My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 410 Food Program

Jeon Somi left the private room with her father after taking a photo with Girls' Generation. And they are still immersed in Quan Somi's cute appearance like Barbie: "Her eyelashes are too long, and there is no need to grow them. Sometimes I envy them for their mixed race, which combines the beauty of Asia and Europe, and she He’s only 13 years old, and he’s taller than Sunkyu.”

The innocent Soonkyu was suddenly called out, and it was called an 'insulting' name, which made her explode instantly: "Ah~~! I'm warning you, don't talk about my height. And Taeyeon and I Almost the same, the same short body!”

Faced with Lee Soon Kyu's provocation, Taeyeon said confidently: "Haha, me? I'm 160cm, you are 158cm!"

Taeyeon's words made everyone burst into laughter, including Zhang Pingan. It's really funny. The two shortest players in the team are actually competing for height here?

Zhang Ping'an smiled and greeted them to check in: "Hahaha~~Okay, okay, sit down." He really couldn't stand the 'war' between their short bodies. After Zhang Pingan sat down with them, beside him were Sika on the left and Taeyeon on the right. The two people sitting on the left and right of Zhang Pingan were in fixed positions that had not changed in any way.

After everyone sat together and poured tea, Pani said: "Congratulations, oppa~~" After she said this, she took the lead in singing a congratulatory song.

Zhang Pingan looked at them confused: "What do you congratulate me on?"

"The photo album you created was sold out on the first day of sale. This has created a history of Japanese idol photos. Shouldn't this be congratulations?"

Mai Shiraishi's photo album was sold out, creating the history of idol photo albums. From pre-sale to official release of 100,000 copies, it should be said that it took a week. After the 100,000 copies were sold out, an additional 50,000 copies were urgently printed! This was featured on Yahoo News.

Maybe outsiders don't know who the producer of this album is, but they all know that the producer who created the sales history of **Dou's photos this time is him: Zhang Pingan. He is a person who can even create history by planning a photo album. No matter whether the content of the photo is excessively sexy or not, this achievement is indeed quite impressive! It is also worthy of their recognition!

Zhang Ping'an smiled: "I didn't expect you to pay attention to the news about the results of the photos I made."

Pani nodded and said: "Of course, you boasted that you would sell 100,000 copies. I have to admit that you are indeed very powerful, really very powerful. Whether it is EXID that you are hyping behind your back this time, or Shiraishi that you produced Mai’s photos really shocked us. It turns out that the Internet and publicity can really create miracles.”

Li Soonkyu continued what Pani said: "Even my uncle said you are a very powerful business wizard.


Lee Soo Man started out as a singer, and then created S.M, the unparalleled and No. 1 agency in Korea today. This is indeed a miracle in the entertainment industry. Because he did not have the support of any consortium at the beginning and only relied on the H.O.T he produced. Now he is recognized as the top. He is indeed a very powerful businessman. And he saw that Zhang Pingan was behind the scenes this time, making EXID soar to the sky, and also making a not-so-famous Japanese idol become a very popular artist under his production.

So Li Xiuman felt that Zhang Pingan really had some business acumen!

And Zhang Ping'an knows how much "moisture" is mixed with the business he built. Compared with people like Li Xiuman who have made it on their own, he is just a person who makes reasonable use of some "innate conditions".

So why are you being praised as a business genius? He just shook his head and said: "What kind of business wizard am I? I'm just opportunistic."

After they came in, cold dishes began to be served. The landlady asked Zhang Pingan if he wanted anything to drink today. But they had to go back to practice after dinner, so everyone wanted drinks. Because the concert time is getting closer and closer, this is the first time for their girls' generation to go to Japan's largest stadium alone, and they will definitely give their best performance to give back to the fans who bought tickets to come and enjoy it.

After the cold dishes were served, everyone started to use their chopsticks, and Sika also asked at this time: "At the end of the year, won't you attend the award ceremony?"

Jang Pingan produced two programs, both on MBC, and both programs received high ratings, so in the voting for the 'Annual Program Award', everyone guessed that it was Jang Pingan and Kim Taeho's show. was born. Moreover, the programs produced by Zhang Pingan are more popular, after all, he produces two programs. His two programs made MBC occupy the first place in the same time slot for two days!

Of course, it is also possible that the program team will not award him the award. After all, his nationality is an issue, and the copyright of the program is also an issue. Although the program is broadcast on MBC, the copyright does not belong to MBC.

So when Sika asked about the awards at the end of the year, he immediately shook his head and responded: "I won't participate. Even if my show wins the award, I can just ask the host to accept it on my behalf. I will definitely not attend such an occasion." ”

Yoona, who was sitting next to her, looked at Zhang Ping'an with some confusion and said, "Why don't you participate? Awards are also very important for producers, right? Winning the award is an affirmation."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "If I don't get an award, will the audience not recognize the program I produce? Besides, my main career is not to make money by producing programs, so awards are really not important to me. If you have it, take it. If you don’t have it, it’s okay.”

Taeyeon knows Zhang Pingan better than Yoona, so she followed Zhang Pingan's words and said to Yoona: "He has always been like this, don't you know? If he really wants to make a show, as the chief director I won’t leave the work to the program team and then do my own thing.”

Zhang Ping'an nodded and echoed Taeyeon's words: "Currently producing these programs is not what I really want. So I produce every new program on a quarterly basis. If the response is good, I will add an extra season, and so on. "

Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, not only Yoona was curious, but everyone looked at him curiously and said, "Then what is the program you really want to produce?"

"Food and travel are mainly travel programs." Travel programs are what Zhang Pingan has always wanted to produce. He wants to promote the beautiful scenery of China. This is his original intention of producing variety shows in South Korea!

When listening to Zhang Pingan talk about the program he most wanted to produce, Sika tilted his head and said: "Food and travel? Let us, Girls' Generation, film it. We are very willing to film such a program."

Xiuying followed Sika's words and kept nodding her head: "Yes, yes, we all like food programs and travel programs very much. Hahaha~~"

Whether it’s travel or food, whether it’s because you get paid for filming, or you should make reasonable use of ‘work’ to have fun, everyone is willing to film a program like this.

At this time, Li Lianfu was already busy in the kitchen. He came to Zhang Pingan's private room, looked at him and Girls' Generation, and said with a smile: "Long time no see, Pingan. Hello, Sunkyu." "

After Zhang Ping'an took them to this restaurant several times, Li Shunkyu had become a regular customer of Li Lianfu's restaurant, so Li Lianfu didn't forget to say hello to Shunkyu after he came in.

Zhang Ping'an stood up and shook hands with Li Lianfu and said: "Chef Li, did you contact me about the matter I asked you for last time? I really want to produce a program about Chinese cuisine."

Li Lianfu looked at Zhang Pingan with a smile and said, "Are you really going to do it? I thought you were just talking casually?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled bitterly and said: "How can I just talk about work matters casually? This is not something I can handle."

This time Li Lianfu really heard that Zhang Pingan really wanted to do a Chinese cuisine program, so he said seriously: "Well, meeting at a hotel on weekends is definitely not possible. After all, weekends are the busiest time. Otherwise, Let’s find a working period, when is it convenient for you?”

Zhang Ping'an thought for a moment and said, "I've been free recently, how about scheduling it for next Tuesday? It's just right. I'll go knock on the TV stations tomorrow to see if anyone is willing to cooperate. If not, I'll vote for myself."

Li Lianfu said: "Okay, it will be next Tuesday. I will contact the chefs of our Chinese Cuisine today. Then we will discuss with you how to watch this show?"

"Okay, then it's settled."

Li Lianfu nodded and agreed: "Well, I won't interrupt your meal. You can enjoy it slowly."

After Li Lianfu left, they started talking: "I heard you say last time that you planned to produce a Chinese cooking show. Seeing that you haven't made any move for so long, I thought you hadn't decided yet."

Zhang Ping'an responded: "I have decided on this matter a long time ago, but it will take some fermentation time for cooking programs to be put on the screen. This year's eating and broadcasting programs are so popular that many TV stations have started to produce food programs. I'm waiting for it. The time is ripe, so I just want to produce the show I have in mind for one season. At least it will let Korea know what real Chinese cuisine is, so that it won’t be all about noodles with soy sauce and sweet and sour pork every day.”

When Zhang Pingan said this, he scratched his head and said, "Who can contact Bai Zhongyuan? I really want to cooperate with Uncle Bai!"

Yoona immediately took over Zhang Ping'an's words and said, "What are you and Baek Jong-won going to do together? Open a store?"

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "What kind of store should I open? I have never thought about opening a restaurant. I cooperated with Bai Zhongyuan. Of course we filmed a variety show. How about letting him teach the audience how to cook? Let's just call the show "Teacher Bai's" Home cooking》Hahahaha~~~”

Taeyeon also looked at Zhang Pingan in confusion and said, "Baek Jong-won is so busy, is he willing to come out to film the show?"

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