After listening to the words of the elders of the Eight Extreme Sects, the elders of other sects also had an epiphany.

At this time, all the people present here have no intention of underestimating Lou Muyan. This girl is so smart and mature at such a young age. It is extremely rare among the younger generation, and it is indeed worth cultivating.

The elder of Yaozong looked at Lou Muyan with even more fiery eyes. Although she used the formation to control those seeds, she was actually born with the wood element energy. If she showed the talent of the fire element energy. Come, it must be an alchemist.

"She moved." The elder of Jianzong said with interest.

The attention of the others was all on the crystal wall.

Lou Muyan controlled the spawned tree seed to surround the man, the tree seed moved in the soil, and the branches hit the man like a sharp weapon.

He mobilized the primordial energy in his body to condense in the long sword, and the khaki-yellow sword energy swung down one after another, but they were all blocked by the branches and vines.

I don't know why, but the sword qi couldn't hurt these trees at all, as if they were restrained innately.

"What the hell did you do?" Che Jin looked at Lou Muyan angrily.

Lou Muyan hooked her lips, "Have you never heard of the principle that the five elements overcome each other? I will explain to you the law that Mu overcomes the earth with facts, and you will be able to die peacefully under Jiuquan."

Her voice was clear and beautiful, pouring out slowly, but the words she uttered were unbearable.

"Die!" Lou Muyan sent him back when he entered with the car.

But no one noticed that a few vines appeared on the branches and leaves of a few big trees, and the waving branches bound the car that failed to dodge.

Che Jin's eyes showed a little madness, Yuan Li poured out from his dantian, ready to use the strongest hole card.

"Blood, don't hurry, he's going to use his trump card." Lou Muyan's eyes were indifferent, and he made a sound transmission to the man-eating blood-thorn vine king.

The blood is waiting for this sentence, this man dared to give birth to the heart of killing his master, he sucked his blood a little bit, and let him die in fear.

The dark thorns in the rattan quickly tightened Che Jin's body, and the paralyzing venom instantly spread all over his body, causing his wildly surging Yuan force to suddenly stop.

For the first time, there was panic in his eyes, and he wanted to shout to Yi Zhao and others, but found that he couldn't even speak.

Then his pupils shrank, and the blood essence from his body was lost little by little, all of which was absorbed by the plants that bound him. An infinite fear was born in his heart, and an aura of death enveloped him.

In just a moment, Che Jin's eyes changed from panic to fear, and finally to despair.

When the last drop of blood essence in his body was sucked dry, his eyes widened, his expression was mixed with incredible fear, and he died completely without breath.

Lou Muyan glanced coldly at the shriveled corpse. She had no mercy for the person who wanted to kill her.

She waved her hand, and the tree in the sky withered and withered in an instant, and finally turned into a few bright yellow seeds and fell back to her hands.

No one noticed that one of the seeds was glowing with golden light.

Blood is a sixth-order demon plant. Although it cannot change shape, it has the means of camouflage. It is very easy to change its golden vines into green. It is covered with a big tree in the sky. Who is the swordsman present? Neither found his existence.

This is one of the reasons why Lou Muyan used the Musheng formation that he had cultivated for a long time to kill Che Jin.

The essence and blood of a human swordsman is purer than that of a monster, and the blood is more beneficial after being absorbed and refined, so since it is an immortal enemy, of course, it must be used to make some contributions and serve as nourishment for her demon plant.

She would never bully the weak and kill unrelated lives at will, but if others dare to take the initiative to fan her head and act with murderous intentions, she will never make them feel better.

Seeing that Che Jin was surrounded by a few big trees and a shriveled corpse was left, Yi Zhao and the others showed disbelief.

This, how is this possible? Che Jin is the middle-level sword king. He usually kills no less than a few thousand people. He has very rich combat experience. How can he be killed by a woman who is at the peak of the sword king?

The swordsmen on the city wall also showed a ghostly look, was this reversed? What kind of magic did that woman use? It was so powerful.

"Demon girl, what have you done?" Yi Zhao turned to look at Lou Muyan sternly while fighting against Yun Zimo.

Lou Muyan raised her brows. It was the first time someone called her a witch, and it seemed that the title was not bad.

"Don't you know if you come to experience it yourself?" She wasn't going to let these people go.

Yi Zhao had seen her aggression and greed clearly in Yi Zhao's eyes before, and it was also aimed at her body technique and body training technique.

It's normal for people to be greedy, but it's bad luck to think about her things.

She threw the seeds that had not been taken back in her palm forward, and after they landed, she used the spiritual power of wood to give birth to them immediately. In an instant, big trees in the sky emerged from all around Yi Zhao, and their branches swayed continuously.

Yi Zhao's eyes showed contemplation, and he quickly retreated, but the big tree continued to follow as if alive.

Remembering what Lou Muyan said about the law of the five elements, his eyes suddenly lit up, and a sinister smile appeared.

"You killed Che Jin just now with the law of wood restraining soil, then I will let your tree taste the effect of metal restraint." Yi Zhao laughed, and a red gold token flew out of his hand.

The palm-sized token suddenly grew larger in mid-air, and traces of golden elements emanated from it. The surrounding trees that were originally moving suddenly trembled slightly, and their roots were deeply embedded in the soil and could no longer move.

Seeing that Yi Zhao suppressed Lou Muyan's technique, the other four breathed a sigh of relief. The sudden death of Che Jin just now gave them an unprecedented sense of fear.

"His Royal Highness, smash her body into tens of thousands of pieces to avenge Che Jin." A big man who had a good relationship with Che Jin called out.

The person who was fighting against him was Lou Mubai, and his cold eyes were full of chills, "Go and be with him."

The younger sister is his inverse scale, and she will die if you touch it!

After speaking, a slap-sized blood man escaped from his hand and instantly turned into a blood giant several feet tall, filled with a sense of oppression.

The big man with the strength of the middle-level Sword Sovereign was taken aback by this sudden blood giant. He did not expect that this handsome and indifferent man would actually use the blood-shake technique that has been lost for thousands of years.

The blood giant's eyes were dark, like an endless void that would suck people in. After the big man met his eyes, he was stunned for a moment.

The last thing you can't do during the battle is distraction, that is, a few breaths of time, a huge bloody hand with the power of destroying the sky and the earth slaps it heavily, and instantly shoots the big man into the ground, his body deforms and vomits. blood.

No one saw it, a golden vine stalked out from the earth under the crawl of the big man and inserted into his heart. The blood flowed little by little, and his breath of life gradually disappeared.

When the last drop of blood essence on his body was sucked dry, the vine retracted into the ground with satisfaction, as if it had never appeared before.

And such a scene instantly shocked everyone present.

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