The blood-colored giant turned his head, his empty dark eyes were like a dark bottomless pit, and those who were swept couldn't help but feel a chill down their spines.

He took a step forward, took a few steps, and his body gradually shrank, and finally turned into a drop of blood essence and fell into Lou Mubai's forehead.

The elders of the six sects in the castle were all stunned.

"Is this a blood-braking technique that has been lost for thousands of years?" an elder of the Yuling Sect asked with wide-eyed eyes.

Others also echoed, it seems that there are many people with special hidden talents this year!

The Great Elder of the Heavenly Secret Palace's quiet eyes moved, and he said slowly: "It is indeed the blood-shake technique that has been lost for thousands of years, and he has already mastered the essence of the blood-shake technique, and will not be backlashed, or has been attacked. The backlash has survived."

"I heard that a swordsman who knows the blood brake technique will not be able to estimate his achievements in the future. His talent can also be ranked in the top 200 among the contestants. If he can rush into the last 100, it is worth cultivating. Good seedling." The elder of Haoyuezong stroked his beard, and there was a gleam of interest in his eyes.

The other elders also took down Lou Mubai in their hearts and put them on the list of key concerns.

on the battlefields of the plains.

Seeing that their elite team lost another person, Yi Zhao was furious, mixed with a sense of heart palpitations.

He raised his hand and stretched out two fingers to point in the air, and several beams of golden light burst out from his fingertips, and the golden energy increased to the red gold token.

In an instant, the red-gold token glowed brightly, covering several trees surrounding him, and half of the trees in the formation withered immediately after encountering the golden light.

"Today, I will use the way of the person to treat the person's body, and let you taste the death method of the five elements." The corner of Yi Zhao's mouth raised an inevitable arc.

With the movement of his two fingers, several beams of golden light burst out again to support the red gold token.

The token hit a few swirls in the air, and the light instantly covered all the trees. After the golden light passed, the trees quickly withered and turned into ashes.

The people standing on the city wall watched the two fight, and couldn't help but think deeply. It turned out that the law between the five elements can still be used in this way.

Seeing that Yi Zhao had the upper hand, many swordsmen looked at Lou Muyan with regret in their eyes.

It's a pity that this woman with extraordinary talent and outstanding temperament is lost like this, but just thinking about it that way, they don't dare to interfere.

"I will also let you experience the taste of your body becoming shriveled." Yi Zhao licked his chapped lips, a kind of pleasure that was about to kill the enemy filled his heart.

Yes, he has a special hobby, that is, he likes to use various means to torture and kill the enemy, torturing him to death in fear.

Lou Muyan's brows were filled with coldness. The members of the two teams of the Yisi Empire were very bloody and hostile, indicating that they were usually not good people. Even if they didn't do evil, there were definitely a lot of people who died in their hands.

This Yi Zhao has a hobby of torture and murder, and it is true that he will die 10,000 times without being innocent.

"Really? Then I really want to try it." Lou Muyan's face showed sarcasm.

Yi Zhao saw that she was unhurried and calm, even more sarcasm on his lips, his heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition spread all over his heart.

Who knows what should be good and what should be bad.

When he saw that the proud and stunning woman on the opposite side flipped her jade hand, and a cluster of crimson flames jumped in her palm, he knew it was broken.

"Huo Yuanli? How is that possible." Yi Zhao took a few steps back, looking defensive, "You actually realized three elemental attributes!"

It's not a question, it's an affirmation.

The magic weapon used by this woman is metallic, and she used the wood element power to generate seeds just now, and now she has also displayed the fire element power, which is too unacceptable.

Except for Yi Zhao who couldn't believe it, everyone watching the battle looked at the cluster of flames in Lou Muyan's hand in shock.

Is this the so-called darling of God? And let no one live?

It seems that she is only about sixteen years old, and the cultivation base is the peak of the sword king, which belongs to the best among geniuses.

The most important thing is that she is very proficient in using any of the attributes of gold, wood, and fire. What she wants to understand is not the most superficial beginner level, but the understanding level or even above.

The law of comprehension of Yuanli attributes is also divided into several realms, the realm of beginners, the realm of comprehension, the realm of great achievement, the realm of perfection, and the realm of harmony between man and nature.

Many swordsmen, even someone in the genius generation, can only comprehend two elemental laws in their entire life. This woman's talent is really abnormal.

Lou Muyan turned a blind eye to those scorching gazes, she curled the corners of her lips and smiled, like a hibiscus coming out of water, beautiful and unparalleled.

The ice halberd on her shoulder held a moment of silence for the man on the opposite side. Once the little master showed such a smile, the other side would be in a sad rhythm.

Sure enough, after the blooming smile, her wrist moved with the wind, and with a slight wave, fire lotuses with fiery energy floated down from the air.

One after another, it turned into a crimson red glow that made the sky above half of the sky red.

Within 500 miles of the sky, the temperature could be constantly rising, even with a very depressing atmosphere.

Lou Muyan's fire energy had already reached a height of comprehension, and under the influence of the purple gold spirit fire in his body, the condensed fire energy was not what it used to be.

There is a majestic power hidden in the blossoming red lotus, which is enough to shock the world.

"What? The perception of the fire element has reached the realm of Dacheng. Where did she get out of this little monster, so perverted." .

That Yaozong elder's eyes were bright and scorching hot, this girl is definitely an alchemist, even if not she will become a good seedling of alchemy.

The other elders of the six major sects in the castle were also shocked!

Does this girl's talent have to be so defiant? Let them now have the urge to run into the competition area and bring her back to the sect for training.

As long as she is not damaged, she is definitely one of the peerless geniuses that will be born at the end of this Tianling Continent Tournament.

Yi Zhao's heart was beating suddenly, the fire lotus felt so strange to him, and the Jin Yuan force in his body even felt frozen, this was the suppression of the five elements.

He took a deep breath, his eyes were fierce and crazy, and he didn't want to die anyway, so he could only use that magic trick.

There was also a hint of remorse in my heart, I shouldn't have listened to Huang Qian'er's instigation and shot at these people.

As soon as he beckoned, the red-gold token immediately returned to his hand, and he quickly muttered a few difficult incantations in his mouth.

The golden token in his hand suddenly slammed into his body and merged with it.

Then Yi Zhao's height began to skyrocket in an instant, his muscles shattered his clothes, revealing golden skin all over his body, and even the color of his hair and pupils in his eyes turned red gold.

The entire body is dozens of times taller than ordinary people, and it looks like a burly and tall golden giant.

The people around took a deep breath, what kind of exercise is this?

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