After the jade-colored light curtain dissipated, Lou Muyan and Bingluan formed a successful bond.

Lou Muyan's equality contract belongs to the ancient spell, so after the contract is completed, Bing Luan's body flashes a layer of blue-blue color.

After a while, all the injuries he had suffered from being abused by Ming Xiu recovered, and the feathers on his body were brighter than before, and even the few feathers that were plucked out grew out.

He narcissistically wanted to comb the beautiful tail feathers with his mouth, but found that there was still a gold ring around his mouth.

He looked at Lou Muyan aggrievedly, and said through his voice: "Beauty, I still have your man's stuff on my mouth, will you let him take it away?"

Lou Muyan couldn't help twitching at the corner of his mouth, and slapped Bing Luan's head with a slap, "Speak well, no wonder you need repairs."

This bird's mouth is really cheap, and she has the urge to beat him.

However, this stink bird has become her flying pet, and naturally she has to protect it for a while, so she smiled and asked Ming Xiu, "Can the golden ring on his mouth be removed?"

Ming Xiu glanced at Bingluan as a warning, and with a move of two fingers, the golden ring around the bird's beak disappeared out of thin air, and then Lou Muyan found that there was an extra golden ring the size of a palm in his hand.

"When this stinky bird's mouth is cheap, put him in a hoop." Ming Xiu turned his head to speak to Lou Muyan with doting in his eyes.

Lou Muyan couldn't help laughing, smiled and pursed her lips and nodded: "Okay!"

Bing Luan gave the two of them a white look. Neither the man nor the woman was good. He had to be unlucky to become a woman's spiritual pet.

Ming Xiu saw Bingluan get up and shake the feathers on his body, his expression sank, and he chant a spell in his mouth, using Yuan Li to draw a void talisman in the air, a transparent rune golden dragon rises into the sky , instantly submerged into Bingluan's body.

Bing Luan's body froze as he stretched, and found that most of the demon power in his body was sealed by the handsome man. He glared at Ming Xiu with small eyes and said, "What are you doing to seal my demon power?"

"There are two reasons to seal your demon power. One is to prevent you from relying on your current strength to not listen to Lou Muyan's words, and the other is to prevent Lou Muyan from relying on your combat power everywhere."

After Ming Xiu and Bing Luan finished talking, Jun looked at Lou Muyan with tenderness on his face, "I've sealed most of the demon power in his body, he only has the strength of a sixth-order demon beast, if you don't encounter the catastrophe of life and death. , he can't break the seal."

Lou Muyan knew the deep meaning of Ming Xiu. He was afraid that after she contracted a spiritual pet with an eighth-order strength, she would delay her own cultivation by relying too much on her, and he moved the man's care in his heart.

There was a smile between her brows: "Well, this is very appropriate."

She also didn't want her to grow up relying on the power of Bingluan, and she could not see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain.

Bing Luan listened to the conversation between the two, and the whole bird became bad in an instant. If he was trapped in the cultivation base of the sixth-order monster, wouldn't he even be able to transform into a human form?

Unwilling to mobilize the demon power in the demon mansion, he finally found sadly that he could no longer transform into a human form.

"How can I transform after you suppress my cultivation to the sixth-order monster?" Bing Luan shouted in dissatisfaction.

Ming Xiu raised an arc on his lips, so that he would not let this stinky bird turn into a human figure and circle around Lou Muyan all day long, even if he knew that he only had a broken sleeve.

"Your duty is to act as a flying mount, why do you need to transform into a human form?"

There was a sharp cold light in Ming Xiu's eyes, which made Bing Luan, who wanted to refute, immediately shut his mouth.

Although this man's cultivation base is not as high as his, but he has too many methods, and his combat power is also amazing, especially the real dragon energy on his body makes him even more afraid, he decided that it is better not to provoke this pervert for the time being.

After coaxing the little master in the future, are you still afraid that this man won't lift the seal for him?

Lou Muyan looked at Ming Xiu's spiritual pet oppressing her with amusement, but did not stop her. The bird's temperament and his transformed image completely subverted her cognition. Any refined and scholarly anger turned out to be fake.

"What's your name?" Lou Muyan looked up at Bingluan and asked.

She can't always call him Bingzhu or Bingluan.

Bingluan wanted to rub his head against the little master's shoulder, but was stopped by Ming Xiu's hand. He could only pouted and said, "Master, my name is Bingji."

"En." Lou Muyan felt that the name was not bad, so she didn't help with the nickname.

"Let's go back." Lou Muyan was in a good mood after contracting a high-end flying mount, but she was still worried that her family would be turned upside down because of her affairs.

Ming Xiu nodded, he also had important things to do, "Okay!"

So the two stepped on the back of the ice halberd, and he spread his wings and flew them towards the Imperial Capital of the Yan Zhou Kingdom.

The Imperial Capital of the Flame Universe.

After the news of Lou Muyan's death in the extreme cold mountain range was spread by someone with a heart, it became known to everyone, and the Gu family's faction and the Lou family's political enemies were secretly watching jokes.

Everyone knows that Zhou, Lou Muyan is a treasure that the Lou family holds in the palm of his hand, no matter when he is a waste, or after eradicating his physique and revealing his amazing talent.

Marshal Lou's three sons and one daughter are all sons, and Lou Muyan is the only granddaughter, so no matter how old or young Lou's family is, she is regarded as a treasure.

Now the news of Lou Muyan's unfortunate burial in a lava pool has been spread, causing an uproar in the Lou family and even the entire imperial capital.

Lou Mubai was still in a coma when he was sent back to Lou's house. He had already used a bit of his source power, and was attacked by the spell. Lans didn't want to make it worse, so he stunned him, and it would take at least five days to wake up.

"Lance, where is my Yan'er?" Lou Zhantian looked at Lance coldly with a tight face. If the rumors were true, he would definitely lift the roofs of the Imperial Academy and the Imperial Palace.

If it wasn't for Lou Muyan's soul card still intact in the ancestral hall, they couldn't help but go to the palace to find the emperor and Ruan Li to settle accounts.

Seeing the nervousness on the faces of Marshal Lou and Lou Moyu and his wife, Lan Si immediately recounted what happened in the Arctic Cold Mountain Range.

Lou Moyu pondered for a while and looked at Lan Si, his eyes dignified, "You mean that Yan'er fell into the lava pool and did not die, the Hades will rescue her, and the purpose of you rushing back is just to lead out The secret power?"

His Qingjun's face was very calm, but a layer of killing intent was condensed in his heart. Those who dared to touch his family's treasure must be ready to deal with their Lou family's revenge.

Lan Si took a sip of tea and nodded: "Those who want to kill Lou Muyan are obviously similar to dead men. They will fight with their lives to complete the task. This force is very mysterious and even more so. It's not like anyone in the empire can cultivate it."

"According to what you mean, the wave of people who assassinated Yan'er might be the power of another country?" Lou Zhantian frowned, if that's the case, things would be even more complicated.

If those who assassinated Yan'er of his family were the dead men sent by the forces of other countries, it also means that the killing this time was not mainly aimed at Lou Muyan, but aimed at the entire Lou family. The meaning behind this is worth pondering.

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