My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 1,124 I won’t accept it

Listening to Zhang Pingan saying something like "I want to marry you all home", Li Zhien smiled and agreed like coaxing a child: "Okay, okay, then marry you all home together."

Because Zhang Pingan obviously seemed to be drunk and said drunken words, this is simply impossible. Marry everything home? Do you think this is in ancient times? So Li Zhien would agree with his words. After all, no matter how much you talk to a drunk person... it is meaningless, maybe he will forget everything when he wakes up the next day.

Although he had drunk a bottle of soju and beer at this time, Zhang Pingan was not drunk, but just a little tipsy. He was very sober at this time. Instead, Zhang Pingan was a little stunned when he heard Li Zhien's words. Her smile, her tone of voice... Zhang Pingan shook his head and said: "You, think I'm drunk and talking drunkenly?"

Li Zhien smiled and held Zhang Pingan's face with her hand, and said with a gentle smile: "Isn't it? Go to bed early if you drink too much."

Li Zhien's voice to coax Zhang Pingan just fell, and her mobile phone rang a message alert tone. She picked up her phone and saw that the message was from Liu Renna, asking her what was wrong and what happened? Because Liu Renna had just called Li Zhien, and Zhien hung up the phone in a hurry before she could say anything to her, Liu Renna was still a little worried about this.

Li Zhien replied casually: "It's okay, Zhang Pingan is back. It seems that he drank a little too much. Let's talk later when he rests."

Liu Renna looked at the message and felt relieved. It turned out that Zhang Pingan drank too much. Drinking and socializing in Korea is really a common thing, so drunkenness is also played in many families every day, and both men and women get drunk.

Being coaxed by Li Zhien holding his face, Zhang Pingan smiled bitterly. Because Li Zhien's expression and tone at this time seemed to treat him as a drunk person. After all, Zhang Pingan is a person who doesn't get drunk, so it is difficult for Li Zhien to judge whether Zhang Pingan is tipsy or drunk at this time.

Although the alcohol content of soju is not high, the aftereffect of mixing is still quite strong, and Zhang Pingan paired it in a half-and-half ratio, so he began to get a little tipsy at this time. When the alcohol starts to appear, the eyes will become unfocused. Maybe Li Zhien felt that Zhang Pingan's eyes looked like a drunk person, so she would "coax a child" like this.

This was the first time that someone coaxed him like a child, which made Zhang Pingan a little bit amused, but... at this time he didn't want to laugh. He stood up and said, "I'm going to the bathroom to wash my face. Oh, by the way, have you had dinner?"

Li Zhien shook her head and pointed at the dishes in front of her and said, "No, I was supposed to eat at Inna's place, I'll just eat these."

Because Zhang Pingan ordered three Chinese cold dishes (fuqifeipian, braised beef, jelly skin) and Korean pig's trotters, these can be eaten as dinner. If Li Zhien wants to eat rice, she can microwave a box of instant rice.

Zhang Pingan went to the bathroom to wash his face. Li Zhien took Zhang Pingan's bowl and chopsticks and began to eat the dinner he ordered. She ate and nodded with satisfaction. The taste was very good.


After coming out of the bathroom, Zhang Pingan watched Li Zhien eating dinner with her own bowl and chopsticks. He went to the kitchen to get another set and sat in the living room with Li Zhien to eat.

After sitting down, Zhang Pingan picked up the beer, and Li Zhien smiled and said, "Let me do it."

She took the beer and filled Zhang Pingan's glass, but she poured all beer, and she didn't add any soju next to it: "Don't drink so much, just drink a little by yourself, there's no need to drink at home by yourself, and get yourself drunk."


Zhang Pingan didn't argue with Li Zhien about whether she was drunk or not. He picked up the remaining half bottle of beer and poured a glass for Li Zhien, and poured it into the soju glass in front of her. Li Zhien smiled and picked up the glass and raised it to Zhang Pingan: "I'll drink with you today."

Zhang Pingan nodded, clinked glasses with Li Zhien, and took a big sip. After putting down the glass, he looked at Li Zhien and said, "Jien, do you think I drank too much? Even said something like 'I want to marry you all home'?"

Li Zhien smiled and responded, "Isn't it? ”

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said, "No. I am very sober now, and I have been thinking about this problem recently. After all, we have been together for so many years, and I have also thought about our future. But I am indeed a bad person, because both you and Taeyeon... I don't know what to do. So today I might as well just say it out loud. I did think about marrying both of you home. This time I went home and asked my family if I could change my nationality to one that allows polygamy? However, my family situation does not allow me to change my nationality, so it is impossible to marry both of you home. "

Li Zhien nodded, looked at Zhang Pingan and said, "So? Have you decided now?"

Because Zhang Pingan's nationality cannot be changed, then when facing marriage, according to normal logic, Zhang Pingan can only choose one. Didn't he say it himself? She, Taeyeon, maybe he will choose between these two?

Zhang Ping'an looked at Li Zhien seriously and said with a very serious expression: "I don't need to choose anything, because I still plan to marry you all back home. Although this method is a bit absurd, I still plan to do it. I plan to Marrying and then divorcing you. Legally speaking, you all belong to my ex-wife. We were a family from a legal perspective, but from my point of view you are all my beloved people. "

Before Zhang Ping'an finished speaking, Li Zhien's expression changed. Ex-wife? When this word came out, she finally understood what Zhang Pingan meant. Li Zhien raised his hand, and Zhang Ping'an stopped when he saw the gesture and continued talking.

At this time, Li Zhien said: "I'm not forcing you to make a choice between me and Taeyeon right now. But I can't accept this."

"I..." Zhang Ping'an watched Li Zhien's face turn pale rapidly. He was suddenly speechless because he didn't know what to say next. Is the stalker continuing to talk about his unwillingness to give up on each of them? Or does it mean that he really likes her and can't live without her?

But at this time, it seems so strange to say that you are not willing to give up, or that you really like it and can't give it up. Because Li Zhien can't accept such a thing!

Tears gradually gathered in Li Zhien's eyes, but she did not vent furiously towards Zhang Pingan. Perhaps it hurt the deepest part, and the pain made her unable to jump.

She looked at him with tears in her eyes and said, "Okay, don't talk about this. No matter you choose me or Taeyeon in the end, I will accept your choice. But, what ex-wife are you talking about?" .I really can't accept it. When you are in love, I can bear it if you like more people. But for the rest of our lives, I hope you will always be by my side. So... take your time. Go check out Yoo In Na’s place, my script is still there.”

With that said, Li Zhien left without looking back.

After being flatly rejected by Li Zhien this time, he didn't know how to deal with this matter. When faced with Pani's rejection, he could still step forward and hug Pani. However, when Li Zhien was angry, Zhang Ping'an didn't have the courage to step forward at all.

Looking at the wine on the table and the two pairs of unfinished bowls and chopsticks, Zhang Pingan sighed and started to put them away. He had no intention of eating, and Li Zhien would definitely not be back today. Zhang Ping'an knew that this matter would be rejected 100%, but how to convince them after rejection was something he had never thought of.

Indeed, this matter itself is also a matter without an answer. After all, everyone has different personalities and temperaments. Even if Pani accepts it or Pangdi accepts it, it doesn't mean that Li Zhien and Taeyeon will accept it.

Just like Li Zhien said, when you are in love, I can't bear to be flirtatious. But after marriage, I hope you can protect me for the rest of my life.

Li Zhien didn't know how she got to Inna's house. Anyway, her tears didn't stop after she came out of the house.

There was a rapid knock on the door, and Yoo In Na who was eating in the room was startled. After she opened the door, she saw Li Zhien squatting at the door of her house... She was really frightened.

She pulled Li Zhien back to the room quickly, and when Li Zhien entered the entrance of Liu Inna's house, she squatted on the ground and burst into tears: "Wow~~ah~~!"

Yoo In Na held Li Zhien in her arms and kept patting Li Zhien's back to comfort her: "What's wrong~~Why are you crying? What happened? Don't cry, don't cry~~!"

This was the first time Yoo In Na saw Li Zhi Eun crying so miserably. Li Zhi Eun, who was completely weak, sat on the floor leaning on Yoo In Na and cried loudly in her arms. The grievance in his heart, as well as the indescribable pain that made his heart hurt, made Li Zhien unable to say a word, except for the tears that kept falling.

Yoo In Na didn't know how to comfort her. She could only hold Li Zhien and let her vent her heart. But one thing is certain...this matter is definitely related to Zhang Pingan.

To be able to make Li Zhien cry like this, could it be said that Zhang Pingan told Li Zhien that they broke up?

Didn't Li Zhien say before that Zhang Ping'an drank too much? Did he drink so much because he wanted to break up?

Yoo In Na patted Li Zhien on the back and said, "Hey, Zhang Ping'an, I'll call him and scold him!"

"Wow wow wow"

Li Zhien cried loudly again, and Yoo Inna hugged her and comforted her: "Don't cry, don't cry, a person like him is not worth it. Didn't I tell you that at the beginning? Such a man... is very carefree, you He kept digging in."

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