As soon as the burly man's voice fell, he saw the swordsmen who were close to the Qingguangshimen got up and rushed in quickly.

Even because there were people in the front who were fighting first and foremost, the burly big man gave a cold snort before he stopped.

"You are not allowed to fight at the assembly point, or you will be disqualified from the competition."

Lou Muyan looked at the densely packed crowd in front of him speechlessly, and said to the six people, "Let's go in after they go in."

"Will it be too late?" Yun Lan asked.

"It's not to compete for spiritual treasures, so what's the hurry? There's no way to kill the monsters in the space that has been opened up. It's the same for us to go early and go late." Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows.

Several people heard her say this and felt very reasonable, so they didn't get up, and when they were almost gone, they flew away in the direction of the blue light stone gate.

The burly man looked at the only woman among the six with all his thoughts, and said softly, rubbing his chin, "It looks like he has a good temperament, but his strength is too weak."

Afterwards, he didn't pay much attention. After Lou Muyan entered, he closed the blue light stone gate, and left with the other people from the whirlpool.

As soon as they landed, Lou Muyan found that they were in an uninhabited plain, with many low-level monsters walking around.

Yun Zimo took out the jade card, injected a stream of Yuan force into it, and used his spiritual power to probe into it to check. They learned from the emperor that each person's identity card also depicted a general introduction and map of this space.

"Our location is still half a day away from the nearest city." Withdrawing his mental power, he said to several people.

"Let's hurry up, there will be a beast tide at night, if you don't enter the city to take refuge, you will be engulfed by the beast tide." Yun Lan pursed her lips and said.

Several people did not dispute, and rushed in one direction.

A few people who encountered low-level monsters did not take action. In the preliminary round, those who killed monsters would get points, and the level of points was also determined by the level of killing monsters.

That is to say, killing a hundred first-order monsters only earns points for killing one second-order monster. Naturally, there is no need to waste time and energy to deal with low-level monsters.

While rushing on the road, Lou Muyan put his mental power into his jade slip to read the introduction of this space.

This space was born thousands of years ago. It has many monsters and natural spirits. Finally, it was blocked by several great powers of Tianling Continent and became the arena for the Continent Contest.

The main reason for choosing this place as the arena for the Battle of the Storms is that there are too many monsters and beasts here.

It is impossible for high-level powerhouses to run to this space every ten or twenty years to deliberately kill monsters. Finally, they came up with a custom-made arena. In the preliminary round, participants were required to kill monsters to advance to the next round.

This will not only equalize the number of monsters in this space, but also train the younger generation of disciples participating in the competition.

And this space is also special. The monster crystal of the monster can be absorbed directly without too many side effects. It is also a way to improve the strength of the participants.

Many of the high-level powerhouses inside have not been taken away. Three thousand years ago, the organizers prohibited all high-level powerhouses from setting foot here. Only those who entered the competition every twenty years were allowed to enter.

All the spiritual things in this space can be obtained as long as the participating talents have the chance, and they do not need to be handed over to the organizer. This is one of the reasons why countless people want to participate in the Continent Contest.

Even if the final ranking is less than the top 100, it will definitely not be a loss if you have the chance to find a few spirits here to bring back.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages as well. There are all kinds of monsters lurking here, both high and low, and there will be a beast tide every night. devoured by monsters.

Moreover, the danger is not only from monsters, it is not uncommon for humans to kill each other if they disagree with each other, especially when swordsmen of a big country bully a swordsman of a small country. Played intensely.

The organizer does not stop these behaviors. As long as they enter the arena of the Continental Battle for Hegemony, they will know their life and death. Therefore, countless geniuses are lost in this space each time.

Of course, the organizers don't care about the fighting between sword masters, but they are not allowed to seek personal revenge when they go out here.

For example, a swordsman from a medium country kills a genius of a superpower. After leaving here, the royal family or aristocratic family of the superpower is not allowed to use force to seek revenge for that medium country.

If there is no such regulation, the entire country of Tianling Continent will definitely be involved in the fight in the arena, and it will become a mess.

Of course, not being allowed to take revenge does not mean that those big countries will not make bad and oppressed, so the swordsmen of small and medium countries who enter this space rarely take the initiative to provoke people from big countries.

In a word, this space opportunity and the danger of life and death coexist, whether life or death depends on one's luck and ability.

Under Mo Yan's reminder, the six people avoided many low-level monsters along the way. Those who appeared above the third level would be killed, and the rest were bypassed.

Half a day later, they appeared in front of a city, which was on the edge of this plain and backed by a big mountain.

Looking at the towering blue-black city wall infused with black iron, Yun Zimo and the others couldn't help but change their expressions.

"This city wall is actually made of black iron. Could it be to resist the attack of monsters?" Chi Yixuan couldn't help taking a breath.

Lou Muyan approached and saw a lot of scratch marks left on the blue-black black iron city wall, "Look at the scratch marks on the city wall, no wonder this city is a place of refuge, otherwise it would have been overwhelmed by the beast tide. "

Several people also discovered the imprints on the city wall, and sighed that they had underestimated the difficulty of the preliminary round.

"Let's go and have a night's rest first, let's inquire about news by the way." Yun Zimo saw that the city gate was open, and many young people with different clothes walked in.

Several people also entered the city gate. The city gate is not as desolate as imagined, but it is very lively, and there is even a commercial street.

There are inns and restaurants on both sides of the commercial street, as well as shops selling medicinal herbs, magic weapons, and crystal cores of monster corpses.

"How come there are still shops here?" Yun Lan said puzzled.

"Each session of the Continental Storm Hegemony Tournament will last for more than a year. I heard that many big forces will set up shops in major refuge cities. First, they can make money, and second, they can also acquire a large number of monsters. Corpses and crystal cores, spirits and grasses, etc., if you get them outside, you can use them for your own use or you won't make a lot of money."

Yun Zimo's master was the ancestor of the Yan Zhou Kingdom, so he knew more than the others.

"It turns out that these big forces will make money, and selling medicinal pills here is definitely in short supply." Lou Muyan touched his chin, and his eyes were full of light.

Seeing the sparkle in her eyes, Yun Zimo said with a light smile: "There will be auctions held from time to time in several cities in the center, and the scale is no less than the largest auction in Yanzhou Kingdom last time. "

"There is also an auction here? Was it organized by the Underworld Union Chamber of Commerce?"

Lou Muyan blinked, and the figure of the red, evil and charismatic figure appeared in his mind unconsciously.

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