My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 342 Visiting Zhien’s House

Plans can never keep up with changes. On the day he returned to Seoul, Li Zhien received news about his itinerary from the company. She handed the message on her phone to Zhang Pingan and looked at it. Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Oh? Are you endorsing Jinro Soju? Not bad, this can only be endorsed by top stars. Well, I forgot that you are also a top star. This It’s quite appropriate for Jinro to find you, because Jinro always describes their wine as pure and clear, and you just fit this image.”

The two brands that invest the most advertising in the market in South Korea are telecommunications and Jinro Soju, which Ji-eun is about to endorse. Telecommunications operates so many online stores that they can be said to be located in all communities. Wherever there are outlets, there will be endorsement posters. Not to mention Jinro, as long as it is a restaurant, there will definitely be a few advertising posters.

Li Zhien smiled and said, "Do you know Jinro's previous spokesperson?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "You know, aren't there advertisements posted in the streets and alleys? It's UIE! The first drink is Shin Min'er. Why did you suddenly mention this?"

Li Zhien shook his head and said, "No, I was just wondering why you suddenly found me as the spokesperson? I rarely drink."

"How do I know what their company thinks? Besides, when they chose UIE, they reflected a healthy image. And don't the recent advertising slogans emphasize 'clear'? And you happen to fit this image positioning very well, so I personally I think it’s right to choose you.”

Li Zhien is quite happy to be able to endorse such a No. 1 brand. The amount of the endorsement fee is not particularly important. It is possible that the price offered by such a brand will not be too high. After all, Jinro has achieved the position of the number one soju brand. Being able to endorse it can be regarded as a kind of mutual benefit, right? After all, endorsing it is equivalent to promoting Li Zhien throughout the country, so even if Jinro offers a price that is lower than Li Zhien's usual price, their company will definitely accept it.

Li Zhien smiled and said: "When oppa wants soju, tell me and I will buy ten for you!"

Zhang Pingan smiled and said: "I don't like soju that much. When I drink it, it tastes like Chinese liquor mixed with water. I usually prefer Chinese liquor and some foreign wines with higher concentrations."

"Hey... I originally planned to go to Kyoto Prefecture with Oppa to see the red leaves, but the plan couldn't keep up with the change."

"It's okay. I'll wait until you're busy... Well, the end of the year is coming soon, so you should be very busy, right?" Zhang Pingan also wanted to say that it wouldn't be too late to wait until she was done with her work, but it was already October, and next she I also asked Yoo In Na to visit the United States. It will probably be close to the end of the year when she comes back. At that time, various award ceremonies are about to begin. Once December enters, various business activities of the company will appear one after another. That is the busiest period for artists.

Li Zhien nodded and said, "Well, we artists are very busy at the end of the year."

Since she couldn't continue playing, she asked casually: "Oppa, what about you, what are you going to do next?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. I will definitely go to Tokyo. I have other things to do there in November. Let's see about this period of time?" Zhang Pingan is a person who has no plans. , was suddenly asked what to do next, and he really didn’t know what to do.

Li Zhien smiled and said: "By the way, in the "Mask" you produced, the 'Golden Paint' who lasted for two seasons as the top singer was F(x)'s Luna, right? When I heard it, I thought she was Her voice."

At present, 'Golden Paint' still occupies the position of the king of singers. She has occupied the hot search after the weekend program is broadcast for a month. Especially in the second Singer Battle that just ended last week, the mystery of Golden Paint has not yet been unveiled. She still left the scene wearing a mysterious Singer mask, which made countless viewers even more curious about her behind the mask. 'Who is it?

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "That's right, it's her.

When I listened to F(x)'s songs before, I felt that her singing skills were very explosive, but she never had the chance to sing her own songs. So when I was preparing for the show this time, I found Luna. I didn't expect that she had been the singing king for two times. "

Li Zhien nodded and said: "Oppa, this program is very interesting. It gives many capable people in the team a chance to show themselves."

"When the two of us sang on the streets of Tokyo, weren't we just preparing for this show? So, half of this show is your credit."

"Hehe, as long as I can help oppa."

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "Do you think it is necessary to create a program and find these powerful singers to sing on the streets overseas? Go to Europe or the United States, where the influence of Korean wave is not very big? Taeyeon is good. Senior Park Jung-hyun is also good.”

Li Zhien tilted his head and thought for a moment and said, "Senior Park Jung-hyun is very powerful. However, this depends on you, Oppa."

Zhang Ping'an thought for a while and said: "Now is not the time. Next year, I should...forget it, let's think about it after a while."


While chatting, the vehicle quickly arrived at the downstairs of Li Zhien's house. Zhang Ping'an got out of the car with her. Li Zhien pointed to his neighborhood and said, "Oppa, do you want to come up and sit down?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Do you live alone?"

Li Zhien nodded and said, "Well, my parents, younger brother, and grandma live in other places. Because I can't set the time when I go out and come back for work on weekdays. I'm worried that it will affect their normal life, so I live alone."

Li Zhien's father is doing business, and her brother is studying, so they get up and go to bed the same as everyone else. Because of the special nature of her career, Li Zhien did not want to affect the normal life of her family, so she lived alone.

"By the way, I heard that your father is engaged in business, what business?"

Li Zhien said with a smile: "I just opened a Western restaurant with my aunt. I have never announced it to the outside world, and no photos of me are used in the restaurant. My father used to like to say, 'My daughter is IU.' He has stopped recently. A lot, and he also knew that any mistakes they made would have to be borne by me, so he started to be cautious.”

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Let me meet your father sometime. When it comes to making money from business, I'm pretty good at it."

"Is Oppa still involved in business?" Li Zhien only knew that he had a brokerage company and had done some business related to the industry, but he didn't know that he was involved in other businesses.

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said: "No, I just don't want to do things like products. Although physical products are very profitable, they are too tiring. But the brand established by Sika, oh, it is the brand of Girls' Generation now, that is me An idea for Sika.”

Zhang Ping'an said he didn't want to do anything, which made Li Zhien smile and shake his head. Although he didn't know what he was thinking, his tone was not small. However, everyone has to admit that what Zhang Pingan does is indeed very profitable. The ratings champion program he curated alone can easily earn tens of billions of won in the first quarter.

Li Zhien smiled and said, "Okay, I'll introduce you to him someday."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and boasted: "I am a very good person at making money, even better than your 'mobile money printing machine'."

Li Zhien listened to Zhang Pingan's boast and said with a smile: "Hey, Oppa, how much can you earn in a year?"

Zhang Pingan said casually: "Me? The net income from my business in one year is 100 billion won, which is no problem."

"One hundred billion?"

Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "Yes. One hundred billion, because my live broadcast platform in China earns no less than 500 million won in cash every day!"

"...Let's go upstairs and sit down. Don't talk about this anymore. It sounds too scary to me." Li Zhien took Zhang Ping'an and walked toward her home. As she walked, she was still muttering: "One day At least 500 million won?”

Zhang Pingan came to Li Zhien's home. The place she lived in was not very big, just a small three-bedroom apartment. A cloakroom, a bedroom, and her personal studio.

The decoration of the living room is very simple, just a sofa, a table, a TV, and an air conditioner standing next to the TV. The sofa in her home is made of black leather, and the curtains on the floor-to-ceiling windows looking outside are closed. This is the same as many artists. After all, she lives in a community room and there are several residents nearby.

Her house is not the kind of high-end residence facing the Han River. Other residents around her must also know that she lives here. If they hold telescopes, they can see the situation in her home, so the curtains of Li Zhien's house are basically closed. She would only open the window for ventilation when she occasionally went out, but usually kept it closed when she was at home alone.

On the floor of the floor-to-ceiling windows are some personal portraits given to her by fans, and there are some plants next to them. There are some remote controls and some scented candles placed on the table. There are two refrigerators in the open kitchen, and the kitchen is very clean.

Li Zhien smiled and said, "Sit down wherever you want. I'll go change clothes. The water is in the refrigerator. Oppa, do it yourself."

"Is it okay if I visit?"

"Well, feel free to visit."

After a brief visit to the clean living room, Zhang Ping'an came to Li Zhien's studio. There were many things stored in the studio. The various trophies she had won and some gifts given to her by fans were all placed with great care. In the window. The computer on the workbench has two large speakers, and the walls of the room have been specially soundproofed.

He opened the window and casually picked up a trophy and looked at the '2013 KBS Best Female Newcomer Award'. There was also a trophy with the same shape as this trophy. Zhang Pingan looked at it and it said '2013 KBS Best CP Award'.

Zhang Ping'an looked at the awards she had won for her acting skills, smiled and said a name inexplicably: "Zhi'an, full moon!"

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