My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 940: There is a thin line between burning operation and committing suicide

In the wilderness of the western United States, Zhang Pingan and his two friends got off the car and took his Suha camera, which was worth nearly 30,000 US dollars. Every photo he took looked like a picture. Because in such a wilderness, even if you only use the most basic composition method to shoot, it looks like a blockbuster! The blue sky, the yellow sand, the bare mountains in the distance, and a road leading to the distance, such a picture is really beautiful when frozen in the camera, and the smiles of Taeyeon and Tiffany in the picture also add countless charm to the photo.

The scenery and the beautiful them, this is a picture! After getting in the car, the two of them immediately transferred the photos to Zhang Pingan's computer to watch the finished effect. Tiffany smiled and said: "The color of this camera is really good. I don't think I need to 'PS' anything."

Zhang Pingan smiled and said: "I say, can you two wait until you get to the hotel tonight to watch it? Fasten your seat belts and set off to the Grand Canyon. Otherwise, it will be very late to arrive in Las Vegas. Let's go, let's go." Zhang Pingan started the car and continued to the travel destination.

Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, Pani laughed out loud. She was packing up her computer while responding, "This is the first time I've heard of someone who is afraid of being late in Las Vegas? You know, the term 'city that never sleeps' originated from Las Vegas! Night is the most exciting and splendid time there! Tomorrow, we'll play there for one more day before leaving. I heard there's a Ferris wheel that's taller than the 'London Eye'!"

Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "Taller than the 'London Eye'? That's more interesting? Let's go and have some fun then?"

Pani immediately shook her hand and said, "I'm not going! By the way, do you know, there's another interesting thing in Las Vegas."

Speaking of the more interesting things around the casino, Zhang Pingan said with a teasing tone, "Stepdaughter? Or a crime?"

"What are you talking about? Those things do exist! But there's another interesting phenomenon in Las Vegas, that's impulsive marriage! If we fall in love today, we can go get married and get a marriage certificate right away! Because the Civil Affairs Bureau in Las Vegas closes at twelve o'clock in the evening, and there's no break in between. So many people get married impulsively after falling in love here. In fact, many stars or famous people got married here, such as Jordan who got married in Las Vegas. "

After talking about marriage, Panny seemed to open up and continued: "Do you know? Why do many artists like to get married in the United States?"

Zhang Ping'an has of course heard that many celebrities like to get married in the United States. Zhang Ping'an can only guess the specific reason: "Is it because it is more secretive to get married here? For example, Korean artists, once they enter the Civil Affairs Bureau, will be immediately posted on the Internet. However, after registering for marriage in the United States, they will not be discovered."

Panny smiled and nodded: "This is one of them. Getting married overseas can indeed omit the possibility of being discovered. Just like Seo Taiji, he got married in the United States. If it weren't for the problem of property division, the other party sued the Korean court, and everyone knew that he got married in the United States. But later he didn't pay much compensation to that person, do you know the reason? "

The news of Seo Taiji's marriage was indeed quite a big deal at the beginning, but Zhang Ping'an didn't care about it, so he didn't know how the matter was resolved. He could only say: "Is it an out-of-court settlement?"

"No, Seo Taiji got married in the United States. As long as he does not take the marriage registration book to the Korean Civil Affairs Bureau for registration, then Korean law does not recognize his marriage.

Do you understand what I mean? For example, you and Taeyeon registered your marriage in the United States, but as long as you do not take the "American marriage certificate" to the Korean Civil Affairs Bureau and the Chinese Civil Affairs Bureau to change your personal marriage information, then your marriage is limited to the "United States". Do you understand what I mean?"

Listening to what Tiffany said, Zhang Pingan widened his eyes and said: "It means that Korean law does not recognize the fact of marriage in the United States?"

Tiffany said with a smile: "Of course Korean law recognizes it, and China will definitely recognize it. However, the premise of "recognition" is that you have to take this "marriage certificate" to register information. As long as you don't register, then Taeyeon's personal information in Korea will show that it is unmarried. "I'm not married, and your personal information in China is also shown as unmarried." Zhang Pingan said: "If, I say if, if I married Panny in the United States. But I didn't register in Korea, can I marry Taeyeon in Korea again?" Panny smiled and said: "Theoretically, it is possible, because the 'single certificate' you opened was issued by China. As long as you don't register the fact of marriage in China, your information in China will always be single, but these personal information will not be shared between countries. Zhang Pingan said in amazement: "Wow, if you say that, then a man can marry dozens of people?" Panny smiled and said to Taeyeon: "Taeyeon, did you hear it? You Zhang Pingan actually said to marry dozens of people? I say, after you two get married, go to China to register immediately to cut off all his bad ideas! Um, will what I said today give her a trick?"

The problem Pani mentioned is feasible, but it is also full of huge risks! Because if someone comes to China to find a court in China with a legal marriage registration certificate from the United States, then Zhang Pingan is actually married. If another person from Japan or South Korea comes with the same marriage registration certificate at this time, then Zhang Ping'an has committed the crime of bigamy!

Of course, as long as they don't want to expose this problem, Zhang Ping'an and they are all legally married! The operation is a bit 'burning', but it's also quite death-defying! It's like Zhang Ping'an has put his wealth and life in the hands of a woman, he won't be so stupid. He prefers not to get married, but getting along like a de facto marriage is better than going around asking for a marriage certificate! It’s just a ‘marriage certificate’, is it important?

Perhaps in Asian families, the "marriage certificate" is very important, but for people living in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, the marriage certificate has become more and more heavy. Because when a man wants to get that ‘certificate’ with his beloved woman, he needs to make too many preparations.

Many people even feel that it is really impossible to get married in this day and age. Because the first thing to consider when getting married is a house, a car, and money. However, these things are like heavy mountains in first-tier cities. If you ever meet someone who wants to live in a rental with you, you're in luck.

Therefore, among young people nowadays, more and more people are running for long-distance love. Perhaps it's not that they don't want to get married, but that marriage is no longer a problem between two people, but a collision between two families. This also makes many young people in modern times carry the name of love, but they live like a married couple. And because there is no constraint of a marriage certificate, whoever leaves in the future will be extremely free and easy! Whether it's a man who has moved on, or a woman who can't wait for the result she wants, breaking up will become extremely free and easy!


When Taeyeon listened to Pani's words, she just smiled and looked at the side of Zhang Ping'an who was driving: "Are you getting married?"

Zhang Ping'an didn't know if Taeyeon's words at this time were a kind of temptation? Or was it just a casual joke that she made when the topic of getting married in Las Vegas came up? marry? Are you kidding? She is the same as Li Zhien. At least at this moment, she can't let go of her fans and her personal singing career.

However, Zhang Pingan responded without hesitation: "Jesus! Don't they all say that Las Vegas is a wedding mecca?"

However, Pani, who was sitting in the back, immediately said: "Do you two think this is a 'marriage' variety show? Well, don't mention it, in Las Vegas you can really treat marriage as just fun! Because marriage in the United States requires three procedures. The first is to register with the Civil Affairs Bureau. They will give you a receipt and ask you to find a pastor to witness it for you. Then you take the pastor's witness receipt and go back to the Civil Affairs Bureau and wait for a You can get your marriage certificate in just one month. If you don’t submit the documents, you won’t be able to get your marriage certificate! The Civil Affairs Bureau here will only keep the information for you for one month.”

Zhang Pingan immediately responded: "Then there is no need to go to such trouble. Wait, I will marry you both tomorrow! I heard that there are many small churches in Las Vegas. They not only provide wedding dresses, Do you also provide photography services? I don’t need to register, but can I just use the church to take wedding photos?”

Taeyeon smiled and said: "Yes, we were joking last time. If you really made 100 million US dollars, how about you and Pani getting together? Although it is definitely impossible in reality, we just went to shoot Wedding photos can still fulfill your wish. Pani, how about you, do you want to take a wedding photo with Zhang Pingan?”

Pani smiled and said, "Okay, I also want to try the feeling of 'getting married'. Let's rent a small church and let him take some wedding photos for us!"

Zhang Ping'an also took the opportunity to say: "After I take the 'wedding photos', should I post them on Instagram to show off my eldest wife and my little wife!"

Who would have known that as soon as Zhang Pingan's words came out, the two of them directly attacked: "Go away, who is your little wife!"

"Can you talk?"

Zhang Pingan immediately said with a smile: "I'm just kidding, I just want to develop the photo and hang it in my home."

Taeyeon didn't object to hanging at home, and of course Pani wouldn't object either. However, both of them shouted "Humph!" at Zhang Pingan at the same time.

Zhang Ping'an immediately changed the topic with a smile and said, "Oh? The road sign here says to go to 'Badwater Basin'. Do you want to check it out?"

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