My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 472 Gentle Night

In winter, the sun sets relatively early. Before Zhang Pingan's car entered Seoul, it was already dark, and the city lights lit up Seoul at night. As night falls, people walking on the streets can see the cold air when they exhale.

As the temperature difference between inside and outside appeared, the windows of the back seat of the taxi also became foggy. Zhang Pingan stretched out his hand to wipe away the fog. Looking at the lights of thousands of houses outside the car window, he felt an indescribable tenderness in his heart, because someone was waiting for his return. Home!

Love is sweet. But if we meet for a long time, love may be erased bit by bit. But Zhang Pingan and Li Zhien have not been together for a long time, so the shelf life of their love is really long. The journey home at night made Zhang Pingan feel particularly long, but also very sweet.

In Longshan District, Li Zhien closed all the curtains in his home to eliminate any possibility of being peeped. In the morning, she had been in a state of excitement the whole day after receiving the news from Zhang Pingan. Even when she went out to buy pork belly, she always had a smile on her face, she was in a good mood, and everything in her eyes was beautiful. Even the common 'pork belly' she found at this moment was inexplicably cute.

Because the pork belly is so cute, I will eat it soon. Li Zhien sat at the dining table with his chin in his hands, looking at the baking sheet, vegetables, pork belly, and everything that was prepared: "By the way, soju? Hehe..."

Today she specially bought two bottles of soju, but the soju trademark had been changed to her photo. She specially prepared this at home in the afternoon. These stickers were photo stickers that she usually used to give gifts to fans, and she put them on the soju bottles.

He took the chilled soju out of the refrigerator and put it on the table. Just then the doorbell music sounded, and Li Zhien ran towards the video camera with a smile on his face, looking at Zhang Pingan displayed on the screen. After pressing the door-opening button in the hall downstairs, she happily came to the door and opened the room door. She just hid quietly at the door and listened to the noise in the corridor.

After the arrival ding of the elevator sounded, Li Zhien half-pushed the door and stuck his head out to look in the direction of the elevator. She saw Zhang Pingan walking over pushing her suitcase. Only then did she open the door of her home and greet him with a bright smile. If there weren't surveillance cameras in the corridor, Li Zhien would have rushed out and jumped directly on him...

Zhang Pingan looked at Li Zhien's smile, and he also laughed. Pushing the luggage into the room, the moment the door closed, he held Li Zhien's face in his hands and kissed her on the forehead: "I miss you."

A kiss on the forehead was more heartwarming than the entangled deep kiss. Li Zhien responded with a smile: "I miss you too, come in, dinner is ready."

Li Zhien, who was at home, was wearing the same clothes as usual, cotton sweatpants and a hooded sweatshirt. Such a sporty style is her favorite outfit, relaxed and comfortable.

Zhang Pingan pushed the luggage into the living room of her house, and Li Zhien said with a smile: "Oppa, wash your hands and eat."

"Wait a minute, I bought you a gift." As he said this, Zhang Pingan began to take out the gift box, the Chinese tea art set, and a box of tea from his bag.

Li Zhien opened the tea set box, and the sky-blue Ru kiln was spread out in front of her. She couldn't help but exclaim: "It's so beautiful, is it a Chinese tea set?"

"Well, Chinese tea sets, modern handmade Ru kiln. Tea, the famous Chinese tea, West Lake Longjing."

Li Zhien looked at this set of gifts and said, "Isn't it expensive?"


Although it is a modern Ru kiln, it is not that cheap to make by famous artists. A set costs tens of millions of won. Both the tea and tea sets were bought by Zhang Ping'an in West Lake.

Li Zhien also knew that these things were not prepared for her, but for her family, because she basically did not drink tea, and only the older generation in the family drank tea.

Li Zhien smiled and closed the gift box, and said with a smile: "Thank you, oppa, now, wash your hands and eat."

Zhang Pingan took off his down jacket and threw it on the sofa. He wore the sweatshirt Li Zhien bought for him and washed his hands. The two of them sat at the dining table.

After sitting down, what caught his eye was of course the Li Zhien brand soju. He picked up the 'Jinro' and looked at it and said, "This is the Zhien brand soju, hahaha... I have to drink two glasses tonight." ”

Li Zhien smiled: "Hehe, I'll drink two drinks with you." As she said that, she placed the wine glass in front of her near Zhang Pingan's.

After pouring two glasses of Li Zhien brand soju, Zhang Pingan raised the glass with a smile and said, "Happy New Year, Zhien."

"Oppa, Happy New Year." The two clinked their glasses and drank it.

The grill pan was hot, and Zhang Pingan put the pork belly on the grill pan. The fat of the pork soon began to leak out. Taking advantage of the burst of lard, Zhang Pingan put the king oyster mushroom... soju, barbecue, and her beside him. , this dinner is wonderful.


After dinner, Zhang Pingan did not open the curtains, but opened the windows and doors to ventilate the room, because the greasy smell of lard filled the room.

The cold wind entered the room and the warmth of the floor heating was quickly taken away. Li Zhien simply turned off the floor heating in the living room and turned to Zhang Ping'an and said, "Oppa, I'll open the curtains. You go to the bedroom."

"Well, I'm going to turn on the heater in the bedroom. Just open the curtains and come in. It's cold." After Zhang Pingan finished speaking, he pushed his luggage towards her bedroom.

Li Zhien opened the curtains to ventilate the living room, and a cold wind hit her. She tightened her down jacket tightly: "It's cold~~"

Entering the bedroom, Li Zhien looked at Zhang Ping'an sitting on the chair in front of her dressing table, holding her guitar in his hand. Li Zhien smiled and asked, "What? Oppa, have you composed a new song recently?"

"I'm a genius, a genius. Music creation is a very simple thing for me." As he spoke, Zhang Ping'an played Li Zhien's exclusive guitar, and then sang, "In the swaying flowers, I feel your The scent of shampoo...' (ps: The song title is this sentence, the singer is Zhang Fanjun, and the song is ost.)

It really comes right out of the mouth, and the melody and lyrics of the song are quite good. After Li Zhien listened to Zhang Ping'an sing a section, she smiled and said: "This song has the feeling of the group 'Busker'."

Zhang Ping'an nodded and admitted: "Well, I just heard him sing "Sakura Ending", so I imitated his pattern and hummed the song casually. The cherry blossom season is coming in two months. How about the song? "

"Well, it's pretty good. Give me the guitar and I'll sing." Li Zhien took the guitar handed over by Zhang Ping'an, sat down by the bed and started singing.

Zhang Pingan's singing has not received any professional training, so it can only be said that it is not out of tune. But compared to a professional level person like Li Zhien, it is still far behind. The same melody, but Li Zhien's singing adds a lot of beauty to this song. Her voice is really suitable for lyrical songs.

Li Zhien put down the guitar after singing. Without waiting for Zhang Ping'an's encouragement, she stood up, picked up the script on the bedside table and handed it to him and said: "Oppa, the work has been signed, KBS's "The Producer"."

Zhang Ping'an took Li Zhien's new script and casually flipped through two pages and put it on the dressing table: "Yeah."

Li Zhien looked at Zhang Ping'an and said, "Don't you read the script?"

"Look..." Zhang Ping'an almost said, "I've seen it." Finally, he stopped in time and said, "What are you looking at? I'm not an actor or an investor. I'll look at the work after it's filmed. At this time, it's words , I have time to read the script, why not read the comics? Don’t you have a confidentiality agreement? You can just read it to me, aren’t you afraid that I will reveal it?”

"Hehe, don't be afraid. Take a shower and I'll rub your back."


Late at night, the temperature in Seoul dropped even lower, and there were fewer and fewer people on the streets. Girls' Generation returned to Seoul after today's meet-and-greet at the airport exit. Choi Soo-young rubbed her hands and said, "Everyone, have some midnight snacks before going back, or..."

This time, Lin Yoona was not active. Instead, Sika said actively: "Eat something warm before going back?"

Sika usually goes home immediately after get off work, but today she is acting out of character? This made Cui Xiuying stare at her with a smile and said, "Hey, that's rare. Did Sika even ask for a midnight snack?"

Sika received a message from Zhang Pingan earlier, saying that he would not go back tonight. Although he didn't explain where he went, Sika had a rough guess in his mind. Because Taeyeon is by his side, it is impossible for him to date Taeyeon, so who else in Seoul can leave his footsteps? Apart from Li Zhien, she couldn't think of anyone else. And even if Sika guessed it, she didn't ask, and she didn't bother to ask. If she asked, she would only upset herself.

So when Xiuying asked to go out for supper, she agreed naturally. Otherwise, why would she go back so early?

Next to her, Pani heard Sika's abnormality, and she whispered in Taeyeon's ear: "I guess Zhang Pingan went somewhere to play?"

Taeyeon raised her head and glanced at Pani, but did not respond to her. No matter where he goes, Taeyeon doesn't want to inquire. She would not do anything that would make her unhappy.

Those who wanted late-night snacks got into one car, and those who didn't want late-night snacks got into another car. They set off towards Seoul separately.

Pani, who was having a late-night snack, saw that Lin Yuner was not in the car. She said curiously: "Hey, Yoona didn't go with you for a late-night snack today?"

Xiuying, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned around and said, "She is carrying two boxes and wants to go back quickly."

Pani looked at Xiuying with a smile and said, "What about you, why are you not going on a date today?"

Because it was so cold late at night, there would definitely be no paparazzi following them. If Xiuying and Xiuying were a little more careful, their date would not have been discovered.

Xiuying shook her head and said, "Are you lonely recently? Pani."

"Yes, in such a cold weather, I can only sleep with Taeyeon in my arms. Hahaha~~"

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