Lou Muyan's eyes squinted into crescent-shaped eyes, rarely showing a bit of a girl's cunning appearance.

Ye Zhan also knew that he would be blackmailed by this little fox today, so he removed two cans of the high-grade spirit tea he had collected from the space ring.

"These two are the best spirit teas in the eastern region. They can be considered as a gift from me to this girl."

Lou Muyan's bright eyes were a little more radiant. She picked up a pot of tea and opened the lid, and a fragrant fragrance came out, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

The other pot is the tea tip of a kind of spirit tea. The process of picking and frying is very complicated and more precious.

She put away the two cans of tea with a smile, "Senior Ye is really generous, Mu Yan is welcome!"

Ye Zhan's eyelids jumped, are you still polite?

"I don't know what senior is looking for me?" Lou Muyan took a sip of his spiritual tea and asked lightly.

"You can call me Uncle Ye in the future." Ye Zhan didn't dislike it either, he took a sip of tea after imitating her appearance and said leisurely: "Don't you know what I'm looking for? Little girl, the freezing formation on Tianhan Jinjing. Is it your hands and feet?"

The change from Senior to Uncle Ye is also a manifestation of how much he values ​​Lou Muyan.

Lou Muyan is not hypocritical, "Uncle Ye, you should be able to solve that formation, right?"

Ye Zhan is an unfathomable person. Although he is only a swordsman, he instinctively makes her feel a mysterious atmosphere. She believes that this person will be able to decipher her formation as long as she spends some time.

"It is true that it can be cracked, but it takes too much time. Since you have arrived at Ye's house, why should I do those useless tasks again." His time is very precious.

Lou Muyan played with the teacup in his hand, his eyes darkened, and after a while, he said, "Can I ask Uncle Ye something about the Xue family of the ten major families?"

"Ask." Ye Zhan knew that Lou Muyan valued the Ling family more, and he didn't like the Xue family's ungrateful way of doing things, so it would be okay to sell favors to the little fox.

"There are really only two sword sect powerhouses in the Xue family? In addition to working with the Xin family privately, they also have close contacts with that family?" Lou Muyan has always felt that Xue family Jianzong and Xue Ling have met in the Extreme Cold Mountains. The appearance of home is not real.

Ye Zhan raised his head to look at Lou Muyan, smiled and said, "You little girl observed carefully and thought deeply."

"The Xue family is indeed more than the two sword sect powerhouses on the surface. The ancestor of the Xue family is actually someone else, and this person is already at the peak of the sword sect, and he is closing his life and death in order to break through the sword master."

"I received news secretly that another disciple of the Xue family broke through the newly promoted sword sect a month ago, but it was secretly hidden and not announced, so their family now has a total of four sword sects, and their comprehensive strength is actually only second to the top three. family."

"As for the Xue family's good family, apart from the Xin family, I also know of the seventh-ranked Lu family. The Lu family did not participate in the matter of the Ling family that was deliberately targeted."

Ye Zhan didn't hide it, and told Lou Muyan what he knew.

Lou Muyan frowned slightly, it seemed that the Xue family was indeed a tough opponent.

"Little girl, you'd better not focus on dealing with the Xue family and the Xin family. The Ling family is not as vulnerable as you think, otherwise they would have been kicked out of the top ten families." Ye Zhan told Lou Muyan This junior has a good impression, and there is a rare reminder.

The corner of Lou Muyan's lips curved upwards, blinked his eyes and asked, "Where does Uncle Ye think my current thoughts should be placed?"

"Naturally, it's in the Continental Battle for Hegemony." Ye Zhan also knew that this little girl was a slick, she definitely understood, "If you can enter the top 100 and join the sect, you will be afraid that you won't be able to deal with a little girl. Little Xue Family?"

"Uncle Ye, have you been to other regions?" Lou Muyan had always wanted to go to other continents.

"I have only been to the western region adjacent to the eastern region, the largest southern region of the Tianling Continent, and the second-ranked northern region. I have never been to it." Ye Zhan's eyes also showed a touch of yearning.

Most of his previous time was spent on cultivation. Now that he was promoted to Sword Sect, he obviously felt that the bottleneck of breakthrough was much deeper, and it was difficult to improve his cultivation base. After refining the Tianhan Golden Crystal into a magic weapon, he went to the other two continents to travel. , I believe it also has the ability to protect itself.

"I heard from the dean of Imperial College that the Eastern Region is the region with the lowest strength among the four major regions, and even the top ten aristocratic families in other regions can only rank among the third-rate forces?" Lou Muyan is rarely able to find someone to inquire about news from other continents , so continue to ask.

Ye Zhan nodded: "Indeed, the entire Tianling Continent is very wide, and there are countless hidden families. They are basically distributed in the north and south regions. Even the six major sects are built in the north and south regions. Our east and west regions are fundamentally different. It cannot be compared to that.”

"Then do you know the Jiuzhong Temple?" Lou Muyan couldn't help but ask another question as the figure of Ming Xiu appeared in his mind.

Ye Zhan looked at her with a half-smile and said, "Little girl, you have more than one problem."

Lou Muyan scolded Ye Zhan secretly as an old fox, but she didn't show it on her face, and said with a smile, "Does Uncle Ye want something from me?"

"Do you have any elixir that can enhance the power of monsters?" Ye Zhan asked after being silent for a while.

Lou Muyan's eyes were full of surprise, she thought about it and said, "Yes."

"Is it useful for the transformation stage monsters?" Ye Zhan's eyes fluctuated rarely.

"Uncle Ye, you look down on me too much." Lou Muyan shrugged and said, "I'm only a second-rank alchemist. It was directly dug up by the six major sects long ago, and you still need to sit here?"

She really doesn't have any medicinal pills that can improve the transformation stage monster, and she can't refine it with her current cultivation.

Ye Zhan lowered his head and smiled, because he thought too much. If Lou Muyan could really make a medicinal pill that could enhance the strength of monsters in the transformation stage, he would be a monster.

"But if you can't make it now, it doesn't mean you won't be able to make it in the future." Lou Muyan showed a confident brilliance between her brows and smiled: "Uncle Ye, why don't you make a bet now and press me, if in the future I Becoming an alchemist of the fourth rank or higher will bring you many benefits."

Ye Zhan chuckled lightly, with a hint of tolerance in his eyes, "Since you have such self-confidence in yourself, why don't I put a bet on you."

"Uncle Ye, you really have a good eye, don't worry, you won't lose." Lou Muyan showed a happy smile on her face.

Apart from Ming Xiu, it was the first time she had such a pleasant conversation with a Sword Sect-level powerhouse.

Ye Zhan's practice is inclusive, and he is also very charming, not to mention too much pretence, and his character is also upright. Such a person is worth making friends with.

Of course, she didn't know that Ye Zhan's tolerance and affinity were not the same in front of everyone.

"Haha..." The clear and pleasant male voice echoed in the room, because Ye Zhan had arranged a soundproof Yuanli cover, but it did not overflow outside the room, "You girl is really interesting."

"Then Uncle Ye can talk about the Nine Layers Hall?"

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