As the night got darker, a man in red stood on the wall of a large city in the north.

There were four men and one woman standing behind him, one of the men looked at the six names that were rising on the jade medal standings, and said in a hoarse voice: "Their names start beating at night, and the skyrocketing speed is extremely fast. "

"The one named Lou Muyan was the one who broke into the top 50 on the first day," said the only woman among them.

"Lou Muyan? They must have chosen the strategy of resting during the day and rushing at night to earn points." The man in red standing on the city wall played with the jade card in his hand, with a hint of interest in his casual tone.

One of them frowned and said, "They are too courageous, aren't they afraid of encountering a large beast swarm? You know, even us and Mo Ling's group dare not go out in the middle of the night."

"Their luck is very good. This kind of point beating has lasted for eight days." The man who had been silent all the time said.

"Continue to pay attention to the trend of their points. If you rush into the top 100, you will have to play." The man in red went down the city wall indifferently.

Tonight is another quiet night, no fun!

On a large city in the east stood a man who exuded a sense of arrogance and coolness.

He looked down at the jade card in his hand, and murmured, "Isn't it dead yet? It's interesting."

At the same time, a castle in the core area of ​​the competition space.

A dozen people were sitting in a large room. There was a wall made of spar in front of them. At this time, pictures were being reflected on the wall, which was the situation of the contestants in the competition field at this time.

When this special space was discovered back then, several great masters spent hundreds of years setting up the formation, among which there is an image-shaped formation, which can be reflected on the specially made spar walls, except for three types of dangerous places and refuge cities. all realities elsewhere.

This is also convenient for the six sects in previous competitions to select disciples with outstanding talents or special abilities.

When the screen shifted to a large plain, everyone saw a stunning young woman rushing towards the leading sixth-order monster behind the beast tide.

The movement is like a ghost, the fist is comparable to the black iron, and the bombardment of the fist is thrown out. In the most primitive hand-to-hand combat, the loser turned out to be a monster.

One of the red-haired and red-bearded old man's eyes lit up, patted his leg and said, "This girl's body is already as strong as a sixth-order monster, what a seedling!"

He is the elder of the Haoyue Sect among the six major sects, whose main body is body refinement.

"She actually has four high-level spiritual pets in her hands. It seems that she is a spiritual beast master! We want this girl." An old man in Tsing Yi stared at the spiritual pet that Lou Muyan released. The eyes are full of light.

The monster plant that has been rare for thousands of years, the descendant of Qingluan, the Bingluan mythical beast, is still in the sixth rank. The contract talent of that girl is probably going to go against the sky, and they will definitely not let go of such a genius.

A tall and thin middle-aged man sitting at the back kept his eyes fixed on Lou Muyan's ten golden flying swords, and squinted, "I think she is best at swordsmanship, look at her magic weapon. It can be combined and dispersed, and it can kill the enemy sharply, which is more suitable for our Sword Sect.”

"Damn your mother, didn't you see that she has been using the formation to lock the monsters in the entire beast horde?" One of the ruddy old men stood up and pointed to a location and said, "Look, she can easily She has set up a four-elephant killing formation, and she is best at formation, so she should come to our Baji Sect.”

Baji Sect mainly focuses on refining equipment and forming formations. There are very few disciples with talent in formations. It is rare to see a young man with such strong formations. He is eager to recruit people into the sect now.

"No, no." An elegant-looking middle-aged man said with a gentle smile: "Did you stop the pills without finding out that she was in her hands? Such extravagant devouring of pills to replenish Yuan force to kill monsters There are only two possibilities, one is that her background is an alchemy family, and the other is that she is an alchemist herself."

"If she is an alchemist, our medicine sect will make a reservation first." Then he added another sentence.

"Fart, you also know that it is more difficult to find a young disciple with talent in formation than ascending to the sky. It is rare for me to meet one, so don't rob me."

"What are you talking about? It's not easy to find a good seedling with such a strong body. Why should I let you?"

"I said that she is a little girl who is more suitable to be a spirit beast master."


Several people instantly blushed over Lou Muyan, and no one wanted to let go of such a seedling.

One of the more than ten people had a calm expression, and his eyes were calm with boundless and deep white hair. The old man said slowly: "The preliminary round is not over yet, are you too impatient? It's the phoenix, the sparrow will meet in a year. Now, what's the use of grabbing it now?"

Hearing the old man's words, the elders of the major sects who were arguing also stopped.

Yes, it is useless for them to compete now. The selection of the six major sects is in the 100th place in the final.

Of course, if this girl didn't make it into the top 100, they could also find a way to get her into the sect, and the big deal was to start with the outer disciples.

"The most important thing is one more thing." The white-haired old man's thoughts were clear to these people, and after the room was silent, he continued: "She has attracted the attention of many talented swordsmen of the great power generation, can she live to the end? Not necessarily in the end, you should save your energy."

This girl is really good. If they can successfully enter the top 100 in the finals, they will want it from the Heavenly Secret Palace.

Seeing that the enthusiasm and light in many people's eyes had not faded, the white-haired old man was silent, and he would hide the strange color in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Although she is extremely talented, she has too many things to learn, and her academic expertise is Good, future achievements may not necessarily be outstanding.”

After listening to his words, many people hesitated. When you think about it carefully, she really knows a lot more. This kind of talent can be said to be against the sky, but it is also because she knows too much that she will be distracted. Can she cultivate it in the future? It's really hard to say to become an elite disciple.

However, the elders of the major sects are not fools. They were shaken by the white-haired old man. They decided to pay more attention to this girl this year. If she really has the strength to rush into the top 100 of the finals, they will Just grabbed it.

Sitting in the corner, a handsome young man in white, who was not like a mortal, looked at the shadow that was constantly flashing in the beast swarm with soft eyes, and the corners of his lips rose slightly.

"Woman, you really won't let me down!"

Lou Muyan, who was using various means to kill monsters in the beast swarm, frowned. Why did he always feel like he was being watched?

At this time, she didn't know that her every move fell into the eyes of the old guys from the six major sects. She has also entered the major sects from tonight, as well as the focus list of many national elite teams in the competition space.

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