stage of the "League of Legends" World Finals was held in South Korea. The knockout stage happened to be on the third day of Golden Week, but Zhang Pingan's anchors came to Seoul in advance. The game on the 3rd was held in Busan, and they came to Seoul on the day of Golden Week. Because Zhang Pingan said he wanted to entertain his own anchors, he asked them to come in advance instead of letting them Waiting for the direct flight to Busan on the 3rd.

At Incheon Airport, Zhang Pingan received the 'eldest lady' and 'De Yunse's duo' who were participating in the commentary at the exit. After seeing De Yunse and the two, Zhang Pingan smiled and said to the man in the commentary box He smiled so excitedly and said: "I watched your commentary this time. What do you mean by crazy output from the crotch? You are really... rich in language. Do you want to continue sitting in the commentator's seat next time? ? Do you know how much resources the company spent on recommending you and Xiaopang to sit on the commentary table this time? "

The greasy man laughed and said with a silly smile: "I didn't know how I said it at the time.

Afterwards, the domestic side felt that the effect was pretty good. "

Xiaoxiao’s explanation really allowed countless viewers to see a different ‘new style’. Because he is not an official commentator directly hired by Penguin, he doesn't have to worry too much about his commentary. They don't pay special attention to their words. Anyway, they talk a lot when explaining a game. But also because of his humorous explanation method, he gained great attention in this world finals.

Zhang Ping'an smiled bitterly and shook his head and said: "Forget it, since the effect is good. Anyway, I don't plan to let you be a full-time commentator. If there is such a large-scale official event, our company will try to discuss it with Penguin. After gaining attention, we will Popularity voting is also good for you. Miss, long time no see. You are very popular in the competitive circle recently."

miss said with a smile: "This is all recommended by the company. My and No. 7's programs, as well as the live broadcasts we do on weekdays, have received a lot of attention."

Basically, her live broadcast room will be featured on the homepage as soon as it starts broadcasting. These are special treatments given by the company, and Miss's attention has increased significantly. And No. 7 often makes some dirty jokes in her program, saying, "Miss!" 'Ah, these have become the mantra of gamers.

Zhang Ping'an also smiled and said to the 'eldest lady' what gamers often say: "Miss!! Hahaha, let's go, I will take you to the hotel to store your luggage first, and I will take you to have a good tour of Seoul in the afternoon. "

Incheon Airport has become extremely busy today. It is not only China's Golden Week, but also many "League of Legends" game fans came to South Korea to watch the finals.

Looking at the Rolls-Royce that Zhang Pingan drove in South Korea, Xiaopanghe smiled and said, "Brother An, you actually bought a Rolls-Royce in South Korea?"

"With the money you spend on a Mercedes-Benz in China, you can buy a Rolls-Royce in South Korea. The naked price of this car in China starts at 5 million, with all the options and taxes, it all adds up to 700-800 Ten thousand, right? But in Korea, my car, including options and various taxes, only costs about three million if I buy it in the United States. This is why the rich second generation likes to buy it overseas. The reason for playing with luxury cars.”

The rich second generation still calls others the rich second generation? This made Xiaoxiao speechless "..."

However, when I think about it, Zhang Ping'an is not a second-generation cheater who has nothing to do. He has a live broadcast platform valued at 2 billion. Recently, among China's live broadcast platforms, only pandaTV created by him is the largest and best. ‘Tiaoyu’ and ‘Huya’ were left far behind.

And as anchors, they know very well that the platform is like printing money every day, and they receive a lot of revenue every day. The platform has thousands of anchors recently, and the anchor's salary will not be settled until a month later. All the reward amount in a month is deposited in the hands of their platform. With such cash flow, at least one day is a good income. Several million, you can imagine how profitable the platform is. The most important thing is...the platform has all cash! !

Zhang Pingan said: "I heard recently that the live broadcast market in China is a bit chaotic?"

Xiaoxiao said honestly: "Well, Douyu hired me and Xiaopang to go live broadcast and offered a signing bonus of 10 million. This was something we had never thought about before."

Because they have a brokerage contract, they don't dare to change jobs randomly. If Zhang Ping'an hadn't been smart enough to sign them, they would really be making a lot of money now. However, they also know how to be grateful. If it weren't for Zhang Pingan, how could they have received such good resources? There are so many retired players, not all of them have the opportunity to be in the commentary box of the World Finals.

Miss also smiled and said: "Other companies have also offered me a signing bonus of 20 million. I didn't know that I am worth so much now?"

"Don't worry, you have a two-year contract with pandaTV. Half a year has passed. In two years, the live broadcast will explode. At this time, all you have to do is to accumulate more popularity. In the future, our agency will help you If you talk about other platforms, you will get a higher signing bonus. Miss, we are considering more than 50 million, and for you two, we are considering 20 to 30 million.”

Xiaoxiao immediately said in his tone mixed with Sichuan Mandarin: "It's absolutely right to listen to Brother An, but we won't sign a contract with pandaTV in two years?"

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "There is more signing bonus, why not take it? Someone on the platform has been talking to us about financing recently. The 'principal' plans to invest 300 million, but the shares he wants are still under negotiation. . Don’t worry, I will definitely not trick you, but it’s the person I personally selected.”

He smiled and said: "I'm sure, the little fat guy and I definitely believe in Brother An. By the way, Brother An, today you can let us meet Girls' Generation."

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Girls' Generation? They went to Japan, where they were preparing a Japanese album. If the finals hadn't been in South Korea, I might have gone with them. "RM" Ha Dongxun's store, are you going? Well, I’ll take you to his restaurant for barbecue tonight?”

The little fat man said: "Okay, okay, Running Man. China has also recently remade Running Man."

Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "I know, although I am in South Korea, I still pay close attention to the Chinese entertainment industry. Our company has invested a lot in China. Zhang Chenchen, who participated in the finals of "The Voice", is from our company. Yours Fellow senior sister."

The fat man shook his head and said, "I don't know, I rarely watch TV programs."

While chatting, Zhang Pingan's vehicle also entered Seoul. The little fat man saw that there were not as many beauties on the streets as he had imagined. He said with disappointment: "I thought there were many beauties on the streets in Korea, but in the end, all I saw on the street were Crooked melons and cracked dates.”

Zhang Ping'an laughed loudly: "The Miss sitting in front is a beautiful woman, slowly look through the reflector and look at her~~! Hahaha~~ You fat man!!"

:. :

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