My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 471 One hot search

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Zhang Ping'an didn't stay in their waiting room longer. He simply expressed that he didn't care about Xiaoyuan's words and then asked to leave. Zhang Ping'an suddenly said he was leaving, and the atmosphere at the scene became awkward again. Because they all felt that Zhang Pingan said "not angry", but in fact they were still offended by Xiaoyuan's words.

When Zhang Pingan asked to leave, Sika stared blankly at him who was about to leave, because in her heart Zhang Pingan was not such a stingy person. Why did it suddenly... change today? Just when she was confused, Taeyeon got up from the sofa: "I'll give it to you."

Of course, they all understood that the main reason why Taeyeon sent Zhang Pingan off was to apologize to Zhang Pingan for Xiaoyuan. As for Sika, although she is a teammate, she is also Zhang Pingan's girlfriend. Xiaoyuan's rude remarks irritated Zhang Pingan, and Sika is also more difficult to get along with among them.

There was friendship on one side and love on the other. It didn't seem right for her to stand on either side and say a word of support. So at this time, as the captain, Taeyeon is the one who can best represent their team's apology.

Seeing Taeyeon getting up, Zhang Ping'an smiled and gave up: "No, no need. I told Yoona before you guys came, and I will leave after meeting you. I have to go to Seoul immediately. There are still things over there. Something happened."

They all know that Zhang Pingan has recently cooperated with three TV stations, and he is also the chief planner of three programs. He must have a lot on his hands. During this New Year's holiday, he had spent a week with them, and finally it was time to go back to work. After all, as the chief planner, how can he think about how to play every day?

Lin Yoona nodded at this time and said: "Well, he said before you guys came that he would go to the airport to meet you. Yesterday I thought he was going to stay to watch our meeting."

Hearing that Zhang Pingan had decided to leave in advance, Taeyeon pursed her lips and stared into Zhang Pingan's eyes. She thought there was no hidden resentment in his eyes? Zhang Pingan saw her staring at him intently. He raised his eyebrows and looked back at Taeyeon. When he looked at her, he couldn't help but have a slight smile on his lips.

The eye contact between the two lasted for maybe two seconds. After he raised his eyebrows, Taeyeon nodded and said, "Okay, I'll call you tomorrow."

Zhang Ping'an frowned and thought about his work schedule 'tomorrow' and then responded: "Tomorrow... I may not have time. I have to run three program groups tomorrow. Well... how about this? If I can at night If you take some time, I will call you in advance before dinner. If we don’t call you then, I might..."

Taeyeon smiled and nodded and said, "Yeah, that's okay. Go ahead and pay attention to safety."


Goodbye everyone, see you in Seoul. "

"oppa, bye~~!!"

Zhang Pingan put on a mask and hat, dragged his suitcase and left. After Zhang Pingan left, their eyes turned to Xiaoyuan, but they didn't say anything serious to her because they knew her. Only Pani sighed aloud. Besides sighing, what else could they say about her.

Just because they didn't say it didn't mean that the manager didn't say it. The manager said: "Hyoyeon, didn't you say that you have been reading a book recently? I also said it in the book. You have to think it through before speaking. Can you do it in the future? Get rid of your bad habit of blurting out your words? Can you think about it for three seconds before speaking? What you said just now is really hurtful. In other words, Zhang Pingan's relationship with you is not bad, and he didn't get angry on the spot. , if it had been someone else, they would have slapped the table and left."

After all the words were said, Xiaoyuan realized that she had said the wrong thing again. She said very aggrievedly: "I...didn't I apologize?"

Sika shook her hand and said, "It's okay, he won't care. I'll just tell him when I get back."


In the VIP terminal of Shanghai to Seoul, Zhang Pingan was waiting to board the plane with a cup of coffee. When he was bored, he took out his mobile phone and logged in to his hidden "Uncle Black" Instagram account. This account has not been revealed since he recommended exid. The boss of exid personally sent a private message to the account. He wanted to invite Zhang Pingan to dinner, but after reading the private message, Zhang Pingan ignored him. Because so far, all private messages from this account have been ignored!

After logging into the account, Zhang Pingan published another recommendation: "I recently discovered a new girl group that can be called a [monster], Mamamu. I have only heard of a group with a lead singer and a sub-lead singer, but I have never heard of it. Have you ever been in a group with all the lead singers? Ting Xin Mu, I believe in the quality of Mama Mu’s songs. Let’s go and listen to their singing. Can Mama Mu be included in KBS’s “Immortal Songs”? They are powerful performers! "

‘Uncle Black’, who has more than 5 million fans around the world, published a recommendation again after recommending exid. This time he recommended his own girl group Mamamu! I also took a look at kbs along the way.

Among the five million fans, there are at least two million Korean fans. After Zhang Pingan made the recommendation, many fans actually started to search for "Mama Mu". Their names were so inexplicably trending? Just because of a recommendation from ‘Uncle Black’, Mamamu suddenly started to attract attention. Even KBS laughed: "Do we really want Mamamu to try "Immortal Song"?"

The PD of the immortal song was recommended by his peers, and he went to watch the MV about Mamamu. But whether it’s an MV or a sound source, these are all things that can be manipulated on the ‘sound track’. In fact, he still didn't know what Mamamu's on-site capabilities were, so he started thinking: "Who has the phone number of the representative of Mamamu Company and ask them to come and audition."

After ‘Uncle Hei’ made the recommendation, many people who knew Uncle Hei’s true identity, whether it was Taeyeon’s top fan ‘Fijie’ or Taeyeon herself, all expressed support for Zhang Pingan on their Instagrams.

Taeyeon posted: "Uncle Black recommends that you really need to check out the girl group 'Mamamu'!"

Fei Jie: "Uncle Hei's recommendation is absolutely correct. Exid's Hani is now famous all over the world. The current new girl group 'Mama Mu' is looking forward to their performance."

Sika also expressed support: "Mom, I have to start paying attention to them too."

Li Zhien, a person who hasn’t published much since opening Instagram, also published an article today after Uncle Hei’s recommendation: “Yeah, yeah, listen to the letter! I went to listen, and the voice is very good, a newcomer worth paying attention to. Girl group.”

Countless popular idols, including Lee Ji-eun, Girls' Generation, and the representative company of EXID, recommended by Zhang Ping'an, have all posted tweets expressing their concern for "Mamamu". Suddenly, the monster girl group Mamamu was at the top of the hot search list.

As soon as Zhang Ping'an's plane landed in Seoul, Mamamu was already ranked No. 1 in the search on Korea's n station! ! After a two-hour flight, a recommendation from his uncle Hei directly marked "Mamamu" as the sound source monster's trademark, and the word "Tingxin" he coined began to be used by countless fans.

After landing in Seoul, Zhang Pingan took a taxi to the city and adjusted the flight mode of his phone back. As the signal network was connected, messages started popping up on his phone.

All because of the Mamamu he recommended, many people were confused. The most confused person was of course the representative of the Mamamu company.

After Zhang Ping'an purchased Mamamu, he told the company's representatives that he didn't need to worry about publicity and that everything should be done step by step. Promote that he will find a way, and at the same time Zhang Pingan asked him to take pictures and record his mother Mu's crazy life in private.

But without any warning, Mamamu suddenly became a hot search topic, which really shocked the representative. After seeing that it was Uncle Hei's recommendation that made Mama Mu a hot search topic, the representative was full of doubts. Why did Uncle Hei start to follow Mama Mu? There are rumors that Uncle Hei is a beauty fan?

Because in the past, there were always a few girl groups that Zhang Pingan paid attention to that were beautiful, or had good figures like Hani, but suddenly his style suddenly changed and he recommended Mama Mu? Mommu's appearance... obviously doesn't suit Uncle Hei's taste.

The representative said to himself: "Mysterious Uncle Hei's recommendation...could it be said that Zhang Pingan bought Uncle Hei's recommendation position? No, so many companies must have contacted Uncle Hei after Hani, but he has never been there Any action, if it’s marketing... is there something wrong? Call and ask, President Zhang.”

Mamamu’s representative called Zhang Pingan’s number, but Zhang Pingan’s phone remained unreachable. Finally, he sent a message to Zhang Pingan: "President, was it you who contacted Uncle Hei for the recommendation position?"

Why does Uncle Hei’s account have so much power? Because he has been hanging out in the fandom from the beginning, and those who follow him are all people from the fandom. To be honest, the connections Uncle Hei has accumulated on the Internet are all fans of various groups in the market. They are all people who pay attention to the entertainment industry, so naturally his driving force is great.

Zhang Ping'an looked at the message sent by the representative, and he replied with a smile: "Yes, this recommendation allows them to perform well. I will communicate with KBS tomorrow to see if they can sell me a favor so that my mother can't On "Immortal Songs".

The representative quickly replied: "The program team of "Immortal Songs" contacted us earlier and asked Mama Mu to audition tomorrow afternoon. If they perform well, they will participate in the recording the day after tomorrow."

"I understand. I will go to add fuel to the show tomorrow. Try to let Mommy get attention. By the way, tell Jin Rongxian to tell everyone to behave better. You guys should collect the songs as soon as possible. Take advantage of this opportunity. Opportunity to make the next album!”

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