My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 939 Self-driving Tour in the Western United States

The sky in Los Angeles has not yet brightened up, and Zhang Ping'an has already swam a few laps in the swimming pool. After Taeyeon came down from upstairs, she came to the pool and looked at him with a smile: "You swim early in the morning. Aren't you afraid of catching a cold? This is an outdoor swimming pool, not a heated swimming pool. "Although the temperature in Los Angeles is relatively comfortable, it was only in the early 20s before dawn.

The temperature is not particularly cold. You need to get used to the water temperature before entering the water. After entering the water, you swim twice more. You are still sweating when you get out of the water. For example, Zhang Ping'an still feels hot even when he is soaking in water, because his body is constantly dissipating heat due to exercise.

Zhang Ping'an swam next to Taeyeon and said with a smile: "Why don't you come down and swim for two laps?" Taeyeon shook her head and said: "I'll forget it, it's a bit cold when I wake up in the morning. I'm not someone who exercises for a long time like you, so if I catch a cold I won't Good deal.”

Zhang Pingan nodded and smiled. If it were a hot summer, Taeyeon would have gone into the water to play without Zhang Pingan calling her. But now it's autumn, and it's completely cooler in places slightly further north.

Taeyeon looked at Zhang Ping'an's abdominal muscles in the water with a smile: "The muscles are still so obvious. Are you doing muscle maintenance exercises every day?"

"Exercise is something you insist on every day, but you don't deliberately do anything to maintain your abdominal muscles. When you exercise, the fat will be reduced, and it will naturally be maintained. Especially running, although the leg lines will become obvious like this..." As he spoke, Zhang Pingan stood up from the swimming pool and sat on the shore. Taeyeon was frightened by Zhang Pingan's sudden rise and took two steps back.

Looking at Taeyeon's appearance, Zhang Pingan laughed: "Hahaha, are you afraid that I will throw you into the water? Don't worry, I won't have convulsions early in the morning. And didn't you say, what if I get cold? ? I don’t dare to take this risk!” After saying that, Zhang Pingan straightened his legs. Because he had only swam a few times before, his leg muscles were strengthened, so when he exerted force on his legs, his thigh muscles tightened. drummed up.

Taeyeon reached out and slapped Zhang Ping'an on the back: "Okay, okay, you're showing off your muscles so early in the morning, go up and wash them off!"

Zhang Pingan nodded and smiled, got up and went upstairs. Taeyeon entered the kitchen alone and started preparing breakfast coffee, toast and fried eggs. Although Taeyeon doesn't know how to make difficult breakfast, she still knows how to make this simplest Western breakfast.

Zhang Ping'an went upstairs to take a shower and had not yet come down. Pani came downstairs from the guest room first. Taeyeon looked at Pani who came downstairs so early with a puzzled look: "Hey, why did you get up so early? "

Pani responded with a smile: "You and Zhang Pingan went to bed early last night, and I went back to the room alone. I lay down and looked at my phone before going to sleep. Where is Zhang Pingan?" In fact, Pani had already gone to bed early. When she woke up, she was also jet-lagged. It's just that she acted like she always carried her in Los Angeles in front of Taeyeon. This is also the reason why she didn't come down when Zhang Pingan was swimming downstairs just now.

When Pani asked about Zhang Pingan, Taeyeon pointed to the upstairs with a smile: "He just swam and went up to wash up and change clothes. He will be down in a while. Sit down and I will fry you two eggs. !”

Taeyeon fried the eggs and took out a few pieces of bacon. Pani teamed up to make a simple smoked salmon salad for breakfast. After a while, Zhang Pingan came downstairs, and the three of them sat around the dining table and began to slowly drink breakfast coffee and eat breakfast.

This breakfast took a long time.

The main thing is to sit here and watch the sunrise over the city. Of course, you can't see the sun rising here, you can only watch the sky darken and lighten again. The sky began to light up at six o'clock. Although the sun could not be seen, the blackness of the sky faded away and the blue slowly began to appear. It was also very beautiful, especially since the three of them were on the mountain...

As the sky in the distance turned from dark to bright, the three of them watched quietly without saying a word. This process was quiet, but they felt an indescribable sense of comfort. When the blue color of the sky fully unfolded, smiles naturally appeared on the lips of the three of them. Zhang Pingan took the last sip of coffee and toasted. Traces of solidified coffee appeared on the cups, which showed how long the three of them had been sitting here for breakfast.

Taeyeon lit up the phone on the table: "It's only six forty? When are we going down the mountain?"

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "At least we have to wait until the store opens, right? We go out at half past eight, so we can go down the mountain early."

Taeyeon could only nod and said, "Okay, I'm looking forward to this trip."

Zhang Pingan pointed to the computer with a smile: "When you have time, you can check other people's self-driving travel strategies. By the way, Pani, we are driving an RV. Have you found all the campsites along the way?"

Pani nodded and said: "Yeah, I've remembered it all. On the first day, we went to the canyon and then to Las Vegas. After we left Las Vegas, we went to the camp to stay. Now there are two plans, one One is renting an RV in Las Vegas, and the other is renting one in Los Angeles.”

In fact, it doesn’t matter what kind of car we drive to Las Vegas on the first day. Zhang Ping’an said with a smile: “It’s just in Los Angeles. There’s a bathroom on the car, so it’s more convenient. Then we’ll go to another place in Yellowstone Park. I changed my car and then flew to San Francisco for two days.”

Pani nodded and said, "Okay! I'll look for other people's strategies."


On this day, Zhang Ping'an and the other three were all preparing for this self-driving trip, from buying equipment, to buying ingredients and seasonings, to renting a car. Zhang Pingan drove the RV back to his home with excitement about setting off. In the afternoon, the three of them had not yet fallen asleep. They gathered in the living room and talked about their trip tomorrow.

That day, after dinner, it was almost eight o'clock before the three of them went upstairs to sleep. The three of them still choose to sleep separately, because sleeping separately can ensure more adequate sleep.

At four o'clock in the morning, Zhang Ping'an woke up and was still swimming in the swimming pool at home. Soon Taeyeon also got up. After Zhang Pingan got up from the swimming pool, Taeyeon started making breakfast with the same steps as yesterday. But after breakfast today, the three of them started to pack the ingredients in the refrigerator with a strong sense of excitement. The journey is about to begin, even though it’s still dark. The three of them packed all their belongings very energetically.

Zhang Pingan changed into outdoor clothes, and after Taeyeon and Pani put on light makeup, the three of them officially started their self-driving trip. The sky had just lit up, and the only vehicles on the Los Angeles highway were the large truck that set off and the RV belonging to Zhang Ping'an and the others.

The song "Closer" by The Chainsmokers was playing in the vehicle, and it was currently occupying the top spot on the U.S. Billboard. The powerful 'EMD' style dance music awakens the three people's desire to travel.

Soon the sun rose, and all three of them put on sunglasses. Zhang Ping'an said with some disappointment: "This highway... doesn't feel much different from the highway in Seoul, right?"

The lack of cars in the wilderness that Zhang Ping'an thought about did not appear on the highways of Los Angeles. Instead, after dawn, family cars passing the RV he was driving began to appear.

The expressway at this time feels a bit like the "inner ring" of China. There are not many cars on the inner ring of China early in the morning. Because the wilderness of the west did not appear around Zhang Ping'an's eyes, but urban buildings.

Pani smiled and said: "You haven't left Los Angeles yet, why are you anxious? When we pass the fork to Las Vegas and turn towards the Grand Canyon Park, you will know what the 'West' is. ”

"Okay, I'm impatient. Get me a can of coffee!"

Pani, who was sitting in the back seat, reached for a can of coffee on the chair next to her and handed it to the two people sitting in the front row. Taeyeon opened the coffee and handed it to Zhang Pingan. She smiled and said, "Look at these The English highway still feels like a foreign country, right?”

Taeyeon also runs long distances in Korea from time to time. She is used to seeing Korean highway signs. Now when she saw the highway signs that were all in English, she felt a little surprised. Maybe it was because of the excitement in her heart. The excitement has just begun.

Zhang Ping'an said depressedly: "The United States is a foreign country to us. But when you were young girls, you often went to 'English' countries. You should be used to it, right?"

Taeyeon responded: "When we go out to perform or something, we always take the hotel car. How can I have the time to look at the street signs at that time?"

Pani also followed Taeyeon's words and said: "We took a long flight to Europe and the United States, and we were very tired when we got off the plane."

Zhang Pingan immediately retorted: "I watched the broadcast of your filming of "The Young Master". When you went to New York, the first thing you did after arriving at the hotel was not to rest, but to change your clothes and go shopping. This Is that what you call ‘tired’?”

Pani retorted: "We went shopping to adjust to the jet lag as quickly as possible. Otherwise, when we have to wait for the rehearsal the next day, we will all fall asleep one by one, which will seriously affect the performance."

As we chatted along the way, the number of vehicles on the road gradually decreased. From the beginning, the "inner and outer rings" of the city also gradually entered the deserted area. Sitting in the cab, Zhang Pingan's field of vision felt that it was quite broad, and the surrounding areas The buildings are gone, replaced by desert wilderness.

There are no trees on both sides of the road, and there is only one straight road in the desert. The houses and buildings on both sides have turned into loess mountains, and they are the kind of barren hills that are common in the desert.

Taeyeon looked at the view in front of her and said with a smile: "This is the West in my heart."

Pani said with a smile: "Pull over and drive to the gravel road inside. Let's stop for a while and take some photos."

The way to record travel is to use photos or videos. At this time, the three people's journey has just begun when they see the desolate west...

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