My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 411 Crying in the Stairwell

After the meal, Zhang Pingan and everyone from Girls’ Generation came to S.M. He sat in their practice room and watched them practice up close. This is definitely VIP treatment for fans! It was also the first time that Zhang Pingan came to their practice room to watch them rehearse for a concert, although there were no new songs in the songs. But the empress is the empress, and their performances really shocked people.

Girls' Generation's sword dance is as neat as a textbook. For Zhang Pingan, who has the heart of a fan, it is a blessing to be able to watch the "performance" in front of them. Zhang Pingan stood in front of them and applauded gently. Of course, the applause was just an action and there was no applause. While Pani was jumping, he shouted to Zhang Ping'an who was standing in the middle: "Hey, get out of the way, why are you standing in the middle? You're blocking the mirror."

Zhang Pingan did not stand in the corner, but stood in the middle and watched their practice. The perspective in the center is of course much more perfect than in the corner.

But the middle position is the 'C' position. Each member will move to the center position when singing his or her part, and his standing position just blocks the C position from looking in the mirror. In fact, for them, who were already very familiar with their own songs, it didn't matter whether Zhang Pingan blocked him or not. Pani was just yelling at Zhang Pingan in a joking way.

Zhang Ping'an listened to Pani's words and honestly moved away from the center, and then walked towards the rest area at the back.

Their bags, coats, etc. were all piled on the sofa. Zhang Pingan found a seat and sat down, then casually picked up Pani's bag, unceremoniously took out a can of Coke from her bag, opened it and drank it. Because Pani has hypoglycemia, she always carries sugar, cola, these snacks or drinks containing sugar in her bag.

Pani, who was practicing, looked through the mirror and saw Zhang Ping'an starting to rummage through his bag without any worries. Pani also shook his head speechlessly. However, she didn't bother to greet him. Anyway, there was nothing in her bag that needed to be hidden.

After taking a few sips of Coke, Zhang Pingan slumped on the sofa and stared at the lights on the ceiling in a daze, because he planned to get off work with Sika today. He could only wait in boredom until she was finished. Although Girls' Generation's practice is very interesting, if you watch the same song three times in a row, it will become very boring.

The music stopped, and Pani's loud voice appeared: "Ten minutes' rest." Then Yuli's voice said: "Bathroom, does anyone want to come with me?" After the music stopped, Girls' Generation's practice room was like a high school girl, and everyone went there. We all have to go to the bathroom together.

Pani came to Zhang Pingan, shook his head and said, "You are so rude, give me a drink."

Zhang Ping'an looked up at Pani and said, "Why should I be polite to you?" At the same time, he handed over his pity. Pani took the Coke he drank and poured it into his mouth. There was indeed nothing to be polite about.

While Pani was drinking Coke, Zhang Pingan's cell phone vibrated, and the caller was He Dongxun. He took out the phone and picked it up: "Brother, did you hear it? Wait, let me write it down." As he said this, Zhang Pingan took out his Huaxia mobile phone and started to record the number. After remembering it, he said to Ha Dongxun: "Thank you, brother. I'm looking for Representative Bai to see if I can collaborate on a food show. Food shows have started to be launched recently... Okay, I'll come to your restaurant to eat when I'm free."

After hanging up He Dongxun's call, Zhang Ping'an picked up his phone and entered Bai Zhongyuan's number, then nodded to them and motioned for him to go out and make a call.

After Zhang Pingan left the practice room, Taeyeon said with a smile: "Why do you think he has become busier and busier recently? I used to think he was quite laid-back."

Sika spread his hands and expressed helplessness: "I don't know either. Anyway, he is in this situation. When he is busy, he is very busy, and when he is free, he has nothing to do."

In the end, Pani concluded: "At the end of the year, he will not be busy for more than half a year, and he will spend more time just fooling around."

Pani's incisive summary made Sika laugh. It is true that he spends more time 'hanging out'. She said with a smile: "It feels like his schedule is similar to that of us idols. We are also in the singing season." How many months before and after?”

Pani curled his lips and said, "But we still have concerts and so on. He threw the show to the program team after he started it."


Zhang Ping'an came to the safe passage with his mobile phone and was about to call Bai Zhongyuan to arrange a meeting. However, when he entered the quiet passage, he heard faint sobbing. Zhang Ping'an was really startled when he heard such a strange cry in a place like this.

After all, we were in this quiet safe passage, and there was no one in sight. How could it not be scary to hear crying?

It would be better if he heard someone howling and crying, but it was faint sobbing, and the echo in the corridor made Zhang Pingan startled. After calming down, Zhang Ping'an carefully began to lean towards the direction of the sound to look for it. In fact, it was normal for trainees to hide and cry. Sika had cried countless times during her seven years as a trainee.

Zhang Pingan pulled the handrail of the stairwell and leaned forward to look downstairs. I saw a woman sitting on the steps, burying her head in her knees and sobbing. The clothes she was wearing were the ones Zhang Pingan had seen today. They were Pei Zhuxuan's private clothes.

When Zhang Ping'an discovered that Pei Zhuxuan was crying sitting on the stairwell, he put his phone back into his trouser pocket, then coughed twice in her direction: "Ahem."

The sudden coughing sound frightened Pei Zhuxuan who was sitting downstairs. She twitched her body twice and glanced at the coughing sound. She instantly saw Zhang Ping'an walking towards her. My eyes widened...

The floor used by debuting artists is completely different from the floor used by trainees. Maybe there are people hiding in the stairwell of the trainee floor crying from time to time. But no one on the floor where the debut artist is located would go to the stairwell. Because S.M’s newcomers are basically very popular when they debut, so no one will run to the stairwell to cry. After all, I’m so busy, how can I have time to hide and cry?

And Bae Joo Hyun and her "Hong Beibei" are the only S.M girl group that didn't become a hit after their debut. Therefore, she was under great psychological pressure as the captain, so she secretly hid in the unoccupied stairwell to vent her emotions. Who knew that she would be bumped into by Zhang Pingan today.

Pei Zhuxuan looked at Zhang Ping'an walking towards him, and his eyes widened in surprise at first, feeling incredible. Because Zhang Pingan is not from their company, does it feel strange for him to appear here?

This is her biggest question. But she hadn't thought about this question carefully. A feeling of embarrassment rushed up to her cheeks. Her face instantly became hot. How could she not be embarrassed when she was discovered while hiding and crying?

Zhang Ping'an looked at Pei Zhuxun and found him. She quickly turned her head back and stopped looking at him, and then she covered her face with her hands. Zhang Pingan walked to Pei Zhuxuan with a smile and sat down. After sitting next to her, he took out an individually packaged wet wipe used in the restaurant from his pocket. This was a wet wipe that was not used on the table during the previous meal. He put it into his pocket casually, and it happened to be delivered at this time. use.

He patted Pei Zhuhyun on the shoulder, and then handed her the wet wipe: "Wipe the 'sweat' on your face."

"Thank you... thank you." When Pei Zhuxuan took the wet wipes, she also put away her sadness. She simply wiped the tears on her face and said, "PD Zhang, why are you in our company?"

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "I had dinner with Girls' Generation and came over to watch them practice. When it comes to you, why don't you practice and hide here to be lazy?"

Pei Zhuxuan waved her hand and said, "I'm not lazy. I just came down from the office upstairs."

Zhang Ping'an looked at Pei Zhuxuan's delicate profile and said with a gentle smile: "Oh? Is there anything you didn't do well? Have you been criticized?"

Zhang Ping'an's voice was very light and gentle, which made Pei Zhuxuan speak: "No, it's just... it's just... I feel a little wronged, so..."

"Aggrieved? There is something that makes our Captain Pei feel aggrieved? Does your company feel that your performance is unsatisfactory, so it won't feed you?" Zhang Pingan said in a joking way: "If it doesn't involve your company's Just tell me the secret, I’m a good listener.”

Pei Zhuxuan thought for a moment and said, "It's not a secret. The company plans to add a member to our team."

It's really no secret. Adding members will inevitably appear later. Can this be considered a secret?

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said with a smile: "What did I think it was? It turns out that you are a little unwilling after adding members? Obviously the four of you performed well, but suddenly a 'parachute' came, so in your heart It’s a bit unbalanced, I understand. If it were me, I wouldn’t be willing to accept it. But, it’s not a bad thing. You know the idol model in Japan, where new members come in and old members leave every year? "

Of course Bae Zhuhyun knew the Japanese idol model, but she frowned and said, "But..."

Zhang Ping'an took over her words with a smile: "But this is Korea, not Japan, right? Isn't that the model of A.S. where Park Jiaxi is? Keeping the group name, the company adds fresh blood to the team from time to time. And the former Tara, aren’t you adding one at a time and another at a time? Although there is no precedent for this in S.M., it doesn’t mean that this approach is undesirable..."

Zhang Ping'an continued: "Whether it's four members or five members, it makes no difference to you at this stage..."

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