My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 1,123 Love is more bitter than wine

Wine, bitter. Because Zhang Pingan was in a bitter mood at this time, he really felt very sorry and guilty at this moment about calling Pani. He didn't have the courage to tell Li Zhien about this, so he made Pani feel uncomfortable as well. From anyone's perspective, Zhang Ping'an's choice of calling Pani at this time was really a bit excessive.

Including Zhang Pingan himself, after hearing what Pani said to him, he felt neither comfort nor encouragement, but more of a sense of debt and regret. People only find out after making mistakes. I obviously wouldn't let this happen, but...

Some guilt, some sorry, and some remorse and regret. Zhang Ping'an raised his head and drank another cup of shochu. He had already finished a bottle of shochu and a bottle of beer in three or two gulps. He opened the second bottle and made himself another bomb wine. Zhang Pingan took his mobile phone and edited the text message. Because Zhang Pingan didn't know how to apologize on the phone, he chose to use text. to express.

"Pani, I'm sorry, I didn't take your feelings into consideration. I know I'm a bastard, and I really regret calling you now. I... don't know what I can say to you now to make you feel better." You feel better. I don’t even have the courage to call you back to apologize, so I can only choose to send you a message. Also, Salanghey~!

Pani mustered up a lot of courage to say that sentence in the bathroom in New York. After saying it, she fell to the extreme while sitting on the toilet in the bathroom. The original sleepiness disappeared because of this phone call, and she wanted to cry a little...but just at this moment Zhang Pingan's text message came in. Looking at the text he transmitted, Pani turned to the phone and said to Zhang Pingan from a distance: "I will forgive you this time."

New York, it's snowing. On Christmas Eve, the falling snowflakes have an indescribable charm. After Pani came out of the bathroom, she didn't lie down on the bed to sleep. Instead, she made a cup of hot coffee and stood in her sister's room looking at the snow outside the window: "I wonder if it's snowing in Seoul?"

In Seoul, Zhang Pingan looked out the window with a cup of soobeer. In the light, he felt something floating outside the window. After Zhang Pingan drank the cup of soobeer in his hand, he raised his head and said, "It's snowing."

S.M Building, Taeyeon finished today’s concert rehearsal and drove her new car out of the garage. Snowflakes were scattered in front of the car window. She turned up the air conditioner in the car and said softly: "Is it snowing?"

At Yoo Inna's house in the Laimeian Apartment, Inna was preparing dinner for the two of them. Li Zhien was sitting on the sofa in the living room with this script in her hand. She looked out the window: "Is it snowing?"

Yoo In Na, who was cooking, looked up and looked out the window, then said with a smile: "It's been very cold these days, it always feels like it's going to snow."


Zhang Pingan uploaded a photo on 'ins' with his mobile phone. The photo was a photo of Hokkaido. This was taken when Zhang Pingan and everyone from Girls' Generation went to Hokkaido last time. He has always saved it on his mobile phone. landscape photo. The text sent by Zhang Pingan was simple: "Hello, Xuehua."

People who followed Zhang Pingan’s ‘ins’ quickly received the update notification, and the quickest reply was Pani: “???” With three question marks, Pani wanted to express, ‘How do you know it’s snowing in New York? ’

The second person to reply to Zhang Ping'an's message was Lin Yuner: "Do you still need to express your feelings about the snow?"

Yuli: "You went to Hokkaido?"

Xiuying; "Did you go to Hokkaido to see the snow again? It also snowed in Seoul today."

Sika: "Aren't you in China?"

Li Zhien also saw the "ins" sent by Zhang Ping'an. She tilted her head and said, "Hey,

Did Zhang Pingan go to Hokkaido? Isn't he filming a show in China? "

Yoo In Na said: "You are so concerned about where he is, can't you just send him a message and ask?"

Li Zhien smiled and said, "Even if he is in Hokkaido, can I still go there?"

Yoo In Na asked half jokingly and half seriously: "Did you say that Taeyeon was in Hokkaido with him?"

"It's impossible. Taeyeon has a Christmas concert on the 25th. She must be practicing during this period." As a singer, Lee Ji-eun certainly knows that it is impossible for singers to travel abroad before the concert.

Yoo In Na smiled and said, "You actually know Taeyeon's schedule?"

"Why do I care about her? She announced her 'Christmas schedule' on the live broadcast last month."

Liu Inna also tilted her head and said: "Why did Zhang Ping'an go to Hokkaido alone? Um, Zhien, did you bring over the bottle of wine from your house and drink it?"

Li Zhien tilted her head and said, "What kind of wine?" Her family had some wine. Although Li Zhien didn't drink much, occasionally Zhang Pingan or her father would bring some wine over when they came over.

Liu Inna smiled and said: "Red wine, the bottle of Mouton I talked about at your house last time, you said Zhang Pingan brought it."

Zhang Ping'an doesn't like drinking red wine that much, but sometimes he will buy some wine for the atmosphere. Li Zhien nodded and said, "Okay, I'll get it."

"Well, hurry up, dinner will be served soon."

Just like that, Li Zhien went home to get some wine, but when Li Zhien returned to his home in a hurry, he was stunned when he opened the door, because there was a pair of sneakers in the entrance. Looking at the sneakers in the entrance, Li Zhien entered the house with a smile on her face. Because the only person who knows her family password besides her own family is Zhang Pingan.

However, if her family comes over, they will definitely call Li Zhien in advance. Because if Li Zhien is not at home, there is no point in them coming over. Moreover, Li Zhien's family members knew that she was very busy during this period, so they didn't have to guess carefully to know whose shoes belonged to them.

In fact, when Li Zhien entered his home password, Zhang Pingan, who was sitting in the room, heard the beeping sound of the keys. But today, Zhang Pingan did not go to the door excitedly to greet Li Zhien.

Li Zhien came to the living room and looked at Zhang Ping'an sitting alone on the sofa, turning his head to look at her. Li Zhien laughed instantly and walked towards Zhang Pingan: "Hey, aren't you in Hokkaido? Why... why didn't you call me when you came back?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "I don't know when you will get off work, so I thought I would wait for you at home."

When entering the living room, Li Zhien's view of the table was blocked by the back of the sofa. When she got closer, she realized that there were two bottles of beer and two bottles of soju on the table. Li Zhien looked at Zhang Ping'an in surprise: "Uh... why did you drink so much?"

In Li Zhien's impression, Zhang Ping'an rarely drank so much. He occasionally drinks at home in the summer, but only to the extent of one or two bottles of beer. Anyway, Li Zhien has never seen Zhang Ping'an drunk. It's not that he is a good drinker, but that he drinks very measuredly.

But today, Zhang Pingan had soju and beer on the table, which was a typical drunken routine. Li Zhien looked at the empty soju beer bottle. When she looked at Zhang Ping'an again, she finally noticed something. Then she said, "What's going on?"

When Zhang Ping'an looked at Li Zhien, his expression became a little weird, at least that's what Li Zhien looked like. He slowly said: "Zhien, I...I..."

Li Zhien looked at Zhang Ping'an's changed expression, but became a little worried and sat next to him, holding his hand and asking: "What's wrong? Oppa, what happened?"

"I...I...I don't know what to say. I...I'm sorry for you."

Listening to Zhang Pingan's apology, Li Zhien became nervous. She looked at Zhang Pingan with wide eyes and said, "What, what happened? Just tell me."

"I'm sorry, really, I'm sorry!"

Listening to Zhang Pingan saying sorry, Li Zhien shook Zhang Pingan's hand twice and said, "Don't keep saying 'I'm sorry'. You have to tell me what happened. How can I help you?"

Zhang Pingan patted his chest heavily: "I'm sorry, really, I'm sorry for you. I...I..."

Li Zhien was startled when she heard Zhang Pingan hit her chest hard and made a dull sound. She hurriedly took Zhang Pingan's hand and said, "Don't be like this, Oppa, what's the matter? Let's talk it over." , please stop doing this?"

"I...I...I am too greedy."

Li Zhien looked at Zhang Ping'an in confusion and asked, "What's so greedy?"

"I'm too greedy. I'm too emotionally greedy. So..."

Li Zhien was stunned after listening to the words with Zhang Pingan. Just when Li Zhien was about to speak, her phone rang. Looking at the call from Liu Inna, Li Zhien answered the phone and said: "Renna, I have something to do now, so I won't come over. It’s time to eat.” After finishing speaking, Li Zhien quickly hung up the phone without waiting for Yoo Inna’s reply, and then she looked at Zhang Pingan and said, “I know!”

Of course Li Zhien knew that Zhang Ping'an was emotionally greedy. If he hadn't been greedy, Taeyeon wouldn't have appeared. She and some people who Li Zhien might not even know existed existed.

But Li Zhien just couldn't quit Zhang Ping'an, so when faced with his emotional greed, she chose to turn a blind eye. After all, when she chose to follow Zhang Pingan, he already had a lover.

"No, you don't know, because I want to marry you all home."

Hearing Zhang Ping'an's words, Li Zhien burst into laughter: "Okay, then let's marry them all back home."

Li Zhien wondered if Zhang Ping'an had drunk too much and was talking drunkenly here?

Because what he said about 'marrying them all home' was obviously impossible.

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