Lou Muyan did it all in one go, showing a high level of golden acupuncture, and the therapeutic effect was much better than expected.

Old Lu's tightly closed eyes opened instantly, and a gleam of light flashed from his cloudy eyes.

He moved the muscles and bones of his whole body, and felt that a trace of spiritual energy spontaneously penetrated into the meridians. It did not drain away as quickly as usual, but sank into the dantian along the meridians.

All the meridians injured by the sword qi before were dredged, and even the internal injuries and hidden diseases for many years were cured by Lou Muyan.

The spiritual energy in his dantian gathered little by little, and once again felt the abundant energy in his body, he almost burst into tears with excitement.

"Miss Lou, don't say thank you for your kindness. If you can use this old man in the future, please feel free to tell me." Lu Lao clenched his fists towards Lou Muyan with a grateful expression on his face.

Wu Lao immediately got up and took Lu Lao's hand to take a pulse, and used his mental power to inspect his muscles and veins. He was shocked, "Is this golden needle technique a legendary magic technique?"

Lou Muyan smiled but didn't answer. The technique of golden needles was learned from a divine doctor when she transformed into a mortal world. Later, she obtained a book of exercises that can be used with needles in the inheritance place of Tianji alchemists. Whether it is treating mortals or practitioners, the effect is the same.

It is not a bad idea to say that it is a magical skill. She has always been very fortunate that she can get the inheritance of this set of golden needle techniques.

Shi Feng pursed his lips, and couldn't help but stand up and pull up Lu Lao's other hand to spy on it. The shock in his heart was no better than Wu Lao Xiao's.

"Miss Lou, I admire the golden needle technique you performed." Shi Feng praised from the bottom of his heart.

His original treatment method was far more dangerous than Lou Muyan's, and it didn't repair the speed and effect at all.

This kind of golden acupuncture technique will be convinced even if the ancestors of their Shi family came to watch it.

"Both of you have won the award, everyone has their own strengths." Lou Muyan smiled modestly, "And the treatment time this time was so short, and the recovery was much faster than expected, thanks to this set of Tianhan Gold needles made of gold crystals."

Lu Lao basically recovered after using the needle. In fact, it was mainly due to the filtering effect of the green fog in her body, and the credit of the ice bracelet, but she was not able to show it, so she pushed all the gold needles made by Tianhan Jinjing.

Of course, Tianhan Jinjing is a spirit that was born naturally between heaven and earth. After being swallowed by monsters, it can help shape the monster palace, break through the bottleneck, and it can also be used as a golden needle for treatment.

Wu Lao and Shi Feng couldn't help but twitched their mouths when they heard her words. It was easy to say, the Tianhan Jinjing is rare for thousands of years, and the sword masters get a small piece not only for refining magic tools, who would be like this The girl is like a loser.

"Little girl, is this the set of golden needles you made with Tianhan Jinjing?" Old Wu asked with a fiery look at the golden needles in the thousand-year-old ice box.

Lou Muyan smiled calmly and said: "Yes, I got a small piece from Emperor Ming and used it to refine this set of gold needles. If Elder Wu wants to make it, I can help refine it." She paused for a while. Blinking his eyes, he added: "Senior Ye Zhan still has a piece of Tianhan gold crystal in his hand."

Ye Zhan rolled her eyes at her angrily, this little fox, the Tianhan Jin Jing in his hand is very useful, how could he be so prodigal like her.

Wu Lao glanced at Ye Zhan to dispel the thought in his heart, such a spirit must have a chance to meet, and he did not force it.

"The old man is just joking." Wu Lao smiled shyly.

"Senior Ye, don't you have two pieces of Tianhan Gold Crystal in your hand? Can you give me a small piece of your love? Our Shi family will be grateful!" Shi Feng is a medical maniac. Apart from alchemy, he also likes to study medicine. This time, when I saw Lou Muyan using golden needles to treat a disease, I was very itchy.

Mu Yi's eyes moved and he clasped his fists and said to Ye Zhan: "Senior Ye, our Mu family is also willing to pay a large price in exchange for a small piece of Tianchi Jinjing."

Ye Zhan smiled helplessly and said, "Although I got two Tianhan Gold Crystals last time, the one that came out of Lansi in the extreme cold mountain range was replaced by him, and the remaining one is of great use. Let him do it."

When they heard him say this, they both showed disappointment in their eyes. They came to visit Ye's house this time, firstly for the Fengyun Continent Hegemony Tournament, and secondly, to inquire about Ye Zhan's attitude and see if he could give up a small piece of love, now see. Come on, there's no play.

"Girl Lou, you have a good relationship with Emperor Ming, and you must have more than a few Tianhan Jin Jing in your hands?" Ye Zhan turned the conversation and threw the topic to Lou Muyan again.

Mu Yi and Shi Feng's originally disappointed eyes lit up, and they all looked at Lou Muyan.

"No, it's not easy for me to get Tianhan Jinjing for refining this set of gold needles from him. He is stingy and died, so he won't give me any more." There was a bit of naive complaining on her face.

She secretly said in her heart: Ming Xiu, use your name.

Her attitude made everyone here think deeply. With such an intimate tone, the relationship between Lou Muyan and Emperor Ming is really unusual!

Originally, their attitude towards Lou Muyan was considered to be acknowledgment, but at this time, because of her exposed skills and the Emperor Ming behind her, Ye Yuan's elders, Shi Feng and Mu Yi also wanted to make friends with her.

"That's a pity!" Mu Yi pulled out a smile with a tone of disappointment, but this kind of thing really can't be forced.

"Muyan is tired, why don't you go down to rest first?" Ye Qinghan said with a thoughtful smile when he saw Lou Muyan's look a little tired.

Lou Muyan nodded: "Well, it's really exhausting to use this golden needle technique."

"Sister Muyan, follow me to the yard to rest now." Ye Qingle stood up and walked to Lou Muyan's side to hug her intimately.

These old guys are not ashamed of their idea of ​​hitting Sister Muyan one by one.

Ye Chen and Ye Zhan looked at each other and said with a smile, "Little girl Lou has really worked hard today, go down and have a good night's rest, and let Qing Han and Qing Le take you and the third prince to visit Luoxi City tomorrow."

"Okay, Mu Yan will disturb you." Lou Muyan replied with a polite smile.

After following Ye Qingle back to her courtyard, Lou Muyan said she was tired and went back to her room to rest first.

After returning to the room, she took out a pot of spirit tea, poured two cups, and picked up a cup to taste, obviously waiting for someone.

Sure enough, not long after, there were a few very small knocks on the door.

"Senior Ye, please come in!" she whispered.

When she and Ye Qingle left, Ye Zhan told her that she had something to talk about at night, so she was ready to wait for him to come, and she naturally knew what he was doing.

Ye Zhan pushed the door open and closed the door again.

He walked to the seat opposite Lou Muyan and sat down. He first took a sip of the spirit tea in front of him, then put down the teacup and said with a smile, "Little girl is very good at brewing tea, but it's a pity that the quality of this spirit tea is too poor. ."

Lou Muyan smiled slyly and said, "There's no way, people are too poor to drink high-grade spirit tea, why don't seniors give some help?"

The last time she met Ming Xiu, she forgot to ask for high-grade spirit tea. Since Ye Zhan took the initiative to bring it to the door, she would be too sorry for her already nourished stomach if she didn't extort money.

Ye Zhan looked at her amusingly, and couldn't help but scolded: "Little fox!"

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