My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 405 0 people have 0 answers

Zhang Pingan's words, "I only read comics" made Mai and Sayuri sitting next to him burst into laughter. Sayuri kept nodding and said: "Hahaha... It's true, I have been to his home as a guest, and he There are absolutely no literary works on the bookshelf at home except comics.”

Hashimoto always feels that Zhang Pingan knows a lot and has a wide range of knowledge, but I don’t know why he basically doesn’t read literary works? Hashimoto asked doubtfully: "Heian-san, do you think literary works have no inspiration for you?"

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "I used to read some literary works when I was a student, but later I found them boring and stopped reading. I remember that most people have read the novels of 'Haruki Murakami'. And almost all of his works are I am looking for myself, examining myself, and examining the gap between myself and reality. I am very satisfied with my current life and enjoy it. Maybe this is related to the environment in which I was born, so this kind of content has some self-development content. Books are too profound for me. I think if I have time to find my ‘self’ created by literature, I might as well read comics to amuse myself.”

Yes, because of the different environment in which he was born, his life is destined to be different from that of most people. But how does he define himself? Hashimoto Nana looked at Zhang Pingan curiously and said, "Even if your birth is different, have you never been lost in your life?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "Of course I have. When I graduated from junior high school, I came to Japan. That was the time when I was most confused. Different languages, different atmospheres, when everything around me became unfamiliar, hesitation and confusion appeared. Lost."

"Then how did you adjust?"

"How else can I adjust? I can only go with the flow. Slowly adapt to the strangeness here, and then turn the strangeness into familiarity. Because I can't change the environment, I can only adapt to the environment. I think the biggest advantage of being young is to adapt. As for the in-depth self-examination in those works, I find it too nerve-wracking, especially the philosophical questions, because there are no accurate answers for a thousand people. The answer is, who is right and who is wrong? Instead of struggling with those issues, I might as well eat three meals a day and do what I want to do if I am not interested. I can live happily as long as my financial conditions allow me to break laws and disciplines.”

Zhang Pingan's answer was very special, but also very practical. He didn't have too many ideas, just like his style of doing things. Today I suddenly remembered something and did it immediately. Of course, anything he can think of is basically very profitable. His lifestyle is so casual, with no special arrangements, let alone any arrangements. Working and enjoying at the same time is his way of life.

He only thinks about his career and how to make money, and lives a two-point and one-line lifestyle every day. How is this kind of life different from that of ordinary salarymen? So he has always been doing things here and there, without any fixed direction.

There are a thousand different answers in the lives of a thousand people. Zhang Ping'an couldn't give Hashimoto Nana any advice, just because the environments they were in were completely different.

She suddenly stood in front of the spotlight from an unknown ordinary person, accepting public scrutiny. This may be confusing for her personally. If she loves this job and enjoys it, that's not bad. But she first entered the entertainment industry just to "get a box lunch". Now that she has gained the love of the public, she is a little confused?

When Hashimoto was lost, she was used to looking for answers in books, but the more she read those self-development books, the more confused she became. Because there are no answers in the book at all,

Even if there is, that's the book author's answer, not hers. What she has to deal with is catering to the public's tastes? Or be your true self? This is something she needs to make a choice in her life, and this is something Zhang Pingan cannot help with.

Whether it's books, Zhang Pingan, or people around her, they all say to be herself, to be herself, but if she 'does herself' it conflicts with her current job. In her heart, she is not an idol! This is the source of her confusion! !

The trip to Karuizawa was easy, brisk and comfortable for people with strong wills like Mai and Sayuri, but for Hashimoto it was just a temporary relaxation trip. Because after going back, she still has to stand in front of the stage and continue to be Hashimoto Nanami who caters to everyone!

Her self did not get the answer during this journey. Maybe she still needs a few years to find herself!


On November 4th, one week before the official release of Mai Shiraishi's photo album, Nodan's official website and publisher simultaneously launched this photo pre-sale. Of the initial print run of 100,000 copies, 80,000 copies were sold during the pre-sale period. On the same day, the remaining 20,000 copies were released to stores and sold out instantly. On the same day, the 100,000 copies of Mai Shiraishi's photo album were officially released and were announced to be sold out on the same day.

The initial print run of 100,000 copies was sold out on the day of publication!

The publicity effect shown by Zhang Pingan made Sony and the publisher dumbfounded. Invested nearly 100 million in promotional expenses and made a lot of money on the first day of release? This sales performance is truly terrifying. It should be said that it has created idol sales history! Countless fans got the photo and called her a goddess when they saw Mai Shiraishi's photo! !

Mai Shiraishi became a god directly thanks to the photos Zhang Ping'an made for her and the strong publicity! !

Sony is discussing with publishers whether Zhang Ping'an's model can be copied? The answer is simple. Copying is possible, but even if they learn Zhang Pingan's publicity model, the effect will not be better than that of Mai Shiraishi. This is something Sony and publishers understand.

Shiraishi Mai soared into the sky, which made Sony nervous, because she had Zhang Pingan behind her, so the company repeatedly told Mai that her relationship with Zhang Pingan must not be discovered by outsiders or the media, absolutely! !

On the first day of release, he directly announced the printing of 50,000 additional copies, and Zhang Ping'an uprightly used the splitting method for the 50,000 additional copies. The publisher, Sony, he, and Shiraishi Mai, will divide the proceeds from 50,000 copies into four shares!

If you have money, if everyone makes it together, there will be more cooperation in the future. The publisher, Sony, knew that Zhang Ping'an had made a large initial investment in Mai Shiraishi's photo album, which was close to 100 million yen. Therefore, the 100,000 copies printed in the first issue were just a way to recoup his investment, and the remaining printings were when the real money was made. But he took out the opportunity to make money and shared it with everyone.

In fact, no matter how well the 'photo' sells, it won't make much money, but his main purpose of making this photo was achieved. Mai Shiraishi has become a popular artist, and at the same time he has established a relationship with Sony, as well as sales from the publishing house, etc. These are all his accumulation of connections in Japan. This gave him a good starting point for the next step of cooperation, and also won a good reputation.

After Mai's photos were released, Zhang Pingan suddenly returned to South Korea. After seeing the two variety shows produced by Zhang Pingan, they decided to cooperate, so he needed to come back to supervise the production.

One is the competition between female rappers, and the other is "See Your Voice". In particular, the variety show "Kansheng" has been highly recognized by the TV station. This is definitely a musical variety show that can be compared to "The King of Masked Singer".

If "masking" is the surprise after taking off the mask, then "looking at the voice" is the super reversal after standing on the stage! The most interesting thing is to let the singer and the tone deaf collaborate on stage. The level of laughter is simply unparalleled. The most torturous thing is that the singer must persist in cooperating with the tone deaf to finish the stage. He cannot leave the stage just because the other person is tone deaf after opening his mouth!

At Incheon Airport, Zhang Ping'an appeared in a low-key sportswear after getting off the plane. He didn't wear a mask like idols, he just wore an 'LA' baseball cap, and there was no luxury at all. Many reporters outside the airport took photos of Zhang Ping'an arriving in Incheon.

The 'Adidas' he wore quickly became a hot search item on the Internet. Many people joked that 'Zhang Ping'an is a loyal fan of Adidas. He is a rich man who prefers sportswear to luxury goods. generation? ’

Sportswear is the most commonly purchased clothing by ordinary men. When worn by Zhang Pingan, a top second-generation rich man, it will give people a more approachable feeling.

After arriving in Seoul, Zhang Pingan did not go home, he came directly. Many idols in the industry came up to greet him when they saw him in the lobby of M TV station, because they knew that Zhang Pingan had recently cooperated with M TV station, and maybe a face-to-face meeting could leave an impression. Woolen cloth.

In the conference room, Zhang Ping'an and the people from the program team were talking about the content of 'Kuansheng': "The main problem of this program is that it takes a long time to prepare in advance. The 'sound-deaf' must be perfect in lip-syncing practice." level, because only in this way can we deceive the singers standing in front of us. It is easy to find talented passers-by, but the music idiots are the highlight of the show. To let them appear on the scene, practice, etc... the writer needs to communicate with them well. "

After all, people who are tone deaf go on the show and are laughed at by everyone in the audience. If they are not people with a very cheerful personality, they will never be able to do it, right?

The lead writer said: "How about we just set up bonuses?"

Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "I thought so at the beginning. If the music idiot can successfully deceive the singer, it will become the last choice. There must be a bonus. After all, the bonus is the source of motivation for them to practice hard. But how much bonus should be set? ?”

The writer said: "How about three million from the production fee for each issue?"

"Three hundred? Is it too little? Just five million! We can add some more to our investment!"

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