Ye Zhan picked up the teacup and took a sip to hide the smile on his lips.

"The Jiuzhong Temple is a mysterious force in the southern region. It rarely appears in the public eye, but it is an existence that the six major sects will not easily provoke."

Lou Muyan's eyes were as ink as ink, and he continued to ask, "Is Emperor Ming the master of the Jiuzhong Temple?"

"Yes!" Ye Zhan's lips curled slightly, "The Emperor Ming has only started walking in the Tianling Continent in the last three years. His identity is extremely secret, and few people know about him."

"Given your relationship with him, don't you know this yet?" Ye Zhan was a little curious about the relationship between Lou Muyan and Emperor Ming.

Lou Muyan smiled and said, "The Emperor Ming and I are friends in general. I have never asked him about the Jiuzhong Temple, otherwise I would not have asked you Uncle Ye."

"It's just that they will jump into the lava pool to save you regardless of the danger? They will give you a piece of Tianhan Jinjing, which will be madly competed by high-level powerhouses even if they are placed in the north and south regions? Little girl, who are you fooling!" Ye Zhan asked. Raising his eyebrows, he didn't believe that the two were just casual acquaintances.

"Isn't he the mysterious master behind you?" Ye Zhan asked tentatively.

Lou Muyan had a smile on the corner of his mouth, his eyes were clear, "What you say is what it is."

Ye Zhan couldn't help but give Lou Muyan a blank look, this girl is really a cunning fox, what does he say is what he says? This obviously does not want to reveal the relationship between the two.

"I've answered all the questions for you, now it's your turn to do things, right?" Ye Zhan no longer bothered about this topic, everyone has their own privacy, and he doesn't want to get into it.

Lou Muyan nodded cooperatively, "Take out the Tianhan Jinjing."

Ye Zhan took out the Tianhan Jinjing, which was still wrapped in ice, and handed it to Lou Muyan, "Can you untie it now?"

"Of course."

Lou Muyan made a promise, put her hands on the Tianhan Jinjing, and recited a few obscure spells in her mouth. A wisp of red light emerged from the slits at her fingertips and quickly removed the layer of cold on the Tianhan Jinjing. Ice melts.

Then I saw a jade-colored talisman wrapping around the Tianchi Jinjing, and the waves flowed, and there were faint fluctuations of Yuan force flickering.

She pointed with two fingers and whispered softly: "Dismiss!"

The jade-colored talisman seemed to have spirituality. It jumped up from the Tianhan Golden Crystal and disappeared into her body in an instant.

"That's enough." Lou Muyan handed back the Tianhan Jin Jing who had unlocked the formation to Ye Zhan.

Ye Zhan played around with Tianhan Jinjing, and found that there was no trace of the formation on it, and his evaluation of Lou Muyan was higher.

This girl is not only very talented in cultivation, but also in alchemy. I didn't expect to have such talent in formation. I don't know how many people will be envied in the future.

It's no wonder that people with the Absolute Physique are actually the darlings of God, fortune and misfortune depend on each other. Lou Muyan's talent after eradicating the Physique is indeed considered to be the best among geniuses, even if it is placed in the younger generation of the North and South regions. There are no geniuses.

"Your talent for this formation is also very powerful. You can choose three of the six major sects." Ye Zhan's eyes showed admiration.

"The third? Why?" Lou Muyan didn't know much about the six major sects. After all, Yan Zhou Kingdom was only a small and medium-sized country in the Eastern Region, and the information he knew was too limited.

"Cultivation talent, alchemy talent, and formation talent. Three of the six major sects have these three characteristics and advantages." Ye Zhan's eyes concealed a kind of regret, "I only know about the six major sects. There are almost no people in the region who enter the sect every time they participate in the Continental Battle for Hegemony."

"How did I hear that Xue Ling's talent is so good that he might be directly elected to the sect after the Tournament for Hegemony?" Lou Muyan asked suspiciously.

Ye Zhan smiled disdainfully: "It's not difficult for the talented direct disciples of the ten major families if they really want to join the sect, but they can only be nominal outer sect disciples. If they want to become outer sect core disciples or inner sect disciples, they may Sex is almost zero."

"Of course, there are also disciples with excellent talent and toughness of heart who will choose to be the nominal disciples of the sect. With their own efforts and appropriate opportunities, they may soar into the sky."

"However, the senior leaders of the ten major families are not very supportive of this choice, so entering the sect is just a good reputation."

Ye Zhan pondered for a while and said: "The Xue family deliberately released this kind of news, I am afraid that they want to successfully put pressure on the Ling family to break off the marriage. Xue Ling has always been cultivated in the Xue family, and their goal is to be before the mainland competition. 100, not outside disciples."

"So it is." Lou Muyan's lips were cold.

Xue Ling wanted to enter the top 100 in the Continental Hegemony Tournament? As long as she was there, she would definitely prevent this scourge that might endanger the Ling family and the Lou family from entering the top 100 and become the core disciple of the outer sect.

"Little girl, do you have anything else to ask? What I know about the six major sects and the northern and southern regions is only the skin. I believe you will come into contact with the wider world in the future, and then you will naturally understand. ."

"No, thank you Uncle Ye for clarifying my doubts today." Lou Muyan smiled and thanked.

Although he only extorted two cans of high-end spirit tea today, it was a great gain to hear so much news from Ye Zhan's mouth.

Ye Zhan's handsome face was a little soft, he stood up and said with a smile: "Today you have spent a lot of energy on Lu Lao's treatment, I will not disturb your rest!"

"Uncle Ye, walk slowly!" Lou Muyan got up and said goodbye.

After Ye Zhan's figure disappeared into the darkness, Lou Muyan closed the door thoughtfully.

The next morning, Lou Muyan just woke up when she heard a knock on the door. She opened the door and saw that it was Ye Qingle and Mu Xia.

"Qingle, Mu Xia is early!"

"Sister Muyan/Mu Yanzao!" The two entered the room and greeted her at the same time.

"Sister Muyan, let's go to the most famous Xizhaolou in Luoxi City for breakfast." Ye Qingle smiled sweetly.

Lou Muyan nodded and smiled: "Today is up to you."

Luo Xi City is bigger than the imperial capital of Yan Zhou Kingdom, and she also wants to go shopping.

"Then let's go, brother and Mu Yi are already waiting in the front hall." Ye Qingle smiled and pulled the two of them out of the yard.

Lou Muyan found that Ye Qingle had a special excitement about going out, "Qingle, are you still tired of visiting Luoxi City?"

"Why are you so annoying?" Ye Qingle's eyes darkened.

Then she smiled optimistically and cheerfully: "In fact, I have only visited Luoxi City three times. In the past, my father was detained at home for many years because of my infirmity. If I hadn't taken a medicine to suppress fetal poison before going to the extreme cold mountains, the effect of the medicine is still there. I can't go out with you until it's all gone."

At this time, Lou Muyan also thought that Ye Qingle was accompanied by fetal poison all the year round, and usually did not have much energy to go out and wander around.

She shook Ye Qingle's hand and promised with a smile: "Qingle, I will definitely cure you."

"I believe in Sister Muyan." Ye Qingle smiled sweetly, with trust and sincerity in her eyes.

In fact, even if Lou Muyan couldn't cure her disease, she wouldn't blame her.

She was not close to Lou Muyan for the sake of healing, but purely because of their eyesight. The first time she met her, she liked this woman who was only one year older than her, and she always felt a sense of intimacy in her heart.

I believe this is a kind of fate between them!

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