A small beast swarm was formed, and there were about a thousand monsters gathered, most of them were of the fourth or fifth rank.

Lou Muyan released all the spiritual pets while fighting with the sixth-order monsters. At this time, it is good to have more spiritual pets, which is equivalent to cheating.

Seeing this, several other people also released the monsters one after another, and even a few of them couldn't kill so many monsters.

When Lou Mubai came here, he contracted an early sixth-order fire crocodile that Lou Muyan had specially caught for him in the Extreme Fire Mountains. He also released it at this time. The monsters contracted by the others were all fifth-order monsters. .

"Ah! Master, this is really a feng shui treasure land, there are so many monsters, I like it!" The man-eating blood-thorn vine king shouted excitedly as soon as he was released from the spirit beast ring.

When he was in the Luoxia Mountains back then, he hadn't seen a few live monsters enter his territory in a year, and he didn't dare to step out of the golden thorn grass because of that abnormality.

When I think about it now, it's all snot and tears. Fortunately, he met the little master, and he opened his belly to absorb the blood, which he had never experienced when he was in Luoxia Mountain.

The bottleneck that has been blocking it has been loosened. If there are a few more waves of beasts like this, he will be able to break through.

Embedding the main root into the ground, the blood stretched his golden vines to the surrounding monsters of the fourth and fifth ranks. In just a moment, the ground was covered with countless drained monster corpses.

Mo Yan knew the function of points. Although he disliked it, he also took action. His body suddenly grew bigger, and he slapped one to death with one paw.

Because Bingji had already revealed his body, Lou Muyan didn't let him play this time. He turned into Bingluan and swept the surrounding fourth- and fifth-order monsters, venting all his recent suffocation.

With a wave of its wings, a monster that was not afraid to rush up fell to the ground and died.

Even Miaomiao couldn't be idle anymore, and flew out of Lou Muyan's hand, turning into a monster beast that was constantly besieged by a giant python.

"Don't kill all of you! Take one breath and throw it for me to eat." Seeing that his companions were so mighty, Xue Xue couldn't help shouting.

There is a difference in the effect of absorbing the blood of the living monster and absorbing the dead.

Seeing Lou Muyan's monsters, all of them seemed to have been beaten with blood, and they were scrambling to let go of the killing and torture. In just a while, only a third of the more than 1,000 monsters were killed. Fu Chen Everyone couldn't help but twitched their eyes.

This speed is too exaggerated, what kind of pets does she keep? Sure enough, if there is a master, there is a spiritual pet.

"You guys take it easy, and leave some points for others!" Lou Muyan couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth when she saw that her spiritual pet seemed to have never given a kill in several lifetimes.

Can you stop being so violent...

After listening to her greeting, the speed of the several monsters slowed down, and Mo Yan retracted his noble claws and jumped onto Lou Muyan's shoulders to stop participating.

He has even been reduced to the point of killing low-level monsters in groups. If those guys knew about it, they would have to die with laughter.

In half an hour, the small beasts that gathered were all disintegrated by them, and there was not a single surviving monster.

This efficiency is too fast, and the points of several people have risen a lot.

"It has only risen by more than 100, which is too slow." Lou Muyan picked up the jade card and looked at the standings, frowning and said.

If you go out to find monsters and kill them at a slower rate during the day, when you reach the designated central city, it may be difficult for a thousand people to rush up.

"This speed is already very fast. After all, we are a month behind others." Yun Zimo saw that she disliked the ranking of points too low.

"Why not." Lou Muyan's smart eyes turned and smiled and said, "In the future, we will rest in the refuge city during the day and travel at night, otherwise it will be difficult to rush into the top ten at this speed."

"..." She really dared to think about rushing into the top ten.

Fu Chen pondered and asked, "What if I accidentally encountered a large beast swarm?"

They are indeed easy to deal with such a small beast swarm, but if they encounter a large beast swarm, it will be difficult for them to escape. Otherwise, other swordsmen have already done this kind of work of resting during the day and rushing to earn points at night.

What I encountered in the first sanctuary city that day was only a medium-sized beast swarm that was so difficult to deal with, let alone a large one.

The most important thing is that the large-scale beast tides are basically the leaders of the seventh-order monsters, so once they encounter it, they will definitely die.

"No, we can avoid Mo Yan wherever there are seventh-order monsters." Lou Muyan found that Mo Yan was a cheating artifact.

His monsters can sweep the breath of thousands of miles. Once they find seventh-order monsters or large beasts, they can immediately change direction or run on ice halberds.

The reason why they didn't use the ice halberd directly is for experience, they can't rely too much on the ability of spiritual pets.

"Okay, if that's the case, it should be no problem for our points to reach the thousandth place." Yun Zi's eyebrows were filled with a smile.

He heard that a large number of swordsmen will be eliminated in the preliminary round, but as long as the points are within 1,000, they can enter the second elimination round.

Lou Muyan glanced at him, "Don't be so unpromising, my goal is the top ten jade medal reward."

"Cough cough..." Yun Zimo was a little embarrassed at her glance, and after thinking about it, he smiled and said, "Then our goal is to be in the top 100."

With a little pervert like Lou Muyan, and earning points at this rate, how could they hope to enter the top 100?

Several other people were also infected by Lou Muyan, and her heart was full of passion. She dared to think and do it, why did they dare not as men?

Ye Qinghan, who was sitting and recovering in the rest area of ​​the city, suddenly opened their eyes and looked at the jade card in their hands.

"Lou Muyan's points have started to skyrocket again." Mu Yi said in surprise.

"Could it be that a beast swarm attacked the city?" Shi Feng looked at the constantly beating points and guessed that such a speed could only skyrocket so fast when encountering a beast swarm attacking the city.

Ye Qinghan played with the jade card in his hand and chuckled, "She is about to catch up with us, and we can't be too weak."

Their current points have been maintained at around a thousand, and they were going to exert their strength in the last half month, but they were chased by Lou Muyan, and they had a little more hope and passion in their hearts.

"Indeed, if we keep our hands, Yan'er will probably surpass us in a short time." Ling Feiyang had a light and happy smile on his gentle face.

"Then let's let go of winning points tomorrow." Mu Yi raised his eyebrows.

The points race with Lou Muyan and the others is also a kind of fun and concoction in a boring life.

Beheading all the way, Lou Muyan and the others arrived at the city of refuge at dawn.

When they entered the city, many sword masters were on their way out of the city, and when they saw a few talents entering the city, they all showed scrutiny and doubts, but they didn't pay much attention, after all, they still needed to go out to hunt monsters to earn points.

During the day, the inn was basically empty, and they opened six upper rooms and started to rest and recover.

At night, when other sword masters entered the city of refuge, they began to go out to hunt monsters.

Such a move also aroused the curiosity of many people, but because it was night, other swordsmen did not dare to follow him to find out.

At night, the six people slaughtered monsters to their heart's content to earn points. Every day, they encountered several waves of small beasts, and also encountered a medium-sized beast once. Lou Muyan and her several mutant/deformed spirit pets were madly killing them with all their strength. The abuse also wiped it out completely.

This situation continued for seven or eight days. When Lou Muyan's scores soared into the top 1,000, it also attracted the attention of many great swordsmen.

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