After Lou Muyan stepped into the teleportation formation, a soft light enveloped them, and the eyes were darkened. I don't know how long it took, how many people fell into another teleportation formation.

The purpose of going out of the teleportation array is an open space, and there are many people gathered around, but they all occupy a position to form a small group, and it can be seen that they are swordsmen from different countries.

"Let's find a place to rest and wait." Yun Zimo looked around and pointed to the empty space.

"it is good!"

After a few people sat down, the five teleportation formations in the assembly point kept flickering, and then swordsmen with different costumes came out in batches.

"There are so many people participating, this is only one of the ten teleportation points." Yun Lan roughly watched the crowd sitting at the assembly point at this time, and there were several thousand people.

"This is the prosperous world of the entire Tianling Continent. It is understandable for so many people to come." Chi Yixuan replied.

Lou Muyan looked at the people who came out of the teleportation array, shrugged helplessly and said: "One more thing, their cultivation is not low, I should be at the bottom again."

A few people couldn't help laughing when they heard her words. Yun Lan said, "Actually, your cultivation is also a cover. If anyone who doesn't have long eyes wants to bully you, it will definitely mention the iron plate."

They knew that although Lou Muyan was only a mid-level sword king, he had the ability to challenge the sword king.

"Not only is your cultivation base at the bottom, our cultivation base is not at the top in comparison." Yun Zimo's light eyes fluctuated a few times.

Among the six, Yun Zimo had the highest cultivation base, who had just broken through to the Sword Emperor cultivation base a month ago, followed by Lou Mubai and Fu Chen, who were both at the peak of the Sword King cultivation base, while Yun Lan and Chi Yixuan had both improved their cultivation bases. When it came to the high-level sword king, Lou Muyan still stayed in the middle-level sword king.

During the two months of her retreat, she was either comprehending the law of water attributes, or she went to the Extreme Fire Mountains to refine the natal magic weapon, and she had no time to practice at all.

"It's okay, we will be in the top 100 when we come out in a year." Lou Muyan said to several people with a confident smile on his lips.

The five people were also infected by her, and they all nodded in agreement, trying to enter the top 100 no matter what.

After waiting at the assembly point for three days, the teleportation formation gradually stopped, and the number of people passing over was much less sparse. After another two days, the teleportation formation completely stopped working.

Suddenly, a vortex appeared in the sky above the assembly point, and a transparent ball of light fell from it. The ball of light was covered with five people, including a middle-aged and burly man.

As soon as the few people landed, the transparent ball of light covering them disappeared automatically, and the burly man swept his eyes sharply around, and suddenly the entire space was so quiet that even if a needle fell to the ground, you could hear it.

The man retracted his gaze with satisfaction, and said slowly, "I am the person in charge of the eighth meeting point. Next, I will issue the ID card. Please keep it well. If you lose it, you will be disqualified from the competition."

After he finished speaking, he waved to the four people in the back, and the four of them took out a space ring and removed several piles of jade cards of different colors from it.

Immediately, the burly man took out a few pieces of jade slips, and the five of them poured Yuan force into the jade slips together, and the jade slips immediately flew into the air and landed on the piles of jade cards.

A few beams of light fell from the jade slip, and those jade cards spontaneously flew away in different directions.

In the end, the jade cards fell into the hands of everyone at the assembly point as if they were recognizing their masters.

The burly man continued to speak after seeing the jade plaques being distributed: "You each take a breath of energy on the jade plaques, and check whether the words displayed on the jade plaques are your country's name and your own name. If there is any mistake, please report to us in time. report."

Lou Muyan picked up the jade token and took a breath of energy. Sure enough, the words "Flame Universe, Lou Muyan" were instantly displayed on the smooth jade token. She also had to sigh at the strength of the organizer.

Seeing that all the numbers were distributed correctly, the burly man said again: "I believe you all have a question in your heart at this time, why the jade cards in your hands have several colors."

Lou Muyan's six people are all holding red jade cards. There are also people holding jade cards of various colors in the assembly point. They all have questions in their hearts, why there are several colors of jade cards distributed, when this point comes Yuncang didn't tell.

"You also know that the rules of each Continental Tournament will be changed, and the biggest change this time around is the color of the jade card in your hands."

"I think you all know that participating in the Continental Hegemony Tournament is to send all of you to a separate space. The task of the preliminary round is to kill the monsters in the space. The more you kill, the more likely you are to enter the second round of competition. Big."

"The previous competitions were calculated according to the number, and this time the first round is still the same."

"Why do you have several colors of jade cards in your hands? That involves the second round of competition."

"The second round is the battle for jade cards. People who hold jade cards of the same color cannot compete with each other for the specified time, but they can snatch against those who hold jade cards of other colors. Strange, this is the survival law of the strong road."

"By the way, let me remind you that there are seven colors of jade cards in total, red, yellow, blue, green, blue, orange and purple. Those who are qualified to participate in the third round of the competition must not only win the most jade cards in their hands, but also have seven colors. must have."

"Now I'll give you a quarter of an hour to ask questions. If you have any questions, ask them quickly, and then send you to an independent competition space." The burly man added lightly.

After he finished speaking, a person raised his hand in the open space and asked, "Excuse me, senior, is there a requirement for the number of jade cards of the seven colors to be snatched for the third round of competition?"

"There must be ten purple jade plaques, thirty orange jade plaques, and fifty cyan jade plaques. There are no restrictions on jade plaques of other colors." The burly man replied.

"Does the color of the jade card have any meaning?" Another person raised his hand and asked.

"Of course, the color represents the strength of each country, the person holding the purple jade card represents the superpower from the Tianling Continent, and by analogy, the person holding the red jade card is from some small countries that are not in the mainstream. ."

Lou Muyan looked at the red jade card in his hand and twitched the corners of his mouth. Not only was his cultivation base at the bottom of his feelings, but even the country he represented was at the bottom...

"Senior, do you have to start the second round to grab the jade medal?"

"The first round of competition is three months, and in the last ten days of the three months, you can start to snatch jade cards. After all, there are still some people who don't kill enough monsters and will be eliminated. The previous time is not allowed to snatch them indiscriminately. Jade card, or disqualification from the competition."

"Don't take chances, as long as you violate the rules, you will definitely be disqualified from the competition by the organizer."

Then several people asked questions, and the burly man stopped answering when the quarter of an hour passed.

"The jade card is not only a symbol of your status, all the rankings and the news to be conveyed by the organizer will be displayed on the jade card, you need to pay attention at any time."

"Finally, I would like to remind you that after the first round of competition, the top ten people who kill monsters will be rewarded with jade medals, that is, those jade medals that are eliminated but not taken away will be recovered as rewards."

After reminding the last point, the burly man raised his head and shot a blue light towards a space not far away.

In an instant, the space in that side kept fluctuating, a huge stone gate fell, the azure light was bright, and the stone gate gradually opened with a few "bangs".

"I announce that the gate of the eighth channel of the Tianling Continent Contest for Hegemony is open. You can go in one by one."

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