My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 404 Money is life!

After the soup base was tumbling, Sayuri, a big eater, couldn't wait to scald the beef in the bottom of the pot. While scalding the beef, she asked Zhang Pingan: "What are you doing here these days? You're not here Is there any romantic encounter here?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and shook his head and said: "What kind of encounter? I basically make plans in my room every day, and I don't even have time to go out. I really want to have a romantic encounter. Before you guys come, meet someone I think is cute. The girl embarked on a romantic love story. It's a pity that I traveled all over Karuizawa but didn't meet any cute... well, I should say I didn't meet any cute single girls, but I saw some cute ones occasionally. I have company around me, which is a bit regretful~~"

Sayuri smiled and said, "Is there anyone as cute as our Mai?"

"What do you think?" Zhang Pingan responded with a smile. Mai sat nearby and listened to the jokes between Zhang Pingan and Sayuri. She was not angry because of it, let alone suddenly jealous when Sayuri asked about the 'accidental encounter'. It's a joke, just smile.

Mai didn't want Sayuri to pester Zhang Ping'an about their encounter, so she quickly changed the subject: "By the way, there was an interview with a plastic surgery company in today's issue of "Non-No". That chain plastic surgery company. He also said that I am the No. 1 plastic surgery model on the market. Did you arrange this?"

Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "Yes, didn't I tell you last time? I went to the magazine to discuss the matter, and that's it. It cost 30 million yen in advertising to get them to publish this interview. However, It’s quite worth it. I also read this report on Yahoo News in the afternoon. We are going to start pre-sales in a few days. I don’t know what the final results will be.”

Sayuri raised his eyebrows and said, "You invested close to 100 million yen in Mai's photo shoot this time, right?"

Zhang Pingan nodded: "Absolutely. I think the 100 million yen spent is very worthwhile. Mai's reputation has risen a lot now. The last wave of publicity is to wait for the photos to be officially put on the shelves. I asked the advertising company to contact some." Utubers' let them do the promotion."

The total investment in a photo album is as high as 100 million yen, which is absolutely unheard of. But such a thing actually happened next to them, and Hashimoto was also very surprised.

Taking photo shoots is not a bad thing for Japanese women, and there is nothing to object to. After all, it is a record of their youth, but this is the first time Hashimoto has heard of someone investing so much for a photo shoot.

Nowadays, the streets are full of Shiraishi Mai’s publicity and so on. Hashimoto Nanami also knew that such publicity would definitely cost a lot of money, but she really didn’t expect that it would cost 100 million?

Listening to Zhang Pingan spending so much money to promote Mai, Sayuri smiled and said, "Are you really going to sell 100,000 copies?"

Zhang Ping'an said with a leisurely smile: "That's for sure! Since it's an investment, it must be to make money. I spend so much energy and money on publicity. Promoting Mai's popularity is one thing, and the same thing is Think about making money. Just like you idols, enjoying the screams of thousands of people on stage is ultimately about making money.”

Sayuri once again asked a childish question: "But you are already very rich. Why do the richer people think about making more money?"

Is this question really childish? That's not necessarily the case. Why do rich people want to make more money? K..

Zhang Pingan rinsed a piece of beef, dipped it in the sauce and put it in his mouth.

Regarding Sayuri's question, he was silent for a while before responding: "How should I put it, maybe it's interest, maybe it's responsibility, maybe it's other factors that I don't quite understand yet. Before I became a rich man, I Work hard to make money, and after working hard to make money, you will find that making money is also a kind of fun. Just like standing on the stage after practicing hard, the reward for you is the touching feeling given to you by the public during every performance. ..”

"Rich people make money by investing money in a company, and watching them incubate and grow will feel the excitement of success. In fact, the principle is the same, it just depends on where you are, or your attitude towards life. ? A monk eats three meals a day to live a healthy life, and a rich man eats three meals a day to eat delicious food. In my opinion, pursuing spirituality or material pursuits is not as good as living a happy life. It's a waste of our time as human beings. As for the top wealthy people who start to pursue meaningful things after they become successful, they start to look for meaningful things only when they feel that there is no point in anything they do. Regardless of spirituality, finding a balance that suits you is the real life.”

Sayuri was bored by Zhang Pingan's tirade, Shiraishi Mai was indifferent, and only Nana Hashimoto frowned and thought deeply after listening to Zhang Pingan's words.

Sayuri curled his lips to explain: "While we were talking, we ended up talking about 'life'. Isn't this topic too extensive?"

Zhang Ping'an said with a wry smile: "You can only find the meaning of life after you have money, right? If you don't have money, you should find a way to fill your stomach before talking about other things. In a word: money is life!"

Mai Shiraishi's final summary of Zhang Pingan, she tilted her head and said: "Money is life? Why does this sentence sound weird? Wouldn't it be impossible to live without money?"

"It's not that you can't live without money, it's that you can't live! Let's not talk about this topic. The people who talk are tired, and the people who listen are tired." Zhang Pingan finally had to give up and call a truce. This topic is really important to them. It's a boring topic, because they are not the kind of people who can't live with it at all. Whether it's money or life, it's too boring to talk about during dinner.

No money, can't live! Hashimoto Nanami is the one who best understands the meaning of Zhang Pingan's words. There was a time when her home even had water and electricity cuts. She knew very well that she really couldn't survive without money. I just didn't expect that a rich man like Zhang Pingan could see the meaning of 'money' so thoroughly. She really wanted to have a good chat with Zhang Pingan about the meaning of life.

Because she felt that she had learned a lot from him through just two simple chats, so she wanted to talk to him about something in-depth.

Hashimoto Nanami said: "Heian-san, can I chat with you tomorrow?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Yes, you can chat with me at any time."


After dinner, the three of them sat in the hotel's leisure area and drank coffee. Zhang Ping'an said with a smile, "Would you like to have a spa after taking a bath later? I can serve you in the room."

Sayuri immediately responded: "Yes, I want to enjoy the spa!"

"Okay, I'll make arrangements for you later. You go take a bath. I'm going back to the room."

After arriving on the first day, they enjoyed the complete relaxation brought by the hot spring hotel. After doing the spa in the room, they all felt relaxed and fell asleep. Maybe they had a lot of travel during this period, so they were all very tired. This allowed them to sleep very soundly after being relaxed.

The next day, they all got up early. Maybe they thought they didn't have much time to play here, only today, so they all got up very early. After getting up early and having breakfast, the four of us set out for some fun. Shiraishi Falls, Unba Pond, two famous churches, Shiraishi Mai and Sayuri kept recording their travels with their cameras.

Of course Zhang Pingan and Hashimoto were also brought in for a group photo. However, Zhang Pingan spends more time as their photographer. A place with beautiful scenery, every picture looks like a photo!

In the afternoon, a group of people went to Karuizawa's old Ginza to go shopping and eat. At the end of the day, they really felt that they still had more to do. And there are still many places in their hearts that they have not yet visited. Especially since I was pressed for time, I didn’t fully enjoy the places with beautiful scenery I went to.

Sitting in the cafe, Sayuri looked at the photos in the camera, and she murmured: "Which places with elegant scenery, if it is summer, you can really sit there and be in a daze for a day? No wonder it is called summer." holiday destination.”

"The summer resort is Hokkaido, Hashimoto-san's hometown. However, compared to Hokkaido in summer, I prefer Hokkaido in winter. The snow-white world and the people playing in the snow are like a fairy tale world."

As Hashimoto, who was born in Hokkaido, the Hokkaido in her eyes is completely different from the Hokkaido in Zhang Pingan's eyes: "Maybe it's because I live in Hokkaido all year round. The winter there has always represented loneliness and coldness. . For the residents of Hokkaido, snow is very annoying, but also very helpless.”

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "The loneliness and coldness in your mouth are irresistible factors caused by the natural environment. At least the residents of Hokkaido in my eyes are enthusiastic. So in my eyes, no matter how cold Hokkaido is, it is not as cold as Tokyo. , because the coldness in Tokyo is deep into the bones, which is the indifference of people. Just like Nanami, it looks like the winter in Hokkaido. It is cold, but the heart is warm. "

The three of them were all coming to Beijing from outside, so they were deeply touched by Zhang Ping'an's words. In the end, both Mai and Sayuri agreed with Zhang Pingan's last words to describe Nanami, because she is indeed a person with a very warm heart!

"Thank you." Faced with Zhang Ping'an's compliment, Lao Qiao covered his mouth with a rare embarrassed smile and laughed.

Then Lao Qiao asked Zhang Pingan: "Ping'an Sang, have you read any works recently? I like reading very much. I want you to recommend two books to me."

"Do you think I look like a person who studies?" Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "The only books I read are comics like Sayuri. As for literary works, I don't have that preference. If I really want to recommend it, it's the recent good ones. Comic "Escape is shameful but useful"!

:. :

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