The news brought by Lance made the Lou family and their son ponder deeply.

"Have you checked the force that assassinated Yan'er?" Lou Zhantian asked.

Lan Si's fingertips lightly brushed the edge of the tea, and after a while, he replied, "I suspect that the powerful people in the empire colluded with the forces of other countries. That power is buried in the chess piece of Yan Zhou Kingdom."

Lou Moyu tapped the table irregularly with his fingers, and Lansi's words were exactly what they had guessed. If he followed this clue, the Gu family would be most suspicious.

"Lance, what we are focusing on now is when my family's Yan'er can come back safely." Lou Moyu put aside the affairs of the country for the time being. What he is most worried about now is the safety of his precious daughter.

Ling Yuexin's beautiful face was full of worry, and there was a haze in her eyes: "If there is something wrong with my daughter, your Imperial College can't get rid of it. That person named Hu Fei is your trial tutor this time."

If anything happened to her precious daughter, she would make Imperial College pay.

At the beginning, she did not approve of Yan'er going to the extreme cold mountain range for trials. If the dean hadn't talked to her husband to ensure Yan'er's safety, how could she have put her daughter in that kind of danger.

Lans also knew that this time Lou Muyan was knocked down by Hu Fei and couldn't get rid of the school in the magma pool. If it wasn't for the Emperor Ming to kill Hu Fei, he would have wanted to smash that man into tens of thousands of pieces.

It was originally just a bait for fishing, but it turned out to be a scourge in the end. This is also a lesson.

"Don't worry, I can guarantee Lou Muyan will be fine."

With the strength of Emperor Ming, I am afraid that Lou Muyan has already been found. If this makes her dead, Emperor Ming does not need to mess around.

Listening to Lance's assurance that the Lou family members are still not at ease, now Ling Yuexin is carrying a soul card printed with Lou Muyan's soul power. Only when the soul card is complete can they feel at ease temporarily.

In a splendid mansion in the imperial capital.

Gu Yanran accompanied Gu Yuankai to play chess in the study, when a man in black suddenly appeared in the room half-kneeling.

Gu Yuankai stared at the chess game without raising his eyelids, and asked, "Is Lou Muyan really dead?"

The man in black replied respectfully: "My subordinates have already found out what happened that day. If there is no accident, Lou Muyan will surely die."

Afterwards, he released the information that he had inquired about, and the Emperor Ming did not hide the fact that he went to the magma to find Lou Muyan.

Gu Yanran's original gentle and pleasant temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes at this time. There is always a haze on her face, her face is pale, and her whole person looks gloomy and unhappy.

Hearing that the man in the red mask who rescued Lou Muyan at the auction house jumped into the magma to find her regardless of his life, the jealousy in Gu Yanran's eyes seemed to erupt, she gritted her teeth and said bitterly: "That woman She's just a coquettish girl, this way of dying is so cheap for her."

Gu Yanran was not reconciled. In her heart, she did not want Lou Muyan to die like this. It was not a pity, but the hatred in her heart that made her want to torture Lou Muyan to death with her own hands.

Gu Yuankai dropped a black chess piece on the chessboard, his face was calm, and his voice was stern: "Yan Ran, you lost."

Gu Yanran looked down at the chessboard, feeling even more annoyed, with a look of grievance on her face: "Father, my daughter really can't take this breath."

Now that her dantian has been abolished by Lou Muyan, her whole body cultivation is useless, and she will be gloating or contemptuous and sympathetic when she goes out. She hates it!

She used to be the most dazzling pearl in the freshman class of Imperial College, Lou Muyan was just a trash gravel chasing Chi Yixuan, but now she has also tasted the taste of being trash, but it also made her more resentful in her heart. Lou Muyan.

"Yanran, that person has promised to repair your dantian after the event is completed. Losing your cultivation is temporary. Lou Muyan is just a touchstone for you to grow into a strong person. Heart troubles."

Gu Yuankai is a very clear-headed and rational person. He does not approve of his daughter's endless hatred of Lou Muyan. If the demons appear, it will be difficult to advance to the advanced swordsman in the future.

Gu Yanran also knew that what his father said was the truth, but the grudges had been buried for so long, so how could they be resolved, unless she killed Lou Muyan herself to get rid of the hatred in her heart.

"Father, I will slaughter the Lou family with my own hands." Gu Yanran's eyes flashed a ruthless look, and when Lou Muyan died, she would make the Lou family pay the price of extermination.

Gu Yuankai is not only not shocked by Gu Yanran's cruelty, but very pleased. That's right, this should be the daughter he carefully nurtured.

"Okay, when the time comes, I will personally let you destroy the building and the house."

The next day, Lou Zhantian took Lou Moyu into the palace to find the emperor and the emperor to settle accounts, and personally led someone to smash the plaque of the Imperial College.

After that, the door of Lou's house was closed, and there was a faint sound of crying inside.

This also confirmed the news that Lou Muyan had died in the extremely cold mountain range. In addition to those who were gloating at the misfortune and watching a good show, there were also some people who regretted and sighed.

Lou's father and son's move is also to let the secret forces relax their vigilance and lead snakes out of their holes.

There is no room for poisonous snakes to pry in the dark on the couch, and not removing it will not only be harmful to the Lou family, but also endanger the entire empire.

A secret room in the palace.

A middle-aged man in purple robe sat on the top, and Emperor Yun Tianchen and Emperor Yuncang sat on the bottom with respectful expressions.

The man took out a string of Buddha beads in his hand, each black bead was very smooth, and it could be seen that it was caused by frequent rubbing, "Is Lou Muyan really dead?"

"According to the current information, it should be dead." Yuncang sighed, it's a pity that Lou Muyan is such a good seedling, he originally wanted Ruan Li to focus on training.

Yun Tianchen was silent for a while and said, "I think Lou Muyan may not be dead."

Hearing what the emperor said, the purple clothed man's expressionless face showed some interest, "How do you say it?"

"I found that the Lou family's reaction to the news of Lou Muyan's death seemed normal on the surface, but there was always something wrong."

Yun Tianchen paused and continued: "I know that the children of the Lou family's direct line all have a soul card, you can tell by looking at the soul card if you die or not, so Lou Muyan fell into the lava pool and died or not, the Lou family knows best. ."

"Come to the palace to make trouble and smash the plaque of the Imperial College, although it looks like a vent of anger, but according to my understanding of the Marshal and General Lou, if Lou girl really died, they must have done something crazy long ago, no Will just move the fur."

Yuncang frowned and asked, "You mean they made it for others to see?"

"Exactly, not to mention the Lou family is afraid of that hidden force, even our royal family must find out that force that will endanger Yan Zhou Kingdom in secret." Yun Tianchen nodded.

The middle-aged man in purple smirked lightly, looking at Yun Tianchen with a rare appreciation in his eyes.

"That's right, Lou's house is just a decoration. Lou Zhantian, the old boy, has already come to this forum for a discussion."

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