ten days later.

In the magma river in front of Lou Muyan, there were ten small golden swords like thin wings lined up in a row, gradually condensing as the magma rolled over and over again.

When the ten little swords let out a humming sound, Lou Muyan's eyes were filled with joy, and he hit the little swords in the magma river a few times, and his red lips spit out a word: "Take it!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the small swords in the magma river flying up one by one, merging one by one in mid-air, and finally condensing into a thin and sharp long sword, with a coercion that only a magical weapon has. , fell into Lou Muyan's hands with a bang.

Lou Muyan took the long sword without injecting Yuan force, but just swung it hard at the rock in the distance, and a golden sword energy spontaneously burst out, instantly splitting the hard as iron fiery rock into countless fragments.

Huo Xiao swallowed his saliva. From the first day Lou Muyan began refining the natal magic weapon, he was completely immersed in her world of refining. Can be refined.

Of course, although Lou Muyan used the natural heat source underground in the Arctic Mountains as a furnace, her refining technique is very unique and novel, and every process is perfect, which has benefited him a lot.

It can even be said that the golden long sword in Lou Muyan's hand is the best magic weapon he has ever seen.

"Master, this long sword of yours may have surpassed Lingbao and become a holy weapon." Huo Xiao felt the natural pressure on the long sword and asked.

The instruments are divided into spiritual instruments, spiritual treasures, holy instruments, holy treasures, divine instruments, and divine treasures.

The holy artifact is the magical artifact that the high-level powerhouses of the Tianling Continent are madly competing for. It is conceivable how precious it is.

"Almost, but the magic weapon I made can be upgraded as my cultivation level increases." Lou Muyan rubbed the long sword in his hand with satisfaction.

"What? Can magic weapons be upgraded?" Huo Xiao asked in disbelief.

Lou Muyan smiled and said, "It's you who are ignorant. When you become a Tier 4 and Tier 5 Item Refiner, you will naturally be able to come into contact with them."

She is sure that Tianling Continent also has magical weapons that can be upgraded, but Huo Xiao has not touched it.

"That's right, I'll go out for a walk when I have the opportunity in the future." Since following Lou Muyan, Huo Xiao's vision has also broadened a lot, and he no longer only wants to be the most powerful craftsman in the East Region. Instead, he wanted to become a well-known Item Refiner in the entire Tianling Continent.

Lou Muyan patted his shoulder and said, "You have a good talent, and one day you will soar to the sky." She still believed this.

"Thank you Master for your teaching!" Huo Xiao was grateful and respected from the bottom of his heart for Lou Muyan.

If it were another master, it would be impossible for him to watch his refining of the natal magic weapon. Lou Muyan not only let him watch and speculate, but also gave some explanations at the critical time of refining the weapon, which made him learn a lot. The trick.

"Okay, don't be sour." Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows, "When you go back, use the method I taught you before to practice more, and you will hand over the instruments of the 100-person private army to you, at least to refine the primary level. Lingbao's level is fine."

"Yes, I must refine it before Master comes back from the Continental Battle for Hegemony." Huo Xiao replied.

"It's okay, don't worry, just practice slowly."

Looking at the sky, Lou Muyan used his mental power to contact Bingji, who had already run out to wander.

Bingji has a temperament that can't sit still, and it is a monster with both water and ice properties. He doesn't like hot places the most, so Lou Muyan slipped out as soon as he started refining the weapon.

A day later, Lou Muyan returned to the Imperial Capital of Yanzhou Kingdom and went directly to Lou's house.

"Stinky girl, you still know how to come back!" Lou Zhantian grabbed Lou Muyan, who had just returned home, and blew his beard.

Lou Muyan said with a smile: "Didn't I go out to refine the natal magic weapon?"

"Did the refining succeed?"


Lou Muyan took out the software on his waist and handed it to Lou Zhantian, while Lou Moyu and Lou Mubai also stepped forward to watch.

The magic weapon she made can be changed into several forms at will, and she has used the formation to cover up the breath of the Tianhan golden marrow. Now the sword body is golden, but it is impossible to tell what material it is made of.

"Good sword!" Lou Zhantian swung his long sword a few times and couldn't help but admire when he found the sound of breaking the air around him.

Lou Muyan smiled and said, "Of course."

"Stinky girl, you and Mu Bai have to be careful here!" Lou Zhantian's eyes were filled with worry and pride.

"Don't worry, Grandpa, my brother and I will definitely surprise you."

Lou Moyu touched Lou Muyan's head and said warmly, "It doesn't matter if there are no surprises, as long as you come back safe and sound, it will be the biggest surprise for us."

Lou Muyan felt a warm current in her heart, with a smile on her face: "Don't worry, Dad, we will definitely come back alive."

"By the way, has the Gu family been doing anything recently?" Lou Muyan has always been on guard against the Gu family, but now there is no time to clean up, and the opportunity has not yet come.

Lou Moyu frowned and said, "Gu Yuankai will send Gu Yanran away before you come back. The euphemism is to go to recuperate, but I always think it's not easy."

"After I leave, you must leave some of the Gu family. I always feel that they have a secret." Lou Muyan reminded that as for Gu Yanran's matter, there will always be a time to uncover the truth.

"Don't worry, we've always sent spies to keep an eye on the Gu family, including the royal family." Lou Moyu said with a smile, "Your important task now is to participate in the Continent Contest, leave the rest to us. "

"Well, grandpa and parents also take care!"

After another ten days of retreat, the royal family sent someone to bring the Lou Muyan brothers and sisters into the palace to send them to the competition.

Yuncang looked at the six people standing in front of him with relief on their faces, and encouraged them: "The six of you are the hope of our Yanzhou Kingdom and the key to determining the future strength of our country. I hope that the six of you can unite. Unanimously to the outside world, rushing into the top 100."

"We will." Several people promised.

"Okay! I believe in you!" Yuncang then explained some rules of the Continental Wind and Cloud Tournament to several people, "After you get there, you must first..."

Lou Muyan and the others listened to him attentively, with surprises on their faces from time to time, and they had a more detailed understanding of the Continental Contest.

Afterwards, even the ancestors of the Yun family showed up to encourage several people, and each handed out a space ring with resources provided by the royal family before disappearing into the hall again.

"You can only use the teleportation array to go to the battlefield of the Continental Storm Hegemony Tournament. It is the same for every country. There are ten assembly points in total. You will be teleported to any assembly point through the teleportation array, and there will be someone in charge of the competition at that time. Make arrangements for you to enter the playing field."

"After you go, don't go against the arrangement of the person in charge of the competition, and you can't fight with swordsmen from other countries at the meeting point, otherwise you will be disqualified from the competition."

Yuncang finally gave some instructions to a few people, took them to the teleportation array underground of the royal family, and took out a hundred low-grade spirit stones and put them into the card slot of the teleportation array.

Seeing the figures of the six people disappearing into the formation, Yuncang muttered to himself, "Be sure to return safely!"

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