A month passed in a hurry, Lou Muyan, who had been secluded in the secret room, opened his eyes, his black eyes like stars.

Looking at the belly beads that had been refined in front of her, an arc was raised on her lips.

The ice halberd's secret technique is really useful. After refining hundreds of belly beads, a few more traces of blue gas appeared in the dantian in her body, hidden in the sea of ​​green fog.

She also comprehended the law of the water element to a new height. Although she is not as free as the law of the fire element, she can still achieve a solid state.

"Aren't you going to refine the natal magic weapon?" Mo Yan asked lightly when he saw Lou Muyan open his eyes.

He had heard Lou Muyan say that the competition for Tianhan Jinjing was used to refine the natal magic weapon, but he had not seen her do it for so long, and he was very puzzled. Isn't the game more certain?

This month, with the help of Lou Muyan's medicinal herbs, he also advanced to the sixth rank, completely crushing the ice halberd.

Lou Muyan sighed and shook his head: "Tianhan Jinjing is just a main material. I want to refine a nine-attribute natal magic weapon, so I can't move it easily."

"Nine attributes?" Mo Yan's indifferent eyes flashed with surprise.

Bingji, who was cultivating, also opened his eyes and looked at Lou Muyan. Are there any magic weapons with nine attributes in this world?

"Well, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, ice, and darkness are the natal instruments." Lou Muyan smiled, "Tianhan Jinjing is a metallic material. The manufactured instruments only contain metal."

"What are you going to do with the nine-attribute natal magic weapon? Can you use it?" Mo Yan's deep eyes flashed bright colors.

Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows with a smile and said, "That's natural, otherwise I would eat too much to make the nine-attribute natal magic weapon."

"..." The ice halberd was completely stunned, could it have nine attributes? Are his ears okay?

Mo Yan's black pupils shrank, and for the first time, he asked in an unbelievable tone, "Can you perceive the nine attributes of primordial energy in this world?"

"Wrong." Lou Muyan shook his fingers, seeing the two spirit pets staring at her, he said slowly, "I can perceive all the attributes of Yuan Li in this world."

"What?" Mo Yan and Bingji exclaimed at the same time, how is this possible?

In fact, Lou Muyan was surprised when he first realized that he could perceive all the attributes of Yuan Li between heaven and earth.

When she was in the Immortal Cultivation Realm back then, she was a fire-type spirit root, and she was also a fire-type person who had the deepest understanding, so her current talent is indeed against the sky.

"It's the first time I've heard that someone can perceive all the attributes of the universe." Mo Yan didn't doubt what Lou Muyan said. He knew this woman, and she didn't bother to lie.

Bingji also nodded: "Me too, Master, you are too perverted."

"I'm just telling you guys, but you're not allowed to leak it out." Lou Muyan was looking at Bingji when she said this, and the stink bird's mouth was the most loose.

Bingji rolled his eyes, "Little Master, I'm very clear about what to say and what not to say. Don't be so distrustful of me."

"Okay, I'll trust you once. If you dare to say it, I'll pluck all your feathers out." Lou Muyan actually knew that Bingji would not go out and talk nonsense about secrets, but she couldn't help but warn. one sentence.

If high-level powerhouses were told that she had such a talent, she would not be caught and nurtured, or she would be assassinated, which all represented great trouble, and she was most afraid of trouble.

"How long will it take for you to gather the materials of the nine attributes to refine the natal magic weapon?" Mo Yan said disapprovingly, "Don't forget that you are going to participate in the Continental Battle for Hegemony, which is a gathering place for geniuses. You lose an advantage without a magic weapon."

"I have considered everything you think. It's not that I don't plan to refine it. It's just that I want to refine the natal magic weapon. Of course, I have to choose the best one. The magic tools of these nine attributes can be refined separately, and then each can also combined use."

Lou Muyan paused and continued: "The Tianhan Jinjing is the main material, but there are still two auxiliary materials needed. I have already asked the people from the Underworld Union Chamber of Commerce to help find it, and there will be news in the next two days. "

"Start refining when you get two kinds of auxiliary materials?" Mo Yan actually wanted to see how this woman refined weapons. Although he often listened to her explaining to Huo Xiao, he had never seen her make a move.

"That's natural, let's go, let's go to the Ming Union Chamber of Commerce." Lou Muyan stood up, two spirit pets jumped on her shoulders and went out.

After going to the Mingmeng Chamber of Commerce, I happened to meet Ye Lao, and the Mingmeng Chamber of Commerce is worthy of being the largest and most powerful chamber of commerce in the mainland. It only took a month to find the two very rare spar she wanted.

After Lou Muyan paid the bill, he took all the refining materials and rode the ice halberd to the Extreme Fire Mountains.

The volcano where she and Ming Xiu met last time was very rich in geothermal heat, and it was just right to assist in refining. This time, she also brought Huoxiao.

"Master, your sixth-order Bing Luan mount is really cool." Huo Xiao sat on the ice halberd with a bit of envy and pride in his eyes. His little master was a cow.

Lou Muyan chuckled: "Don't worry, in the future, Master, I will help you to subdue a flying mount that pulls the wind to play with."

"Master, you are so kind to me, I..." As soon as Huo Xiao started to flatter, he was stopped by Lou Muyan.

"We're here," she said, pointing to the mountains ahead.

Now her ears are being poisoned by Bingji and Huoxiao every day, that's enough!

After entering the bottom of the volcano, Lou Muyan stopped by a magma river with the highest temperature, took out all the materials he wanted to refine, and prepared to refine the natal magic weapon.

"Master, do you need me to help?" Huo Xiao was so excited that he finally wanted to see the little master take action.

Lou Muyan waved his hand, "No, this time I brought you here mainly for you to see, just be quiet."

"Yes, I will never disturb the little master."

Lou Muyan nodded, and after adjusting her state to the peak, she held the spar on the ground piece by piece in her hand, and a cluster of gorgeous purple-gold flames emerged from her palm.

"This, this turned out to be a spirit fire." Huo Xiao stared at the purple-gold flame in Lou Muyan's hand without blinking, and couldn't help but scream.

Lou Muyan raised her head and glanced at him, "Shut up, don't make a fuss." It is the most taboo to be distracted during the refining process.

"Yes, I promise not to speak again." Huo Xiao hurriedly covered his mouth.

Lou Muyan's mind moved, and the purple-gold flame quickly wrapped the orange spar in her hand, and then refined it little by little.

Then Lou Muyan put the refining liquid into a container that had been prepared a long time ago, and continued refining the second spar.

Because the geothermal heat here is very intense, the spar liquid she refined will not re-solidify.

As time passed, Lou Muyan kept refining the spar placed on the ground. When the last piece of Tianhan golden marrow was refined by her, she stopped moving and rested quietly.

After adjusting her body to its peak state, she glared at her eyes and began to prepare to condense.

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