The night was gradually replaced by the day, the morning light fell softly, and all the people in the lounge except Lou Muyan and his team went out hunting.

This city is a big city, but it is still a lot smaller than the big cities in the central area. Rong Zeguo, who controls this city, is not overbearing, so it does not prevent sword masters from hunting monsters nearby to earn points .

Of course, after entering the central area, the big city under the control of the superpower will no longer allow the sword masters of small and medium-sized countries to hunt, so the most sword masters gather in such a big city.

Although there was no one in the lounge, it was a public place after all, so they still found an inn to stay.

"Yan'er, you seem to have an unusual attitude towards that Lord Luo." Lou Mubai already knew about her sister's disposition. She would not shy away from unfamiliar people, but her attitude would not be enthusiastic. Luo Zhushi had a gentler expression on his face.

Lou Muyan's eyes narrowed into crescent-shaped smiles, "Well, it's really different."

Several other people looked at her one after another. Could it be that Lou Muyan took a fancy to that Lord Luo?

That man's noble temperament can make many people feel ashamed. He looks unparalleled in appearance, not to mention his strength. It is really easy for Lou Muyan to fall in love with such a man at a glance.

Yun Lan and Chi Yixuan's eyes lightened, and they were a little depressed, and the distance between them and her was getting bigger and bigger.

Lou Muyan naturally saw what a few people were thinking, and said amusingly, "What do you think? I just like his voice."

She is not the kind of person who can fall in love with someone at a glance. When she met Ming Xiu, she didn't feel any heartbeat for him, but that fellow's voice was also very charming and charming, which was also an important reason why she was friendly to him at the beginning.

After several encounters later, Ming Xiu's rescue and maintenance gradually left traces in her heart. Now she does not deny that she is attracted to him, so it is impossible to be attracted to other men.

"Voice?" Others were puzzled.

"I have a good impression of anyone with a clean and pleasant voice, and it has nothing to do with the relationship between men and women." She only has a good impression of Lord Luo. If she can become a friend in the future, she can meet him, but it is impossible for him to surpass his friendship with him.

"..." A few people couldn't help twitching their eyelids, what kind of weird problem is this?

It turns out that when Lou Muyan also has such little willfulness, aren't their voices unpleasant?

"Don't you think that Lord Luo's voice is ethereal and clean, very pleasant?" Lou Muyan asked with a wink.

Several people's impressions of Lord Luo did not come from the voice, but after hearing Lou Muyan say this, the voice was really nice in retrospect, like a flowing sweet spring clear and translucent.

"It's really nice, but we don't have this hobby." Fu Chen shook his fan, full of bookishness.

"We'll go to this city in the future, let's leave at the same time in the evening." Lou Muyan smiled.

They now have their own experience in killing medium-sized beast tides, so the energy consumed has not been exhausted, and it has been replenished last night.

After lunch, a few people went shopping in the commercial street in the city.

With their current cultivation level, they are capable of fasting, and they just want to have an atmosphere of eating.

Large cities are different. There are not only a lot of medicine stores here, but also a spiritual pet store.

There are many monsters in the competition space, and the big forces are stationed here. Naturally, they can go out of the city to hunt monsters. Therefore, there are many spiritual pets of the fifth and sixth tiers in the spiritual pet store, but the price is much more expensive than outside.

Lou Muyan went in and shopped at random but didn't buy it. She had already contracted a sixth-order spiritual pet for each of her teammates when she encountered a wave of medium-sized beasts. Naturally, she would not waste any more money.

And Yun Zimo and several others were shocked when they saw the price of the sixth-order spiritual pet. Even if they were very good in the world of Yanzhou, they could not afford so much money to buy it personally.

Thinking of Lou Muyan's fussy and indifferent touch when she contracted a spiritual pet for them, she couldn't help but stroke her forehead. Did she know the value of a sixth-order spiritual pet at that time?

"Put away the surprised look in your eyes, our goal is to catch a few seventh-order monsters to contract spiritual pets. There seem to be quite a few seventh-order monsters in this space." Lou Muyan's eyes were dark and bright.


Several people felt very speechless, how to catch the seventh-order monster in her mouth was like playing, and seeing her looking like she was gearing up, they consciously stopped mentioning this matter, for fear that she would take them to block it on a whim. There's a big beast wave.

After some scraping in the city, Lou Muyan was buying several kinds of spirit herbs for refining third-grade medicinal herbs. Although the price was very expensive, they did not feel painful. These spirit herbs can only grow in the competition space, but there are Money can't buy it.

And just after a few people walked out of the Dan shop, at the end of the commercial street, several people were watching them leave, and the look in the eyes of a famous woman was filled with disapproval and hidden killing intent.

"Ling'er, that woman is Lou Muyan who made a big show in the Extreme Cold Mountains?" A man in Chinese clothes held a folding fan and looked at the direction Lou Muyan was leaving with interest in his eyes.

Xue Linger retracted her gaze, with a soft smile on her face, "She is Lou Muyan, not only in the extreme cold mountain range, but also talking about her voice in this competition space."

She couldn't hear any other emotions towards Lou Muyan in her words, but her words named the woman who was very restless and acted inappropriately.

The first time she saw Lou Muyan, she hated it. This kind of hatred deepened over time. A woman from a small country could show her limelight like this, which made her jealous and also had a strong killing intent in her heart.

Lou Muyan's growth is too fast, and the Xue family and the Ling family have reached the point of incompatibility. She must take the opportunity to kill Lou Muyan this time, otherwise it will become a hidden danger to the Xue family.

Seeing the rare interest in the eyes of the seventh prince when he mentioned Lou Muyan, Xue Linger felt even more bitter in her heart.

Last time, that woman had attracted Ye Qinghan and her face was pleasant, but now it's only one side, to let the arrogant and arrogant Seventh Prince show such an expression, she is really a coquettish child.

For someone with a profound background like the Seventh Prince, she has also been careful. After all, the background of the Xue family is far worse. If she climbs this big tree, her status in the Xue family will skyrocket. Press the "good big brother" down.

She clenched her fist and calmed down. Those men were only interested in Lou Muyan for a while. She had her own way of conquering men, and she was still very confident in her own charm.

This time, she will not let go of the seventh prince who can cling to the elite team of the big country.

"The woman you hate has discovered us." Mo Yan's voice sounded in Lou Muyan's sea of ​​consciousness.

Lou Muyan's eyes got a bit of coolness, and she smiled: "We will have endless fun in the days to come."

She discovered Xue Linger and her group just now. Although she was sleeping mentally, her senses were still sharper than ordinary people. The woman naturally felt her killing intent.

It seems that without her attacking, the woman will take the initiative to send it to the door, interesting!

The ice halberd shivered while standing on her shoulder, and the master was going to do it again!

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